Star Odyssey

Chapter 3209: A fateful battle

Butterfly Tianen looked at Ku Zu in shock, is he not dead yet?

Below, Dou Sheng Tianzun knocked back the Arrow God with a stick and laughed wildly: "Kuexie, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. You and I should have fought side by side."

Ku Zu let out a low laugh, his voice was hoarse, but extremely heroic: "Yes, we should have fought side by side a long time ago. Let's see who can kill us on this battlefield."

Dou Shengtianzun was excited: "Hahahahaha, let's see who can kill us."

The land of the Era is constantly broken, and the adjacent third Era and the first Era are connected to the second Era under the influence of some kind of force.

The divine river is like a dragon, emerging from the black mother tree and turning into a blood-red light curtain covering the entire time and space.

The Eternals' spiritual power continues to grow stronger, coupled with the suppression of time and space itself. Although humans have many masters and can resist it, they still fall into a disadvantage unconsciously.

However, even if you fall into a disadvantage, you will not be defeated.

Ancestral worlds collided one after another, countless sequence particles filled the void, and fighting skills competed for glory. This was an unprecedented war. Looking at ancient and modern times, only the war that destroyed the Tianshang Sect can be compared with the current battlefield of Taikoo City.

Tianci's face darkened, and he didn't expect that even if he joined their four-party guardian envoys, he would not be able to gain an advantage against the current humans.

Especially Jialan Zhiluo, who actually revealed all their power. If not, the Thunder Lord in front of him, who had not yet reached the Beginning Realm, was definitely no match for him. He had Zhuo Bao, and so did he.

It's a pity, he should have taken action earlier. God's punishment is not dead, it is enough to become the force that determines victory or defeat.

Now they can only fight fiercely, but as time goes by, victory will definitely belong to them, and this cannot be changed.

On the land of Era, the abandoned person stepped forward and appeared behind Fei. His opponent was Fei. With the sequence rules that were one step ahead of others, he was enough to kill this Eternal Tribe woman.

The broken blade slashed across, and in the knowledge of the abandoned passerby, this sword was enough to kill Fei.

But in front of him, Fei had shifted. It was impossible. It was impossible for his sword to strike at the wrong position. That was the sequence rule.

Fei's sequence rules are real and amplify the senses, causing the enemy's attacks to deviate. Lu Yin suffered a loss in the first place.

Fei and the abandoned person are both strong in the sequence rules. The abandoned person and the Arrow God have fought several times to survive. Fei is also a master who is considered by Di Qiong to be qualified to participate in the battle of God's Choice. The two are of equal strength.

The one-step-ahead sequence rule failed, which made Jilu's heart sink. In front of his eyes, Fei's pupils changed, and Wu Pupil changed, and he grabbed the man who was one step ahead. At the critical moment, Jiluo took one step ahead of him again, pushed him away, and looked at Fei in surprise.

Fei did not stop. After the stranger avoided it, he stabbed out with a sword. This sword stabbed in one direction. In that direction, Mu Shen was standing there, a little confused.

Mu Shen's opponent is Lan Lan. Lan Lan has the talent of virtual reality and can treat anyone as a virtual character and set the rules of the game by himself.

It was precisely with this talent that Lan Lan caused nightmares on the battlefield of the Nine-Star Civilization. If the Nine-Star Civilization had not noticed Lan Lan's talent, the Nine-Star Civilization might no longer exist.

Now, Lanlan also uses this talent to restrain the Wood God.

Mu Shen is the Lord of Wood Time and Space, and has the strength to fight against the Ancient Gods who have not yet broken through the Beginning Realm. Lan Lan is recognized by Xu Jin as a master who is qualified to participate in the Battle of the Gods. Both parties have almost the combat power of the Seven Gods. .

It is difficult for Mu Shen to defeat Lan Lan. It is also not easy for Lan Lan to defeat Mu Shen.

At this moment, Mu Shen had a headache. He was limited to the blue game settings, and there were all kinds of strange game settings.

The rules of the game made Mu Shen confused, and he could only barely resist Lan Lan's killing attacks in the game.

Fei Yijian suddenly appeared and stabbed Mu Shen directly.

The abandoned person hurriedly used the sequence rules to block Fei's sword.

Lanlan immediately applied the game settings to the abandoned player. The abandoned player saw the broken blade in his hand turned into fragments of regular blocks. What happened?

Fei Yijian suddenly turned around, and while Lan Lan was setting the game settings on the abandoned person, the sword edge penetrated Lan Lan's body.

Lan Lan looked at Fei blankly and in disbelief, looking at Fei's pupil-less eyes: "You?"

Fei's eyes were cold: "I was taught by Wu Tian, ​​and I am a disciple of Wu Tian. Today I turned out to be the Eternal Clan." After saying that, the sword slashed horizontally, cutting half of Lan Lan's body open, and blood spilled on the ground.

Lanlan's advantage is her talent, but she doesn't have a strong defense.

The abandoned passerby and the wood god were also shocked, they did not expect such a thing to happen.

The black mother tree took root in six areas of the Eternal Territory. Under the ground, the layers of the Eternal Territory were connected layer by layer. Lu Yin continued to push away the earth's soil, and further down, there was the divine river.

Lu Yin jumped into the roots of the black mother tree. Many masters of the Eternal Clan saw it but did not stop him because there was a river of divine power under the black mother tree.

No matter how strong Lu Yin is, he will be affected if he enters the divine river. This is the consensus of the Eternals.

They knew very well that Lu Yin wanted to destroy the black mother tree.

