Star Odyssey

Chapter 3111 The past of power

The scene just happened happened before, and Lu Yin happened to catch it.

He felt heavy. The giant's clone was also dead. Could it be that all Chen Zu's clones were dead?

So, the ancestor Chen in the burial garden is his true body?

The last scene concerned Lu Yin. The Corpse God took away the body of Chen Zu's giant clone. What did he want with the body? Ye Wu has the means to symbiosis with corpses. Could it be that the Eternals also have the ability to use Chen Zu's giant clone corpse? This is not a good thing.

Although the Chenzu giant clone was defeated by the Corpse God, it was the Corpse God, and the sequence rules were immortal. Even so, they were beaten to the point of coughing up blood by the Chenzu giant clone. If they faced the Chenzu giant clone, they would definitely be defeated. It won't be easy.

I took a deep breath, thought no more, and continued fishing.

The infinite inner world followed the fishing rod into the long river of time. The fishing rod suddenly burst, and a drop of water splashed out. The same scene appeared. Lu Yin once again saw a piece of time and space, from the scene flowing through the years. It was a huge creature, It seemed to be sleeping, making snoring sounds, and every snoring shook the stars. This creature looked like a whale, and the light could not see how big it was through the scene.

The creature suddenly turned over, and the void was crushed and collapsed, stretching far away, collapsing the void, revealing a black and deep world of nothingness.

Lu Yin's expression changed. With just one move, he suppressed the world of nothingness. How big was this creature?

I actually caught this scene with my strength.

Fishing in the long river of time, what you catch is the people, things, things, everything that happens in the time, as long as it appears in the time, you can catch it.

When you fish with power, what you catch is the passage of time that is close to power.

The showdown between the Corpse God and the giant Chenzu is a showdown of strength.

And this creature is a representative of power.

Lu Yin had never seen a creature that could suppress the world of nothingness just by turning over, and he didn't know where this creature was.

The water droplets fell into the river of time, and Lu Yin went fishing again. He believed that he could catch the past years that would be helpful for him to cultivate the infinite inner world. If this was not possible, he could catch some past events.

At the same time, he didn't forget to stare at the mist, but he couldn't be touched by the mist. He didn't want to die yet.

There is no time passing in this mirage domain, and the long river of time is outside the mirage domain. Lu Yin is not in a hurry. He slowly uses his strength to fish until the world within the wireless world has the possibility of transformation. He then uses the flowing light to use the earthly world. , fishing with the wordless heavenly book.

By the way, will fishing in the Wordless Bible fall into the river of time?

Drops of water came out of the long river of time, allowing Lu Yin to see a lot of power-related years in the past. It was like watching different life trajectories, and he found pleasure in it.

He didn't know how much time passed, and he couldn't remember how many times he fished. When water droplets splashed out again, this time, he actually saw the ancient god.

The long river of time records the universe from the beginning to the future, with no starting point or end in sight.

It is not easy to see familiar people and things in the vast river of time. Fortunately, the people he wants to see are very human in the long river of time. The first time he went fishing, he saw the clones of the Corpse God and Chen Zu. Until now, he saw the ancient god again.

The ancient god's whole body was covered with palm realm fighting energy, and he was facing off against a person. Lu Yin didn't know that person, and he didn't know if he was from the original space, but that person was quite strong. He could fight against the ancient god, and he was definitely at the level of the Seven Gods. , the worst is the level of Brother Woodcarving, otherwise he would not be qualified to fight against the ancient gods, and would be wiped out in an instant.

The duel was fierce. Lu Yin saw the ancient god using the Prison Suppression Platform, using the Palm Realm's fighting energy, and even using the Palm. Void Realm to chase time with space, and then defeated that man.

Just as he was about to kill the man, the man had lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Finally, the ancient god stopped and threw the man into parallel time and space.

Lu Yin looked at this scene, why did the ancient god hold back from killing that person? It can be seen that that person did not hold back against the ancient god, and every move was a killing move.

The ancient god threw the man into parallel time and space, suddenly raised his head and shouted: "The feeling of time? Who, come out."

As he spoke, he punched Xingqiong. This punch carried terrifying power. Along with the full burst of war energy in the palm realm, there was also a strong pressure that Lu Yin had never felt before, causing Xingqiong to move in the direction where the fist landed. As the center, it breaks in all directions.

One punch shattered the starry sky.

Lu Yin's infinite inner world was suddenly shattered, and the fishing rod broke. He took a step back and vomited blood, shocked.

The ancient god gave him a punch through the ages. This punch was something he had never felt even in the first battle of the Calamity Realm. The ancient god still had hidden power.

This is one of the six realms of the Three Realms, the ancient god who is the head of the Seven Gods.

Lu Yin looked at the long river of time flowing, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and gasped. Fortunately, fortunately, it was the long river of time, and he could not really face this punch, otherwise he would be finished, and he would not even be able to escape. That punch shattered time and space. , in Lu Yin's view, its power may not be as powerful as the Nine-Star Restart of the Nine-Star Civilization.

who's that person? The ancient god struggled to defeat him but then let him go. The punch just now was not just because of being spied on. It was more likely that the ancient god guessed that someone had seen him letting that person go.

