Star Odyssey

Chapter 3236 The Essence of Power

To Xu Huan, Lu Yin was like a sandbag, constantly being knocked away by it in the starry sky of the universe, but he was still able to fight back.

That's a sandbag to fight back with.


He vomited blood again and again, and was knocked away again and again. In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore. He was pushed to the limit. Lu Yin's body surface cracked and he was seriously injured.

Xuwu identified him and kept bumping into him.

As long as Lu Yin didn't want to be hit, Xuwu couldn't hit him.

He steps backwards and easily avoids false collisions. There is no need for parallel time, just go faster.

Lu Yuan's heart was in his throat when he saw Lu Yin was seriously injured.

Wu Tian didn't know when he came over. Looking at this scene, he admired: "We never thought that your Lu family could have such descendants."

"You mean I can't endure hardship?" Lu Yuan retorted.

Wu Tiandao: "I mean, you don't have this kind of talent."

Lu Yuan was not in the mood to talk to Wu Tian now and stared at Lu Yin, fearing that something might happen to him.

Wu Tian looked at Lu Yin: "This child may be a turning point in human history. Whether he can break his fate depends on him. Fertile soil, protect him. Anyone can die, but not him." After saying that, he left.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "Nonsense."

Lu Yin shook the dice while avoiding the illusion, and watched the dice slowly stop spinning. At four o'clock, time and space stopped, just right.

The scene in front of him changed. Lu Yin appeared in the still space of time. Blood was flowing continuously. He sat down. Severe pain came from every corner of his body. He was really seriously injured. Fortunately, they were all external injuries and it was not something that would take too long. Time heals from injuries.

One year, one year is enough.

Lu Yin closed his eyes and slowly recovered.

A year later, Lu Yin left the timeless space, and the outside world only lasted a second.

Xuwu continued to rush toward him from a distance. At that moment, Lu Yin disappeared. Xuwang was confused, but Lu Yin reappeared a second later.

At this moment, Lu Yin has recovered. No matter how serious his physical injuries are, it is not bad for a strong man like him.

Ming Yan lost her life, and Ku Zu was also killed once. Even if they relied on time to recover from their injuries, it would take a long time, so Ku Zu was actually recovering on his own since he was asleep.

Now that Lu Yin was fighting against Xu Wu, the injuries he suffered could be seen clearly at a glance. They seemed extremely serious, but they were easy to recover from.

"Come on." Lu Yin shouted. The pain in his body made him go crazy. It hurt too much. The more it hurt, the more awake he became. This was what he needed now.

Without pain, where would the power come from?


A huge impact sound accompanied the world of nothing torn apart in all directions. Lu Yin was knocked away by Xuhua. Not surprisingly, his power had no effect on Xuhua. The surface of his body cracked again. The extremes of things reached their limit. Xuhua roared and chased after Lu Yin. Bump away.

Lu Yuan clenched his fist. He had never seen Lu Yin so miserable.

Lu Yin can defeat Xuhua. With his various methods, at least Xuhua can't defeat him. But when he fights against Xuhua's power with strength, only he can experience the misery it brings.

Seriously injured again, Lu Yin continued to roll the dice once, twice, three times. The third time he rolled it to four o'clock, he entered the time-stopped space to recover.

Then as the scene in front of me changed, I returned to the starry sky again, my body recovered again, and again, I was seriously injured again. This time I delayed it with Xu Huan at a fast speed for ten days. After ten days, I continued to roll the dice, recovered, and again, I was seriously injured. , restore, continue…

Xuwang roared, Lu Yin provoked and collided again and again,

It felt a kind of silent anger, so much so that it no longer looked at where Lu Yin was. It was hitting randomly from all directions, causing the entire starry sky to sway. It knew that as long as Lu Yin recovered, he would definitely appear right in front of it and confront it. The collision force does not require it to be specifically searched for.

The beauty Mavis came, staring at this scene in a daze, remembering that in the mirage, Lu Yin challenged Feng Bo again and again: "He will definitely get what he wants."

Lu Yuan has completely calmed down. It is impossible for Xu Wang to kill Lu Yin directly, that is enough.

Hei Wushen has long since left.

Lu Yuan was always here, and the people around him kept changing. They saw the scene of Lu Yin desperately fighting for nothing. Although nothing was reported to the outside world, everyone who saw it suppressed their astonishment and admiration.

Lu Yin got to where he is today not only by his talent, wealth, and background, but also by his own hard work.

In the battle against Xuanyuan, no one can help, not even Lu Yuan.

Thirty-eight times, Lu Yin collided with Xuwu thirty-eight times, and was seriously injured thirty-eight times. Lu Yin finally saw the essence of Xuwu's power.

Hei Wushen and the others said that Xuanyuan was born in the universe, and its power is actually a kind of sequence rule. Therefore, when Heaven Punishment fought against Xuanyuan, they thought that Xuanyuan's power could not affect it.

The reason why he retreated was because the chain of years of divine punishment could not trap Xuanyuan.

But later Lu Yin asked Ancestor Lu Yuan, and Ancestor Lu Yuan said that he had not seen false sequenced particles.

Without sequence particles, where would the sequence rules come from?

