Star Odyssey

Chapter 3270 Overbearing Exclusion

Lu Yin didn't have time to think about the vision now. A small boat of light appeared beside him, his eyes were firm, it was time.

As the light boat floats away into the distance, ripples appear in the void. They are not the residual power caused by power, but real ripples, like water flow. As the light boat speeds faster and faster, the water flow becomes more and more obvious. Finally, in front of everyone, Disappeared under the gaze.

Also missing was Lu Yin.

"Xiao Qi." Lu Yuan was worried.

On the side, Wu Tian exclaimed: "That is crossing the long river of time. Time and space have always been around us and have never disappeared, but ordinary people cannot see it."

"That small boat can cross the long river of time, cross it, and disappear with the pillar. This is not a reversal, but a shuttle."

Chu Yi's face was solemn: "Crossing the long river of time and traveling to any point in time, this is the ability of that small boat."

On the battlefield of Taikoo City, everyone was amazed that they actually had the ability to cross the long river of time. Most of them had reached the level of sequence rules, but there were very few who had actually seen the long river of time.

The Three Realms and Six Paths can cross the long river of time, but they dare not do it because of the ancestor. It does not mean that other people are also for this reason.

Most people cannot cross the long river of time, and even if someone occasionally tries, the end will be extremely miserable.

Just like Lu Yin could fight in the Sequence Rules and even the Beginning Realm before, killing Sanqing and Liuhao, but that only meant that he had high combat power, but it did not mean that he could do what the Beginning Realm could do.

Before breaking the ancestors, Lu Yin didn't know how to save Ming Yan, but the moment he succeeded in breaking the ancestors, he understood.

It would be too simple if realms were divided entirely based on combat power.

Realm determines combat power, not combat power determines realm.

Sometimes even if the combat power is achieved, it is still in vain if the realm is not reached. Once the realm reaches the level that matches the combat power, the strength it exerts will be even more terrifying, and it will be a new realm.

Lu Yin just had too big a disconnect between his combat power and his realm.

Now he has reached the ultimate level and achieved the transformation of his ancestral realm.

"Wait a minute, if he traveled to the past, crossed the long river of time, and changed the fact that the Eternals escaped, what would happen now? Wouldn't it change the present?" Someone exclaimed, it was a Taikoo City master who cut off his legs and feet, and with perseverance support.

He didn't want the past to be changed. It was good as it was now. Taikoo City was defended, and the protection of his comrades, relatives, and brothers was meaningful.

Mr. Mu's voice sounded: "Traveling through the past only changes the cause of oneself in the past. What is changed is also the result that does not affect the cause of changing the past in the future. It is like a long river winding back. It has nothing to do with others. Everything else will not change at all, even if it changes. The results in the future will happen naturally according to the passage of time, so don’t worry.”

Many people didn't understand what Mr. Mu said, but no one asked again. It always seemed to make sense.

Mr. Mu's eyes were melancholy. The past and future are unchangeable. If they could, how could his universe fail?

On the other side, Lu Yin stepped on the small boat of light, materializing the long river of time out of nothingness, crossing it, and flashing by one after another.

Crossing the long river of time is not easy, and the boat may capsize if you are not careful.

The current scene is very similar to when the eldest sister fell into the long river of time. The eldest sister lost her cultivation in the long river of time. Now, Lu Yin took the initiative to enter the long river of time and crossed up.

Seeing it, the boat suddenly stopped and everything around it changed. Pictures flashed around Lu Yin. Finally, he stood in a dark corner. Pictures flashed around him. It was the picture he had just seen across the long river of time. Before, he was standing in a dark corner. Flashback playback, now, is played sequentially, flashing by, like inserting him from the future into a scene in the past, and the scene keeps passing.

When Lu Yin came to his senses again, he was still standing in that dark corner, surrounded by a pair of scarlet vertical eyes instead of the battlefield of Taikoo City. In the front, the Witch Spirit God looked at him in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Across the years, Master Lu, you are so brave." The voice of the only true god sounded.

Here is the bone boat, surrounded by Eternal clan masters.

Lu Yin travels through the long river of time and changes his position in the past to the bone boat. When the Eternals escape, he disappears with the bone boat. All of this flows down the long river of time and cannot be changed in the middle, unless someone else crosses it. Years come.

Although Lu Yin has changed his position in the past, his breakthrough to the ancestral realm has not changed. Just like the waves of the long river of time, they will eventually flow down the river.

The one who rewinds the story is Lu Yin, otherwise he would not be able to go back to the past if he really changed the matter of Pozu.

He left the battlefield of Taikoo City with the bone boat. At this moment, apart from the masters of the Eternal Clan, Lu Yin was the only one on the bone boat.

He faced the pairs of scarlet vertical eyes around him and looked at the man covered in golden light in the depths of the bone boat: "Eternal, I'm here to send you on your way."

As soon as he finished speaking, he punched straight ahead.

This bone boat has continuously given birth to powerful corpse kings. The reason is that there are powerful biological skeletons here. With the help of the only true god's bone grafting talent, this terrifying weapon has been created that faces the Taikoo City and even suppressed the Taikoo City for a time.

