Star Odyssey

Chapter 3238 The Limit of Power

Hongyan Mebis shook his head: "You underestimate the force beast. The force beast does not need anything else. Its own strength is enough to ensure that even if it is swallowed up by Xu, Xu will not be able to gain the upper hand in a short time. Compared with these two behemoths, the force will not be able to survive." It’s already a very weak consumption, and it will take a long time to decide the winner with strength.”

"Xiao Qi broke through the ancestral world and caused the universe to suppress the limit. That's why the powerful beast appeared. It is impossible for the powerful beast to fight Xuhuang for a long time."

"What will happen?" Jialan Zhiluo was puzzled.

The red-faced Mebis looked solemn: "If there is no winner between the beast and the illusion in a short time, then they will."

"Attack Xiao Qi at the same time." Lu Yuan said.

The red-faced Mavis nodded.

"Then isn't he miserable?" Jialan Zhiluo said.

Lu Yuan's face was extremely ugly, not just miserable. How could he survive the disaster when facing two behemoths at the same time? Perhaps the existence of illusion is also the universe's way of preventing Xiao Qi from breaking through the ancestral world.

"It stands to reason that if you are not in the original space, there will be no disaster if you break through the ancestral realm. There is only one exception, and that is when the strength of the breakthroughr approaches a certain limit of the universe, or breaks a certain state."

"For example, the ancestral world that Xiao Qi broke through before can create time and space, so it attracted the suppression of many parallel time and spaces around it, because once Xiao Qi creates parallel time and space, it will break the original time and space pattern. It is not that those time and space are conscious, but It’s their instinct.”

“The universe we live in seems to be a region without thinking and consciousness, but it has the ability to repair itself, just like the natural environment of the planet. As long as it does not have the ability to destroy the entire planet, no matter what living things do on the planet, It will eventually be restored by the natural environment.”

"The earthly ancestral world is like this, and the infinite inner world is the same. Because Xiao Qi breaks through the infinite ancestral world, he will touch the upper limit of human power. This is not the state that the universe should exist in, so it attracts the power beasts. It can be said that the universe itself has a strong influence on Xiao Qi. The blocking of Seven Breakthroughs can also be regarded as the force beast sensing the threat and specifically coming to stop it."

Hongyan Mebis said: "The reason why I don't break through the beginning is that the power has been missing for too long and I haven't fully adapted. Secondly, once I break through, I will inevitably touch this limit, which will lead to more than just sequences. The counterattack by the rules is more likely to come from a disaster at the limit of strength."

"Like a force beast?" Jialanzhiluo asked.

Hongyan Mebis nodded: "Master warned us not to break through the beginning realm easily. This should be the reason, because Master knows very well that each of us may touch some limit of the universe and cause bad disasters. , if I break through the Beginning Realm and attract a force beast, the probability of a successful breakthrough is less than 10%."

"Now, Xiao Qi is equivalent to us. If Master knew his current strength, he would definitely warn him not to break through the ancestral realm easily, because his four inner worlds have all touched the limits of the universe."

Lu Yuan blamed: "I should have thought of it earlier, Xiaoqi, if it doesn't work, we will help you deal with the force beast."

In the distance, Lu Yin heard that the conversation between Lu Yuan and the others was actually telling him to be mentally prepared.

He looked at the wrestling between Xuanyuan and the force beast, and the brilliance on his body became more and more brilliant. Disasters are disasters, and the existence of disasters does not mean that they cannot break through the ancestral world.

After all, this is not the beginning space.

This kind of calamity is also different from the source calamity.

As Lu Yuan said, others may not be able to intervene in this kind of disaster. It is perfectly fine for him to break through his ancestral world and let others deal with the disaster. Xu Huan is an example. Otherwise, Xu Huan would have to endure greater disasters if he was wrestling with beasts of strength.

When they broke through the ancestral world before, the Eternals did not intervene because the disaster caused by the overlap of parallel time and space was too severe. It didn't make much sense whether they intervened or not. If they intervened, they would suffer the crushing of parallel time and space. It was better to let Lu Yin do it himself. response.

Lu Yin was not pretentious: "Ancestor, if those two monsters come to me before I break through to the ancestral world, please help me withstand them."

Lu Yuan nodded: "It's a small matter."

It's not a competition of strength. Lu Yuan can deal with Xuanyuan and the beast alone.

Lu Yin concentrated on breaking through the ancestral world.

Probably this universe did not expect that the illusion would appear here to withstand the powerful beasts. In fact, the appearance of these creatures was just a struggle against the ultimate guardian. No matter what, they could not stop themselves from breaking through the infinite ancestor world.

As the lines of power continued to enter his body, Lu Yin opened his arms and the light overwhelmed him.

The force beast suddenly turned to stare at Lu Yin, jumped up, raised his fist and smashed it down to prevent Lu Yin from breaking through.

Lu Yuan snorted coldly. Next to him, Hongyan Mabisi's eyes were hot: "I'll do it." After saying that, he jumped out, and the Mabius sacred tree appeared. The sacred tree swayed, and a steady stream of power entered Hongyan Mavis' body. She He also punched out, hitting the force beast.

Bang, the void exploded, and the force beast and the beauty Mavis retreated at the same time.

The force beast looked over and let out an angry roar, recognizing the beauty of Mavis.

The red-faced Mavis rubbed her wrist: "We meet again, little monkey, let's see how much your strength has increased."

