Star Odyssey

Chapter 3286 Ferryman

Seeing that Shesheng insisted on leaving, Mingnu didn't care: "Then you go, it doesn't matter."

Shesheng was grateful and left.

After She Sheng left, Mingnu looked at Lu Yin again: "My master was the first to go to the Mirage Territory and also set foot in the forbidden area. After he came out, he dispersed to cultivate. He could have been the first to break the ancestors, but due to fate After practicing the method again, he finally achieved his destiny, and these Tao masters all know it."

"Wait a minute, wasn't the senior in the first grade of junior high school the first one to enter the Mirage Realm?" Lu Yin remembered what the beauty Mavis said.

Mingnu said: "It's my master. Let's put it this way, the ancestor started a small stove for my master."

Is there such a thing? Lu Yin was surprised, the ancestor was really willful.

"What I want to say is that my master was the first among the Three Realms and Six Paths to enter the Mirage Realm. But at that time, there was still someone in the Mirage Realm, and it was Weinu. She was the ferryman of the long river of time."

Lu Yin was surprised: "The ferryman of the long river of time?"

The fateful girl said: "Yes, why there are ferrymen in the long river of time is not something I should understand. What I can say is the result."

"In the Mirage Territory, my master met Wei Nu in the forbidden area. Because of Wei Nu's persecution, Master devoted all his cultivation to learn Wei Nu's method of destiny. Therefore, destiny can be a person, a inheritance, or It’s a virgin.”

"The Maiden is crossing the long river of time. She is the most powerful person in cultivating the power of time. The master is right to practice the method of destiny. Even the ancestor didn't say anything. The girl taught the master the method of destiny with bad intentions. She wants to leave with the method of destiny. Mirage Territory, get rid of the identity of the ferryman of the long river of time, this is what the Master told me, about the situation in the Mirage Territory, part of it comes from the Master's news to the outside world, and part of it also comes from the virgin."

Lu Yin understood, which explained why Hongyan Mabisi and the others learned that there was a path to immortality cultivation in the forbidden land, but in fact it was a desperate situation of life and death crisis. This was not said by fate, but by Weinu.

What the ancestor saw was fate, which was Niu Niu.

Destiny is destiny, a virgin is a virgin.

The two practice the same method of destiny, but they are different people.

"It is not easy for the virgin to escape from the mirage realm and get rid of her identity as a ferryman on the long river of time. She can't just leave. She has to survive the hardships and step into the realm of eternal life. Only then can she never be bound by the mirage realm. Any life needs Anyone who enters the realm of eternal life must endure hardships, and Weinu is no exception."

"And the way she overcame her suffering was very special. She split her own suffering." Speaking of this, Ming Nu hesitated.

Mr. Mu responded: "Just tell the truth according to fate. You don't need to understand."

Mingnu was helpless, she was only half-ancestor, how to understand this kind of thing, she could only say: "Okay, that's what the master said, so the first ancestors and others in the outside world saw Weinu, but it was just part of Weinu's misery, except Master, Weinu, in the coming time, Weinu’s misfortunes will continue to appear, and these misfortunes will be based on Weinu’s choices, and she will do certain things, and even Master doesn’t know what these things are.”

She looked at Mr. Mu.

Lu Yin also looked at Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu asked Mingnu to continue.

"The First Ancestor did not know that the Master was forced by Wei Nu, because Wei Nu was eyeing the First Ancestor. Only Mr. Mu, the Master told him, but the time when Mr. Mu really needed to come forward was just now. No matter what happened before, Mr. Mu No need to show up."

"A cup of tea begins, and a cup of tea ends?" Lu Yin wondered.

Mingnu nodded: "The Great Heavenly Lord brought She Sheng and Weinu to meet once. At that time, Weinu made them a cup of tea. Of course, the person who made the tea was not Zhao Ran now, but the tea Weinu herself made was just as bad. Just like poison, Master takes that tea as the starting point. When Sheng Sheng drinks the tea brewed by Weinu again, it will be the end point, and it will be the time for Mr. Mu to come forward."

"Weinu forced the master, but she underestimated him. The master was able to practice the method of destiny in a very short period of time, set foot in the ancestral realm, and achieve his destiny. His talent was far beyond Weinu's expectation. But even so, the master was unable to control the destiny. Defeat Wei Nu legally, because Wei Nu has existed for too long and understands the long flow of time too well."

"But the master is not bad either. She has her own understanding of the passage of time, and this understanding is based on the virgin's disgust for the passage of time."

Ming Nu suddenly raised a finger: "Tao Master, this is one."

Lu Yin watched quietly.

"If the Taoist master knows in advance that I am going to make the sign of one, then Taoist master, you make it first, do you think I will still make the sign of one?" Mingnu asked.

Lu Yin frowned: "It depends on the conditions."

"In battle."

"You mean, during the battle, I knew what you were going to do in advance and did it first?"


"Of course you won't do it."

"This is the master's way of confronting Wei Nu's fate. Master builds a bridge, looks into the future, and sees some things Wei Nu will do. She has to do it in advance, such as letting other misfortunes approach you, Lord Lu, or me turning into destiny. A line disappears. These things were originally supposed to be done by Weinu, but Master did them one step ahead, and that was me. My appearance was one step ahead of Weinu. If I did it, Weinu wouldn't do it."

"What's the point of doing this?" Lu Yin was confused.

