Star Odyssey

Chapter 3284 Beginning and Ending

Lu Yin appeared in the courtyard with a solemn look on his face. He read it right. What he just took action was fate?

Mr. Wei, fate is actually the same person? how so?

The situation in the Mirage Forbidden Land made both Lu Yin and Hongyan Mebis think that fate was fake, but the First Ancestor was certain that fate was real.

At that time, Lu Yin guessed that the one who saw the ancestor and the one who saw the Three Realms and Six Paths were two people.

But doesn’t fate itself know? Why are there two?

The seven swords that were just struck into the long river of time were aimed at the past self. Destiny wants to use this to erase the past self. Although it is unlikely to do so, it is just like paper-cutting. Once the power of time overlap is generated , the one who bears the harm is yourself.

At the moment when Destiny walked out of the seven swords, Mr. Wei could actually use the paper-cut to attack herself, but she did not.

It's not because she cares about herself, there must be her purpose in this.

Fairy flowers fell in front of him, Lu Yin looked at the rain of red flowers, and Bai Xianer's body turned into red light spots and disappeared.

After all, she is just a clone of Weinu.

The Sword of the Ancestor in Lu Yin's hand also disappeared, and it will appear in the future.

A rain of red flowers shook the trees and the starry sky.

Especially the Lu family, Tianyi ancestor, Lu Qi and others all came out to look for Bai Xianer.

Lu Yin explained the situation to the Lu family, and the tree and starry sky were stable.

The starry sky among trees, Longshan, and Longxi watch the red flower rain slowly disappear. This is the beginning of everything, and it also represents the end.

Bai Xianer finally died. This woman was pressing on everyone's heads, making her breathless. The only one who could kill her was brother Xiaoxuan.

Lu Yin left the tree starry sky and found Wu Tian.

Wu Tian is now in Taikoo City, always guarding the ancestor.

Lu Yin came to Wu Tian to ask about his destiny.

"The method of destiny?" Wu Tian thought for a while: "To be honest, we rarely do anything with Niu Niu. You have to ask your ancestor. He is more familiar with us. He was the one who forced a junior of your Lu family to practice destiny. shadow."

"Three Yang Ancestral Qi?"

"Yes, Sanyang Ancestral Qi, Wotu, who is usually friendly with Niu Niu, is like nothing else. When he plotted against Niu Niu, he was more ruthless than anyone else. However, Niu Niu reported this matter to the master, and finally nothing happened." Wu The way of heaven.

Lu Yin went to find Ancestor Lu Yuan again.

Ancestor Lu Yuan was surprised: "Why don't you ask Master directly?"

Lu Yin sneered.

Lu Yuan was helpless: "I'm afraid Master will bother you."

Lu Yin thought that his ancestor had said that they would have a good chat after the war. If he asked again and again, he would probably be left behind by his ancestor. He couldn't stand that kind of harassment.

"Niuniu is good at the power of time. Didn't master tell you that Niuniu always takes action at the most critical moment? If it is normal, she can see through the passage of time what will happen next, which will be more uncomfortable..." Lu Yuan slowly introduced With.

What he said was similar to what Lu Yin understood. When he fought with Weinu, he also felt the difficulty of time. If he hadn't caught the flaw in Weinu's words, he might not have taken action.

Destiny is actually the use of the power of time to see into the future, so it is destiny.

"What Niuniu is best at is attacking the long river of time to erase the past and use it to change the future. Of course, the future is irreversible, but it can affect the present." Lu Yuandao.

Lu Yin told Ancestor Lu Yuan about the power of paper-cutting, and also told Wu Tian, ​​the first year of junior high school, the beauty Mabisi and the others, that they were worried that they would meet the virgin one day, so that they would not be tricked.

Under the Taikoo City, the First Ancestor raised his head: "The virgin also came out to become a demon?"

Lu Yin came to the underground of Taikoo City: "She said she was the first person to know that the Mirage Territory was fixed. Senior, are Weinu and Destiny the same person?"

The ancestor rolled his eyes: "I said Zhuzhu, you can't listen to what the old man said. Niuniu is Niuniu, Niuniu is real, not fake, Weinu is Weinu. That woman is sinister, but she hasn't appeared for a long, long time. I don't know. Forget her."

"Be careful when you touch her."

"But the virgin has exerted the power of fate."

"That is also a virgin, not Niuniu. Zhu Zhu, what the old man said must make sense. Come, let's talk slowly."

Lu Yin hurriedly asked: "Where is the Sword of the Ancestor?"

The ancestor was stunned: "My sword? Why are you looking for a sword? Zhuzi, people can't be too greedy. Look, Chuchen is already with you, and you still need a sword. It's a bit too much."

Lu Yin was helpless: "This junior needs to perfect the cause and effect of time..."

He told the ancestor what happened, and the ancestor praised: "You are thinking very fast, but unfortunately, you can only use the sword you used to suppress the fifth continent. The other swords will either be snatched away by eternity, or, Broken.”

As he spoke, he was not seen moving, and some fragments fell down, which were fragments of the Sword of the Ancestor.

Lu Yin was surprised: "It's broken."

"Of course, after each battle, it's too much for everyone, let alone the sword. Just take it if you want."

"By the way, be careful of Weinu. Although that woman doesn't show up much, I always feel like she has something up her sleeve."

Mr. Mu came over: "A virgin is not simple."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu: "Master, do you know her?"

