Star Odyssey

Chapter 3282: Recognize

Mr. Wei stood there without moving, letting Lu Yin's palm penetrate her body.

Lu Yin's eyes changed. Are you fake? No, it's time.

With a wave of his hand, Mr. Wei's figure dispersed like light, and Mr. Wei also appeared on the other side.

Lu Yin looked at it with serious eyes: "You are hidden in time."

Mr. Wei praised: "It's not unfair for Bai Xian'er to lose to you, but she is not me, and I am not everything. You are facing me, which is completely different from Bai Xian'er."

Lu Yin could see that with his current strength, if he faced Bai Xian'er, even if Bai Xian'er entered the Beginning Realm, she might not be his opponent, but he was facing Mr. Wei.

He didn't know what Mr. Wei corresponded to in the identity of Weinu. He only knew that Bai Xianer corresponded to himself in Lu Xiaoxuan's era and was his peer. Mr. Wei was definitely not his peer.

Lu Yin is confident that he can defeat all his peers, even if this peer has an ancient identity, but it will be difficult for him to defeat a monster that has the same talent as himself but has practiced for a long time.

The power of time needs to be slowly explored, and Mr. Wei didn't know how long he spent exploring it, so that she could walk on time and see through the future.

The Mr. Wei just now was actually the future she saw in the past, and she avoided it before Lu Yin took action.

It seems clear, but it is even more difficult to break the situation.

Whether Lu Yin takes action now or not, this is the future that Mr. Wei saw in the past.

She built a bridge in the long river of time, only to build a bridge for herself.

"If you really want to take action against me, think about it slowly. There is a way. But I am not staying here for you to deal with. I hope you don't stare at me. You and I may not be enemies." Mr. Wei said calmly.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed. Yes, there must be a way. Since the streamer can cross the river, it can go down the river. He does not need to build a bridge, as long as he can see behind the bridge, or even destroy the bridge.

"If I want to take action against you, I can just see your future. Others can't see your future, but I can." Mr. Wei said.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Can you see my future?"

The corners of Mr. Wei's mouth were curved. He was originally quiet and elegant, but now his curved smile became more and more intoxicating: "I am the same generation as Taichu, and I am the first to know about the fixed mirage."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed: "You were the first to know?"

"I admire Taichu very much, and I also admire your master. They have done things that many people dare not do. The result now is their own fault. How should I put it, let's burn the boat." Mr. Wei looked at Lu Yin: "If I were your enemy, I have already helped Yongheng deal with Taikoo City, and with me, you can’t stop it.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "It's not like you haven't taken action before."

Mr. Wei smiled: "How can the Lu family's matter be regarded as an act? Do you think that if I really take action, Lu Tianyi, a junior, can stop me? Your father, Lu Qi, blocked me with just a few generals. Don't you think it's ridiculous? ? And you." She looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Six of the Seven Heroes died, and I did not stop you from helping one."

Lu Yin's eyes were filled with murderous intent: "You killed them."

"Just to fulfill you." Mr. Wei said calmly.

Lu Yin clenched his fist: "I don't need this fulfillment."

Mr. Wei laughed: "Without their talents, how could you be who you are now? In short, I am waiting for you to tell you that you and I are not enemies. You should know a little about this universe. Instead of spending your thoughts on me, you should think about How do you want to survive? Three of the four guardians died, and the Eternals were defeated. This situation is not what Destiny wants to see."

Lu Yin frowned, she also knew fate, so the person in front of her was the virgin.

"What happened to fate?"

Mr. Wei smiled lightly: "That's my business and has nothing to do with you. It's none of your business to care about it. If you insist on making trouble for me, then I can only let you recognize the reality."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Reality?"

The smile on Mr. Wei's face faded: "Compared with us, you are still one level behind."

Lu Yin's eyes turned cold and he stared at Mr. Wei.

Mr. Wei opened his hand, and in his hand was a paper cut. He lifted it up and showed it to Lu Yin.

The paper cut was obviously that of a woman, and the shape was that of a woman, but it was impossible to tell who it was.

"The prototype of this paper-cut is called Yan Qingye King."

Lu Yin was confused at first, and then incredulous: "King Yan Qingye?"

Of course he knew about this woman, the sister of the Zhenwu Night King of the White Night Clan. It was because of this woman that he had enmity with the White Night Clan in the Tenth Academy of the Starry Sky. He had no choice but to use the news of the Third Night King to contain the White Night Clan and live cautiously.

This woman was Lu Yin's early enemy when he entered the world of cultivation.

However, with the defeat of the White Night Clan, the word Night King gradually faded out of sight. The master of the White Night Clan, the Hanxian Sect, was nothing more than an ant in Lu Yin's eyes, not to mention the Night King Yan Qing.

If Mr. Wei hadn't mentioned it, Lu Yin would have forgotten about this woman.

