Star Odyssey

Chapter 3221 Three Ultimate Formations

Does the original treasure have a front face? Lu Yin was confused: "How can I tell if it's facing me? Pattern?"

"Yes, there are patterns carved on Tian Feng's body. All you need to do is turn your back to the pattern. The pattern spreads in three directions, so."

Lu Yin said: "So there is only one direction to attack it."

Tianfeng was aggrieved and angry, having his weaknesses analyzed in front of his face. He had never experienced this feeling before.

Moreover, it was Jialan Zhiluo who told humans about the abilities of God and Heaven before, otherwise humans would not be able to stop them at all.

Hateful, hateful.

Lu Yin raised his hand, and soil spears appeared from all directions around Tian Feng, almost completely surrounding it. As his five fingers came together, the soil spears pierced out.

He once again felt the One-Word Heavenly Formation. Without Lu Yin's control, the soil spear just kept thrusting out with inertia. It didn't have much power, but Lu Yin wanted to create opportunities for the beauty Mabisi and Wu Tian.

The green grass of Red Mebis also surrounds Tianfeng in the form of a shadow, almost blocking Tianfeng's sight.

Wu Tian's martial arts spirit was ineffective against Tian Feng's one-word formation, but he used the soil spear as a weapon to find the back of Tian Feng and stabbed it out.

Tian Feng turned to contain Wu Tian.

At this moment, Lu Yin could move, because Wu Tian faced him face to face, which meant that Lu Yin appeared behind Tian Feng. Lu Yin controlled the soil spear to fall off Wu Tian's hand, and stabbed Tian Feng from the front.

Tian Feng's one-word sky formation can trap living things, but it cannot trap this soil spear.

With a bang, the soil spear stabbed Tianfeng's body surface hard.

The sky seal shook and let out a low and angry roar: "Just humans, trying to challenge the sky, you are too presumptuous. Humanity should have been extinct a long time ago. It should have been extinct a long time ago."

"Be careful, it is about to use the Two Worlds Mote Formation. This uses two parallel time and space as the formation eye. They overlap each other and can instantly cover everything. It is equivalent to letting you enter the formation eye and erasing the parallel time and space. Everything." Jialan Zhiluo's voice sounded at the right time, and she also took action against Tian Feng internally.

This was how she helped Lu Yin get out of trouble before, so that Lu Yin had the opportunity to enter the roots of the black mother tree.

In this war, although Jialan Zhiluo has not yet shown her figure, her contribution has been huge. Without her, Tianfeng would be unstoppable.

Tianfeng was extremely angry: "Jialan, you are seeking death. I will make you die miserably. I will scrape off every piece of your body and skin and bones for all humans to see."

"Jialan, Jialan--"

Lu Yin's eyes were downcast, and he kept swinging the soil spear to hit the sky seal.

The patterns on Tian Feng's body were flickering. It was obvious that Lu Yin's attack was effective.

This is an attack that is enough to kill Sanqing and Liuhao. Although Tianfeng is a creature of the Beginning Realm, it is still impossible to ignore it.

Attack after attack, in Lu Yin's opinion, should be able to break this original treasure.

And every time Tianfeng wanted to release the two realms of dust formations, he was destroyed by Jialan Zhiluo time and time again.

Finally, it couldn't bear it any longer and released a monstrous aura.

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, is this?

The ferocious aura came out of the pattern on Tianfeng's body and filled the sky in an instant, filling the sky above the six disaster areas, making everyone who saw it tremble with fear.

Mu Ke frowned, what a terrifying evil aura, who could possess such a majestic evil aura.

Although the evil energy comes from Tianfeng's body, it is by no means possessed by it, it is merely released by it.

Jiang Feng turned to look at Tianfeng and tightened his grip on the sword hilt. This fierce aura was not easy to deal with.

Dou Sheng Tianzun looked at the sky, holding the golden long stick tightly. The blood on his body was constantly burning, and Dou Sheng Jue was running. This fierce aura aroused his fighting spirit. The arrow god in front of him became more and more fierce after Di Qiong died. He also had no intention of fighting. He was suppressing the God of Arrow to fight, but the God of Arrow still couldn't die.

Jialan Zhiluo's voice reached Lu Yin's ears: "Three Jue Arrays, I can't stop them. The Three Jue Arrays rely on three evil spirits coming out from the formation's eyes, sealed within the patterns on the Tian Feng body surface. I can’t stop you, so be careful.”

"The three ferocious auras come from Cha. Cha is one of the nine mountains and eight seas in our Tianshang Sect era. When he entered the world of cultivation with the ferocious aura that killed millions of enemy troops, he could not avoid the word "kill" throughout his life. Although he was not very powerful. He is not as strong as us, but he has quite a lot of evil energy, which is terrifying."

"The second evil spirit comes from Chu Heizi, the god of death."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, Death?

"After the first continent was shattered, my master disappeared. I chased Tianfeng, but was trapped in my body by Tianfeng. At that time, the endless starry sky beasts in the fourth continent rebelled. Chu Heizi almost killed dozens of them with his own power. This race made Xingkong bleed, and Dahuang was so angry that he fought with them. At that time, Chu Heizi's body was filled with the ferocious aura of the giant beasts in the starry sky."

"Tian Feng sneaked into Chu Heizi and took away most of the evil spirit."

"The third evil aura comes from the heavenly punishment of the guardian envoys from all directions. It is a punishment from heaven, and there is endless killing, and most of the people it kills are humans."

"The Three Jue Formation uses three ferocious auras to form a killing blow, which is equivalent to the artistic conception combat technique. You must be careful."

