Star Odyssey

Chapter 3248 That person

After hearing Lu Yin's answer, the redness in Crazy Lu's eyes faded a bit, and he felt as if his trick had succeeded, and he laughed sarcastically.

What would old ghost Lu Yuan think if he died at the hands of the most outstanding descendant of the Lu family? Although everyone wishes to die, if he really dies, can old ghost Lu Yuan really let go? This is the greatest harm he has brought to old ghost Lu Yuan. Once old ghost Lu Yuan has a thorn in his heart, it will not be a good thing for himself, the Lu family, and this most outstanding descendant.

Lu Yin's crazy laughter made Lu Yin sick, and his eyes were filled with disgust: "Who is it?"

Madman Lu smiled foolishly and said in a low voice: "Under that kind of situation, we can run through the past and present, and push forward through the years. How many such strong people are there?"

"And how many people can know your crisis and take immediate action in that situation?"

"Having the great power that runs through the past and present, integrating your own power into one, and seeing through the years and the future, can I help you once. For that person, that time is a testimony of the flow of his own power through the long river of time. That power always follows you, so Only then can you take action at that moment, no matter how late you are, because that power will always be with you."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed sharply and he was shocked: "Death - God."

Madman Lu raised his head and said hoarsely: "Hahahaha, I still can't understand that ancient battle. At that time, the God of Death could clearly win. He broke through the beginning and became invincible in the universe. No one is his opponent, even the only true god. It was hard to do anything to him, he was too powerful, his death aura was too powerful, most of the masters who surrounded and killed him died, and by that time the Eternals had already given up."

"But he struck out one palm, and that one strike was empty. I still don't understand why the God of Death would strike empty in that situation."

"I don't even understand why he was defeated even if he missed the target with just one palm."

After saying that, Madman Lu looked at Lu Yin, with inquiry and sarcasm in his eyes: "Now I understand, that palm was not missed. He penetrated the long river of time and saved your life with the supreme power of the Beginning Realm. The passage of time is just a moment to him, but to a master like the One True God, it can be forever."

"Just because of that palm, he was defeated. He obviously had invincible power. He was finally torn into pieces and died in dismemberment. Hahahaha. Boy, you will never be finished with this kindness. You will never be finished with it. Hahahaha."

"Kill me, kill me--"

Lu Yin stared blankly at Madman Lu's crazy eyes, as if he could see the ancient battle.

Why? Why did the God of Death pay such a high price to save himself? Torn apart, dead in pieces, why? Why?

In front of his eyes, Patriarch Lu Yuan appeared and slapped Crazy Lu with his palm.

Crazy Lu's pupils shrank sharply and he stared at Patriarch Lu Yuan: "No--"


The head exploded, blood stained the sky red, and Lu Yin woke up. He looked at the body of Madman Lu falling down, and looked in front of him. It was ancestor Lu Yuan.


Ancestor Lu Yuan looked at Lu Yin with complicated eyes and said apologetically: "Xiao Qi, this is between him and me. I'm sorry for involving you. As for what he said, don't take it seriously. No one can confirm it."

Lu Yin's face turned pale and he swallowed: "The day the God of Death disappeared, where was he?"

Lu Yuan's body was shaken and he didn't answer.

Lu Yin asked eagerly: "Ancestor, where is Crazy Lu? Where was he that day?"

"Where else could it be, of course in the land and sky realm." Patriarch Lu Yuan replied.

Lu Yin shook his head, his eyes dull: "No, Ancestor, you lied to me. He is not in the Land of Heaven. He is with the God of Death, right?"

Lu Yuan frowned: "How could he be with Chu Heizi? You are overthinking it. Ever since he was tested by Gu Yizhi to test his fighting spirit in the Palm Realm, I locked him in the Lu Tian Realm and never let him out again."

Lu Tianyi came over: "Ancestor, Xiao Qi is the Taoist Master of Tianshang Sect. He is the Master of the First Space at this moment. There is no need to lie to him."

Lu Yuan turned around and glared at Lu Tianyi.

Needless to say, Lu Yin already knew.

Crazy Lu was at the God of Death that day, so he saw that battle, and what he said was true.

Lu Tianyi had a complicated look on his face: "The God of Death, did you really die to save Xiao Qi?"

Lu Yin looked at Lu Yuan, eager to get a negative answer.

Lu Yuan sighed: "I don't know, I wasn't there that day, otherwise Chu Heizi would not have disappeared. But that day, he was indeed with Chu Heizi. He was tested by Gu Yizhi to test his palm realm fighting spirit. After I picked him up, he I want to ask Chu Heizi to help train him, Chu Heizi is ruthless and can control him, just like I did when I sent Tianyi to apprentice with Chu Yi."

"But I didn't expect that this time would be our farewell forever."

"I don't know how Chu Heizi disappeared. I don't know whether he is dead or alive. I only know that he can't know Xiao Qi, and he doesn't have the power to see through the future, because even now I can't see through the future. That requires Building bridges in the long river of time is not just about mastering the power of time, and Chu Heizi should not have this power."

"Now that I think about it, it was also at that time that Madman Lu was bewitched by the Eternals and became Red Back."

