Star Odyssey

Chapter 3200 A slap

On this day, Lu Yin watched the dice slowly stop. At six o'clock, his eyes lit up and he finally got it.

In the dark space, in the distance, there was an extremely bright light group. Lu Yin rushed over without hesitation. Such a bright light group must represent the level of the Seven Gods.

The barrier blocked it, but it couldn't stop Lu Yin, who had completely regained consciousness on the planet at this moment. He easily bumped into it and merged into the ball of light.

The moment he blended in, a familiar feeling came over him, it was the ancient god.

Lu Yin did not hesitate to slap his forehead with his palm.

"Lu Yin--" came the voice of the only true god.

Lu Yin fell with a palm, bang, the world was spinning. He exited the fusion and appeared in the dark space. Behind him, a large square seal came towards him to suppress him. Lu Yin hurriedly returned to his body and dodged away. This time he was faster. Soon, because I was prepared.

In the first calamity realm, the ancient god spat out a mouthful of blood and squatted down, breathing heavily.

what happened?

Not far away, Xizu frowned: "It's Lu Yin again."

The ancient god's pupils flickered, hurting himself, this was what Lu Yin originally wanted to do.

The voice of the only true god appeared: "Give me an order. No one in the clan can act rashly. Two people work in groups. One person makes a move and the other person stops it."

"Obey the true god's order." Everyone saluted.

The fifth calamity realm, the fourth calamity realm, etc., all Eternal Tribe cultivators work in pairs.

And the one who is in the group with the ancient gods is naturally the ancestors.

Except for Xizu, no one could stop him immediately.

Gu Shen covered his forehead: "It's okay. Even if he controls my body, it would be difficult for me to commit suicide. He can only hurt me once and I will recover quickly."

"Zhuo Bao, a creature created by the universe, is indeed magical, even you can be hurt." Xizu exclaimed.

The ancient god sat down calmly and remained silent.

Xizu came face to face with him.

Above the black mother tree, the only true god is helpless. Lu Yin will not let the Eternals move. If he can escape his suppression once, he can escape the second time. The third time, any master of the Eternals may be controlled by him. , commit suicide at close range, even if you can't die, once too many people are injured and the Tianshang Sect attacks, unless the guards from all directions intervene, the Eternals will be in danger.

A turbid treasure puts the Eternals at a disadvantage.

He only hopes that Bai Wushen can find evidence that Tianpu died at the hands of Lu Yin, so that the guards from all directions can take action against Tianshang Sect.

Tianshang Sect, Lu Yin opened his eyes, and it was the Ancient God again. It was strange that the Ancient God had clearly broken through the Beginning Realm. Logically speaking, there was such a big gap between him and the Beginning Realm, so he shouldn't be able to integrate.

By the way, is my consciousness too strong?

Whether it can be integrated has to do with one's own consciousness. He has swallowed up Xu Jin's consciousness. Xu Jin is one of the Three Qings, alongside Gu Yizhi. Even if Gu Yizhi breaks through the beginning, he can still integrate with Xu Jin's consciousness. inside him.

But the time must be extremely short.

In other words, even if the only true god did not interrupt him, he would not be able to stay in the body of the ancient god for only a few breaths.

Lu Yin smiled as he watched the dice spin slowly. The ancient god slapped himself. He didn't know how it felt. Although it wasn't a serious injury, it wasn't much better.

I don’t know who will be next. The Eternals must be on guard. It doesn’t matter. My purpose is to prevent the Eternals from intervening in the death of Heaven’s Punishment.

By the way, there is Bai Wushen, who has not appeared yet. Lu Yin frowned and forgot about her, as well as the last of the three Qings.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin pointed out and continued to roll the dice. As long as he rolled the dice with his divine power, he would always merge into the bodies of these two people.

He wanted to see who Bai Wushen really was.

He decided that if nothing unexpected happened, he would roll the dice here. He must use this method to dig out Bai Wushen.

The dice slowly stopped, two o'clock, continue, five o'clock, continue, six o'clock.

Consciousness appeared in the dark space. Lu Yin looked in all directions but did not see any bright light. He began to search but could not find it.

When rolling dice with his divine power, Lu Yin didn't need to consider the consumption of his divine power. The divine power planet was already quite large and was enough for him.

But after searching for a long time and still unable to find the light group, he gave up.

Ten days later, continue to roll the dice, and then fail to roll the dice to six, wait another ten days, and continue.

During this period, Butterfly came to Tianshang Sect once, but was chased away by Mebis, a beauty who lived in the Mebis clan. Butterfly was not a threat and left.

Nearly two months have passed since Lu Yin went into seclusion. Lu Yin finally reached six o'clock for the third time. It was too difficult. The more he shook, the harder it became to reach six o'clock. This is the rule.

This time, he saw the light group, but it was not bright, which meant that the strength of the owner of this light group was only at the ancestral level.

No choice, Lu Yin still blended in.

Opening your eyes, you will see a red color. Is this a divine lake? As the memory merged, Lu Yin exhaled. Unexpectedly, he merged into this crazy corpse again.

This crazy corpse was the one under the divine power lake of the First Calamity Realm, not far from Hui Wu. He had blended in once and saw Hui Wu, but now he didn't expect to blend in again.