Mr. Wei smiled again: "Remember, King Yan Qingye, a woman you once hated and admired, is just a small person to you now, but this small person has left a mark in your life. ."

"Tell me, what will happen if this sum is wiped out?"

Lu Yin's eyes jumped: "Erase?"

Mr. Wei nodded: "Erase, disappear completely."

"Impossible." Lu Yin directly denied: "You want to erase King Yan Qingye. This is changing history and will also change the future. But now the future has appeared and turned this universe into this. You can't change it. This kind of future.”

It is not impossible to change the past to change the future, but it can only be done for one person or one life at most. For example, if Patriarch Lu Yuan wants to change the fact that his son died, it can actually be done. Of course, the price paid is not small.

It's just one person's life and death, it doesn't last too long, and it doesn't involve the cause and effect of others.

Mr. Jin Wei wants to change what happened in the past by erasing King Yan Qingye, which is equivalent to denying the enmity between Lu Yin and King Yan Qingye, denying the enmity between Lu Yin and the Baiye clan, and denying the series of events that happened in the past. This is impossible. Did it.

The ancestor, Mr. Mu, none of them could do it.

Lu Yin was absolutely sure that if he couldn't do it, they definitely couldn't do it.

Scissors appeared in Mr. Wei's hand, and he slowly approached King Yan Qingye: "You said you can't do it, and I said you can do it. Do you think it can be done? Once the future is changed, what will happen now? Do you want to try? "

Lu Yin stared at the paper cut of King Yan Qingye in Mr. Wei's hand: "Try it."

Mr. Wei looked at Lu Yin: "So confident?"

Lu Yin said in a deep voice: "You can't change the future. No one can. If you can really do it, why are you talking nonsense to me?"

Mr. Wei smiled beautifully: "Yeah, I can't do it." After saying that, the scissors came close to cutting the paper, and with a click, the paper was cut into two parts.

As if the kite's string was broken, the sky and earth changed from color to black and white.

The world was spinning in front of Lu Yin's eyes. After about a moment, which seemed like a long time, he came back to his senses and looked at Mr. Wei. What happened?

Nothing happened.

Mr. Wei held the scissors and looked at Lu Yin with bright eyes. She had a bit more heroism in her disguise as a man, but she couldn't hide her softness with a slight smile.

Just as Lu Yin was about to speak, the sound of the roaring river came to his ears. He instinctively felt something was wrong, but he couldn't do anything. He only felt a surging force hitting him from an invisible place, roaring in his brain. He couldn't see the enemy. , can't see the attack, can't see anything.


He spit out a mouthful of blood and almost fell down. His face turned pale. He raised his head and looked at Mr. Wei in shock.

Mr. Wei put down his hand: "It seems that I did it."

Lu Yin stared at Mr. Wei closely, his thoughts turned sharply, and he looked around. Yixian Academy was still the same, nothing had changed, the world had not changed, and the future had not changed. He was the only one who suffered the damage.


Mr. Wei nodded: "You can say that."

Lu Yin understood how he was injured. As he guessed, Mr. Wei could not change the future by erasing the people in the past. This was impossible, but she did erase the people in the past by cutting paper. Since the people in the past disappeared, this The future should also change, but as the years roll by, will it stop, regress, or even change because of her power?

She does not have this kind of power. Neither the Ancestor nor Mr. Mu can have this kind of power.

How does an ordinary person cross a long river?

Although ordinary people set off waves at the source of the long river, they will soon be submerged by the rolling river.

By erasing King Yan Qingye, Mr. Wei set off waves on the long river of time, forming a reversal with the long river of time. If this power is enough, it can change the long river of time again, but this power is far from enough. In the end, nothing will change. King Yan Qingye has not been erased, and the future will not change either.

The only change is that she did set off a wave. When this wave was submerged by the long river of time flowing down the river, it created overlapping and opposing forces, just like on a calm lake, pressure appeared in two directions, forming two waves. Crash into the distance and eventually collide with each other. What Mr. Wei wants is this power.

No matter how this power is eventually submerged by the long river of time, as long as this power appears.

She directed this power towards Lu Yin. This was the power that came from the long river of time and the materialization of the time paradox. It could not be seen, touched, or resisted.

This is the power of paper-cutting.

"Have you recognized the reality?" Mr. Wei looked at Lu Yin: "You have never defeated anyone at our level head-on. Taichu, Old Man Mu, Yongheng, me, including Taihong, how have you ever defeated any of them?"

"The Sifang Guardsmen are just four losers who dare not survive the hardships. The Star Toad is also a loser. There is no point in killing such losers. I just want you to recognize this reality."

"It's easier to talk if you understand it clearly."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Wei in amazement: "Is this your level of power?"

"Yes, you will reach it in the future." Mr. Wei said.

Lu Yin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Thank you for letting me see clearly."

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