Star Odyssey

Chapter 3211 The Battle of Attack

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. Yes, it was Mr. Wei who left the paper cutting at Yixian Academy. The day he saw the Lu family was exiled, it was also Mr. Wei who took action against Lu Tianyi's ancestor, so he couldn't wait to go. Yixian Academy.

In his memory, there should only be Mr. Wei, not Mr. Wei.

"Brother Xiaoxuan, where did you get the name Weinu?" Bai Xian'er was curious. At this moment, she suddenly became very strange. Her eyes, tone, movements, everything was very strange. It seems that it is not Bai Xianer.

"Why, the name Weinu has a great impact on you?" Lu Yin asked.

Bai Xianer's eyes became cold: "It seems that Brother Xiaoxuan has no intention of answering me, so let's continue." After saying that, he took a step forward, raised his white and tender palm, and hit Lu Yin.

A palm, seemingly gentle, would never have much power, but Lu Yin was wary. Although the battle lasted only a short time, Bai Xianer took the initiative step by step. No matter how he struck, it had no effect on her. At this moment, she took the initiative, Still a non-threatening palm.

There was no threat, but it was the biggest threat because Lu Yin couldn't see where the threat was.

He stepped backwards, this time there was no parallel time, he just increased his speed, and rushed towards Bai Xian'er. He struck out with the same palm. Halfway through, his strength passed quickly, it was Xian Luohua.

The two palms collided, and the air flow overturned the surrounding divine power and roared in all directions.

In the second calamity realm, the divine lake connected to the black mother tree exploded from bottom to top. It exploded loudly, and the power below continued to impact, attracting the attention of many people.

Whether it was the Tianshang Sect or the Eternal Clan, they all knew that Lu Yin jumped down, and the aftermath of the battle appeared at this moment. Lu Yin was fighting fiercely with someone.

Lu Yuan and the others first thought of the last member of the Three Qings and Six Haos and Bai Wushen. Apart from these two, the Eternal Tribe had no masters who had yet to show up, and only these two could fight Lu Yin.

At the root of the black mother tree, Lu Yin visualized the land at his heart, his arms were dry, and things would turn to the extreme, and he struck out with another palm.

Bai Xian'er is still so weak and boneless, but every palm blocks Lu Yin's power. The Xian Luohua makes Lu Yin continue to lose strength, and the withered arms continue to recover. Lu Yin has never thought of the Xian Luohua until now. In addition to paralyzing nerves and draining power, what effect does it have.

With a bang, Lu Yin used the Infinite Inner World, broke Bai Xian'er's arm with a palm, and slapped Bai Xian'er on the shoulder, knocking her back.

Bai Xian'er's face was calm. Seeing Lu Yin taking advantage of the victory to pursue him, the corners of her mouth curled up again, and she recovered in an instant. Her body turned lightly, and her inexplicable steps and fighting skills were like butterflies flying, constantly widening the distance between her and Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stepped backwards and chased in parallel time, but found that he still couldn't catch up with Bai Xian'er.

Bai Xian'er's pace fighting skills also involve the power of time, not parallel time, nor speed comparable to time, but point by point, as if she is skipping time, and seems to have erased the time she retreated.

She shines like an elf under this divine lake, beautiful and enchanting.

With her hair flowing along her face, Bai Xian'er looked at Lu Yin. Lu Yin's heart sank, and he came again.

Everything around him slowed down and his senses were extended indefinitely. This move made Lu Yin unable to avoid it, as if as long as he was seen by Bai Xian'er, his senses would inevitably be extended.

It's impossible, there must be triggering conditions, otherwise it would be too unsolvable.

But he didn't know what the trigger was.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, and another thousand years. When the thousand years came, Lu Yin felt severe pain again. He reversed time for a second, and just after he recovered, his senses were extended again. Bai Xianer planned to use this trick to numb himself Or drive crazy.

Staying in the same position and looking at almost the same image for thousands of years can indeed drive you crazy.

At least Lu Yin has already felt that he is numb. Thousands of years of time have passed. At the end of the moment, he has to subconsciously use the streamer to reverse for a second. After recovery, there will be a gap in the battle with Bai Xian'er. It is not so smooth, that is numbness.

He is now like a deaf-mute walking in the canyon, walking step by step, unable to see the boundary, the scenery of the canyon is exactly the same, endless.

Lu Yin tried various methods, but could not awaken his senses.

If Bai Xianer is allowed to control him like this, he will be finished.

Finally, Lu Yin decided to practice the True God's Freedom Method.

This is a lake of divine power. It is the only external power that can awaken one's senses. However, one cannot mobilize external divine power and can only practice cultivation.

The true God is self-sufficient, without self or other, giving up thoughts and ideas, transforming into heaven and living the same life, depriving emotions, thinking, wishing, and wishing are all the cause and effect of cultivation, overthrowing cause and effect...

The divine lake shook.

It's so tiny that it's almost unnoticeable.

Bai Xian'er noticed it. She looked around in surprise. Someone was using divine power?

In the current war, there may be experts who can use divine power in the six disaster realms, but the fluctuation of divine power just now was very close to her, within reach.

But there are no masters of the Eternal clan practicing divine power around.

There was another wave of fluctuation, and Bai Xianer suddenly stared at Lu Yin, it was him.

Around him, divine power suddenly boiled, and Lu Yin was swallowed up like a whale sucking water.

Bai Xian'er's eyes widened, feeling ridiculous. He actually cultivated divine power?

The only way to break the impossible barrier is to do the impossible.