Tianfeng growled: "So what if you understand? The Three Ultimate Formation kills with absolute power. Even if you study it for countless years, if you can't stop it, you can't stop it. Human beings, go to hell."

As he spoke, the monstrous evil energy split into three streams in the starry sky. They did not interfere with each other, but they flowed in a strange way and gradually merged.

The evil aura of Sha is a gas, which looks dizzying, but is still normal.

The ferocious aura of the God of Death are all starry sky beasts of different shapes, and everyone can hear the wails and roars of those starry sky beasts.

However, the ferocious aura of heavenly punishment is mostly caused by human beings, who are grieving and unwilling to give up, which makes people feel numb when they see it.

The three ominous auras gradually merged into a trident, forming in the sky and facing Lu Yin.

Lu Yuan's expression changed drastically. This power was causing trouble.

The ancient god stared into the distance. He was worthy of being a creature of the Beginning Realm. Even he didn't want to take the trident formed by the ferocious aura.

Lu Yuan headed towards Lu Yin, but was stopped by the ancient god.

"Da Qiang, get out of here."

"Fertile soil, the outcome of this battle is life or death, so why should you be anxious?"

"you wanna die."

Lu Tianyi also wanted to go over and help Lu Yin, but if Lu Yin couldn't stop him, he couldn't stop him either.

He could only use the Catalog of the Gods again to make Ku Zu walk out and head towards Lu Yin, trying to block the trident with Ku Zu.

Wu Tian and Mei Bisi both changed their expressions. These three ultimate formations were so powerful that it was difficult to overcome them without reaching the starting point.

"Boy, let's go. Don't catch him forcefully. Even if you catch him, you will be seriously injured. It's not worth it." Jialanzhiluo reminded.

Lu Yin looked up at the huge trident, as if it was going to penetrate the second realm of disaster, like a weapon from a god.

But he smiled: "Why do you have to insist on it, senior? I also have an identity that you may not know. I am the Interpreter."

The Three Ultimate Formation, no matter how powerful it is, is ultimately an original treasure formation. Since it is an original treasure formation, it may be interpreted.

Lu Yin's language interpretation ability is quite strong.

Especially with the current strength, his language interpretation ability can be regarded as the highest among human beings.

Although Guyan Tianshi has a lot of experience in interpreting words, he will never be able to interpret the Three Ultimate Formations because his strength is too low and he cannot withstand the murderous intention of Yuanbao.

Lu Yin was different.

Moreover, he has a unique advantage when it comes to interpreting the language, which is death energy.

One of the three evil spirits comes from the God of Death. Yuan Bao's murderous intention seems to be evil spirits, but it actually contains death energy inside.

In other words, one-third of the original treasure's killing intent will not have an effect on him, which is enough.

Lu Yin stepped forward facing the trident.

Tian Feng said coldly: "Looking for death."

After saying that, the trident was lowered.

The entire Second Calamity Territory was shaking, the black mother tree was swaying, and even the only true god was concerned about the terrifying blow.

Lu Yin took one step forward, identified the location of the evil spirit of death, and entered alone.

The trident fell slowly, and Lu Yin disappeared.

Tian Feng was stunned, how could it be possible? The Three Jue Formation was heading towards Lu Yin. Lu Yin was submerged in the trident, but the trident didn't react at all? impossible.

Jialan Zhiluo was also puzzled.

Lu Tianyi thought about the evil spirit of death? Xiaoqi has cultivated the power of death.

His own ability to interpret words can tell that part of the evil spirit belongs to the God of Death. Even if the murderous intentions of the original treasures are merged with each other, his ability to interpret words cannot be escaped.

He used his explanation to fight against the three unique formations.

In the first disaster area, under the lake of divine power, Hui Wu raised his head and looked at the Three Jue Formations in the distance. The good original treasure formation was not enough.

Over the Second Era, the trident fell slowly, but its size was shrinking.

Countless people looked at this scene and were dumbfounded.

Lu Yin kept shuttling inside, and the size of the trident kept shrinking. It looked like he had absorbed the trident.

Yes, Lu Yin is absorbing, he is absorbing the death energy.

Evil spirit, this is a concept in artistic conception. Some people can scare others by just looking at them. That kind of deterrence does exist, and there are many of it, but if you want to materialize this kind of deterrence, you must rely on your own cultivation power.

Therefore, Tianfeng also said that this is an artistic conception combat skill.

The evil spirit of the god of death relies on the death energy. Lu Yin's way of interpreting the language is to absorb the death energy. He has no intention of breaking the three unique formations with the interpretation method. It would take too much time and energy.

As long as he absorbs the death energy and makes the evil spirit of death disappear, the Three Ultimate Formations will naturally cease to exist.

Tian Feng stared blankly, the patterns on his body flashing continuously, it was obvious that he was not calm.

The Three Ultimate Formation was a devastating attack, but it was just gone?

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Qi's cultivation was many and complicated, and he had an advantage in the early stage. But as time went by, more and more people would give up part of their cultivation power and specialize in one discipline. However, his cultivation was still complicated, and it became more and more complicated. In the end, All roads are unified, this is his own road, no one has walked it before.

The path of the ancestors is just one of them.

Now the benefit has appeared. He is very good at the power of death. It is not difficult to directly absorb the death energy and break the three unique formations.

To do this, you need to practice death energy and have extremely high attainments in interpreting language. Lu Yin has both of these things.

"Hahahaha, Tianfeng, you have made this kid perfect. He seems to have cultivated Chu Heizi's power and absorbed all Chu Heizi's evil aura. The Three Ultimate Formations are gone. Hahahaha, look at that trident, hahahaha. "

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