Lu Yin's pursuit was not only for the One True God, but also for the Bone Boat.

If the bone boat is not destroyed, the Eternals can travel the universe with an ancient city. This powerful force is enough to make countless people despair.

In the current universe, a punch brought by the ultimate biological power directly shattered more than a dozen corpse kings in front of them.

These corpse kings are all strong in sequence rules. When Lu Yin stepped into the battlefield of Taikoo City as Ye Bo, these corpse kings were able to kill the strong men of Taikoo City one-on-one. But at this moment, under his eyes, Destroyed by fist.

Behind, several corpse kings appeared, and various sequence rules instantly filled the entire bone boat.

Lu Yin released the starry sky in his heart, and the blue sky palace surrounded the bone boat.

In an instant, all the sequence rules were rejected, and cracks appeared in the bone boat, which came from the world of nothingness where the starry sky in the heart and the universe in this area were rejected.

The only true god's eyes narrowed, the rules are not close to him? How can it be?

No one could imagine that Lu Yin, who had not yet reached the Beginning Realm, could actually stay within the rules.

Even Lu Yin himself did not expect that the starry sky in his heart would transform into the Ancestral Realm, and after accommodating all four Ancestral Worlds, it would actually reach the power that could only be found in the Beginning Realm. The rules are not close to the body.

This is equivalent to making up for the absolute gap between him and those who are strong in sequence rules and even those above the Beginning Realm.

Sequence rules were Lu Yin's shortcoming, and now this shortcoming no longer existed.

There are no sequence rules in the bone boat. This kind of rules comparable to the beginning is not overbearing and abnormal.

"No, it's not that the rules are not close to you, but that they reject the rules." The only true god stared at Lu Yin's starry sky: "This son has created a universe where rules can be born by himself. Any rules that are not accepted by him will not be accepted." It exists in that universe."

"He actually did what he didn't even do in the beginning."

Beside him, the ancient god walked out: "I'll deal with him."

On the bone boat, although these corpse kings were powerful, they were rejected by the rules. Under Lu Yin's absolute power, they were simply unable to resist.

Lu Yin looked through the starry sky at his heart and saw a huge area in the deepest part of the bone boat. There were countless skeletons densely packed in the white water. Corpse kings were constantly taking out the skeletons and pressing them on him, and his strength would transform. Those bones No less than hundreds of thousands.

That was Lu Yin's goal.

In front of his eyes, a huge palm came from the corpse god, glaring at Lu Yin with scarlet eyes.

The Corpse God has huge power, and can be almost immortal when the sequence rules are hidden in itself.

Lu Yin raised his hand, and countless soil spears appeared, shooting at the entire bone boat, another range attack.

The Corpse God was immediately pierced by the spear in the soil, and turned into an immortal seed and flew towards the only true God. The Corpse God, who had lost the sequence rules and the Mebis Sacred Tree, was so fragile in Lu Yin's eyes, so fragile that he could easily obliterate.

Seeing the immortal seeds flying towards the only true god, Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, and the stars in the starry sky in his heart suddenly shook. One of the stars blocked the immortal seeds from flying towards the only true god and hit them.


The bone boat shook, the stars shattered, and the immortal seeds also broke.

The eyes of the only true god widened sharply.

Lu Yin took one step forward and appeared next to the seed. He raised his hand to grab it. After all, this was just a technique. Why should it escape in his universe?

The seed cracked, empty and solid, and was directly grabbed by Lu Yin and crushed.

The eyes of the only true god are gloomy. The Immortal Art of the True God is an extremely powerful technique. Any creature planted with immortal seeds can be resurrected infinitely. It is an inextricable power. However, the more powerful the technique, the more limited it is. Once When the seed is broken, it brings trauma to the one true God.

Therefore, he would not use the True God's Immortality Art unless absolutely necessary. What he wanted was to survive the hardships and enter the realm of immortality after restarting the universe.

Any flaw could cause him to fail.

If human beings are destroyed and the universe can be restarted, he would rather disperse the True God Immortal Art. The universe has limits. This technique, if it reaches the limit to a certain extent, may not be tolerated by the universe.

However, during the battle in Taikoo City, he was finally forced to use this technique. It was impossible for him to try to overcome the hardship in the short term, even if the universe was restarted.

Seeing Lu Yin wantonly destroying the bone boat, the only true god looked extremely ugly.

He destroyed the extremely brilliant Tianshang Sect, which made mankind unable to lift its head. He was getting closer and closer to restarting the universe, but he was ultimately defeated at the hands of this son.

How old is this boy?

Does he really want to stop the Eternals? Prevent the spiritualized universe? No way, he couldn't do it.

Lu Yin seemed to notice the gaze of the only true god. He looked up and saw a figure standing in front of him. It was the ancient god.

The ancient god's whole body was covered with black-gray matter, and the realm of the Palm God brought extremely powerful oppression. The spear thrust out, piercing the void, tearing out a strip of darkness in the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart, spreading into the distance, shattering every star. .

Lu Yin's face was solemn, he took the soil spear and stabbed the ancient god with one shot.

Spears collided with guns, and thunder exploded, spreading in all directions, destroying large areas inside the bone boat.

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