Star Odyssey

Chapter 3213 Total Suppression

Lu Yin covered his shoulders, feeling embarrassed, but when Bai Xian'er smiled at him, he also smiled: "Sister Xian'er, I also want to thank you."

Bai Xian'er was stunned. Lu Yin's smile made her uneasy, but she didn't know why she was uneasy. She obviously suppressed Lu Yin completely.

The tree lotus vine grew and began to tyrannically absorb the power of the land and even the starry sky in Lu Yin's heart.

Lu Yin, on the other hand, took out one thing - ten thousand species.

This was given to him by Nonglie to plant his own plants in the botanical garden.

Lu Yin didn't plant it at that time because he had some memories at that time, although he didn't know it was Lu Xiaoxuan yet.

Nong Lie said that everyone grows different plants, and the same people will grow the same plants no matter how many times they plant them. He was afraid that his identity would be known by the farmers, so he changed the topic.

And all species have always been placed in the Ningkong Ring.

All species are just a seed. If planted in a botanical garden, it is only recognized by the farmer.

But if you plant it on land in your heart, that may not be the case. Lu Yin remembers that although the tree lotus vine is overbearing and absorbs all the nutrients around it, causing other plants to wither, there is a small grass that always thrives and not only does it not wither. , on the contrary, it grows better and better with the nutrients of the tree lotus vine, and lives very nourishingly. That grass is planted by myself.

There can be a small grass in the botanical garden, then there can also be a small grass in the starry sky in your heart.

Lu Yin let go, and all kinds of species fell onto the land.

The tree lotus vine began to overbearingly absorb all the power around it. At the same time, all species burst and the ground squirmed. Then, a crisp green grass rose up from the ground, carrying soil, just like the weeds on the roadside, casually If you step on it, it will be flattened, and it will look rustic at first glance.

It happened that this little grass was dancing against the lotus vines, as if cheering and jumping for joy.

The domineering tree lotus vines and the beautiful fairy rose flowers want to occupy this starry sky. Bai Xian'er stands under the tree lotus vines, as beautiful as a painting, as if she were an immortal.

However, at this moment, her eyes were looking at the grass in disbelief. It was such an earthy and fragile grass, but it was flying in the wind. The power absorbed by the tree lotus vines around it had formed a vortex. The closed vortex was enough to turn this grass away. Fang Xingkong occupied it, but the whirlpool couldn't be closed because there was a small grass there.

Gradually, the grass grows taller. Although it still looks so petite and fragile, it gives people a sense of vitality.

And the power that was forcibly absorbed by the starry sky centered on the grass, circled around the lotus vine, and returned to the starry sky again, just like playing.

"How could it be like this?" Bai Xian'er didn't understand why this happened.

Lu Yin landed on the land and stood next to Xiaocao. This land belonged to him and only recognized him. All the power formed on this land should belong to him.

The tree lotus vine wants to seize power, and its roots are also on this land. So, if the grass takes root on the land, it can also succeed.

The scene in the botanical garden happened again, but the difference was that the process was accelerated countless times. The dominance of the tree lotus vines helped the grass. The grass could grow on its own, and it could also return these powers to the original starry sky under Lu Yin's will. .

Bai Xian'er's plan completely failed.

Not only that, Xiaocao is not far from the ancestral world of Shu Lian Teng. At this moment, it is equivalent to destroying Bai Xian'er's ancestral world based on the power of the starry sky and land in Lu Yin's heart, although it will not completely collapse Bai Xian'er's ancestral world. , but it will definitely not be used for the time being.

The fairy flowers have withered, and the tree lotus vines have disappeared.

Bai Xian'er stood calmly on the land, looking at the grass in front of her, her eyes lost in thought: "The most noble flower was broken by a weed. This may be the law of the universe."

"There is no limit to the universe. If it reaches a certain limit, the thing that breaks this limit may be the most inconspicuous thing."

"The universe is a circle."

She glanced across Xiaocao, looked at Lu Yin, and showed a beautiful and charming smile: "I understand, brother Xiaoxuan, thank you."

Lu Yin didn't know what she understood. Her progress meant that she was regressing.

"You just said that the universe is a circle?"

Bai Xianer's smile was beautiful and unforgettable: "Yes, brother Xiaoxuan, if you can survive today, remember that the universe is a circle."

After saying that, her whole personality changed drastically, and the starry sky trembled.

Lu Yin's hair stood up, and he subconsciously put away the starry sky at his heart. Bai Xianer's feet stepped on the time node, flickering, pointing out, this finger, just like the finger he had dreamed of countless times after losing his memory, it was this finger, look. It seemed ordinary, like an immortal guiding the way and fighting skills, but at this moment it brought Lu Yin an indescribable crisis.

Lu Yin did not intend to resist, but retreated directly in reverse steps, and an almost solid ground appeared where he was, including in the direction he was about to retreat.

Lu Yin was confused, where did the ground come from?


The ground shattered, and Lu Yin's legs collided uncontrollably. His left leg hit his right leg, causing him to fall.

Above the head, Bai Xian'er descended, her green-white fingertips getting closer.

Lu Yin waved his hand, the sun was setting.

