Star Odyssey

Chapter 3274 Knock on the door

"It's difficult." Butterfly said: "The spiritual universe is not weak, but it is very difficult to conquer our universe. It will take a long time to open up the two universes."

"But God's gift has been in our universe for a long time." Lu Yin said.

Butterfly was silent for a moment: "Yes."

"So, Linghua Universe may not be able to attack?"


"Come in through where?"

"The Boundary of the Universe."

"Take me there." Lu Yin said. He was very sure that Tianci was attacked and killed. Butterfly Tianen didn't know about it. At that time, there was no time for Tianci to report the news. In other words, Butterfly Tianen didn't know that he had already been to the boundary of the universe and saw it. That door.

If what she took him to was not the border, he could tell it too.

Maybe Butterfly was really afraid of death, or maybe Lu Yin was too cruel. After a while, she took Lu Yin to the border where Tianci was, and saw the door connecting the sky and the earth and the Thunder Lord guarding outside the door. .

"Jiang Feng?" Butterfly was surprised.

Outside the gate, Jiang Feng also saw Butterfly and Lu Yin: "You guys?"

Seeing Butterfly's miserable appearance, Jiang Feng laughed and said, "You were beaten quite badly, the Sifang Guard Envoy."

Butterfly didn't say anything. She was afraid. Jiang Feng was here. Obviously, Lu Yin and the others must have been here. If she had lied to Lu Yin and gone to the fake border, they would all be dead by now.

"Uncle Jiang, how about God's gift?" Lu Yin asked.

Butterfly looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng shook his head: "It didn't come out. By the way, how did you find this butterfly?"

Lu Yin told the story of the battle that took place in Taikoo City, and Jiang Feng was stunned.

There must be a decisive battle between humans and the Eternals. Jiang Feng knew this. He had been waiting for that decisive battle. He thought it would be after the four guardians were eliminated, but he did not expect that when he was guarding this gate, the decisive battle had already begun.

Lu Yin roughly talked about the decisive battle.

Jiang Feng was afraid that there were several turning points in this decisive battle. In the end, although humans won, it was a narrow victory. If there was a problem at any turning point, the outcome would be reversed.

"The sacrifice of the Great Heavenly Lord is respectable. I have heard of Huizu, but I didn't expect that he has been hiding in the Eternal Clan and played such a key role in the final battle. It is respectable and lamentable."

Lu Yin felt heavy when he mentioned the sacrificed people.

He stepped on the butterfly and approached the door: "Show your worth if you don't want to die. What's going on here?"

Butterfly did not hesitate and said directly: "Behind this door is the door to the spiritual universe, but it is quite a long distance away. Even at the speed of our original realm, it will take a long time to pass. We passed through this door at the beginning to go If you go to other universes and come back, you can easily judge whether a certain creature belongs to this universe."

"Who built this gate?"

"I really don't know this. The first time I came here, the gate already existed. Tianci and the others didn't know either."

"I have a question that I'm very curious about." Jiang Feng said, staring at the butterfly: "Do you yourself belong to this universe?"

Butterfly paused: "I belong to this universe."

"Where are the other three?"

"It doesn't belong to Heaven's Punishment, Heaven's Feng, I don't know."

Lu Yin smiled and looked at Jiang Feng. They both laughed, so sarcastically.

They are obviously guarding this universe and expelling foreign creatures, but there are actually two of the four guardians who do not belong to this universe. It is really ridiculous. From this point of view, they are not helping this universe to expel foreign enemies. They are clearly treating this universe as their own. They can enter and exit the cage freely, but people in this universe cannot exit.

Humanity showed its peak, and the ancestors were surrounded and killed when they had the slightest chance of going out.

They are not the guardians of the four directions, but the jailers, the jailers who guard this universe.

Butterfly obviously knew what would happen if she told the truth, and humans would be more hostile to them, but she didn't dare to lie.

She thinks she has a chance to survive because she has value.

How could a powerful person in the Beginning Realm be of no use?

She didn't know how Tianpu died, but with Tianpu's temper, he would definitely not be groveling. She was different. She was willing to grovel just to survive. She hadn't lived enough.

As long as you live, you have a chance to take revenge.

They were still too merciful. They should have killed all the human masters after besieging Taichu. They had the chance at that time, but unfortunately, it was too late. It was too late.

"Open the door." Lu Yin ordered coldly.

The butterfly begged: "I, I can't open the door, only God can open the door."

Lu Yin frowned: "Then what's the use of keeping you?"

Butterfly said: "I am Shijing, I can help you with anything, as long as I can do it."

"I can tell you about the spiritual universe. I know a little bit about it. Also, I can freely travel through parallel time and space and feel the creatures that do not belong to this universe. I am really helping this universe expel foreign enemies. Really , Master Lu, please believe me."

"In addition to dealing with human selfishness, we are really doing our job."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Knock on the door."

Butterfly was stunned for a moment, sensing Lu Yin's murderous intent, he could only face the door and hit it.