Lu Yin stared blankly at the long river of time. Inexplicably, he had an absurd guess. Could the ancient gods be the ones placed by humans in the Eternal Clan?

They have always speculated that there may be human undercovers in the Seven Gods Heaven. Now that the Witch Spirit God is dead and the Immortal God is dead, there are still Ancient Gods, Corpse Gods, Forgotten Ruins Gods, Bai Wushen and Hei Wushen left in the Seven Gods Heavens. .

It should be impossible for the Corpse God. He was almost surrounded and killed in the first place. Moreover, he belongs to the super giant family and has nothing to do with the original space. The super giant does not care about the life and death of human beings at all.

Bai Wushen is the most mysterious, and I still don’t know who she is, but countless red backs and dark sons of humans all come from Bai Wushen. It would be ridiculous if she was a human undercover, and there is no need to do this.

And the Ancient God has never been suspected by Lu Yin and the others, because the Ancient God is one of the Six Paths of the Three Realms. If one of the Six Paths of the Three Realms betrays the original space, he must be watched by the One True God. If he is a human undercover, the Only True God would be too ridiculous. .

Lu Yin had doubted the Forgotten God, but the Forgotten God pulled Wang Xiaoyu and Wang Fan into the Eternal Clan, which almost brought infamy to the entire Wang family. Wang Xiaoyu was also the biggest red-back in the history of the Fifth Continent, causing the Fifth Continent and the The Sixth Continent War should not be possible.

The most questionable one is Hei Wushen, who gave himself 100,000 years to think about it.

But now, Lu Yin is confused, and the ancient god's behavior is a bit strange.

It would be great if we could find that person and know his identity.

Lu Yin didn't feel well after being punched by the ancient god through the ages. He even vomited blood and needed to rest for a while.

Surrounding him, the wind picked up and fog drifted over, scaring Lu Yin so much that he quickly changed his position.

Although he has not calculated the time since he entered the Mirage Realm, it must have been several years on his body. The further back he goes, the more time he has to improve as his cultivation level increases.

When he entered the main hall of Daoyuan Sect and traveled through time and space driven by the sword of the ancestor, it was twenty years later when he came back. The mere twenty years had no meaning to him now.

After a long time, Lu Yin recovered from his injuries and continued fishing. He discovered the joy of fishing in the river of time.

In ancient and modern history, how many people have fished in the long river?

At first, he was envious of Liu Qianjue, the leader of the Sword Sect, for fishing in the starry sky, and later he fished from time to time in the Tianshang Sect. Now, if Liu Qianjue knew that he had been fishing for a long time, he would not know what his expression would be.

Anyway, when Jueyi saw the passage of time, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to run away.

The fishing rod is laid horizontally in the long river of time, and the infinite inner world falls, so I continue fishing.

Perhaps several years, perhaps more than ten years have passed, and Lu Yin has seen a lot of the past, and he has also seen acquaintances among them. There is no way, there are quite a few people he knows enough to be pulled out by his power, and he even caught his own cross. The past of Half Ancestor Origin Tribulation.

He gave up the moment he caught the past. This past contained the Great Heavenly Lord and the One True God. These people might even come out of the river of time and give him a break, but they would not have the power of the ancient gods.

On this day, Lu Yin caught a shocking scene.

The huge land continued to crack, and a giant elephant roared and crashed towards the mainland, knocking a huge figure into the broken land. There was also a tree on the land, which was the Mebis Sacred Tree.

You read that right, that was the scene of the shattering of the second continent.

And that giant elephant is naturally the Immovable King Elephant.

The past lasted only a short time. At a glance, Lu Yin also saw Ancestor Lu Yuan, and the one who was knocked into the second continent by the Immovable King Elephant should be the Corpse God.

This is a terrifying past that cannot be endured. Even after the passage of time, Lu Yin did not dare to take a closer look.

It's like seeing the past of one's own half-ancestral origin calamity.

He exhaled, one day, he will become that powerful existence that even after all these years, he would not dare to pry into it.

By the way, he was lost in thought while looking at the long river of time. Since he could see the past through the long river of time at this moment, would there be someone who could also see the present self across the long river of time at this moment? Lu Yin suddenly raised his head, it was full of mist, he didn't know.

But if someone could really spy on me across the years, that feeling would be very unpleasant.

Keep fishing.

I don't know how long it took, but on this day, Lu Yin saw the time and space shattered. The time and space was originally very calm, and the stars were turning.

But for some reason, the stars suddenly collided with each other and shattered, as if disturbed by an undetectable force. The stars in the entire space and time collided like pinballs. Each collision produced huge force, guiding other planets to continue to collide. This collision Spread throughout the entire time and space, destroying the entire time and space.

Lu Yin sat on the bank of the long river of time, staring blankly at this scene, a muscle in his head kept beating, and his eyes were dull.

This scene gave him a sudden inspiration. Impact, power, force, push, etc. Every impact of the planet, every force driven, made Lu Yin confused. His eyes became more and more confused. What should he have seen? , I can understand something, but just a little bit, just a little bit short.

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