Star Odyssey

Chapter 3231 Fruit

Looking back at that time, Sifang Tianping was still a behemoth that was difficult to destroy for him. Now, they are all gone, especially the White Dragon tribe, which was almost slaughtered, but in exchange for Long Tian and the others, they can live a free life.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin thought of Long Xi.

"Master Lu, please come with me." Xiao Can struggled to get up and led the way in one direction.

Today's Xiao Can has a cultivation level that is close to that of a Star Envoy. To be honest, this level of cultivation is very high. Looking at the original space, there are not many strong people who have reached the level of a Star Envoy.

The Tianshang Sect gathered strong human beings, which seemed to be many, but when they were scattered throughout the whole space, they were very few.

Xiao Can's cultivation level was very low when he was on the back battlefield. After being captured and brought to the Wang Family Continent, he had been mining and obviously had no chance to practice. Even so, he had reached his current cultivation level, which Lu Yin was curious about.

He asked himself that even if he had no time to practice, he would not be able to do better than Xiao Can.

This level of cultivation also gives Xiao Can the confidence to enter the Wang Family Continent and monitor Huang Quan Shui.

However, this level of cultivation was too weak in front of Lu Yin.

It keeps going in the same direction, but it doesn't look like the distance is close.

"How far is it? I'll take you there." Lu Yin said.

Xiao Can said respectfully: "At the speed of a villain, it will take three days."

Lu Yin took a step forward and twisted the void. The next moment, the scene in front of Xiao Can changed. He looked around clearly again and his pupils shrank. This, this?

At this moment, he appeared at the location he wanted to reach. This location would take three days at his speed, but for Lu Yin, it only took an instant.

Distance no longer meant much to Lu Yin.

Xiao Can was shocked, this is the extremely powerful man, the current master of mankind, who is so powerful that he can ignore spatial distances to a certain extent. Can he do it in the future?

With complex longings and fantasies about the future, as well as regrets about losing the treasure, Xiao Can took Lu Yin to a hidden place where there was a pond civilization.

The pond civilization is similar to the Three Thousand Worlds of the Fifth Continent, which are civilizations hidden under the current civilization.

In the Starry Sky of Trees, some powerful families have pond civilizations, which bring an endless stream of practitioners to this family.

Lu Yin once imagined whether this universe was also a pond civilization, but this fantasy was too incredible.

There are good and bad aspects of pond civilization. The good thing is that it can continuously bring cultivators to the Tree Starry Sky. Although those cultivators are loyal to their family forces, they are all human beings. The bad thing is that the Eternals can sneak into the pond civilization and develop dark sub-cultures. , and even turned the entire pond civilization into the Eternals.

This happened before.

After Lu Yin became the Taoist Master of the Tianshang Sect, he ordered the suppression of the pond civilization and made the pond civilization transparent. During that time, many corpse kings of the Eternal clan were indeed found. Some pond civilizations were actually Eternal Kingdoms.

Since then, the pond civilization has gradually disappeared, either hidden or destroyed, allowing the civilization inside to come out.

The one in front of us is obviously a hidden pond civilization.

"This is the villain's home." Xiao Can said respectfully.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "Your home?"

Xiao Can responded: "Master Lu, please follow me." After saying that, he entered the pond civilization.

Lu Yin then entered.

There is a world within the pond civilization, but it is very small. Lu Yin can see it all at a glance. His eyes suddenly focus on one place and his body disappears.

Xiao Can knew that Lu Yin had discovered it, and his expression calmed down.

After all, I can't hide it.

In the cultural corner of the pond, a strange flower blooms. The flower is not beautiful, it is very ordinary, but the roots that grow the flower are extraordinary. That is - Hui Gen.

Lu Yin never knew that wisdom roots could bloom?

Not only did it bloom, but it also bore fruit, and its roots of wisdom were planted in the yellow spring water.

Lu Yin appeared and looked at this scene in shock. He planted the root of wisdom with yellow spring water and it actually bore fruit. Is there such a thing?

When Xiao Can arrived, a voice sounded: "The original name of Xiao Can is Hui Can, and he is the descendant of Hui Ancestor in this starry sky."

Lu Yin turned back to look at Xiao Can: "Are you a descendant of Hui Zu?"

Xiao Can nodded: "Yes."

Lu Yin frowned: "Huizu disappeared when the Starry Sky of Trees split into the Fifth Continent. How can you be his descendant?"

Xiao Can looked at Lu Yin: "Shen Wutian can be regarded as a descendant of Chen Zu to a certain extent."

Lu Yin was right when he thought about it. Although Huizu disappeared before the Starry Sky of the Tree appeared, it did not mean that he had no descendants who would follow the Starry Sky of the Tree to split up. What he could not understand was that Huizu clearly had descendants, namely Hui from the Seven-Character Royal Court. Huiwu is also a descendant of his family, so which branch does this little cripple belong to?

"Are you a descendant of Huizu or the Hui family?" Lu Yin asked.

Xiao Can said: "Descendants of Huizu, our ancestors left a mission for our branch, so I am very sure that I belong to the descendants of Huizu."

"Is this the mission?" Lu Yin looked at Hui Gen.

Xiao Can nodded: "The existence of Yellow Spring Water in the Wang family was not a secret in the ancestors' time, but no one understands what the Yellow Spring Water is."

