Star Odyssey

Chapter 3114: Recognition

Lu Yin let out a deep breath and continued fishing. The time Liu Guang looked back was far from the point where he wanted to try, far from it.

He kept fishing and kept seeing pictures. After a long time, the time he looked back at the streamer reached nearly 900 seconds. Lu Yin saw two more pictures of people staring at him. Every time he saw it, it made his skin stand on end. He did it himself. Everything is being watched.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Guang's review time increased by tens of seconds. Lu Yin saw a picture. The appearance of that picture made him sluggish. How could this happen? He stared at the picture carefully, as if he was seeing an hallucination.

The duration of the picture is relatively long, but the passage of time represented by this picture cannot be swallowed up by the stream of light. This is the passage of time that has been fished out unintentionally, rather than time that cannot be tolerated by the passage of time.

Lu Yin sat quietly for a long time again before continuing to fish.

On this day, the fog suddenly dispersed, and a strong wind from nowhere blew away the fog leading to the mountains and forests.

Lu Yin looked at the mountains and forests. What kind of mountains and forests can withstand the erosion of time? The half-ancestral masters have all been erased by time, but the mountain forest is still green and full of life.

Suddenly, Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and he saw a wooden house vaguely appearing in the forest.

There is a wooden house in the mirage?

He thought about the ancestors, some people had been here, Destiny, Wu Tian and the others had been here, could that wooden house have anything to do with them?

The ancestor of the Bai clan also came here accidentally, which means that many people have come to the mirage in history.

Who is the owner of that wooden house? To be able to build a wooden house in the mountains and forests, one must not be an ordinary person.

Lu Yin wanted to go and have a look, but his reason told him not to go there rashly. The fog was too scary. He had observed that with the speed of the fog, as long as there was no strong wind, he would have plenty of time to go there and then come back here. However, Lu Yin Yin hesitated, it was too risky. Once it was closed by the fog, he had no choice but to leave the mirage. He didn't want to give up this place.

He himself didn't have the ability to go to Taikoo City to find the ancestor and then send him back.

I don’t want to hear the sound of ‘pillars’ either.

In the end, reason prevailed over curiosity, and Lu Yin went fishing with peace of mind. No matter what wooden house or forest, he didn't care about it, even if there were treasures from the Three Realms and Six Paths inside, and he focused on cultivating his own streamer.

A long time passed, and Liu Guang's review time reached nearly a thousand seconds, which was half as long as when he first came to the mirage, but it was not yet to the extent that Lu Yin wanted to try Liu Guang's transformation.

During this time, strong winds seemed to be becoming more frequent, blowing away the mist and exposing the wooden houses in the forest.

The first time, Lu Yin was still moved, but the next time he was not moved. Anyway, he gave up once, so he didn't care how many times he gave up.

Moreover, the frequent wind is a bit strange.

Lu Yin looked around and saw nothing. He shook his head and continued fishing.

Finally, Liu Guang's review time reached 1,200 seconds, which was twice as long as before he came in. Lu Yin had a sense of control over Liu Guang. It was time to see if his research was in the right direction.

Although ancestor Tianyi mentioned the transformation of the infinite inner world, in general it was Lu Yin who came to it. However, no one mentioned the transformation of Liuguang. It was completely realized by him when he was looking for parallel time and space with different time flow outside the territory. .

He has to make his own way, and no one can help him in his own way.

Even Mr. Mu and the Ancestor can't help, they can only provide mirage.

The wind blew, and the mist did not reveal the mountains and forests this time, but came towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was alert. The wind was really strange. He looked around again. Unfortunately, he didn't have his Sky Eye. Otherwise, he could have seen whether the wind was coming from a sequence rule.

Apart from the rules of sequence, Lu Yin could not think of any power that could blow this mist.

When the fog came, Lu Yin could only change his position.

But this mist is as if it is conscious. Wherever Lu Yin goes, wherever it follows, even an idiot will know that someone is controlling it.

"Who?" Lu Yin shouted.

This was the first time he spoke after Jue Yi's death. He didn't speak for so long, and it was a bit strange.

No one answered, and Lu Yin continued to change positions, but the mist just lingered around him, deliberately leading him in one direction.

But it's not the mountain forest, nor the wooden house, but walking against the current along the long river of time, heading in one direction.

Lu Yin's face was gloomy, he wanted to see who was responsible.

After a while, a candle suddenly appeared on Lu Yin's shoulder. His expression changed drastically, and the stream of light appeared. It was about to reverse for a second, but suddenly stopped. He saw that the stream of light was absorbing something. Is this time?

Fishing has lasted so long, and the flowing light has swallowed up a lot of time that cannot be compared with the passage of time, making Lu Yin familiar with this feeling.

At this moment, the streamer is absorbing the time generated by the burning candle.

When a candle burns, the time it takes for it to be swallowed up by the flowing light means that this candle has the power of time. Obviously someone has taken action against Lu Yin. Not only time, but also time acting on himself has caused events, so it can be swallowed up by the flowing light.

Since the stream of light can be swallowed up, he can ignore the candle.