The force beast looked up to the sky and roared, leaping directly towards the red-faced Mavis.

The red-faced Mavis had a petite body, but she burst out with terrifying power and punched out. Along the way, the ripples in the void formed dozens of waves that tore through the void and smashed towards the beast.

On the other side, Xuwu also rushed towards Lu Yin, instinctively feeling that Lu Yin was becoming more and more threatening to him.

This time Lu Yuan took action, hitting the side of the platform against the surface of Xuwu's body, almost knocking it over.

False and angry, he glared at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan raised his head: "The scars left by heaven's punishment on your body are not light. Why, do you want me to leave something for you?"

With a flick of his tail, he flew the point away from the platform and rushed towards Lu Yuan.

Jialan Zhiluo sighed, from ancient times to the present, who has broken through the ancestral realm and been protected by the Three Realms and Six Paths? This is probably the first one.

However, most of the cultivators they had seen break through to the ancestral realm were in the Beginning Space and were unable to help. This situation was rare.

The starry sky is shaking.

Although the beauty Mavis cannot match the strength of the beast, she has more than just strength.

Not to mention Lu Yuan, he could stop Xuwu plus the powerful beast on his own, but now he only stopped one Xuwu, it was not difficult.

Lu Yin was focused on nothing. When the brilliance reached its peak and suddenly dissipated, the Wuji Power Realm also dissipated. Then, the brilliance reappeared and he took the second step of the Wuji Power Realm. Breaking through the Infinite Ancestor World was actually the Wuji Power Realm. third step.

If you integrate yourself with the infinite ancestral world, it is no longer the ancestral world, and you are actually equivalent to a creature in the infinite ancestral world.

The brilliance suddenly spread and went out towards the entire universe. In an instant, it passed by Xuwu, Li Beast, past Lu Yuan, Beauty Mebis, Jialan Zhiluo, past the distant stars, and finally slowly disappeared.

All eyes turned to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was looking at his hand. He succeeded. The Infinite Inner World successfully broke through to the Infinite Ancestor World, and he also felt the surging power. It was the essence of power similar to Xuanyuan. In fact, the Wuji Realm It is also an excess. If it were not for this excess, even if we break through to the Infinite Ancestor World, the changes would not be too great.

Maybe it won't cause disasters to beasts and other creatures.

This is different now.

He seemed to have walked a path of strength that no human being had ever walked before.

Just like the ancient gods created the battle energy and field of the Palm, and created the lineage of giants in the Beginning Space.

The nature of his power has never been seen in humans, not even the red-faced Mavis.

He created a new path for mankind to cultivate power.

At the same time, the Biluo Heavenly Palace was also completed at the moment of the transformation of the Infinite Ancestor World. In fact, it should not be said that it was completed, it can only be said that it is ready for use.

In the eyes of Lu Yuan and others, although Lu Yin's appearance did not change at this moment, his gaze became deeper. Standing there, he felt like he was blocking everything.

Moreover, Lu Yin's hair seemed to be longer, and there seemed to be some kind of air current flowing around his body.

"Xiao Qi, is it done?" Lu Yuan asked.

Lu Yin looked at Lu Yuan: "Ancestor, help me hold them back for a while, and I will beat them up soon."

The force beast understood and roared angrily.

The beauty Mavis glanced at Lu Yin. At this moment, Lu Yin gave her the feeling that he was too similar to a force beast.

Lu Yin released the Infinite Ancestor World, and then shrank instantly. His body looked unchanged, but he had already formed the Infinite Ancestor World into the Infinite Power Realm, covering his whole body. Because the Biluo Heavenly Palace was already available, there would be no need to use Infinite Ancestor in the future. The world comes to restore strength.

The next moment, the starry sky was released from the heart. Jialan Zhiluo's eyelids twitched when he saw it. How much power does this guy have? Where did it come from?

Lu Yin did not practice Biluo Heavenly Palace alone, and he could not do it. After all, the ancestor's practice of Biluo Heavenly Palace was constantly carving, and he did not have that much time.

However, the starry sky in the heart fills this gap. What is the difference between the stars and the depiction?

When the starry sky spread out from the heart, the starry sky shook, shocking Lu Yuan and the others.

They saw an incredible scene.

In all directions where stars should have been, streams of light appeared, as if the universe was contained in one space. That space was the Biluo Heavenly Palace, and the stars were sculptures. They experienced a familiar feeling.

That is the feeling of Biluotian Palace.

Lu Yuan was overjoyed: "Xiao Qi, have you mastered the Biluo Heavenly Palace?"

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up: "Ancestor, I said that the opportunity to master the Biluo Heavenly Palace is to break through the world of Infinite Ancestors. Okay, let them come. I also want to test how powerful I am now."

Beauty Mavis was the first to get out of the way. She wanted to see how powerful Lu Yin was.

Lu Yin, with his combat power that had just broken through the level of the ancestral realm, could fight against the guardians of the four directions, which was equivalent to leapfrogging against the Beginning Realm. The Three Realms and Six Paths could all leapfrog the level and fight against the Beginning Realm, but they were strong in sequence rules.

It is equivalent to saying that Lu Yin is already on the same level as them.

Among the three realms and six realms, which one is not gifted? Which one is not impressive in the past, but to be caught up by a junior like Lu Yin, although he is happy, he also feels aggrieved.

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