"The ancestors tried their best to obtain the Huangquan water, cultivate the wisdom root with the Huangquan water, and left a task to our descendants. Wait, wait for the wisdom root to bloom and bear fruit. The fruit of the wisdom root will tell us what the Huangquan water is."

"Our branch has been waiting for many years, from the Daoyuan Sect era in the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas until now, and finally the result has come in the villain's generation, but the villain doesn't understand what that result means, but he can see The results are limited unless there is more yellow spring water, so the villain deliberately exposed his whereabouts and went to the battlefield behind."

Xiao Can raised his head and looked at Hui Gen complexly: "Using Hui Gen to make a deal with Wang Xun not only saved the villain's life on the battlefield behind, but also attracted the attention of the Wang family. In the end, the villain was captured by the Wang family and taken to the Wang Family Continent as he wished. After collecting all the value, send it to mining, that is, to dig for yellow spring water."

"And everyone in the villain's tribe has fled. This is not the place where the villain's tribe lives, otherwise we cannot save this place."

Lu Yin looked at Xiao Can in amazement. He asked himself that when he calculated the Sifang Balance, it was already quite remarkable that he managed to get through it, but this little Can in front of him was truly remarkable.

He is disguising, but he has no disguise at all and directly calculates every step. How well does he know the Wang family?

Any wrong move will lead to certain death.

On the battlefield behind, the Wang family, and mining, he counted every step, just for the underworld water.

"The Wang family never dreamed that they would be plotted by you." Lu Yin admired how many people coveted the Huangquan water. Maybe the Lu family wanted to get it at the beginning, but the Wang family was very careful about it. But the person who can move this mountain is actually such a person. Little people.

Xiao Zhan said bitterly: "It's not a calculation, it's a gamble. If we don't get this result, the existence of our branch is meaningless at all. Our ancestors have unparalleled wisdom and have planned for the ages. The infinite power original treasure formation left behind can block the Eternals. The calculation against Huang Quan Shui is actually just a hobby. Our team has not received any important tasks, it is just a hobby."

Interested? Lu Yin thought of what Huizu had done. He plotted against the Sixth Continent, used the Eternals to help the Fifth Continent take revenge, and almost caused the Sixth Continent to be destroyed.

He deployed the original treasure formation to seal many human-shaped original treasures, preventing the god of waste from being born.

He deployed the infinite power original treasure formation to block the Eternals on the battlefield behind.

He integrated his mind into the dimension master, pretending that the dimension master was controlled by the Witch Spirit God, and finally cooperated with himself and others to kill the Witch Spirit God.

He even sent his own son to the Eternal Clan. Lu Yin still doesn't know the true purpose. Huiwu would rather turn into a mad corpse than leave, so it must be related to Huizu.

This act indirectly allowed Lu Yin to obtain three pieces of Chuchen, and he used Chuchen to break through the ancestral realm.

Each piece, piece by piece, all shows the wisdom of Huizu.

He is so smart that no one can understand him.

So much so that when Xiao Can said that analyzing Huangquan water with Hui Gen was just Hui Zu's interest, Lu Yin believed him.

For many years, no one knew what Huangquan water was, not even the Lu family, but Huizu was confident that he could analyze it with his wisdom. This was Huizu.

Huizu may not have invincible strength, but his wisdom is the most precious wealth of mankind.

"What's the result?" Lu Yin asked, looking at Hui Gen in trance.

Xiao Can was helpless: "I can't understand."

"So we still need yellow spring water?"


"What did you see?"

Xiao Can hesitated for a moment and saluted Lu Yin: "I really can't understand this, Master Lu, please read it yourself."

Lu Yin looked at Xiao Can: "What do you think?"

Xiao Can said: "Just water the root of wisdom with Yellow Spring water. The villain has been digging for Yellow Spring water for many years. With the things left by his ancestors, he can occasionally steal some Yellow Spring water. The accumulation over the years was used up more than 20 years ago. Afterwards, the Wang family changed drastically, and the villain never had the chance to get the Yellow Spring Water."

Lu Yin understood. No wonder Xiao Can kept staring at the Huangquan water. It turned out to be like this. He thought the Hui Gen fruit was for eating.

It was difficult for Xiao Can to get Huangquan water, but it was not difficult for Lu Yin.

The Wang family already had a reserve of Huangquan water. Wang Fan took away most of it, but still left some for the Wang family, which eventually fell into the hands of the Lu family.

Lu Yin quickly got the Huangquan water and asked Xiao Can to do it.

Xiao Can poured part of the yellow spring water on the Huigen fruit. For a while, a fragrance floated over. Smelling the fragrance, Xiao Can closed his eyes, as if he was in an illusory starry sky, feeling something.

Lu Yin soon had the same feeling. He saw carvings one after another and saw a person carving something.

The picture flashed away and lasted only a short time.

Lu Yin and Xiao Can opened their eyes at the same time.

Xiao Can looked forward to seeing Lu Yin.

Lu Yin frowned: "Carving?"

Xiao Can looked helpless: "Yes, it's a carving. I saw it, but I can't understand it."

Lu Yin couldn't understand either.

He didn't know how much yellow spring water Xiao Can had used over the years, but no matter how big the gap between the two was, he wouldn't be able to figure it out in one go.

So, go ahead.

But this time I don’t have a small residual, and the fragrance is also fixed. Two people smelling it will definitely consume it faster than one person smelling it.

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