It was still an artistic conception combat skill. Bai Xian'er's eyes were dull and he forgot everything. He forgot about martial arts one step ahead, but he maintained his inertia. He pierced Lu Yin's shoulder with one finger. Lu Yin had suffered broken tendons and fractures in his previous battle with Bai Xian'er. There are so many places, and now one finger penetrates it, and the entire right arm cannot move.

The streamer boat shuttles and reverses for a second.

Inexplicably, a river appeared nearby, carrying a streamer boat. Lu Yin was surprised when he saw his streamer. When did his streamer appear in the river?

Before he could think about it, the river broke and the light disappeared.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, and Bai Xian'er shattered his inner world.

In the showdown with the power of time, Lu Yin asked himself that few people were stronger than him. When Feng Bo could expand time, he was also crossed by the flowing light boat. Looking at the masters he met, unless they were the irresistible existence of the only true god, Otherwise, no one else would be able to crush him in the power of time.

The Flowing Light Boat devours time that cannot endure the long river of time, and any master who possesses the power of time can almost never exert the power of time that cannot endure the long river of time. This leads to the fact that the flowing light boat can be the nemesis of the powerful power of time at any time.

But today, the Liuguang boat was cracked, still in a way that Lu Yin couldn't understand.

Although he couldn't understand how Bai Xian'er cracked the streamer boat, he knew very well that this should be a sequence rule.

Bai Xianer not only reached the ancestral realm quietly, but also reached the level of sequence rules.

She is by no means as simple as Bai Xian'er, she is also Wei Nu, the one who made the Immortal God warn Lu Yin and has existed since ancient times - Wei Nu.

The virgin who gave the paper-cut to Patriarch Tianyi.

Stepping on the reverse step, Lu Yin quickly retreated, but land appeared under his feet again. When the land was broken, the reverse step was also chaotic. However, because of the experience of hitting and wrestling with his legs, Lu Yin was prepared this time. Being knocked down, but going against the grain was truly cracked.

Bai Xian'er came out from the side, causing a torn scar on Lu Yin's body. The blood flowed, making the fixed lake of divine power even brighter.

Strength, speed, combat skills, even spirit, field, consciousness, Lu Yin took action again and again, and was cracked again and again.

He had broken tendons and fractures in his body and numerous scars on his body.

Bai Xian'er was like a condescending master who saw all his methods and cracked them, making Lu Yin unable to resist.

Ever since Lu Yin killed Feng Bo in the Mirage Realm, looking around the universe, he didn't believe that anyone could completely suppress him except for the powerful ones in the Beginning Realm.

But at this moment, Bai Xian'er completely defeated him, no matter what means he used, he could not stop him.

Most of his body was stained with blood, and the fairy flowers were still blooming and flying. Lu Yin's power was still there, but he no longer had the body to bear his own power.

His body was continuously severely injured, and the streamer's reversal of time was cracked.

With a loud noise, the platform was pushed horizontally by Bai Xian'er with one palm, and directly hit Lu Yin himself. Lu Yin spit out blood and his body flew upside down.

Bai Xian'er showed unimaginable strength at this moment. Even if she has three powers and six powers, there are very few who can fight her.

“My sequence rule is, the container that carries it.”

"Everything needs to be carried. A drop of water needs rivers, oceans, creatures, space, and land. Even the void itself needs the expanding universe. This is the rule."

"Your power is no exception. Any power needs to be carried. I can materialize the thing that carries your power, and then break it into pieces to crack your method."

"Brother Xiaoxuan, can you fight against such sequence rules?"

Lu Yin was breathing heavily, with blood staining his surroundings. He looked at Bai Xian'er in the distance, bitterly, there was such a sequence rule, could it bear it? No wonder, even the streamer can crack it.

As long as it is a creature living in this universe, who can get rid of the burden?

At the same time, on the second disaster land, the mecha was shattered and Yingdu died.

As the master of the Infinite Empire Optimus Prime, possessing twelve rings of infinite mecha pain, he was qualified to fight against the strong men of the sequence rules, but he died under the sword of his ancestor. Not only him, but also the entire Second Era battlefield, Everyone suffered the sword from the spirit of their ancestors in an instant.

Qingluo Jiantian showed terrifying strength.

Kong Tianzhao, who was facing a duel with him, knelt on one knee and gripped the hilt of his sword. A long sword mark almost cut him in two on his body.

Lei Lord Jiang Feng wanted to rescue him, but Tianci's strength surpassed Jiang Feng's, and Jiang Feng was unable to free his hands.

Xi Zu looked at Kong Tianzhao: "Your talent in swordsmanship is the only one I have ever seen in my life. If I give you some more time, it may not be impossible to reach my height in the future. Unfortunately, there is no chance." He raised his sword.

No one around could help Kong Tianzhao.

Although the number of masters on the Eternals side is lower than that on the human side, due to the existence of the guardians from all directions, the pressure of the Beginning Realm cannot be relieved by humans.

Kong Tianzhao looked up at his ancestors with calm eyes. Death was what he had wanted to face for a long time. This day should have come a long time ago.

Just when Xizu was about to strike down with his sword, he paused and his expression changed.

Anyone who is familiar with Xizu knows that her expression rarely changes, but at this moment, her expression changed drastically because she smelled a horrible smell, a stench that was so stinky that it was unimaginable.

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