Star Odyssey

Chapter 3108 Good Place

Lu Yin was calm. He remembered who said that everyone respects the ancestor, but if you really see the ancestor and understand the ancestor, you will find that he is completely different from what people imagined. Is this what he meant? Talkative?

He didn't know how long he had been waiting, but Lu Yin was startled by the voice of the ancestor: "Come out, old man, don't blame me. It's not that I don't need you, I really can't. You just have to be a little aggrieved and help in that little guy's head." He's alive, what? He doesn't deserve it, don't be so blunt."

Lu Yin had no choice but to talk to himself. Is this fun?

Just as he was thinking about it, his brows went cold. In an instant, he suddenly sat up and gasped for air. Hey, can he move?

Lu Yin turned to look at his ancestor. Suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply. Is this?

How much harm can one person endure? Lu Yin didn't know that he had endured fatal attacks, but he had never endured injuries that made him unable to die even if he wanted to.

At this moment, he saw the ancestor. Not a single piece of his body was intact. There were scars everywhere on his back, and his flesh and blood were turned over. The broken arm was surrounded by dark red power. At first glance, it was the divine power of the Eternals. The most serious thing was the neck, which disappeared. After half the time, is he really still alive?

When Lu Yin looked in the direction of the First Ancestor outside the Taikoo City, he couldn't see his injured neck, nor could he clearly see the scars on the First Ancestor's body. Now, he was so close to the First Ancestor, so close that he could touch it, and he could see clearly.

The ancestor suffered unimaginable harm.

But he is still biting the string of sequence.

Lu Yin stared at the ancestor blankly.

The ancestor's eyes turned to Lu Yin: "Why, little guy, are you scared? Don't be afraid, it's just some skin trauma, what, you ask me if it hurts? I'm kidding, it doesn't hurt, it's just a little itchy."

Now, Lu Yin saw clearly that the ancestor didn't speak at all. Nearly half of his neck disappeared and he couldn't speak at all. He was only transmitting messages to himself.

Lu Yin looked at the First Ancestor and said in a dry voice: "Junior Lu Yin, please see the First Ancestor."

"The descendants of Fertile Land are so well-behaved? Let me think about it. Back then, the little guy named Lu Tianyi was very well-behaved. You also have rules. Yes, the little guys have grown up. Think about it back then, among those children , Fertile soil is the most naughty, eh, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye."

"Little guy, your name is Lu Yin, right?"

Lu Yin nodded: "Lu Yin, the ancestor can also call me Xiao Qi. My original name is Lu Xiaoxuan."

"Xiao Qi, it sounds kind, but your name is not very good. You know, there were not many people in the beginning of the space. I was afraid that the little ones would die, so the name was very important. It is easy to make a living with a low life. Why don't I give you a name? Just call it."

"No need, ancestor, the name Lu Yin is not bad." Lu Yin interrupted quickly. He thought of Wu Da, Chu Heizi, Fertile Land, and Dahuang. These names made him a little panicked.

The First Ancestor regretted: "Oh, forget it. I originally wanted to call you Zhuzi, which means the Optimus Pillar that holds up the original space. You see, the meaning is good, and it's easy to make a living."

Lu Yin said again: "No, ancestor, thank you."

"Well, it seems that you don't understand art. No matter how many people ask me to name it, I don't want to do it. How tiring it is."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and touched the center of his eyebrows: "Ancestor, the first dust of your weapon is in the center of my eyebrows?"

"Yeah, it says you don't deserve it, don't worry about it."

Lu Yin coughed and said, "This junior once passed through the half-ancestral tribulation, and indeed encountered the first dust, which resulted in the formation of the inner world of the mortal world. This junior has been looking for a way to transform the mortal world into the ancestral world, but he still has no clue."

"Don't worry, how old are you?"

"time does not wait."

"That's right, even Chu Chen thinks you don't deserve it. It's better to break through as soon as possible."

"Ancestor, can we not talk about whether we are worthy or not?"

"I don't want you to argue with it."

"Absolutely don't care."

"Well, I think you're a little angry."

Lu Yin exhaled: "Junior, I swear that I am definitely not angry."

"I believe you. You are a good boy. By the way, what did you just ask me?"

Lu Yin's face twitched: "How can this junior transform the earthly world into the ancestral world? After all, this inner world is similar to the first dust of your weapon, the ancestor. I don't understand."

"That's right, I don't know either."

Lu Yin was confused and stared at the ancestor blankly. Could it be that he was playing tricks on him, just because he didn't like that name?

"Don't look at me like that, Zhuzi, I really don't know. You have to find out for yourself. The path I take is different from the path you take, but maybe it's the same. Let me think about it, is it the same? Different? The same, Yes, it’s different, absolutely different.”

"The advice I can give you is only four words, gather all sentient beings."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Gather all sentient beings?"

"Yes, how to understand it is your problem, but I feel like you have fallen into a misunderstanding. Who said that breaking through the ancestral realm requires the four inner worlds to break through together?"

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and lightning flashed in his mind. Yes, who said that all four inner worlds must transform into the ancestral world? I can completely block them and let only one or two of them transform into the ancestral world.

"Look at you, how well you fit the name I gave you, Zhuzi. Sometimes don't think too much. It's easy to get fooled if you think too much."

"Ancestor, this junior is not called Zhuzi." Lu Yin corrected.

The ancestor was silent for a moment: "Well, you really don't understand art."

"Ancestor, what should I do with this first dust?"

"Don't think too much. You will be worthy of it when you break through the ancestral realm. Don't think too much."

