Star Odyssey

Chapter 3279 Fisherman

After listening to Lu Yin's words, Xizu said: "I had no intention of leaving before I came here. Master Lu, no matter what you decide, I will stay in Tianshang Sect and never leave."

"Take the guests to rest," Lu Yin ordered.

The king walked out on the second night and saluted respectfully: "Yes." After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation to the ancestor.

The former ancestor didn't say much and followed the King of the Second Night away.

She really had no intention of leaving Tianshang Sect.

Lu Yin put down his fishing rod. The identity of his ancestor was beyond his expectation. He thought he was an ancient strong man of about the same generation as the Three Realms and Six Paths in this universe. Unexpectedly, he actually came from the outer universe. He also played a big game of chess and deliberately exposed his soul. In the position of the Hua Universe, Tian Yuan Universe checks and balances the Ling Hua Universe, forming a stable tripartite check and balance relationship. Each of them looks calm and unstained, but in fact they are more refined than anyone else.

"Wang Wen, come and play chess." On a mountain range in Tianshang Sect, Wang Wen raised his head and smiled: "Play chess? Chess Master, you have never beaten me."

Soon after, Wang Wen came to the back mountain of Tianshang Sect and came face to face with Lu Yin. There was a chessboard in the middle. They really came to play chess.

"Ha, these chess pieces of yours are all mine. Master of chess pieces. I haven't played for many years, so my chess skills haven't improved much."

"I'm far behind you, but it's not easy for you to win. Although my chess pieces are not connected and are fighting independently, I will lose sooner or later, but not so fast. The countdown to death will get slower the more I struggle."

"I don't think so. The countdown to death has never slowed down, it's just that there is an invisible countdown."

"I can't see?"

"You can see it, but I can't. Although your chess pieces are fighting independently and are not connected, any exposed chess pieces, once I eat them, my chess pieces will also be exposed, and some of them will be eaten by your chess pieces. A stalemate has formed. Judging from the results, not only will I not be able to kill you quickly, but you will also delay me and even eat some of my pieces, which is not cost-effective."

"You want to take it slow?"

"You will win in the end if you delay, right? But you, Chess Master, are very smart in this move. Who did you learn it from? Join forces with each other, check and balance each other, and if you want to be exposed, expose them together."

"This world is very dangerous. Whoever is exposed will be unlucky, because no one knows how powerful the enemy who is watching you secretly is. Look, your chess pieces have been eaten by me."

"Looking at the chessboard, the countdown to death never stops, whether it is visible or invisible. Master of the chess piece, how long do you think you can last in this game?"

"Then do you think I should do this?"

"Of course it should be, that's so true. If you didn't do this, you would have lost a long time ago. If I'm careless, you might still be able to turn defeat into victory. It's really smart. In fact, the final outcome depends on how many chess pieces are hidden in the dark and how many of them can swallow me." Chess pieces? The chess game is unpredictable, and a person’s thoughts are all in it. It is full of chess culture, and it is the most important test of the chess player’s character and endurance.”

Lu Yin's hand hovered on the chessboard without falling, and his eyes were fixed on the corner of the chessboard. There were many chess pieces there. On the surface, his chess pieces were surrounded by Wang Wen's chess pieces, but in fact, once Wang Wen captured these chess pieces, the king would Wen's chess pieces will be more exposed, and he will form a counterattack.

This murderous intention is the key to the final outcome of this game.

Didn't Wang Wen see it? Impossible, he saw it, so he hesitated to move, but eventually he had to move. How would he move? Looking at the overall situation, there are countless murderous intentions. Where is his murderous intention?

"Master Chess Piece, sometimes it's not a good thing to think too much. On the contrary, you will lose your biggest advantage." Wang Wen's mouth curled up and he looked at Lu Yin proudly.

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen and dropped the chess piece without saying a word.

He took the initiative to expose his chess pieces and let Wang Wen eat them. If Wang Wen's chess pieces were eaten, more of Wang Wen's chess pieces would be exposed. If he didn't eat them, Lu Yin could see where Wang Wen's murderous intention was in dealing with this corner.

Wang Wen looked at the chessboard and thought quietly.

He played chess with Lu Yin and never thought for more than five seconds. This was his confidence, but at this moment, he was deep in thought.

Lu Yin frowned, could it be that he had no backup plan?

Wang Wen exhaled, played with the chess pieces in his hand, and looked at Lu Yin with bright eyes: "Master of the chess pieces, you win this game."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "You really didn't see it?"


Lu Yin didn't believe it.

Wang Wendao: "Really not, to be honest, I underestimated you, not this game of chess, but you, Taoist Master."

"With the general trend of mankind, you defeated the Eternals and took charge of the entire universe. Now you should be high-spirited and overlooking the world, but you have restrained your mind, as if nothing happened, and you are even more cautious than before defeating the Eternals. This is my Cause of failure.”

"Can I ask what happened?"

Wang Wen is the military advisor of the Tianshang Sect. Lu Yin has helped a lot along the way and knows a lot of things, but only the One True God and their plans want to restart the universe and spiritualize the universe. Destiny is related to the deepest part of the universe. He didn't know about the secret.

