Star Odyssey

Chapter 3116 Those words

Lu Yin looked down and saw characters, characters from the Tianshang Sect era, which he specifically learned from Patriarch Lu Tianyi.

‘Build a wooden house for the convenience of future generations - Wu Tian. ’

‘It turns out you built it, didn’t we come in together? Why are they so far apart? -Lu Yuan. ’

'convenient? Are you building a toilet? ’

‘Who speaks so degradingly? It must be you, Chu Heizi, who usually doesn't talk and just likes to do things secretly. Also, Wu Da, Master is too partial to you, and let you come in first, I am thousands of years too late - Jialan. ’

‘Jialan, I’m later than you, what did you say? -It's the same as in ancient times. ’

‘Then what are you talking about now? - Jialan. ’

‘That’s because you are useless. ’

'If you have the ability to leave a name, Chu Heizi, it must be you - Lu Yuan. ’

‘Fertile soil, what does it have to do with you? Chu Heizi didn't tell you, you came in early enough, it's because Master is partial to Jialan. ’

'Not me - Death. ’

‘It’s you - Wu Tian. ’

'That's you - the same as in ancient times. ’

'It's you - Lu Yuan. ’

'Roar. ’

‘Dahuang, don’t think we don’t know you are scolding us. Every time you yell, you are scolding us. This is written in the word - Jialan. ’

'Jialan, you are the only one who has many things to do - Lu Yuan. ’

‘Have you all come in? - Beauty. ’

'Thank you Wu Tian for building the wooden house, it's so convenient - fate. ’

‘Niuniu, you have finally broken the ancestral line, and all the flowers we have been waiting for have withered - Lu Yuan. ’

‘Fertile soil, why are you here again? I think you have evil intentions towards Niuniu, Niuniu, be careful about him - Jialan. ’

‘Build a toilet to see how happy you are. Do you like to sleep on the toilet? ’

‘Chu Heizi, don’t think I don’t know it’s you, you wait for your fate. ’

‘You’ve all been here before - first grade of junior high school. ’

Lu Yin looked at the words on the floor, which extended all the way to the door, which made Lu Yin's understanding of the Three Realms and Six Paths deviate. Were they actually so happy?

Everyone has always thought that those seniors were serious, unsmiling, and unstained by the world, but they didn't realize that they were once young and unruly, and they also laughed and cursed each other.

Lu Yin seemed to have seen the scene when the Three Realms and Six Paths left messages here. They were all so energetic.

Now, where are they?

Wu Tian was imprisoned in the martial arts viewing platform, Jia Lan was missing, and the whereabouts of the God of Death were unknown. How would they have felt if they had known that this day would come?

Everyone has their own responsibilities, but they cannot see the responsibilities of others.

Ancestor Lu Yuan was ashamed of Lu Yin and asked Lu Yin to bear the weight of the Lu family, but how could Ancestor Lu Yuan ever let go of this heavy burden? How much has he carried? He also has his best friends, senior brothers, and relatives, and he also cares about these people.

How did Patriarch Lu Yuan feel when he saw Gu Yizhi betraying humanity?

How did you feel when you saw Wu Tian locked on the martial arts viewing platform?

Lu Yin looked at the words on the floor with complicated eyes. They were all innocent and happy.

After closing his eyes and remaining silent for a long time, Lu Yin walked out of the wooden house.

Facing her was the calm expression of the beautiful Mavis.

"What's inside is the dialogue between the Three Realms and Six Paths?" Lu Yin asked.

The beautiful Mebis nodded: "Master asked us to enter the mirage in batches. Here we can find a path that suits us. I have come in several times."

"That one of yours

time, very happy. "

"Yes, very happy and carefree."

After a moment of silence, Lu Yin said: "Senior, what is going on between you and that Uncle Feng?"

The red-faced Mavis looked into the distance: "Uncle Feng is a traitor to mankind. Our Mavis family took him in and asked him to water the sacred tree. But when the Eternals shattered the first continent and faced off against the second continent, He betrayed me, the Mavis clan, and branded the Sacred Tree to the Corpse God. He pushed down the Mabis Sacred Tree, causing nearly half of my strength to disappear, making it difficult to fight against the Eternals. In the end, the Second Continent was shattered."

"If it weren't for him, our Second Continent wouldn't have been defeated so quickly."

"It's actually not accurate to say that he is a sinner. He was originally installed by the Eternals in our Mebis family. The Eternals have been plotting against us for a long time."

Lu Yin couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't the Tianshang Sect eradicate the Eternal Clan at that time?"

The beauty Mavis looked at Lu Yin: "Master's decision has its own reasons."

"But not every decision of the First Ancestor is right. If the Eternals had been eradicated at that time, we would not have to face off against this old enemy now." Lu Yin said.

The beauty Mavis looked calm: "But there will be another old enemy."

Lu Yin was startled, another one, an old enemy?

Hongyan Mebis' eyes were filled with sadness: "Nature is a stable ecosystem. If the ecosystem is unstable, there will be disasters. The same is true for the universe. No species can be eternally invincible. Without the containment of old enemies, humans will surely reach the end of the cliff. And this is not in line with the laws of the universe.”

"Whether it's the Eternals or other enemies, this is the law and destiny."

Lu Yin looked at the beauty Mavis: "What would happen if the Tianshang Sect destroyed the Eternal Clan at that time?"

