Star Odyssey

Chapter 3265: Can’t give in

No one can stop the only true god. He brought the remaining masters of the Eternal Tribe to the bone boat.

At this moment, the bone boat is being held back by the ancestor of the super giant, and on the other side is Wujiang.

The only true god took the ancient gods and others into the bone boat.

The ancestor of the super giant slapped it down, but it turned out to be nothing.

What a power that is.

The only true god obviously has too many restrictions, otherwise one person and one sword can dominate the battlefield. Even so, no one can stop him if he wants to leave now.

"You don't seem to understand that the True God's Immortal Art is not to make other people immortal, but to make me immortal." The only true god stood on the bone boat, facing the entire ancient city battlefield. On his forehead, seeds appeared again, turning into immortal gods and the others. .

The six dead strong men reappeared.

For Lu Yin and the others, it would be useless even if these six people were resurrected. In the battle at Taikoo City, the Eternals would be defeated, but the only true god is not stupid. He can see what humans can see even more.

Feng Bo and the others resurrected from the dead for the second time, not to fight, but to do something that no one could understand, using their own power to continuously penetrate the void.

Lu Yin couldn't understand, but knew he had to stop it.

Lu Yuan, Wu Tian, ​​and Chu Yi all attacked Gu Zhou.

The tengu appeared, suddenly enlarged in size, almost the same as a bone boat, and roared to the sky, barking.

Many attacks all hit the surface of the Tengu's body. The Tengu looked in pain, but he managed to hold on.

Outside the bone boat, corpse kings appeared one after another, launching attacks and penetrating the void. Gradually, a familiar building appeared.

Lu Yin looked at the bone boat with a sharp look. Is that infinite power?

The undead gods who were resurrected from the dead joined forces with the corpse king who came out of the bone boat, and what they jointly constructed was the original treasure formation-infinite power.

Infinite power is the original treasure formation used by the Fifth Continent to resist the invasion of the Eternals. It comes from Huizu and has blocked the Eternals for countless years for the Fifth Continent.

No one expected that in the end, the Eternals would learn infinite power and rely on it to block the bone boat.

The tengu wailed, shrank in size, and was driven into the bone boat.

At this time, the infinite power was completely formed and shrouded outside the bone boat, which was much smaller compared to it.

The only true god clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the battlefield of Taikoo City: "Hui Wen's infinite power blocked our Eternal Clan, but after so many years, we have done nothing. After testing again and again, we finally figured out the composition of infinite power."

Lu Yin recalled the scene that happened in the top realm. The Corpse God attacked the entire starry sky of the tree. Each half-ancestor and even the ancestral realm input star source into the infinite power to resist the Eternals.

At that time, he had doubts. The Eternals knew that it was useless, otherwise they would have broken the infinite power, so why did they still do it?

Only now did he understand that it turned out to be the case. The Eternals were exploring the composition of infinite power. Infinite power could help humans resist the invasion of the Eternals, which showed how powerful they were. At this moment, the masters of the Seven Gods Heaven level combined with the people in the bone boat could fight against the Taikoo City. The power of the infinite power built by the Corpse King must far exceed that of the Starry Sky in the Tree.

Not on the same level.

Under the Taikoo City, the flame was absorbed into the palm of Chen Zu, and he struck the infinite power original treasure formation composed of many masters of the Eternal Clan with one palm.

The infinite power of the starry sky in the tree has five major formation bases, and the infinite power in front of you also has five major formation bases, namely Ruins End, Emperor Qiong, Immortal God, Witch Spirit God and Feng Bo.

The infinite power of the starry sky of the tree is built on the mother tree, and the infinite power in front of you is built on the corpse god.

The corpse kings of the Eternal Clan walked on top of the formation one by one, facing the outside of the bone boat.

Outside the infinite power, a barrier formed by the combined power of all Eternals masters appears, similar to the barrier in the Starry Sky that separates the battlefield on the back and the top world.

No matter where you look at it, apart from the difference in power and size, there is no difference in infinite power.

The difference in power is precisely the biggest difference.

The infinite power barrier of the Tree Starry Sky can only prevent people in the upper world from seeing the battlefield behind, forming a line of sight. The other is to isolate the divine power. However, the infinite power barrier in front of it can withstand Chen Zu's palm without any damage.

This infinite power barrier absorbs the power of all the current masters of the Eternal Clan, and gathers and circulates it in the infinite power original treasure formation. As the name suggests, it has infinite power and is integrated into one body.

Lu Yuan, Wu Tian, ​​and Chu Yi all took action together, using the power of the ancestor of the super giant, the power of the beauty Mavis, and the power of Lu Yin.

It is difficult for all human masters to break the barrier.

There are a lot of human masters, but they cannot be integrated. They are all scattered, and they will suffer too much in the face of unlimited power.

"Who invented this original treasure formation? The power flows endlessly and is completely natural." The ancestor of the super giant said bitterly. He slapped the bone boat with a palm, but it was blocked by the infinite power. At most, it caused ripples, but his The force formed a reaction force, pushing the bone boat further.

Lu Yin frowned. At this moment, he felt the feeling of being Huizu's enemy. It was very uncomfortable to be targeted by Huizu's wisdom.

It can be said that humanity was able to make a comeback in this war, thanks to Huizu.

And Huizu also contributed a lot to his ability to reach this point.

Humanity is so lucky to have a wise ancestor.

