Star Odyssey

Chapter 3272 Try

Hui Zu is not like this. In order to scheme against the Eternals and restore the decline of mankind, he sacrificed his son and ultimately himself.

Humanity's destiny, its victory, is based on the sacrifices of these people.

"Master Lu, help me bring a message to Wu Tian." The Immortal God looked at Lu Yin. In the battle at Taikoo City, he deliberately avoided Wu Tian and chose the cemetery guardian as his opponent. Maybe he didn't know how to face it, or Maybe, I don’t want to face it.

"I don't owe him anything anymore, and he doesn't owe me anything. Even if he is not imprisoned in the third disaster realm, I will not fight to the death against the Eternals for mankind. The fate of mankind is none of my business." After that, His body exploded and turned into immortal seeds, floating in front of Lu Yin's eyes.

Lu Yin looked at the seed. What didn't happen, no one knew what would happen. The Immortal God, Wu Xing, Wu Tian hoped that he would be awake. From his own standpoint, he lived more awake than anyone else.

Grab the seed, crush it, and from now on, the Immortal will never appear again.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. Hei Wushen ran away, and there was still a ruin.

In the distance, in the dark clouds, eyes are turning, that is the end of the ruins.

"I'm very surprised why you didn't use the True God Freedom Technique on the battlefield of Taikoo City." Lu Yin asked.

Xu Jin rolled his eyes, and Wu Yun turned around and ran away. He still wanted to live. As long as the seeds were not broken, he could be resurrected. Now Lu Yin was obviously no match for him in a fight to the death.

Lu Yin watched him escape, stepping backwards and paralleling time.

Everything around him was still, except for the dark cloud that was still escaping, and his eyes kept turning.

Lu Yin's body disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already blocking the front of the ruins.

He used the streamer to travel through time and space.

Xu Jin stared blankly at Lu Yin: "You have already killed me once, let me go, I am already dead."

Lu Yin looked at the ruins: "You who have been resurrected through the True God Immortal Art have many restrictions. Some of your powers cannot be used. You are not truly resurrected."

"So what, as long as you can survive." Xu Jin shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin was disappointed. He originally wanted to keep the ruins to absorb consciousness and restore the conscious planet, but he just figured out that they were not really resurrected, and the power they exerted came from the only true God, and they were all fake.

Xu Jin's current consciousness is of no help to him.

Lu Yin raised his hand and pressed it down.

The soil was crushed, and the ruins howled, and were quickly wiped out, leaving only a single seed.

Lu Yin knew them too well, and Xu had all the talents, whether he could see them or not. If he hadn't been surrounded and killed in a battle, it would not have been easy for him to kill these three Qings and Liu Haos.

It is precisely because we understand it so well that we can solve it in a devastating way.

After crushing the seeds, Lu Yin looked at the end of the bone boat, where they were left.

The bone boat continued to crack and split into two while shaking violently.

Lu Yin looked at the bone boat that was going away. On the other side were the One True God and the others.

Lu Yin frowned, where are the Forgotten God and Wang Xiaoyu? They should be there too, and Hei Wushen, he also ran away, this guy is a gift left to the only true god.

"Master Lu, I admire you for chasing down our Eternal Clan alone, destroying the Bone Boat, and almost killing all the Three Qings and Six Haos. Even Taichu may not be able to do it." The voice of the only true god sounded.

Lu Yin said indifferently: "If you were the ancestor, you wouldn't be able to survive."

The One True God smiled lightly: "Do you think you can't kill me?"

"I never thought I could kill you from the beginning. I just gave it a try to prevent the Great Heavenly Lord's sacrifice from being in vain." Lu Yin said. After speaking, he walked towards the starry sky step by step. Behind him, half of the bone boat was in pieces. As for those bones, he did not destroy them. , but take away.

"Taihong? She's just a crazy woman. Her restriction won't last long." The Only True God said.

Lu Yin stared at him: "She is indeed a crazy woman, but this crazy woman has changed history."

On the battlefield of Elysium, he did not understand the strength of the One True God, and had the urge to gather human masters to kill the One True God. However, the battle on the black mother tree in Taikoo City made him completely sober. The One True God made him unable to resist. This feeling even at this moment Pozu, he didn’t think he could change much.

The only true god is the most powerful person in this universe. Only the ancestors and Mr. Mu can fight against him. Today, he is still no match.

It's a pity that he can't lead Mr. Mu and the others across the long river of time. Crossing the long river of time can change his own direction in the past, just like the waves rolling back. He can only roll back his own waves, but cannot change others. Otherwise, it will not be crossing the long river of time, but going against the current. The consequences that need to be endured are unimaginable.

When crossing the long river of time, Mr. Mu reminded that any cause that is changed that does not belong to you will bear serious consequences.

For example, if Lu Yin brings people into the Supreme Mountain and crosses the long river of time, and the time of changing the past direction does not overlap with the person in the Supreme Mountain, he can take it with him. If the people in the Supreme Mountain have changed their own during that time, Because, once it passes through the years, it will be the result of changing others.

In other words, no one who participated in the battle of Taikoo City could be taken by Lu Yin. This was also the reason why Lu Yin entered the bone boat alone.

Facing the only true God alone is not only an attempt, but also an explanation to the Great Heavenly Lord.

If the Great Heavenly Lord hadn't sacrificed himself to trap the only true god, the outcome of the battle in Taikoo City would have been hard to say.

Even so, he had to give it a try. Regardless of whether he could kill the One True God, he would at least do it so that the sacrifice of the Great Heavenly Lord would not be in vain.