The beautiful Mavis smiled: "The ancestor's decision will not be wrong."

Although there was no direct answer, Lu Yin also heard the answer.

The Eternals must exist.

But if that's the case, what's the point of everything he's doing now? What’s the point of Taikoo Shing, the Six-Party Association, and the alliance of civilizations from all sides?

The red-faced Mavis looked at Lu Yin: "You are very strange. I can't tell whether you are pretending or not. Seeing those words on the ground, you seem to be mourning for us. This is not the attitude that a person from an extraterrestrial civilization should have. , we are different from you."

Lu Yin felt heavy. If the person who left the writing on the ground was a powerful person from other civilizations, he would not feel this way.

It is precisely because he is from the original space that he is so complicated.

"Senior, tell me about Uncle Feng. What are his cultivation and methods?"

The beauty Mavis did not refuse and told Lu Yin everything she knew about Feng Bo.

Lu Yin had never heard of Feng Bo in the Eternal Clan, and did not know if he was one of the Three Qings and Six Hao, but he definitely had the strength of the Seven Gods, otherwise he would not have been able to block the beauty Mavis in the mirage for so many years.

"He has the talent to fall. If you come in front of him, you can fall down or not fall down as he wishes. This is a very disgusting talent. Fight with him..."

"Wind candle is his combat skill. There is a saying that describes it well, that is, 'the wind blows and the candle flame burns out.' When the candle flame burns out, it is the end of life..."

"As for the sequence rule, what I understand is expansion, not expansion of things, but expansion of time. Time expansion is like a plane stretching. In his view, everything changes during the expansion time, but in other people's view, The time he passes is no different from that of others. This is the long river of time, so the expanding time is actually equivalent to a weakened version of the stasis of time and space."

"even if

Looking at our time, there are only a few people who can achieve the stillness of time and space. Although we can touch time and space, if we don't really specialize in this way, we won't be more proficient than him. "

"I have fought with Uncle Feng many times. This method of expanding time can only be contained by stopping time. Otherwise, any of your movements will be like slowing down in his eyes, and will always be slower than him. Of course, this is just One of the ways to use expansion time, I have encountered him using expansion..."

The beauty Mavis said a lot, and she could be said to have fully recounted her experience in countless battles with Uncle Feng.

She spoke very quickly, with no intention of discussing with Lu Yin. It was obvious that she was just talking. Whether Lu Yin understood or not was not within her scope of consideration. It was impossible for her to think that a person who had been burned by candlelight could not understand. Lu Yin was just curious about how the controlled person could resist Feng Bo.

Or maybe, a little unwilling.

Lu Yin listened quietly. He had besieged and killed the Seven Gods before, and he knew very well how terrifying the strength of masters at this level was. However, every time he was surrounded and killed, he would come across a trump card. The Corpse God relied on his trump card to escape. Wu Ling The god almost didn't succeed. The immortal god was able to surround and kill him because he relied on ancient tracing, otherwise the ability to skip time would also be impossible to deal with.

After so many fierce battles, there has never been one like this, where he could analyze all the enemy's abilities as clearly as possible, allowing Lu Yin to continuously simulate the battle with Feng Bo.

Here, he can't rely on the power of others. Even the beautiful Mebis, if she could deal with Uncle Feng, she would have taken action long ago and would not be trapped here. She also said before that her strength seems to have weakened a lot.

The Mavis clan is most famous for its strength, but Lu Yin did not see in her the agility and strength similar to that of other Mavis clan members.

On the contrary, some strands are weak.

"Senior, why are you blocked in the mirage by Uncle Feng? With your strength, you won't be afraid of him even if you weaken." Lu Yin asked.

The beauty Mavis asked back: "What do you think of Uncle Feng's strength?"

Lu Yin did not hesitate: "Very strong."

"I am no match for him now." said the beautiful Mavis.

Lu Yin frowned: "Then he wouldn't have been stuck in the mirage for so many years."

The beauty Mavis looked at Lu Yin: "Then why can't you understand that he was blocked by me in the mirage?"

Lu Yin was startled, yes, the beauty Mavis was in the mirage realm, and that Feng Bo was also in the mirage realm, and they were both inseparable.

The beauty Mavis smiled: "I am definitely not his opponent, after all, my power is completely weakened, but he is not willing to let me go, and uses a useless person like me to block a top master of the Eternal Race in the mirage. What do you think? Is it better for humans or the Eternals?”

Lu Yin looked at the beauty Mavis with admiration: "Junior understands."

The red-faced Mebis stared into the distance: "Humanity and the Eternals check and balance each other and kill each other. No one can completely suppress the other. Master has Master's battlefield, Wu Tian and the others have their battlefield, and I also have mine. battlefield."

"With my useless body, I can kill a master from the Eternal Clan who can fight against the Three Realms and Six Paths. Even if I am trapped for hundreds of millions of years, it is not a bad thing. One day, I may be buried here." , she looked at the wooden house and smiled happily: "It's actually not bad, isn't it."

Lu Yin took a deep look at the beauty Mavis, then looked at the wooden house: "Maybe."

"Maybe one day, senior can wait for the person who wants to wait and write a few words on the floor."

The red-faced Mavis' eyes were shocked, with nostalgia and complexity, and she no longer looked at the wooden house.

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