Star Odyssey

Chapter 3226: Fateful Confrontation

Lu Yin stared blankly at the ground. Was that an illusion? No, it's true, the sword disappeared.

Where there is a sword, there is a master.

He was completely weak, and the sword in his hand fell with a soft sound, and an unprecedented sense of crisis appeared. He had experienced this sense of crisis when he first entered the world of cultivation, but since he had the ability to protect himself and the Lu family returned, this sense of crisis has appeared. The sense of crisis has long since disappeared.

Even though he was almost beaten to death by the only true god, there was no such sense of crisis.

Now, this feeling is like ordinary people encountering hungry beasts, and the fear of being treated as food is getting bigger and bigger.

The sky is darker.

The battlefield was silent.

Lu Yin looked around and saw the excited eyes of human beings. Tian Feng was also dead. He could kill strong people in the Beginning Realm. What else could humans not do?

He remembered the words of Great Elder Shan Gu.

In that universe, countless powerful seniors came out across the ages, but were all destroyed by that omnipotent being. At that time, Lu Yin could not feel that sense of despair, but now, he feels it.

The weakness of his body filled every cell, and he couldn't even hold the sword steady.

In Todoroki's life, Jialan Zhiluo came and looked at Lu Yin strangely: "What's wrong with you? Did you see something just now?"

Lu Yin shook his head: "Weak, it's the Four Lock Formation."

Jialan Zhiluo frowned: "Tianfeng is dead, why is the Four Lock Formation still there?" As she said that, she looked at Lu Yin's feet: "Hey, where is the body?"

Lu Yin said: "There is no corpse, it is the original treasure. To explain, there is nothing inside."

Jialan Zhiluo regretted: "This is the most difficult language to decipher in the universe. I thought I would find some treasure by deciphering the language, but it turned out to be an empty shell."

Lu Yin felt bitter, he really hoped there was nothing inside.

"Okay, you can have a rest. You have fought well in this battle. Leave the rest to us." Jialanzhiluo stepped forward and looked around the entire battlefield: "Fertile soil, open red, Wu Da, you still have to wait?" What are you waiting for? Completely eradicate the Eternals."

After saying that, he held a spear and killed Tian En.

Among the guards from all directions, the one who is least good at fighting is Tian En. If it were not to save her, Lu Yin would not choose Tian Feng as his target.

Killing Tianen is much easier than killing Tianfeng.

Tian En's voice sounded. Although his voice was soft, his tone was cold: "Human, I don't regret having taken action against Taichu. You are too presumptuous."

"Butterfly, I want to treat you as a specimen." Jialan Zhiluo thrust out his spear.

At the same time, the corners of the red-faced Mavis' mouth curled up: "Huahua, let's see who among us can catch her first."

"It must be me."

The war was still going on. Lu Yin stood there and looked at his hands and feet. Tian Feng was not actually dead, it was just its shell, and he was still trapped by the Four Lock Formation.

If I am like this, are the hands of my ancestor the same?

As for the bloody figure, Lu Yin tried his best not to think about it, but it was useless.

Just as he himself said to Great Elder Shan Gu, there is no limit to the universe. If that existence does not kill the lost people and allows the lost people to escape to this universe, it is not because they don't want to, but maybe they can't.

The existence of any limit must have its limits, otherwise there would be no limit.

It's like there has never been a powerful person in the Immortal Realm in this universe.

Is that bloody figure a powerful person in the Immortal Realm? not necessarily.

When he was half-ancestral, he could fight against the Three Qings, Six Hao, and the Seven Gods. Now that he has reached the ancestral realm, although he only broke the ancestors with an inner world, he already has the strength to kill the Emperor Qiong head-on. Facing any of the Seven Gods, He is sure to kill alone, so what if he reaches the level of sequence rules? What will happen if we even break through the initial state and overcome the hardships?

No one can tell clearly, but one thing everyone will agree on is that Lu Yin at that time will be truly invincible.

No matter it is Xing Toad, Ancient God, Lu Yuan, Great Heavenly Lord, the only true god, or even the ancestor Taichu above, they may not be able to fight with him. His combat power span is too large.

So, will the same happen to the bloody figure?

If a person like me can appear in the universe, there may not be a second one.

He has not forgotten that there was civilization before humans in this part of the universe, and the river of time does not know how far back it is.

Perhaps that bloody figure is the most powerful person in civilization.

As long as you don't reach the realm of eternal life, it is possible to win.

Lu Yin's eyes were firm. The Eternals could be defeated. He could go to the Ancient City to join his master and the Ancestors. What else is there to be afraid of?

The most important thing now is to break the four-lock formation.

Lu Yin himself is a master at interpreting language. At this level, he can think of only two people who can interpret language. One is Huizu and the other is himself. The others include Celestial Master Guyan, Celestial Master Li, and Celestial Master Xiu Ming. They are all unable to keep up with their realm and cannot access this level.

The first priority in interpreting the language is to either be able to withstand the murderous intention of the original treasure, or to be able to clearly see the murderous intention of the original treasure and avoid it. If you cannot do both, interpreting the language rashly is courting death.

This is obviously the case for Guyan Tianshi and others. It is impossible for them to see Lu Yin's four forces clearly, so they cannot see the four lock formations clearly, and they cannot avoid the murderous intention of the original treasure formed by Lu Yin's power. It is impossible to count on them. .