Bai Xian'er thought she had always controlled Lu Yin and knew everything about Lu Yin. She had long known that Lu Yin had the Zhuo Bao and the talent of the Seven Heroes, but she didn't expect that Lu Yin had even cultivated divine power, and now he was not only Cultivation is so simple, but the speed of devouring divine power is extremely rare even for Qishentian.

It is by no means a simple matter of cultivating divine power.

On top of the black mother tree, the only true god looked down, his eyes flashing, is this?

Lu Yin doesn't practice the True God Freedom Technique because he is afraid of being discovered, but now there is no way, so what if he is discovered, the only True God will find out sooner or later, after all, it is his power, and Bai Xian'er, even if he knows it, it will not affect him.

In the current human world, who can take the initiative? Only Lu Yin himself.

Even if the Eternals publicize everywhere that Lu Yin has cultivated divine power, it will be difficult to shake Lu Yin's status unless Lu Yin takes the initiative to admit that he has cultivated divine power.

At the roots of the mother tree and around Lu Yin, the divine power was constantly being devoured.

The only true god frowned. He didn't expect that this man could even practice his own divine power. How did he control himself? Seeing Lu Yin devouring more and more divine power, the only true god stepped out, causing the six evil realms to shake, and the lake of divine power suddenly became fixed, like a solid body.

At the roots of the black mother tree, the divine power is also fixed and cannot be absorbed.

Lu Yin opened his eyes and exhaled. The only true god noticed it, but it didn't matter, he had absorbed a lot just now.

There was blood flowing from the corner of the mouth. The True God's Freedom Technique still failed to be practiced successfully. However, this method can break through the senses and extend it indefinitely. It is worthy of being one of the three unique skills of the True God.

"Brother Xiaoxuan, you actually cultivated divine power?" Bai Xian'er was surprised.

Lu Yin looked at Bai Xian'er: "It's not easy to surprise you."

Bai Xian'er shook his head and looked at Lu Yin with admiration in his eyes: "Even Taichu doesn't want to touch the eternal power. The more you are exposed to it, the more it will be affected. Brother Xiaoxuan, are you planning to join the Eternal Clan?"

"Why are you not affected by divine power?" Lu Yin asked.

They have been in the lake of divine power, and because they have cultivated divine power, they are not affected.

Why does Bai Xianer?

Bai Xian'er smiled slightly: "My power is not inferior to divine power."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, is this the power of a virgin? Sure enough, it was an old monster surviving hardships.

Only strong people at the same level will not be affected.

"Since Brother Xiaoxuan can't even affect his divine power, I won't be able to leave you alone." The smile on Bai Xian'er's face faded, and she glanced at Lu Yin. The senses around Lu Yin were once again extended.

This time, Lu Yin directly practiced the True God Freedom Technique. It didn't matter if he failed in the practice, it didn't matter even if he was injured by the backlash, as long as he could break the extension of the senses.

Bloodshot flowing down the corner of his mouth again, Lu Yin cracked Bai Xian'er's talent.

Bai Xian'er praised: "Since ancient times, there have been too few people who can break my trick. As expected of you, Brother Xiaoxuan, then, I will really do it next, and try my best to hold on for a while." After that, his figure moved around, stepping on the time node, and appeared behind Lu Yin in an instant.

Lu Yin stepped backwards, and in parallel time, everything around him stopped, but only for an instant. During the period of stillness, Bai Xianer's figure moved again and hit Lu Yin with a palm.

Lu Yin raised his arm to block Bai Xian'er's palm and struck out with his left palm. Seeing Bai Xian'er's figure flickering and disappearing, he stared into the void and transformed into one word, the Way of Heaven.

Bai Xian'er appeared behind him, and Lu Yin hit him behind with a palm. This palm caught Bai Xian'er off guard. After all, it was Chu Yi's power. Among the three realms and six realms, Chu Yi was the big brother. His power was stable and he could win. , see through desperate situations, and the power of time is not a problem, to a certain extent, it is similar to the Eye of Heaven.

But Wu Tian's eyes are to see through the opponent's attacks, and Tianyi's way is to see through desperate situations.

Bai Xian'er was hit on the shoulder by a palm. He stepped back halfway, raised his leg, kicked out, and swept towards Lu Yin's head. An eternal darkness card appeared next to Lu Yin's head. Bai Xian'er kicked the card and his body was The card was absorbed, and Lu Yin entered the dark hall at the same time.

Around her, darkness surged in, burning Bai Xianer with darkness.

Bai Xian'er's whole body was dazzling with light. She let the darkness burn and remained motionless. She raised her finger and opened the sky with two dots and a line.

The two of them played the Eternal Darkness card at the same time.

The Eternal Dark Card could not restrain Bai Xian'er. Bai Xian'er pointed at Lu Yin, and the fairy flower exploded with a bang. At the same time, a place in Lu Yin's body exploded at the same time. His expression changed. It was pollen. Only then It's the power of fairy flowers.

When the pollen entered his body, it exploded directly, causing damage to him. The power of the explosion was equivalent to a blow from a strong person in the ancestral realm.

As for the amount of pollen that entered his body, Lu Yin couldn't calculate it at all, it was just like air.

The pollen continued to explode, and Lu Yin released the starry sky in his heart, cutting off time and space, and also blocking Bai Xian'er's control over the pollen.

At the same time, Lu Yin waved to Bai Xian'er, facing the setting sun.

The afterglow of the setting sun appears under the divine lake, which is very beautiful. The setting sun sets like this, and the afterglow reaches the end of the world!


Thank you brothers for your support. I really tried my best to add more updates. I will make up for what I owe later. Thank you!

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