The soil covers the starry sky, coming from the starry sky at the heart. The infinite power of the stars hovers, bringing unparalleled pressure from top to bottom, pressing on the half of the bone boat of the only true God. The soil is below and the sky is above. Now that the soil is in the sky, it is bound to turn the world upside down. , Heaven-shaking palm.

This time, the Heaven-turning Palm is stronger than all the previous ones. The soil comes from the earthly ancestral world, and the power suppressed is not only the earthly ancestral world, but also the infinite power of the stars, which represents the limit of the biological power of this universe.

Next to the One True God, the Ancient God looked solemn and exhaled. He was about to take action, but was stopped by the One True God.

Looking at the top of his head, the only true god praised: "The artistic conception combat skill, when you as Lu Xiaoxuan pioneered this combat skill, I was amazed. Lu Yuan appeared in person, and the Seven Gods rushed into the starry sky of the tree. That was for you Respect, Lord Lu, whether you were in the Lu Xiaoxuan era or you were in the Lu Yin era, you have amazing talents and abilities."

"But are you underestimating me? Taihong makes it difficult for me to take action, but it doesn't mean that I can't even protect myself. The limit of the true god's heaven-changing skill is beyond your imagination." After saying that, He jumped up, stood on the broken bone boat, and let the Heaven-turning Palm land.

The Heaven-turning Palm swept across the six realms of reincarnation and hit the only true god.

The True God's Heaven Changing Technique formed a dark red light, hidden under the golden six realms of reincarnation, and was hit by the Heaven-turning Palm. The bone boat at the sole of the True God's feet cracked, and he raised his arms to support the Heaven-turning Palm, staring at Lu Yin.


The starry sky trembled, and terrifying cracks tore open the starry sky in the universe, heading towards both sides.

Lu Yin's Heaven-turning Palm failed to break the True God's Heaven-Changing Technique.

Lu Yin's current strength is extremely strong, but it has not reached the level where he can break the True God Changing Heaven Technique. Even the Beginning Realm can be sealed. Even if he can break this technique, it will take a long time.

In the battle at Taikoo City, he used the God of Death Gou Lian to join forces with Lu Yuan, but even Chen Zu couldn't break the True God's Heaven-changing Technique. This technique was too powerful in defense.

The corners of the mouth of the only true god curled up, and a wisp of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. He was not unscathed. While enduring the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Heaven-shaking Palm, the most powerful person in the universe was under pressure: "Master Lu, look over there."

Lu Yin followed the direction of the only true god's finger and saw Butterfly Tian'en.

Tian En has already separated from the bone boat and is flying towards the distance.

"You only have one chance. Either chase us or chase her. It depends on your choice." The only true god said.

In the distance, the butterfly Tian'en kept flying, but she couldn't break through this parallel time and space. She hated the one true god so much that he forced her out of the bone boat, and at the same time restricted her to this parallel time and space, fighting in her body. She is very clear about the only true god's purpose of becoming a true god.

But she couldn't escape. She was too seriously injured in the battle at Taikoo City, and the Ancient God could easily suppress her. Now she was one of Lu Yin's choices, either to hunt her down, or to hunt down the One True God and the others.

How sad that the dignified guardian envoys from all over the world were reduced to a choice in the end.

She never thought she would see this day, ever.

How could it be said that they had surrounded and killed the ancestors of mankind, dragged down the most extreme creatures in this universe, and became slaves of the omnipotent being? How could this happen? She was unwilling to give in.

She didn't want to die like Heavenly Punishment.

In the starry sky, Lu Yin watched the Bone Boat of the One True God and his companions keep moving away. Do you want to choose?

"A very interesting choice, isn't it? Master Lu." The voice of the only true god sounded.

Lu Yin looked at him and saw the ancient god and the tengu.

Two people and one dog, this is the remaining power of the Eternals. Of course, there are also the Wangxu God, Wang Xiaoyu and Hei Wushen who have disappeared without a trace.

And in the distance, there is a butterfly.

He couldn't kill the One True God. The ancient god was controlled by the One True God, so he had to help the One True God and the unbeatable Tengu.

The only true god gave him a choice because he didn't want to be watched by Lu Yin. Even though Lu Yin couldn't kill him, as long as he kept an eye on his traces, he wouldn't feel comfortable waiting for Mr. Laimu and the others.

As for Lu Yin, he was not sure that he could keep an eye on the One True God. If the One True God let the ancient gods drag him to death, he would definitely be able to run away, which was meaningless.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze from Butterfly and looked directly at the One True God: "A question."

The only true god was very interested: "Ask."

"Is everything you do now of your own free will?" Lu Yin spoke slowly, his voice not loud, but like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, it hit the mind of the only true god and the ancient god.

The ancient god subconsciously looked at the only true god.

The tengu also raised his head and looked at the one true god.

The Only True God looked deeply at Lu Yin: "It's your choice."

Lu Yin closed his eyes, let go of his hand, and let the half-bone boat carrying the One True God and the others move away. He glanced at Butterfly Tianen, his eyes cold.

In the distance, Butterfly turned around, met Lu Yin's cold eyes, and made a soft voice: "Master Lu, we haven't reached the point of fighting to the death yet."

"In my opinion, we've arrived." Lu Yin took a step forward, and the void flowed directly behind Butterfly.

At this moment, the power that restrained the butterfly from leaving this parallel time and space disappeared. The butterfly's whole body shone with light, and the light spots scattered throughout the parallel time and space, like a dream.

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