Ming Nu said: "Create a tributary for the long river of time."

Lu Yin's eyes changed: "Can you do it?"

Ming Nu pursed her lips. Little did she know that this was beyond her understanding.

Mr. Mu said: "Yes."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu: "If you do it, what will happen?"

Mr. Mu exhaled: "This is a duel of fate."

Lu Yin still didn't understand.

Mr. Mu slowly spoke: "Weinu is the ferryman of the long river of time. Destiny has done things that should happen in the future one step ahead of schedule. However, these things should not be done by her. This forms a time paradox. When the facts appear, the process But it’s different, so what does that count? Real or fake? To define this, you need a ferryman.”

"The ferryman of the long river of time has his own responsibility. It is not other people who designate the ferryman, but the ferryman uses the long river of time as the basis to cultivate the power of time, which is the law of destiny. He can see through the past, present and future. The price is to stay in the time forever. The long river, once something goes wrong in the long river of time, a ferryman is needed to bring things right."

"Destiny makes the river of time have a true and false future, which is equivalent to opening up a tributary. This is a counterattack against the ferryman of the long river of time. If the ferryman cannot find it, he will be at a disadvantage. Once discovered, everything that has happened will be reversed. Start over.”

Lu Yin understood: "Destiny wants to defeat Wei Nu through this? Is it really possible?"

Mr. Mu smiled: "Why did Zhaoran lose his memory?"

Lu Yin's body trembled: "Just because of fate?"

"The master has tried more than once. Some of the misfortunes caused by the virgin have disappeared, and some have lost their memory. This is the master's masterpiece. The master never appears, just to confront the virgin in the years." Ming Nu is proud.

Lu Yin was surprised: "The ancestor never knew about this?"

Mr. Mu shook his head: "He knows, Weinu also knows, and Weinu doesn't know about it either. This is a sneak attack, using the tributaries of the Yangtze River to sneak attack on the ferryman. Once discovered by the ferryman, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Lu Yin looked at Mingnu: "You deliberately failed to overcome the tribulation and turned into a thread of fate and disappeared. Does Weinu know that fate still exists?"

Mingnu explained: "Destiny has always existed. Weinu never felt that fate was dead, but she didn't know that fate had sneaked up on her."

"Obviously, it is Ku He who was successfully attacked. If there is enough time, the master can sneak attack more Ku He until the girl loses all her memory. The master said that she will throw her to the long river of time and continue to be a ferryman. The long river of time should have a ferryman. , otherwise everyone will have a hand in trying to swim against the current, trying to fish and fish, and the universe will be in chaos."

It makes sense. Lu Yin nodded. He also felt that no one should be able to touch the river of time. It was too messy, even though he had touched it the most.

Mr. Wei fired his sword at the river of time. He himself had seen through the river of time that the ancient god did not kill Yi Wei. If a master could touch the river of time, what else could not happen in the past, present and future?

This is the meaning of the ferryman's existence.

"Since fate has been sneaking up on the virgin, why do you let me know now? What happens when a cup of tea starts and ends?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Mingnu shook her head: "I don't know why Master didn't continue to sneak attacks on Weinu, but Master gave you the coordinates of the time when the cup of tea begins and ends. At that moment, he told you everything and asked me to give you a message. ."

"I have always felt that Master asked me to come from the Tianshang Sect era not only to sneak attack on the virgin, but more importantly, to bring you these words."

Lu Yin's face was serious. What words did fate bring to him through the long past?

"Destiny, has seen my future?"

"That's not true. Master asked me to give a message to the person who can lead mankind out of despair. He did not specify you, Master Lu, but now except Master Lu, no one should have this qualification." Mingnu said.

Lu Yin looked at Ming Nu.

Ming Nu also looked at him: "I'll give you a chance to choose again."

Lightning flashed across Lu Yin's mind, choosing again?

Select again.

Bring order out of chaos.

Let everything go back to normal.

These three sentences kept appearing in his mind.

Ming Nu looked at Lu Yin and stopped talking.

It was quiet for a while, until Zhao Ran came over from a distance carrying tea.

Mingnu left, but did not leave Tianshang Sect. She had to ensure that the next branch would start at any time.

Mr. Mu did not leave, but sat at the stone table.

Zhao Ran was curious, he wasn't this person just now, but he didn't ask. He placed the tea in front of Mr. Mu and looked at it expectantly.

Mr. Mu took a sip of tea and praised: "It tastes good."

Zhao Ran was happy: "Thank you."

Lu Yin looked at Zhaoran with a completely different look. He originally thought that Zhaoran was related to fate, but he didn't expect that it was the misfortune of Wei Nu.

"Your Highness?" Zhao Ran was confused.

Lu Yin was startled: "It's okay, you can go down first."

"Oh." Zhaoran looked at Mr. Mu again. Seeing Mr. Mu drinking tea, he smiled and left happily.

Looking at Zhaoran's back, Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu: "Master, when did you know that Zhaoran was the misfortune of Wei Nu?"

"Just now." Mr. Mu said.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Just now?"

Mr. Mu was funny: "Do you think that as a teacher, your abilities are all-encompassing? Many things are just like ordinary people. Even a teacher can't see through all the abilities of fate. It's not necessarily impossible for an ordinary person to plot against a cultivator. Otherwise, how can fate sneak up on the future? A woman who ferries the long river of time?"

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