Moreover, it can also be used as another way to increase the streamer's playback time.

Lu Yin didn't know how to describe his current mood. Fishing made Liu Guang continue to increase the time to look back. He thought someone would take action against him this time, but a better way to increase the time to look back appeared.

So, does the person who took action know?

Lu Yin looked around cautiously: "Who is it?"

"Little guy, who are you? How did you get here?" An old voice came from directly in front.

Lu Yin looked ahead. The fog was shrouded and he couldn't see clearly: "Junior came here accidentally. Please forgive me if I disturb you."

"You are young and lie without even blinking an eye. How do you know how to fish in the river of time when you accidentally come here? And you are afraid of touching this mist. It seems that you know how powerful it is."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. When this person said this, it meant that he was not discovered at the beginning. Yes, in order to avoid the fog, he kept changing positions. Maybe that was why he was discovered.

"This junior worked hard to collect some broken stones, and then found this place." Lu Yin said.

"Haha, is it a road sign? Whether it is or not, it has nothing to do with me, but you have seen the candle on your shoulder. It represents the time of your survival. When the candle burns out, it will be the end of your life."

Lu Yin pretended to be shocked: "Why did the senior kill the junior?"

"You can not die, but you have to do me a favor. If you do well, I will not only make you immortal, but also ensure that you can reach the beginning and come to the mirage. Have you seen that stone tablet? You have good cultivation and can fish. As time goes by, you may have heard that you can climb to the beginning, overcome hardships, and gain eternal life."

Lu Yin pretended to be excited: "Senior, what state is he in?"

"My realm is beyond your imagination. If you want to survive, do me this favor."

Lu Yin was helpless: "Junior has no choice. Senior just tell me what you want me to do."

"Smart, what's your name?"

"Junior, Xuan Qi."

"from where?"

"Six Party Conference."

"Six Party Conference? Never heard of it."

Lu Yin probed: "Time and space?"

"I've never heard of it. It's just parallel time and space. Your past identity is not important. From now on, your identity is that of the original space, the fifth continent, and a descendant of the Lu family."

Lu Yin was confused, his mind was a little blank, what did you mean? Are you a descendant of the Lu family of the Fifth Continent? That's right. Wait, he was a little confused. Did this person see through his identity or what?

"What are you talking about, senior?"

"Have you ever heard of Beginning Space?"

Lu Yin did not hide anything: "I heard it, but the beginning of space has long since declined."

This person doesn't even know about the Six Directions Society. He has probably been in the Mirage Territory for a long time and he probably doesn't know much about the outside world. If he did, he would definitely refute this. Lu Yin's words were also a test.

"Really? Even if it's gone, the Lu family is still there. Little guy, you have to listen carefully to what I'm going to say next. You can't be wrong in the slightest. Otherwise, your life will be gone. Don't think you can escape, I The candlelight, even if you escape to parallel time and space, it will be useless, no one can save you."

Lu Yin said respectfully: "Junior understands, senior just tell me."

"The Beginning Space is a parallel time and space in the universe, where the extremely brilliant Heavenly Sect was born..."

What this person said was the same as Lu Yin's understanding of the beginning space. He was equivalent to telling Lu Yin part of the history of the beginning space. Lu Yin knew all of this.

Lu Yin also confirmed that this person did not see him clearly. He was fishing with the star source as a rod. This person knew the beginning space so well that it was impossible not to recognize the star source.

This person must only see him as a person, but not clearly see his power. The distance is too far.

Normally, this distance is not a distance, but this is a mirage. Through the mist of time, Lu Yin does not have a clairvoyance, and the range he can see is limited. Even if this person can see very far, it is still limited, otherwise he would not be able to see. Push yourself over.

While Lu Yin listened to this person's story about the history of space, he checked his body for any areas that might reveal his identity.

"The Lu family is the strongest family in space since the four continents were shattered. It is also the family at the helm of the fifth continent. Do you hear me clearly?"

Lu Yin said: "This junior has heard clearly and probably has an understanding. Then, as long as this junior knows this, he can pretend to be a descendant of the Lu family?"

"Of course not. The direct descendants of the Lu family have two talents. The talent of contemplation and the Illustration of the Gods cannot be forged. However, not every generation of descendants of the Lu family can awaken this talent. I can help you forge the general station. As for the talent of observation, I think, it’s not that important, the general platform can explain everything.”

"And your name." After a pause, the man seemed to be thinking.

Lu Yin suggested: "My junior's name is Xuan Qi, and there is another name, Yin. Otherwise, let's call him Lu Yin?"

"Okay, it's just a code name. From now on, your name will be Lu Yin."

Lu Yin responded: "Junior, I understand." This person's previous behavior meant that he had little knowledge of the outside world, otherwise Lu Yin would not dare to say his name.

"Well, you are very cooperative. Someone else came here unintentionally. They were either too weak in cultivation or too timid. They were afraid that their lives would be burned out. It is useless to ask such people to help. I have been waiting for you for a long time. This kind of person is young, has good cultivation, and is very knowledgeable."

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