Mr. Mu shook his head: "I don't understand. She doesn't belong to this universe like me."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Another existence that does not belong to this universe."

Mr. Mu solemnly said: "She disappeared for a long time. We really forgot about her. We didn't expect her to be there all the time. If you encounter her again, please contact me and I want to talk to her."

After leaving Taikoo City, Lu Yin took away the fragments of the Sword of the Ancestor. He wanted to perfect the cause and effect of time.

To repair the Sword of the Forefathers, money is needed, a lot of money.

It took twelve trillion cubic star energy crystal marrow to repair the cracked Ancestral Sword. Lu Yin was not sure how much the broken Ancestral Sword would consume now.

He only has twenty-six trillion cubic star energy crystal marrow left in him.

Do you want to repair it?

Lu Yin stared at the fragments of the Sword of the Forefathers.

In fact, the Sword of the First Ancestor was only the weapon of the First Ancestor. Even if Lu Yin collected all six swords, it would not be of any help. It was just a weapon.

What I thought was unattainable at first was just because of my low strength.

Now that Lu Yin has the courage to challenge the ancestor in his prime, of course he will definitely not win, but he is qualified enough and there is no need to look up to the sword of the ancestor.

But the greatest effect of the Ancestral Sword is to suppress time.

The reason why Weinu didn't come to the Fifth Continent was because the Fifth Continent suppressed the Sword of the Forefathers. As long as she was not sure of breaking the Sword of the Forefathers, she would not be able to make a difference in the Fifth Continent.

Besides using the power of time, the only thing Lu Yin could pose a threat to Wei Nu was the Sword of the Ancestor.

He was very sure that Mr. Wei was not the complete Weinu. The complete Weinu was on the same level as the ancestor, Mr. Mu, and Lu Yin was really no match for him now.

An ancestor's sword can be used for self-defense.

Thinking about it, he decided to repair it.

Raise your hand, the dice will appear, point out with one finger, and shake the dice.

As the dice slowly rotated, it stopped, one point, and something useless fell out, continued, five points, continued, three points.

Putting the fragments of the Ancestral Sword on the light screen, Lu Yin began to throw star energy crystal marrow frantically.

Soon, the twelve trillion cubic star energy crystal marrow was consumed, and the Sword of the Ancestor was completely repaired.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. It was still twelve trillion. It seemed that no matter how damaged it was, the level of the Ancestral Sword was destined to only require so many.

After repairing the sword of the ancestor, Lu Yin asked Mu Zhu and the others to use ancient tracing again to find the parallel time when he and Mr. Wei were fighting against each other. That period of time cannot be swept away by the passage of time, and it is exactly what ancient tracing needs to find.

The four of them teamed up to perform the ancient tracing again. It took several days to find it. Lu Yin followed the direction where he found it and threw the Sword of the Ancestor.

When the search for ancient origins was over, Lu Yin left Tianshang Sect and came to Mr. Wei's courtyard of Yixian Academy, where the sword of the ancestor lay quietly.

This period of time is the end of cause and effect.

Lu Yin took the Sword of the First Ancestor. This fighting method of changing the present by changing the future is, to be honest, very exciting and has infinite possibilities, but there are also many accidents. It cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Time is obviously flowing by, but because of the emergence of the long river of time, there is the possibility of change. This may be beneficial to oneself, but it may be disadvantageous to others.

Did the Ancestors and others take this situation into consideration when they fixed the mirage?

Otherwise, what is the significance of Mr. Mu’s pioneering pursuit of ancient times? Just to fight?

The passage of time is like wealth placed in front of many people. It is not good for anyone to get it.

In the Tianshang Sect, there are two busy figures in a courtyard filled with books.

"Brother, this is enough."

"Not enough, far from enough. Junior brother, you have to study more and read good books."

"But these books are enough to read for a long time."

"Take that pile too."

"so many?"

"Those are specially selected for you by Senior Brother. You have to look at them carefully. In the future, Senior Brother will save the universe and you will have to assist him. You can't let Master do it alone. Do you understand?"

"Okay, senior brother is mighty."

"Thank you, junior brother."

Outside the courtyard, a man arrived. He was an old man. He listened to the conversation in the courtyard and smiled.

He is the Saint of Sacrifice, one of the three Nine Saints in the reincarnation of time and space. His seniority is second only to the Great Heavenly Lord. He is an old man who must be respected even if he defeats the Heavenly Lord.

She Sheng walked into the courtyard, looked at the piles of books, and exhaled.

There are two heads exposed in the book, one is Huican and the other is Tuolin.

"Who are you?" Hui Can asked. He didn't know this old man, but he wasn't a bad person for being here.

The old man looked at Hui Can with a smile: "My little friend, congratulations on being able to become Master Lu's apprentice."

Hui Can was so happy that he had jumped from a frightened miner to a disciple of the supreme master of the universe. This huge leap in status could not be concealed even by his palace.

Shesheng looked at Tuolin with complicated eyes: "Child, we have met before."

Tuo Lin was a descendant of She Sheng. Because of She Sheng, he was qualified to participate in the Great Heavenly Lord's tea party and was treated politely by many people. However, he did not know his own situation. He had only met She Sheng once.

"Old man, are you here to see me?" Tuo Lin was curious.

She Sheng smiled and nodded: "I'm looking for you. Can we talk alone?"

Huican was alert: "Old man, what do you want from my senior brother?"

She Sheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, Master Lu knows about my arrival."

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