After speaking, he raised his hand and put it on Lu Yin's shoulder: "Xiao Qi, don't be mentally burdened. The possibility of Chu Heizi saving you is less than 1%. Crazy Lu said this just to burden you, just like him Hope that dying in your hands makes me feel burdened, and to say the least, even if Chu Heizi really saved you, it only means that you are worth it. You don’t understand Chu Heizi. He only does what he thinks is right, even if he is with It doesn’t matter if anyone turns against you.”

"When he suppressed the lineage of starry sky beasts, he fought with Dahuang many times, almost to the point of life and death. He never regretted what he did."

Lu Yin stood quietly, his hands wrapped with death energy, and stared blankly.

Lu Yuan and Lu Tian left, taking away Crazy Lu's body and leaving Lu Yin alone for a while.

Lu Yin just stood there, watching the death aura floating around, thinking back to that day, that hand full of scars, was it worth it? Is he really the God of Death? Why did he want to save me?

It rained rarely in the land and sky, diluting the bloody smell on the ground.

Lu Yin looked up and saw that the rain had not separated and was just dripping on him, giving him a slight chill.

Crazy Lu’s words kept echoing.

'At that time it was clear that the God of Death could win. He had broken through the Beginning Realm and was invincible in the universe. ’

‘He is too powerful, the death energy is too powerful. ’

'Because of that palm, he was defeated. He obviously had invincible and powerful power, and finally he was torn into pieces and died. ’

Lu Yin looked at the rain covering the sky and the earth, as if he saw the long river of time. Through the long river of time, he saw a lonely back. Beside him was a Gou Lian, his hands were covered with scars, and his thin body faced the endless starry sky. The giant beast, with its own power, can crush the sky.

Death, is it really you?

Lu Yin returned to Tianshang Sect and stayed in the back mountain for several days without seeing anyone.

A few days later, the King of the Second Night came to report: "Reporting to the Taoist Master, we have found the whereabouts of the traitor Wuhen. Lord Qingping has arrested him."

Traceless? Lu Yin was quite impressed with this person.

On the surface, he was controlled by Da Heng, who allowed him to break through to the strongest level at the cost of finding landscape paintings and rocks. He eventually belonged to Da Heng and was coerced by Da Heng to do things.

After his confrontation with Da Heng, this person secretly took refuge in him and helped him scheme against Da Heng.

In fact, his true identity is the Dark Son of the Eternal Tribe, and relying on himself to deal with Daheng may be his way of provoking a war between the strongest humans. Unfortunately, what this person can do is too limited, and the list of Dark Sons has been confirmed to be true. The last thing he could do.

He could only do that one step and complete the last step by being exposed. There was no news about this person again.

Senior Brother Qingping will have no problem arresting this person. Lu Yin is very clear about this person's strength.

After a while, Wuhen was captured and brought to Tianshang Sect.

After all, he was an extremely powerful person. Even if he was confirmed to have betrayed humanity, he would still be brought to Lu Yin for a look.

Lu Yin looked at the miserable and dejected Wuhen in front of him. For a moment, he had nothing to ask. He waved his hand and was led away.

The extremely powerful people in the past were very valuable, but to Lu Yin, the extremely powerful people today were just high-level cultivators. Neither Wuhen nor Yao Lan had any interest in letting him handle it personally.

He finally understood some things in the past.

Why did he offend some people when his strength was very low, but those people didn't take action against him? It wasn't because he couldn't do it, but because he didn't want to do it.

It feels like ants crawling on your feet. You can just kick them off, but you can't catch them and trample them to death.

That kind of disregard is actually the root cause of many people's comebacks.

If the Eternals had seen today's situation, how could they have allowed themselves to grow.

They say that human beings have too many weaknesses because of their emotions. In fact, it is the same for all living creatures, except for instinct.

Hungry beasts will not let you go just because you are an ant, they need to eat.

Lu Yin looked at the distant starry sky. In fact, the people in that time and space looked more like beasts to him. Then, why didn't they take action earlier? Before the second Tianshang Sect appeared in the Beginning Space, when the Six Directions Huishang was fighting to the death with the Eternals, they took action with no disadvantages. Why not?

And Bai Xian'er, if she had recovered Weinu's strength earlier, she could have killed her a long time ago. How could she have allowed herself to escape and grow to this point?

Even now, once she fully regains her strength as a virgin, she should be able to hunt him down.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. He could probably see clearly the purpose of the Eternals and the Guardians of the Four Directions, but he couldn't see human nature clearly.

On this day, a person appeared in the Second Era Land, Ye Bo.

Ye Bo was naturally Lu Yin in disguise. He told the Three Realms and Six Paths about his cultivation of divine power, but before he completely defeated the Eternals, he did not plan to tell everyone to prevent instability in people's hearts.

When Yebo appeared and was not dealt with by Wu Tian and the others, both the Eternals and the humans knew who he was, but just like Yebo's own mask, he could see the truth clearly and tell the truth clearly. is different.

On top of the black mother tree, the only true god looked into the distance, watching Ye Bo approaching step by step.

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