Star Odyssey

Chapter 3223 Four Lock Formation

Lu Yin stood high in the sky, letting Shang Huang's punch fall. Lights were flowing around him. Looking back at the time, he wanted to see in what form Bai Wushen took action.

But he was disappointed. He really couldn't see the form of Bai Wushen's attack.

The voice of Hei Wushen came: "Bai Wushen is very small. The sequence rule she understands is small, infinite shrinkage, as small as the human world. Any matter visible to the naked eye is like the universe to her. You can't do it no matter what. Can’t see her.”

"If you want to deal with her, you have to fight her out."

"In addition, she also masters the eight formation diagrams. Each formation diagram taken alone can trap strong people of the same level. Don't be trapped by her eight formation diagrams."

Lu Yin had a headache. Any master at the level of the Seven Gods would be extremely difficult to deal with. He didn't know where the One True God found so many masters.

To be honest, if he had known about the Eternal Clan from the beginning and knew that the Eternal Clan has seven divine heavens, three Qings and six Haos, six realms of calamity, and countless masters, he might not have been an enemy of such a powerful behemoth. He was moved by Hei Wushen's attraction.

Even the Great Heavenly Lord would be desperate and would rather sacrifice everything in exchange for the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the only place where he could defeat the One True God. Why wouldn't Lu Yin, who had just embarked on the path of cultivation, not despair?

People's beliefs and wills grow step by step, rather than being born.

If he had not experienced countless life-and-death battles in the Unified Internal and External Universe, White Night Clan, New Universe, Tree Starry Sky, Six Directions Society, etc., he would not have been determined to face such a huge Eternal Clan.

Fortunately, he came out.

No matter how inexplicable Bai Wushen's ability is, there is always a way to deal with it. Otherwise, why would she develop Anzi? Wouldn't it be easier to deal with the human master alone?

Tianfeng still wants to fight. Bai Wushen cannot affect Lu Yin, but can only affect the abandoned passers-by, Ye Wu and the others.

Lu Yin observed again and again, trying to find traces of Bai Wushen's actions, but unfortunately he failed.

Not only that, because Emperor Zun was controlled by Bai Wushen again and again, the ancestor found an opportunity and cut him off with a sword.

The huge Emperor Zun broke at the waist, exposing Shang Huang.

Shang Huang, who was just an ordinary person, found it difficult to breathe when he was exposed to the Second Calamity Realm, let alone participating in this battle, especially when there were various harmful substances in the Second Calamity Realm.

It doesn't matter between cultivators and the Corpse King. It's impossible for ordinary people to adapt.

Shang Huang looked at the dim sky and the twisted stars, trying to reunite with God, but it was no longer possible.

Emperor Zun, who had the strongest defense, could not block the sword of the ancestor.

Mu Ke appeared next to Shang Huang and wanted to take him away. Unfortunately, Shang Huang appeared alone in the second disaster area for only two seconds before he died. He looked at the sky when he died, never thinking that Emperor Zun would be cut off.

Lu Yin exhaled, this was already one of the most magnificent battles in human history. Shang Huang's sacrifice was expected, and anyone's sacrifice was possible, including himself.

Shanghuang was just the first one. Then, Ye Wu was also controlled by Bai Wushen. Instead of killing Lu Yin, he rushed into the battlefield where Wu Tian and the others besieged Tianci and faced Tianci's attack.

Ye Wu is not at the level of the Three Realms and Six Paths. If he is hit by a godsend, he will definitely die.

That kind of flame, that sword, like a deity, is getting brighter and brighter in Ye Wu's eyes. His sequence rules are dissipating, and he can't get close to God's gift. His whole person is exposed to the power of God's gift, and the sky collapses and the earth collapses.

The flames swallowed up Ye Wu, and Ye Wu felt his body burning, just like the corpses he had dissected.

How many corpses have been dissected to study the method of corpse symbiosis? Those bodies will eventually be burned.

He watched it too many times, always thinking that one day he would be burned.

And this day has finally come.

His only concern is his disciples.

Feeling the pain from your skin to your internal organs being incinerated lasted only for a moment. In fact, you felt nothing.

I hope there will be reincarnation, this life is too bitter.

A small boat appeared in front of me, a boat? After death, will there be a boat?

Obviously not, this is a streamer.

Lu Yin used the streamer to reverse for a second. Next to Ye Wu, Wu Tian and Jiang Feng took action at the same time, with one spear and one sword. One stabbed directly in front of Ye Wu, and the other slashed directly behind Ye Wu, covering Ye Wu's whole body. With their absolute strength, Breaking through all sequence particles, reaching the absolute vacuum in the world of cultivation, and creating the beginning of the universe.

No attack can surpass the beginning of the universe. Even if Bai Wushen exists in the microscopic world that humans cannot see anyway, as long as he can reach the beginning of the universe, he can hit her.

It is impossible for her to hide in a world more microscopic than the beginning of the universe, otherwise she would not be in the ancestral realm, but a powerful person with eternal life.

This is the way to break through the beginning, and only the three realms and six levels can do it.

But as long as you don't take that breath, you won't break through to the beginning.

Lu Yin, Wu Tian, ​​and Jiang Feng cooperated tacitly and knocked Bai Wushen out of Ye Wu's side at that moment.