Lu Yin was a little tired: "Junior is talking about how to use it."

"You can't use it for now, just keep it between your eyebrows. Maybe the transformation of your inner world is related to it. Many things will fall into place. Relax, people can't calculate everything accurately. Niuniu just thinks too much and finally ends up Even a broken ancestor doesn’t know what’s going on with her.”

Lu Yin was surprised: "Niuniu? Destiny?"

"Do you know her? By the way, you have the power of Chu Heizi and Wu Da, so you may not be unable to recognize Niu Niu. Wait, do you have Niu Niu's power? Do you even have Niu Niu's power? I didn't look carefully just now, Zhu Zhu, okay. "

Just as Lu Yin was about to speak, a sequence string suddenly broke in the ancestor's mouth. The broken sequence string struck the ancestor's back like a whip, drawing a bloody mark.

Lu Yin was shocked: "Ancestor?"

The ancestor's voice remained unchanged: "It's nothing, the Eternals just destroyed a sequence string, it's a small matter."

Lu Yin looked at the blood marks on the ancestor's back that were drawn out by the string of sequence, a small matter? How could it be a trivial matter? That is the string of sequence, the thing that maintains the stability of parallel space and time, the string of sequence that constitutes a side of space and time.

Lu Yin could not imagine how strong the ancestor was, but the Sequence String actually drew a blood mark directly on his back. If this blow had hit Lu Yin, he would have been split into two.

The string of sequence stabilizes parallel space and time, just like a rubber band. It is always good. Once broken, the rubber band will pull to both sides. If the ancestor bites this end, the string of sequence will naturally pull toward the ancestor when it breaks.

Only then did Lu Yin understand why the skin and flesh on the Ancestor's back was curled up, and there wasn't even a good piece of meat. It was simply because he was struck by the String of Sequence.

The string of the sequence can cut off the flesh and blood, and the pain caused is not what the ancestor said.

The Eternals destroyed the Chord of the Sequence not only to destroy the universe, but also to whip the First Ancestor.

Lu Yin clenched his fists and must not let the string of sequence be broken again. Every time one of the strings was broken, it would hurt the ancestor.

"Zhuzi, I say you are thinking too much. Just like Niuniu, it doesn't hurt. It really doesn't hurt. I'll let you feel it when I get the chance. It's just a little itchy." The ancestor rolled his eyes and smiled, his expression looking very relaxed. .

Lu Yin spoke with a heavy tone: "Ancestor, I will try my best to stop the Eternal Race and eradicate this race."

"Don't be too burdened. Just learn from your master Lao Mu. He is very relaxed. Even though all the creatures on his side died, he didn't feel too sad."

"Which side?" Lu Yin heard this term again.

"It has nothing to do with us. By the way, you are anxious to break your ancestors, right? Then I will send you to a place where everything you want is there. Maybe I can help you break your ancestors."

Lu Yin hesitated: "Junior is anxious to go back, the Eternal Tribe has launched the third divine commandment."

"I know, but don't worry too much. The Divine Commandment lasts for a long time. Since they activate the Divine Commandment, it means that the current human beings are qualified enough for them to activate the Divine Commandment. It means that the human beings are very strong and will not be defeated easily. "

"No need to go back." Mr. Mu appeared.

Lu Yin looked over: "Master."

Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin: "You killed one of the Three Qings and Six Hao, seriously injured another, and two of the Seven Gods died. The strength of the Eternals has been greatly reduced. The most important thing for you now is to break through, otherwise every time you face the Seven Gods Tiandu can only siege and kill, but can you guarantee that every siege and kill will be successful? Or can you guarantee that every time you siege and kill, you will not die?"

Lu Yin was silent. Indeed, they had been besieging and killing those at the level of the Seven Gods. It was really tiring and dangerous.

If you want to successfully siege, you must be fully prepared and be able to figure out your opponent's trump card, otherwise it will be as failed as siege on the Corpse God.

Encirclement and killing again and again, even if they are successful every time, the human side will consume a lot of strength.

Not to mention that only one of the Eternal Tribe's Three Qings and Six Haos died, and there were so many top masters.

If we really have to rely on encirclement and killing, we don’t know how many times we can succeed and how many people will die.

It's so hard.

"With your strength, once you break through the ancestral realm, you may not necessarily need to be surrounded and killed. You are too comprehensive and have an advantage against anyone." Mr. Mu said.

Lu Yin nodded: "I understand, Master, the disciple is worried."

"Zhuzi, don't be anxious. Human beings are not defeated that easily. Just settle down and practice hard. That place is definitely suitable for you. It has everything you want. Of course, it may be a little dangerous. It depends on you. But as a cultivator, you have nothing to do with the sky. It’s no big deal if you fight for your life and die while practicing cultivation.”

Mr. Mu was surprised, Zhuzi?

Lu Yin corrected him again: "First ancestor, this junior is called Lu Yin. You can also call me Xiao Qi."

"Understood, Zhuzi, don't worry, I will miss you after you die."

Lu Yin felt that this name might follow him for the rest of his life. Thinking of this, he felt depressed: "Ancestor, where are you going to send me?"

"A good place, we named it - Mirage."

Thanks to brother Ah Jie for the reward, thank you brothers for your support, and happy Mid-Autumn Festival! !

Just after I finished coding, it was a special feeling to listen to the sound of firecrackers while coding! !

Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's Day, and New Year's Eve, Suifeng never stops, and they are all spent in coding. The support of brothers is Suifeng's biggest motivation, thank you! !

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