Star Odyssey

Chapter 3242 Source

"Who did you learn this gesture from?" Lu Yin asked.

Limon was puzzled and continued to like it.

Lu Yin gave a thumbs up: "Who did you learn this gesture from?"

The force beast looked at Lu Yin's thumb and fell into deep thought.

"Have you ever heard of Baiyun City?" Lu Yin asked.

The force beast shook his head.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Have you ever seen a rabbit that likes to step on people's heads?"

Lishou's eyes lit up and he continued to like it.

Lu Yin understood, it was indeed the rabbit.

"Where's the rabbit?"

Limon shook his head, and then explained a lot of actions.

It took a while for Lu Yin to realize that the rabbit suddenly appeared and wanted to step on the force beast. Who was the force beast? It is an extremely powerful creature that surpasses the three realms and six realms like the beauty Mebis. Even if the masters of the Seven Gods of the Eternal Race come across it, they will not be able to please it. How can a rabbit step on it?

The rabbit was caught and beaten wildly. The beast did not kill it, but just teased it. This gesture was learned from the rabbit.

The rabbit later escaped, and the force beast didn't chase it. It couldn't be chased. The rabbit traveled directly through parallel time and space, and the force beast couldn't find which parallel time and space it was in.

Lu Yin originally thought that force beasts were related to the earth, and now this answer is not unexpected.

Having said that, that rabbit was really capable, running away like crazy for fear of being caught by Baiyun City.

After asking this question, Lu Yin turned around and stared at Xuwu.

Xuwu was suspended in the air, patting his tail from time to time like a dead fish.

Seeing Lu Yin suddenly staring over, he panicked, then he curved his mouth and smiled, trying not to show his big white teeth, raised his tail, and gave Lu Yin a thumbs up.

Lu Yin pursed his lips and still stared at it without saying anything.

The force beast blinked behind him, looking at it curiously, with a sense of gloating about his misfortune.

It and Xuhuan had just met and had a fight, and now they were inseparable.

Xuwang became more and more panicked. His tail was raised and he gave Lu Yin crazy praises.

Lu Yin frowned: "How can you tell?"

He was thinking about a question. When Tianxun saw Xuwu for the first time, he said that Xuanyuan did not belong to this universe. How did Tianxun see it?

The Guardian Envoy of the Four Directions must have a way to see the characteristics of creatures that do not belong to this universe, and even find them. Otherwise, how could it pursue the Great Elder Shan Gu? How did Tianci find the hiding place of the Lost Tribe?

Lu Yin wanted to find out the reason.

He hopes to eradicate these two scourges by seeing the qualities that do not belong to this universe, and in turn looking for God's gifts and graces.

But he looked at it for several days and couldn't see anything.

Xuwu also praised him with his tail for several days, and he was very tired.

It always felt that it had not been beaten, which was why it kept giving likes. Otherwise, it would have been beaten long ago when Lu Yin stared at it like this.

Thinking of this, he looked at Limon gratefully. This action was taught by Limon.

Lu Yin went to Ancestor Lu Yuan, to Jialan Zhiluo, to Wu Tian and the others, and to many people, but he couldn't find that kind of quality.

He even spoke to the one true God.

"Do you want to find the Sifang Guardian Envoy through this method?"

"Find them and eradicate them. Isn't this what the Eternals want to see? Human beings and the guardians from all directions are inseparable and must decide the outcome."

"It's a pity that I don't know either their location or their characteristics. But you, your aura has changed a bit. Are you an Inner World Pozu again?"

Lu Yin's changes could not be hidden from the One True God, and he had no intention of hiding it.

Not only the One True God, but also the Arrow God and the others could see that Lu Yin actually had a breathtaking temperament at this moment, and this temperament put pressure on them.

The Forgotten God believes that she is no match for Lu Yin in a one-on-one fight.

Lu Yin left and went to the city where the Lost Clan was bloodbathed.

God sent a bloodbath in a city to provoke Lu Yin and start a full-scale war. As he expected, the war did begin, but he did not take advantage. In today's universe, the Tianshang Sect still has the upper hand.

Walking in the city, you can still smell the smell of blood.

The lost tribesmen can now return to their time and space openly and openly. This city has been abandoned, but there are still people staying here. It is Xianwuji.

The lost people have their own unique funeral style for the deceased. The funeral situation looks similar to a trap. It can be regarded as the tomb of the lost people. Outside each tomb is a card. The card is exactly what the deceased used during his lifetime. .

There is a card engraved on Shan Fangyi's tomb.

Xu Wuji hugged the wine jar and leaned against the tomb, muttering something to himself. There was also a box at his feet, which Shan Fangyi had asked Lu Yin to bring to him.

At that time, Lu Yin was curious about what was in the box, but it was the secret between Xu Wuji and Shan Fangyi.

Lu Yin walked behind Xu Wuji and looked at Shan Fangyi's tomb.

The engraved cards are actually equivalent to the inscriptions of the lost tribesmen. The most important thing for each lost tribesman is the card.

Lu Yin looked at the card for a long time and saluted slowly, expressing his respect for Shan Fangyi and for those who died in the Lost Tribe.

Although it has nothing to do with him, it can be regarded as his failure to protect the missing people.

Since he joined the Tianshang Sect, he had the responsibility to protect them, but he failed to do it.

"I'm sorry." Lu Yin's voice was heavy, echoing in the empty abandoned city.