Here, the only true god can detect through divine power, and Lu Yin cannot stay for long.

He turned to look in the direction of Hui Wu and originally planned to leave. The crazy corpse was of little value.

Suddenly, his eyes changed, and what he looked at was a pair of dark red eyes, which belonged to Hui Wu. They should have been muddy and lost their wisdom, but at this moment, although these eyes were dark red, they were extremely Qingming.

Yes, the kind that is clear and wise.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, and Lu Yin is convinced that these eyes represent wisdom and sobriety.

Hui Wu is wise.

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Yin returned to the dark space, and the seals from all directions followed closely to suppress him. He hurriedly fled back into the body and avoided it again.

As long as he is fast enough, the One True God is helpless.

Lu Yin raised his hand and continued to roll the dice. He wanted to blend into the mad body to see what happened to Hui Wu. It would be better if he could blend into Hui Wu's body.

Hui Wu could have escaped from the Eternals at first, but he refused to leave, so Mu Ji returned to the First Calamity Realm to expose him. He was thrown into the divine lake to be transformed into a mad corpse.

In the First Battle of the Calamity Realm, he was the one who took the Shaoyin God to the Black Mother Tree for unknown reasons. After that battle, he was thrown into the Divine Power Lake again.

Regardless of whether he is an undercover agent or not, he just needs to be transformed into a mad zombie.

But at this moment, Lu Yin was convinced that Hui Wu had not been transformed into a mad corpse. Although he showed signs of a mad corpse on the surface, his eyes were extremely clear. What was he doing?

Lu Yin recalled what he said when the First Era Realm was about to take Hui Wu away. Isn't it the right time? He definitely has his own purpose.

He wanted to merge into that crazy corpse again, talk to Hui Wu, and see what he wanted to do.

A month later, Lu Yin reached six o'clock again. This time, he saw two very bright light groups and a dim light group. He did not hesitate to blend into the dim light group, just for the sake of wisdom. Wu.

Unfortunately, this time he merged into the body of an Ancestral Realm Corpse King from the Second Era Realm, and Lu Yin committed suicide directly.


Ten days later, he shook it until six o'clock and found nothing, not a single ball of light.


Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, half a year passed. In these six months, Lu Yin did not roll the dice to six o'clock many times. Even if he rolled the dice to six o'clock, most of them could not find the light group. The only gain was to integrate into the body of Emperor Qiong. , but the One True God moved too fast, and Lu Yin only had time to slap himself before retreating.

A slap, yes, just a slap. It's useless to hurt yourself. The ancient gods have recovered. Since it's useless, it won't be hurt.

This slap was particularly loud in the First Calamity Region. When Lu Yin exited Di Qiong's body, the sound of Di Qiong's angry roar rang out in the First Calamity Region.

It caused the Forgotten God to smile.

The Eternals are indifferent, but this scene made many people want to laugh.

Laughing but laughing, Lu Yin's method also gave them chills. If Lu Yin used this method when fighting the enemy, it would not be a matter of insult, but a matter of life and death.

Xizu specifically asked the One True God if there was any way to contain it, and the One True God had no way to stop it. This was Zhuo Bao.

The Eternals had a headache, and Lu Yin also had a headache.

It's been half a year, but I haven't been able to integrate into that crazy body once. How can I meet Hui Wu?

Sigh and continue.

The dice slowly stopped spinning at six o'clock.

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, this time it went well.

In the dark space, Lu Yin saw the dim light group in the distance. He ignored it and rushed towards it to blend in.

Open your eyes, is this a heavy ghost?

Still a heavy ghost, there are really not many masters of the Eternal clan who can cultivate divine power, so that Lu Yin repeatedly merges into a human body.

Chonggui faced Sitting Muji, his memory blended in and had no value.

The only true god uses a team of two to deal with him, which makes him unable to do anything even if he merges into someone's body.

Moreover, the entire First Calamity Realm is filled with divine power, which is the only true god's way to deal with himself.

However, this did not prevent Lu Yin from making the first move. For example, Di Qiong slapped him.

Looking at the surrounding divine power, in the past, the One True God didn't know if he was integrated into Chonggui's body, unless he moved. Now, perhaps the Only True God will know it soon, because the divine powers are connected. The Only True God is prepared, and a ray of divine power directly entangles him. On the heavy ghost's wrist.

That's the case.

Lu Yin controlled Chonggui to raise his head, looked at Mu Ji across from him, and slapped him with his hand.

Mu Ji didn't react, and was slapped on the face by Chong Gui. She was stunned, and then she became angry: "Lu Yin, it's you."

Lu Yin controlled Chonggui's body and laughed: "The majestic Eternals have become like this just to deal with me alone. I, Lu Yin, am truly lucky, hahahaha."

"Eternity, do you think you can guard against me? I can integrate into any living creature, whether you are the Corpse King or the Crazy Corpse, whether you are the Seven Gods or the Three Qings and Six Haos, you cannot guard against me."

After saying that, he exited the fusion.

In the dark space, a large square seal came fiercely.

Lu Yin returned to the body first, exhaled, and felt comfortable.

The reason why he said those words was to let Hui Wu hear that as long as he could integrate into the mad corpse, he would know that it was him. If there was something he really needed to do, that would be his chance to tell him.

The next step is to see if it can be integrated into the mad corpse.

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