He walked up to Lu Yuan and others, and the starry sky spread in his heart, encompassing the bone boat, Wujiang, and even the Taikoo City. He looked at the masters of the Eternal Clan in the bone boat, and looked at the only true god to see whether he was infinitely powerful or powerful. Biluotian Palace is powerful.

It is also an endless source of power.

At this moment, the bells roared, shaking Taikoo City.

Lu Yin felt as if he had been hit with a stick on the head and almost fainted.

Not only him, nearly half of the human masters fainted on the battlefield of Taikoo City.

In the distance, above the Taikoo City, old monster Yuan Qi coughed up blood. In front of him, Mr. Mu stepped on a bell and made a cracking sound.

The bell that just rang was the wail of a bell. It turned out that the old monster couldn't withstand Mr. Mu's attack after all, and was severely injured. He couldn't even care that the bell was about to break, so he turned around and ran away.

Mr. Mu hurriedly chased after him. If the old monster Yuan Qi was allowed to escape this time, it would be a disaster in the future.

It turns out that the old monster is the most powerful man in this battlefield after the only true god. Not just anyone can fight Mr. Mu. Even if he is the guardian of the four directions, Mr. Mu regards him as a waste and has not watched Butterfly Tianen from the beginning to the end. One glance.

The last loud sound of the old monster bell that was about to break shook the Taikoo City, causing Lu Yin's brain to go blank for a moment. At that moment, the bone boat escaped.

When Lu Yin came back to his senses, there was no shadow of the bone boat in front of him. The old monster and Mr. Mu had all disappeared.

The battlefield in Taikoo City was silent. Everyone looked at the blank sky of stars, their hearts sinking to the bottom.

Disappeared, the bone boat disappeared, and the Eternals still have so many masters left, it is not considered a defeat at all. As long as they exist, humans will be in fear.

After getting rid of the huge Eternals system, the remaining masters may pose a greater threat to mankind.

Lu Yin was unwilling to give in. The fight had obviously reached this point. Why should the Eternal Clan escape? What did the sacrifices of each cultivator in Taikoo City, Burial Garden, and Tianshang Sect count? Huizu, what does the sacrifice of the Great Heavenly Lord count? No, we can't let them escape.

Lu Yuan stepped forward: "Xiao Qi, you did your best."

The bone boat escaped, coupled with the unlimited power, even Lu Yuan, Chu Yi and other Beginning Realm masters had no hope of catching him, and even if they did, there was nothing they could do.

This result is acceptable to many people. After all, not long ago, the Taikoo City was on the verge of being broken. Now, the Eternal Race has lost quite a few masters, leaving behind the Black Mother Tree.

Lu Yin couldn't accept it. The era of Tianshang Sect was destroyed. The human masters went through life and death and tried their best to achieve an advantage. But the result was like this. For the only true god, there was no loss at all. Huizu's calculations were wasted by them. Due to Tianzun's sacrifice, the Six Paths of Reincarnation will eventually disappear. As long as he does not die, all losses can be made up with time. This is something Lu Yin cannot accept no matter what.

Wait, time?

Lu Yin looked resolutely and said in a low voice: "Why didn't the ancestors reverse the course of time?"

Lu Yuan's eyelids twitched: "Xiao Qi, what do you want to do?"

Lu Yin turned to look at Lu Yuan: "I want to break my ancestors."

Lu Yuan was stunned, Pozu? Lu Yin has four inner worlds, three of which have been destroyed, and the last one is left. That inner world involves the power of time.

"You want to reverse the flow of time with the flow of light? You can't do that, Xiao Qi. What Master said makes sense. You can't reverse the flow of time." Lu Yuan hurriedly stopped him.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the vast sky of stars: "Eternal death makes me feel uneasy. This is my inner demon."

Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed. "Inner demon" is an abstract word, but for practitioners, it is a disaster.

Once a cultivator has inner demons, he will inevitably endure the disasters caused by the inner demons.

Why do so many practitioners dare not break their oaths? It is because they cannot restrain the inner demons caused by breaking their oaths. Although the inner demons are invisible and have no external force, they are a denial of themselves.

The negation of outsiders cannot compare to the negation of oneself.

If you have denied yourself, how can you break through yourself?

"Fertile soil, his path is different from ours." Wu Tian reminded.

Beauty Mavis, Jialan Zhiluo, they all looked at Lu Yin on the first day of the new year with complicated eyes.

Lu Yuan suddenly turned back and looked at the underground of Taikoo City: "Master, Zhu Zhu wants to reverse the course of time."

No sound came out, the ancestor was silent.

This silence may be good or bad, no one can tell clearly.

Or perhaps, the ancestors knew they couldn't stop Lu Yin.

Lu Yin exhaled, and the stream of light appeared, turned into a boat, and headed towards the starry sky. It was time to break through the entire inner world into the ancestral world.

The four ancestral worlds break through one by one, and each breakthrough brings about transformation. I wonder if Liuguang's transformation can really allow him to reverse the course of time.

It stands to reason that Lu Yuan during the Tianshang Sect era had already wanted to reverse the course of time to save his son, but was stopped by the First Ancestor.

Lu Yuan's strength at that time was similar to Lu Yin's strength now. Lu Yin should be able to reverse the course of time even without the help of Liuguang.

But Lu Yin had never tried it before, and he didn't know what to do.

Breaking through again and again, the intervals were so short that he could not recognize his own strength. Breaking through the Liuguang Ancestor World was the safest way.

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