Unless Guyan Tianshi and the others reach the level of sequence rules.

In Lu Yin's opinion, Hui Zu's strength is not much worse than Chen Zu and Ku Zu, especially Hui Zu who compiled the True Explanation of Yuan Bao and is one of the rare super masters in the history of mankind. .

However, Lu Yin didn't know where Huizu was.

The only one he can rely on is himself.

The war in the Second Calamity Territory broke out extremely fiercely, but Lu Yin could no longer intervene. His remaining power was not enough to cause much harm to the Seven Gods and the Sifang Guardians, so he might as well leave it to others.

He concentrated on studying the Four Lock Formation.

Power, the earthly ancestral world, the power of time, the talent of the Gods' Illustration, the four locks were firmly fixed. Lu Yin kept thinking about it, and even made tea with Hui Gen, but still couldn't think of a way to crack it.

Imprisoning himself with his own power, it is the strongest four forces that he has mastered. These four lock formations give Lu Yin a feeling of self-imprisonment.

No wonder it was once possible to seal the ancestor's hands and force the ancestor to cut off his own hands.

"Tian En, let's go." Tianci's voice came from the distance.

When Lu Yin looked around, Tianci and Tianen had already joined together and looked at Lu Yin at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and Lu Yin saw the infinite murderous intent in Tianci's eyes, as well as the unconcealable regret. Was he regretting that he had not killed him earlier? Regret that you allowed yourself to grow up?

"Humanity in this universe has no future, and you are no exception." Tianci said, and then was overwhelmed by numerous attacks.

The light turned into light spots and bloomed, covering the entire Second Calamity Realm in an instant, like a blooming flower of flames, forcing Jiang Feng, Wu Tian and the others to chase and kill them, and could only watch Tianci and Tianen leave.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. His God-given strength was extremely powerful. If placed among the Eternals, he would definitely be second only to the One True God. Whether the Ancient God could defeat him is still unknown. The possibility of defeat is even greater. For such a strong man to escape, let Lu Yin felt a little uneasy.

But in this battle, they tried their best.

Humanity has used all its masters, and even allowed the Tianshang Sect, the Six Directions Association, and the Tree Starry Sky to encounter crises to face this battle. The results so far are pretty good.

One of the Sifang Guards died, one of the Eternals died and one Emperor Qiong died, one Hei Wushen was betrayed, and Bai Wushen was forced out to let them understand Bai Wushen's power.

Although the losses on the human side were also relatively large, with E Ji and Shang Huang all dead, as well as several Ancestral Realm powerhouses such as Bai Sheng, they were much better than the losses suffered by the Eternals.

There is no way for a war to kill people. This war came suddenly, but it was the decisive battle between humans and the Eternals since the days of the Tianshang Sect. It was the greatest victory. The Eternals still had three of the four guardians, and they had broken through the ancestral realm. Bai Xian'er.

After Tianshui Tianen left, the Ancient God, the Former Ancestor, Bai Wushen, the Arrow God and the Forgotten God God rushed towards the black mother tree almost at the same time. Lu Yuan and the others hurriedly stopped them, hoping to deal with another Eternal Clan master.

Under the earth, the divine lake rose up, as if the heaven and earth were turned upside down. The divine rivers from the other five regions of disaster all gathered together, and at this moment, the second disaster region was submerged.

All human masters could only protect themselves, but those of the Eternal Race who survived were all swept away by the river of divine power and headed towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation only targets the one true God, and other creatures can come and go freely.

The endless river of divine power swept in all the remaining masters of the Eternal Race and turned them into entangled red ribbons, isolating the Eternal Race from the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Everyone looked at the black mother tree.

The one true god was headed by Xizu and other masters standing beside him, looking at each other with Lu Yin and the others.

There are six realms of reincarnation and a lake of divine power in the middle.

Lu Yin stepped forward. In the sky and around him, human masters were walking towards the black mother tree without making any sound.

Gradually, all human masters gathered beside Lu Yin and walked outside the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

In the six realms of reincarnation, there is the only true god and the masters of the Eternal Clan.

The two sides looked at each other in silence, with a solemn air.

Since ancient times, there have never been so many masters gathered together.

Even in the Tianshang Sect era, there was no situation where all the three realms and six realms joined forces to fight against the enemy. At that time, the ancestor disappeared and the first continent was shattered. Jialan Zhiluo chased Tianfeng and then disappeared. In terms of the number of masters, Tianshang at this moment The sect may not necessarily be under the Heavenly Sect of that era.

Lu Yin, Lu Yuan, Jiang Feng, Wu Tian, ​​Hongyan Mebisi, Jialan Zhiluo, Lu Tianyi, Dou Sheng Tianzun and so on.

On the side of the Eternals, the only true god, the ancient ancestor, the ancient god, the Bai Wushen, the arrow god, etc.

In this universe, the old enemies of endless time are looking at each other at this moment.

"You win, Lord Lu." The Only True God spoke. This was the first time he addressed Lu Yin so solemnly.

Lu Yin looked at the only true god: "Not yet."

The One True God smiled lightly: "Do you want to kill them all?"

Lu Yin calmly said: "It's about cutting the grass - getting rid of the roots."

"Do you remember our first conversation?" the only true god said.

Lu Yin nodded: "I'm impressed."

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