Bai Wushen can control multiple masters at the same time, not because she can clone herself, but because she is so fast that she can spread all over the battlefield in an instant, so that she can control everyone in an instant.

Then, Wu Tian and Jiang Feng's attacks can also defeat her, because it is impossible for her to give up Ye Wu.

What she wants is for the human masters to die one by one.

Next to Ye Wu, the void twisted and white light spots appeared.

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and he pressed down with one hand, crushing the soil away and pressing towards the void.

Bai Wushen can no longer hide in the microscopic world. Wu Tian's blow is definitely not weak. Her sequence rules will definitely be broken up and she will not be able to reunite in a short time. This blow is harder than any blow Wu Tian hits Tianci.

Facing the pressure of Lu Yin's soil, a white world appeared around the white light spot, with white mountains and white water, heading towards the land.


The void shook, and Wu Tian stabbed Baishan Baishui with his spear again.

Tianci stood in front and shook away Wu Tian's spear. Wu Tian stared at his sword edge and hurriedly distanced himself. Jiang Feng slashed with his sword, and the black and purple substance brought out powerful power, knocking Ye Wu away.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Wu did not intervene in that war. He was like a puppet on strings. He was almost burned, then rescued, and now he was thrown out of the battlefield.

This is the most extreme battlefield, and even those with strong sequence rules cannot get involved.

"Be careful." Jialanzhiluo shouted.

Lu Yin suddenly avoided the spot, seeing nothing. He suddenly raised his head, and at some point, three evil auras took shape again, turning into a trident and falling.

Lu Yin frowned. The Three Ultimate Formation was useless to him. Tian Feng naturally knew that, especially since he had absorbed so much death energy, the Three Ultimate Formation at this moment was far less powerful than before.

But now that he was dealing with Bai Wushen, the usefulness of the Three Jue Formation came out, which could at least distract him.

Under the land, the white mountains and white waters are constantly being oppressed and crushed, but they continue to appear and merge.

This was not the first time Lu Yin encountered white mountains and white waters. When Bai Wushen was a half-ancestral clone, he had used the white mountains and white waters at the inner world level to melt any living thing.

At that time, Lu Yin only thought that the white mountains and white waters were a kind of substance, or power.

Now, he could see that they were living things, very tiny creatures from the microscopic world, which made up the white mountains and white waters.

If he hadn't broken through the ancestral realm and possessed the mortal ancestral world, he wouldn't have been able to see it at all.

The white mountains and white waters are composed of white microscopic creatures. Those microscopic creatures have cultivated to a certain level in their world, and joined forces to help Bai Wushen, forming Bai Wushen's ancestral world.

What I saw before was not melted, but wiped out by these creatures.

Melting and obliteration are two concepts.

However, although the world of Baiwu God Ancestor is magical, it cannot stop the suppression of the land.

At this moment, the power of the land formed in the earthly ancestral world has surpassed the power of covering the starry sky land in the heart with the life energy, reaching the level of killing Feng Bo with the Heaven-turning Palm for the first time.

Bai Wushen and Feng Bo are both San Qing and Liu Hao. If you can kill Feng Bo, you can kill Bai Wushen.

As for the Three Jue Formation, Hei Wushen took action, and the black lines spread out overwhelmingly, turning into a large black net, trapping the trident firmly.

"Xiao Qi, leave Bai Wushen to me." The platform crashed into the white mountains and white waters, and Lu Tianyi stopped under the land.

Lu Yin took one step forward and continued to attack Tian Feng: "Hei Wushen, continue to besiege Tianci."

Hei Wushen looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Since I have been exposed, I have no way of turning back. You'd better kill Tianfeng, otherwise this battle may not be won."

Lu Yin's eyes were cold, and he rushed into the trident alone. The same scene happened again. The death energy in the trident was absorbed by Lu Yin, directly breaking the three unique formations.

Just after coming out of the Three Jue Formation, Lu Yin's hands and feet showed strange power, turning into locks and directly wrapping them around his hands and feet.

Jialan Zhiluo was shocked: "That's it, be careful."

Unfortunately, her reminder was too late.

Tian Feng was excited: "Four-lock formation, boy, you can't escape."

Lu Yin tried hard to break the four locks. The four locks locked his limbs, but did not restrict his strength. It was a strange feeling.

However, the harder he pushed, the stronger the lock became.

His heart sank and he looked at Tianfeng: "Lock myself with my own strength."

Tian Feng praised: "You are very smart. No wonder you can fight against the Beginning Realm with the strength that you just broke through the Ancestral Realm. Yes, you can lock yourself with your strength."

"I have been observing your power since the battle. You have four powers."

"First, your physical strength. Your physical strength is extremely powerful. It can shake the Emperor's Dome in the state of the Corpse King. Therefore, the first lock is your physical strength."

"Second, break through the ancestral world of the ancestral realm. That is the way to Taichu. I used the power of Taichu to lock himself and you, and there is no problem. So this second lock is your ancestral world."

"Third, the power of time. You can reverse time by one second, look back at time, and parallel time with your steps. I have to say, boy, you are indeed terrifyingly talented. I can't think of many creatures in the past. It can surpass you, but the more powerful the power, the more it can lock yourself, so this third lock is the power of your own time."

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