Seen from a distance, it is just a butterfly hitting the door at this moment. It is more miserable than a moth flying into the flame. Although the moth will be burned to death, it also has a ray of brilliance before it dies, and the butterfly hits the door, even the sound is gone. No, it was just a silent collision, just making ripples.

Lu Yin didn't know if Tianci behind the door could hear it, but if he didn't try, if the door opened again, it might be the time when the spiritual universe would go to war with this universe.

No matter how confident he was in his own universe, Lu Yin did not want to start a war. A war would mean that many, many people would die.

No one knows how many universes there are in which living things exist.

He was tired and just wanted to protect his own side of the universe.

Butterflies hit the door one after another, and the light became dimmer.

"Speak, don't you know how to knock on the door?" Lu Yin shouted.

The butterfly was sad and shouted: "Godsend, open the door, Godsend, I am Godsend, open the door, Godsend..."

Jiang Feng was weird. He always felt like something was wrong, something indescribably weird.

It's obviously a major event related to the survival of the universe, but it just feels like breaking down the door and robbing someone.

He looked at Lu Yin: "How is Kong Tianzhao?"

Lu Yin said: "Still alive."

Jiang Feng sighed: "He is quite unlucky."

Lu Yin was puzzled.

"In order to break through, I fought against myself in parallel time and space, and finally killed myself, almost sealing off my emotions."

"When he entered the Calamity Realm, he singled out his ancestors to either break through or die. However, he fought several times, wandering between life and death. He neither died nor broke through. It was unlucky."

Lu Yin's heart moved: "Uncle Jiang, do you have another parallel time and space with the same version of yourself?"

Jiang Feng nodded: "Yes."

"But why have I seen so many parallel time and spaces in this universe and never found the same people?" Lu Yin was puzzled. We have discussed before that every change in the universe may lead to changes in the future, but parallel time and space will appear infinitely. , every change will lead to a parallel time and space.

Even now, no one can explain the problem of parallel time and space.

The string of sequence connects various parallel time and spaces. In Lu Yin's view, those do not look like parallel time and space at all, but superimposed time and space.

The only real parallel time and space that Baiyun City knows is that there are people exactly like him. That is the parallel time and space.

Jiang Feng said: "Actually, I don't know. I once heard that the Eternals define parallel time and space with the same area as the real parallel time and space, which is different from the parallel time and space we see today. There is a difference in the Eternals' view, but I I have interrogated several human traitors from the Eternal race, and they just want to find this kind of parallel time and space. As for the reason, I don’t know.”

Parallel time and space, the string of sequence, Lu Yin's eyes were deep in thought.

In front of me, the butterfly was still banging against the door, shouting in vain, the door was not moving at all, and there was no response.

After a long time, it was still useless.

Lu Yin said: "Okay, stop."

The butterfly stopped and faced Lu Yin. Both wings were gone. It was very miserable: "This door is very important to the spiritual universe. God cannot open it casually."

Lu Yin looked at her: "Although you failed to open the door, you performed well. I can give you a chance to live."

Butterfly breathed a sigh of relief, and her voice softened a lot: "Thank you, thank you, Master Lu."

Lu Yin said: "Why kill Ku Zu?"

"What?" Butterfly was stunned.

Lu Yin repeated: "You said before that because of the rules, you didn't join forces with the Eternals to attack humans. Otherwise, humans would have no chance to defeat the Eternals, and I would have no chance to grow up. You have constraints. Since there are constraints, why do you kill the dead? Ancestor?"

"At that time, before I appeared, the Fifth Continent fought against the Sixth Continent, in the starry sky of the Split Tree, the space strength was sluggish, and the six parties could barely block the First Calamity Territory, surviving under the pressure of the Seven Gods. So, what are you doing? Why go out of your way to kill Kuzu?”

Butterfly was worried: "This, I accidentally encountered this human being who can kill from the Eternal Clan. He is extremely talented, so."

Lu Yin's eyes widened: "It's too forced. Your answer is too forced."

Butterfly trembled: "No, that's really the case."

"When Kuzu entered the Era, what did he see? What happened to him? Even if he escaped from the Era, he would be hunted by you. Why didn't Eternal chase him out at that time? Why did Kuzu lose a piece of his memory? What do you know? Answer me." Lu Yin shouted.

Butterfly stared blankly at Lu Yin, hesitating.

"You don't want to live anymore?" Lu Yin shouted.

Butterfly said: "Master Lu, there are some questions that I can't answer. This is one of them. Don't ask anymore. I am from the Beginning Realm. I have value and will be of great help to you."

Lu Yin's eyes were cold: "Answer me, what is Kuzu's lost memory? What do you know?"

Butterfly's voice trembled, feeling Lu Yin's determination: "Master Lu, you are touching a taboo."

Lu Yin was indifferent: "The punishment of killing has already touched the taboo since the beginning. I asked you so many questions before, but you still haven't answered a few questions. I've said everything that needs to be said."

Butterfly's voice rose sharply: "You used me to knock on the border. From the beginning to the end, you never thought of letting me go. Lu Yin, you will die miserably, and you humans will definitely be miserable."

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