Xu Wuji put down the wine jar, raised his hand to push up his sunglasses, and wanted to get up, but because he drank too much wine, he failed to stand up and fell to the ground.

Lu Yin looked at him.

He also wanted to stand up, but he tried several times and failed.

"I'm sorry, Master Lu, I can't stand up anymore." Niu Wuji laughed bitterly.

Lu Yin looked at Xu Wuji and said, "Sorry."

Xuan Wuji waved his hand: "Practitioner, life and death are too normal. There is nothing to be sorry for. You have done a good job, really good. If it were others, they might have given up on the Lost Clan long ago. Lord Lu, you owe me nothing. anyone."

Lu Yin slowly sat down, just sitting on the ground, sitting in front of Xu Wuji: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Xu Wuji laughed and shook his head: "It's not uncomfortable, we will meet one day."

"Your sunglasses fell off." Lu Yin said.

Xu Wuji raised his hand to rub his eyes, and touched his sunglasses. The sunglasses did not fall off. He smiled bitterly again, picked up the wine jar and took a big sip, which was very satisfying.

Lu Yin looked around: "I will definitely take revenge, for sure."

Xu Wuji threw the wine jar out, smashed it to the ground, and broke into pieces. He took off his sunglasses and stared at Lu Yin with a very serious expression: "To be sure is revenge, to be unsure is to commit suicide. I have done something to commit suicide before."

What he meant was that he rushed towards Tianci here, and Shan Zheng also attacked at the same time, but the two of them failed to hurt Tianci at all. Tianci grabbed him one by one and crushed his head directly at the beginning of the battle. If Lu Yin hadn't been prepared The flow of light reversed for a second, and he was dead.

"Master Lu, you shouldn't have saved me." Xu Wuji took out a jar of wine from the Ningkong Ring, picked it up and drank it.

Lu Yin said: "I feel very bad about not being able to save these people."

Xu Wuji sighed: "You shouldn't save me, but I still want to say thank you to you."

Lu Yin didn't answer and looked at Shan Fangyi's tomb in silence.

After a while, Lu Yin finally spoke: "Tell me about your story."

Xu Wuji fell to the ground on his back: "What's there to say?"

"Where is that box? What does it contain? I brought it to you." Lu Yin said.

Xian Wuji looked at the sky with a look of confusion: "I have a card, a lost tribe card, an ancient seven-star card - Night, obtained from the last three sections."

"I'm that weird guy who flexes his muscles in the first three quarters, lets himself go, and then draws out the cards."

Lu Yin was not surprised. When Xu Wuji told him about the first three chapters of the Lost Clan and listed several ways to obtain cards, including singing, composing poems, expressing wishes, and even strengthening muscles, at that time he It felt like the one with bright muscles was Xu Wuji, and it was indeed him.

Xu Wuji slowly recounted the entire process from acquaintance to Shan Fangyi's acquaintance.

The process was not long. Shan Fangyi was still called Fangyi at that time, and she was a member of the Lost Clan. The Lost Clan was exclusive, and it was impossible for her to have many opportunities to come into contact with Wuji.

And what ignited their love was the first three quarters.

Xu Wuji did not show off his muscles to attract cards, but to attract Shan Fangyi. Weird to say, Shan Fangyi especially likes muscular men. On that day, Xu Wuji was ridiculed by countless people in Xu Shen Space and Lost Clan Space Time, but only Attracted Shan Fangyi.

From then on, I fell in love.

But this relationship is not allowed by the Lost Clan, so they can only interact secretly, pretending to be affectionate on the surface, Xu Wuji directly calls Xiaofang, but in fact it is to relax the Lost Clan's vigilance, sometimes the more affectionate they show, the less annoying they are. Doubtful, and their exchange of tokens is fraught with pitfalls.

No matter what, Niu Wuji is an extremely powerful person, and the Lost Clan must also give them face, so as not to completely prevent them from interacting with each other, they can at least exchange tokens.

What Xiu Wuji asked Lu Yin to bring to Shan Fangyi was a sculpture of a man showing off his muscles and a token of their love, but what Shan Fangyi asked Lu Yin to hand over to Xiu Wuji was a trap. If you open it, something will happen, just to prevent it. A random inspection was carried out by the missing people. Inside the trap was Shan Fangyi's token.

Express their feelings to each other by exchanging tokens.

These experiences made Lu Yin admire: "This is a purely spiritual love between you."

Xu Wuji rolled his eyes, smashed the wine jar in his hand into the distance, and made a loud noise: "Fuck++, who wants to do this? It's not the Lost Clan who forced it. Fortunately, you talked it through with the Lost Clan some time ago. By being connected and no longer so exclusive, Xiaofang and I can be together and be recognized by the lost tribe."

"The lost people are hiding in groups. I am one of the few people who knows this city. I have been here several times, and each time I get together with Xiaofang for a short time. However, I never expected that the last time I came here was to say goodbye forever. No, not even a farewell."

Listening to Xu Wuji's words, Lu Yin's eyes dimmed. The love that had been cultivated was suddenly torn apart, and humans and heaven were separated forever. Of course he knew this pain.

What is the difference between Ming Yan's current situation and her death?

But he is happier than Xu Wuji. Ming Yan is at least not dead yet, but Shan Fangyi is really dead.

Godsend, this debt will definitely be repaid.

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