But without the sequence rules, how could it be impossible to use power to cause damage to Heavenly Punishment?

It stands to reason that the power of illusion is the rule of sequence.

This phenomenon reminded Lu Yin of the Corpse God. The Corpse God was hidden in his body as sequence particles and was nearly immortal. If it weren't for the harm done to him by karma, Lu Yin and the others would not be able to kill him.

The Corpse God is like this, is the power of illusion also like this?

If Xuwu can hide the sequence particles of power in his body, he must have a method. This method is what Lu Yin needs. If it is not a sequence rule, that would be better. Lu Yin would like to know where Xuwu got such terrifying power.

Only those who reach his level know that power seems to come from a living thing, but when the power reaches a certain level, that living thing must store it in some way, and it is not as simple as just having that power.

Since the power of illusion can become the strongest in the universe, it is not just because of the size, otherwise the ancient god would have made himself the largest in the universe.

It must have its own way to store power.

Now, Lu Yin found it.

He saw clearly how the illusion did it. It formed its own power into points, and used strange forces in the body to connect and interact with each other.

If the points of power can be seen clearly, then the way they are connected by strange forces, even if you look at them with countless magnifying glasses, you will still see the points of power that are closely connected without any gaps. This is the essence of illusory power.

Living things are very strange. The living things themselves cannot see the structures in their own bodies, but those structures are extremely delicate.

Illusion itself does not deliberately store power in this way, but its power is too huge, forming an instinct.

This instinct is what Lu Yin needs.

Thirty-eight times of serious injuries led to the recognition of this power. Lu Yin stepped back step by step, distancing himself from Xu Huan.

Xuwang stayed where he was, staring at Lu Yin without moving.

Lu Yin made it panic. It was obviously a strong one and could knock Lu Yin away, but every time Lu Yin was able to remain intact.

The appearance of damage was a bit strange to it, making it instinctively afraid to approach it.

Lu Yin was surprised, not coming? Originally, he planned to enter the time-stationary space for research. Since he didn't come, it didn't matter. Otherwise, he would have to wait ten days to roll the dice.

The world within the infinite appears.

As soon as Xuwu saw the infinite inner world, he immediately got angry. Every time Lu Yin collided with him, the infinite inner world appeared, so that it thought Lu Yin was going to hit it again, so it would hit it first.

Lu Yin hurriedly avoided it, why come again? Forget it, let’s wait ten days and roll the dice to enter the time-stopped space.

In the distance, Lu Yuan smiled. Xiao Qi must have discovered something and stopped bumping recklessly. This was good. Every time he bumped into Xu Wu, his heart trembled, although he got used to it later.

Next to him, Jialan Zhiluo said: "I kind of admire him."

"It's not easy for you to appreciate someone. There were nine brothers and sisters in the beginning, but you only appreciated Chu Heizi." Lu Yuan sarcastically said.

Jialanzhiluo said: "The killing power of Chu Heizi's death energy is so powerful that even Master was amazed, saying that once he breaks through the Beginning Realm, in terms of absolute combat power, no one in the universe can match him, and even Master himself has no confidence in it. .”

"But he still lost." Lu Yuan sighed.

Jialan Zhiluo was curious: "How did he lose?"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "I don't know, just like we don't know how you disappeared."

Jialan Zhiluo was silent: "I believe he is not dead. He has the energy to die and is determined to live. Life and death are both a kind of power to him."

"I hope so."

Ten days later, Lu Yin rolled the dice four times, but never reached four o'clock once. He had to hide with Xu Huan for another ten days, and then he rolled the dice to four o'clock and entered the timeless space.

After arriving at the time-stationary space, Lu Yin used the Infinite Inner World, and the lines of power did not collide in an orderly manner.

The inspiration for the disorderly collision of power lines comes from the collision and destruction of time and space he has seen during his fishing years. The power generated by that disordered collision is then displayed in the form of power lines through the infinite inner world, and then is absorbed and collides again. It truly achieves turning the limited into the infinite.

This is one of them, but there is an upper limit to the speed at which this infinite power can be utilized by himself. This upper limit is the limit of the extremes of things. Once this upper limit is exceeded, the extremes of things will not be able to bear it. Then there is no need for the enemy to take action, he himself will seriously injured.

Now the essence of power glimpsed through illusion is the last step to perfect the infinite inner world.

He wants to make the power generated by the infinite inner world itself unlimited, and the power he can utilize is also unlimited. This is the real infinite inner world, no, it should be said to be the infinite ancestral world.

Lu Yin started to try.

This process is long, and the transformation of the way the nature of power is used is not much simpler than creating a martial art. Although he has glimpsed the nature of false power, it is extremely difficult to actually try it with a human body.

The lines of power condense with each other with that strange force. If they are accidentally staggered, once they are staggered, the body will feel like being hit by force.

One or two is not a problem, but once there are more lines of power, more trauma will be caused to the body.

Half a year later, Lu Yin kept trying to condense the force of the power lines, and it could be condensed to the wrist, that is, the entire palm, and it continued to spread towards the body.

It took half a year to build just one palm. During this period, I didn't know how many times I failed. The palm was hit by the power lines staggered countless times. The further back, the more power lines there were, and the heavier the blow the body suffered.

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