Lu Yin came to him to tell him.

The ancestors, Mr. Mu and the others stood too high, and their angle of thinking was too high. The same was true for Lu Yin. Even though he came from an ordinary cultivator, he is no longer the humble cultivator he once was.

Lu Yin needs Wang Wen to reconsider this matter from the perspective of an ordinary person. There are countless ordinary people, but Wang Wen is the most suitable because he is best at plotting the overall situation and has a far-reaching vision, which is exactly the opposite of Wei Rong.

After the chess game ended, Lu Yin told Wang Wen what happened.

Wang Wen was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "I know that humans must have some secrets from the Tianshang Sect era to now, but I didn't expect the secret to be so big. The only true god actually wants to restart the universe and step into the realm of immortality? Spiritualize the universe, conscious of the universe, Zizzi, interesting, so interesting.”

Lu Yin sighed: "You find it interesting because you have not reached the level of the ancestors. From their level, any decision is related to the life and death of the entire universe. Do you know how many lives are involved? Including you and me."

Wang Wen smiled brightly: "I understand, the chess piece Taoist got inspiration from his ancestors. When the two sides are playing chess and one side is obviously weak, he will bring in a third party to form a check and balance, delay time, and finally reverse the defeat."

Lu Yin nodded: "The reason is very simple and not complicated, but it is difficult to see it from our height. This is also the intention of the conscious universe."

"A wise approach is that the consciousness universe is not the opponent of the spiritual universe. All they can do is to bring in a third party. We are that third party. Unfortunately, the ancestors happened to see the domineering side of the ancestors and hesitated for a moment, which eventually led to The founder was surrounded and killed, the Tianshang Sect was destroyed, it was all fate."

"Fortunately, you, the Taoist Master of Chess, have risen and given hope to our ancestors. No matter how you look at it, the universe of consciousness that she represents is our enemy."

Lu Yin agreed on this point. As long as possible, the Consciousness Universe would like the Linghua Universe and the Tianyuan Universe to fight to the death. And this point, the ancestors themselves knew that they could not hide it from Lu Yin and the others.

Now let’s get straight to the point.

"What do you think should be done?" Lu Yin asked.

Wang Wen smiled: "Let nature take its course."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Don't care about anything?"

"It's useless to care. Master Chess Pawn, can you realize the universe? Or can you find the spiritualized universe?"

"The ancestors should be able to go back and understand the universe."

"For the sake of her own universe, she will try her best to make the Linghua Universe and Tianyuan Universe go to war. What we have to do is to wait, wait for a war, wait for the consciousness universe to be exhausted. One thing our ancestors considered was right. We , are not good people either." Wang Wen chuckled and approached Lu Yin: "Master Chessman, if the threat of the spiritual universe is gone, the next one should be the consciousness universe, right? They plan to restart our Tianyuan universe. We Why not do it?"

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen with a sharp look.

Wang Wen spread his hands: "Don't blame me for being cruel. The strength of the Linghua Universe must not be bad. They are eager to seize the Consciousness Universe and are targeting our Tianyuan Universe. There must be a compelling reason. There is nothing wrong with making themselves stronger. Anyway, that's it. The square universe is not ours, the most we can do is take out the humans from that universe."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze. He had never considered this. At this point, Wang Wen looked far enough. He actually thought of restarting the consciousness universe and the spiritual universe, allowing the masters of Tianshang Sect to enter the beginning realm. Especially Lu Yin, once the universe After restarting, he, the ancestor, Mr. Mu and other top masters will definitely be able to take a step further and even set foot in the realm of immortality. This is excellent news for the Tianshang Sect.

It just sacrificed those two universes.

After what Wang Wen said, the situation is now clear. The consciousness universe, the spiritual universe, and the Tianyuan universe are like three mouth-watering fruits, corresponding to three creatures guarding the fruits at the same time. Whoever eats one first will be able to Fill your stomach and have the strength to snatch all the fruits. Even if that person doesn't want to eat, there is no guarantee that the other two will not eat. Once one person eats, the other two will be unlucky and can't eat anything and can only starve to death.

It's impossible not to eat them all. This is the nature of living things and the cultural essence of the law of the jungle. It is not based on wisdom.

One of them will definitely eat first, forcing the other two to eat.

Lu Yin has now become one of them.

No, he suddenly looked at Wang Wen. He was not the one who could eat the fruit. The one who could really eat the fruit was the existence behind the Sifang Guards, the destiny in the mouth of the ancestor, and that was the one who was qualified to eat the fruit.

"What if, I mean what if, there is an omnipotent being above us?"

Wang Wen's expression changed: "What if?"

Lu Yin nodded solemnly: "If."

Wang Wen's eyes flashed, he was silent for a moment, and looked at the calm lake: "If the fishermen are very hungry, and there is only one fish in the lake, and then another very hungry fisherman comes, do you think these two fishermen are the best?" What should be done?”

Of course, it is to deal with the other party and prevent the other party from stealing his fish. Lu Yin secretly thought, but he did not say this sentence.

Wang Wen left, and he wanted to digest what Lu Yin told him.

Lu Yin sat calmly by the lake, looking at the fishing rod in trance.

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