However, they did not expect that Lu Yin himself had also cultivated divine power. Not only did this river of divine power not harm him, it could also increase the divine power in his body, which was regarded as strengthening his strength.

Lu Yin rushed into the river of divine power with a pop. At this time, Chuchen was hot on his forehead. Apparently, he sensed the existence of other Chuchen.

The closer he gets to other first dusts, the hotter the first dust on his forehead becomes.

Lu Yin followed Chu Chen's guidance and kept getting closer to the three grains of Chu Chen.

Finally, a hazy halo appeared in front of my eyes. There were three haloes, which were the three grains of first dust.

Lu Yin hurriedly rushed towards Chu Chen.

Suddenly, he stopped and slowly turned his head. There was a figure not far away, sitting cross-legged, closer to the three first dust particles.

When Lu Yin approached, the figure opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yin.

"Brother Xiaoxuan, I didn't expect you to find this place."

Lu Yin's expression changed: "Bai Xian'er?"

No matter what, Lu Yin never expected to see Bai Xian'er at the root of the black mother tree, next to the three grains of first dust.

Ever since Lu Yin became the master of Tianshang Sect and gained great prestige in the Six Directions Association, he has been looking for Bai Xian'er, who was regarded as a traitor to mankind.

The reincarnation time and space protested many times, but to no avail. Lu Yin just wanted to find Bai Xianer and reveal the secrets of Bai Xianer.

But until just now, he had not found Bai Xianer.

Now, at the root of the mother tree, I actually saw each other.

Bai Xian'er's eyes were bright, not turbid at all under this dark lake of divine power: "Brother Xiao Xuan, how did you know that Chu Chen was here?"

Lu Yin stared at Bai Xian'er and frowned: "Have you broken through to the ancestral realm?"

Bai Xian'er said matter-of-factly: "That's right, I don't need a breakthrough."

Lu Yin didn't understand.

Bai Xian'er had a smile on her lips: "Brother Xiaoxuan, have we ever really had a fight?"

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "No."

Ever since Lu Yin arrived at Star Envoy

, Bai Xianer had no advantage when facing him. When Zu Mang besieged the Immortal God, and Bai Xianer came forward, Lu Yin had a feeling that he could kill her. He felt this way several times after they met, but It's just a feeling. I really want to kill Bai Xian'er, but how easy is it?

Bai Xian'er is the only person in the same realm who ignores the power of the starry sky in his heart. She is also the only person who he can kill but has never really taken action.

Lu Yin has never underestimated Bai Xianer, never.

Bai Xian'er smiled lightly: "Then today, let's have a fight. Take these three grains of Chuchen as trophies. Brother Xiaoxuan can take them away if he wins. I win."

She paused, and the smile on her face became brighter: "Brother Xiaoxuan must be spared his life."

Lu Yin was not allowed to answer. Fairy flowers were blooming nearby. Fairy flowers were Bai Xian'er's gift. They were alluring and beautiful.

When the Lu family was exiled, there was a rain of red flowers in the starry sky among the trees, and it was this fairy rose flower.

Lu Yin stepped backwards and rushed towards Bai Xian'er in parallel time.

Everything around him was still, even Bai Xian'er was still. However, Bai Xian'er's stillness made Lu Yin feel something was wrong.

What kind of person is Bai Xian'er, how could he be stopped by parallel time? She can ignore the power of the stars in her heart, and it is not impossible to say that she can ignore the power of time.

Lu Yin punched out, far away.

Bai Xianer raised her eyes and smiled: "Brother Xiaoxuan, are you really cautious?" As he spoke, he raised his hand very gently, which was in sharp contrast to Lu Yin's fierce punch.

In this punch, Lu Yin did not use his full strength, it was just a punch of his own strength.

With one punch, half of Bai Xian'er's body was twisted.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed. Impossible. How could Bai Xian'er be injured so easily?

Before he could think about it, red flowers fell from above his head, causing nerve paralysis. Lu Yin hurriedly turned things upside down. His body dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, but then recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This speed of recovery shocked Lu Yin. It shouldn't have happened. Red flowers could paralyze the nerves, but it didn't cause much harm to him. So why did he recover so quickly when his body was dry? The faster you recover, the greater the damage to your body.

Something is wrong, Xianluohua definitely knows more than what she knows.

Bai Xian'er's body didn't know when to recover. It was as if she had never received a punch. She raised her snow-white fingers and opened the sky with two points and one line.

The black sky passed by, and Lu Yin easily avoided it. The Tao of Tianyi taught by Lu Tianyi's ancestor had the ability to survive in desperate situations. It was too easy to avoid the sky.

Bai Xianer used Immortal Guidance again, but was also avoided by Lu Yin.

She used Hanxian Sect combat skills, but these combat skills were completely ineffective against Lu Yin.

Lu Yin clenched his fist, and came out of the infinite inner world. The lines of power collided. In the state of extreme opposition, he punched Bai Xian'er. He did not hold back this punch. If Bai Xian'er was hit like before, he would Her defensive abilities are sure to kill her.

With a bang, Bai Xian'er was hit, truly hit, with no movement to resist, which shocked Lu Yin.

Bai Xian'er must not be able to withstand this punch, but after the punch, Bai Xian'er stood on the spot unscathed. Facing Lu Yin's astonished gaze, her eyes glowed strangely.

The divine power lake is still the same divine power lake, and the mother tree is still the same mother tree, but everything around it seems to have changed and become slower. The ripples passed by, which should be very fast, but Lu Yin looked at the ripples of the divine power river rippling in front of him, why? Becoming that slow? Maddeningly slow.

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