Star Odyssey

Chapter 3291 Causal Chain

Lu Yin immediately invited Mu Zhu and others. Since time was deprived, he could trace the origins through ancient times.

Mu Zhu was okay, but Senior Brother Qingping and Senior Brother Mu Xie were a little unable to hold on. They had helped Lu Yin trace the past and deal with Mr. Wei, but they had not recovered yet.

But this matter is of great importance. If Ku Zu was really deprived of a period of time, something very important must have happened during that time.

When Kuzu committed suicide alone and joined the Eternal Clan, he never thought about coming back alive. Instead, he wanted to pave the way for future generations and leave some clues in the Eternal Clan when he died. When he used the sequence rules to escape, he never thought that he could really escape. , then he must find a way to leave some clues before that, but Lu Yin searched all over the black mother tree and the land of Era but couldn't find this clue.

That period of time was stripped away, which must be related to Master Qingcao, but if Master Qingcao was in the Era at that time, why didn't he kill Ku Zu? If he said he didn't care, he would be chased by Butterfly Tian'en.

Master Qingcao has Master Qingcao's thoughts. Lu Yin and Ku Zu now want to find out what happened during that time.

Senior Brother Qingping and Senior Brother Muxie went to the Wuling Clan and recovered through parallel time and space with different time flow rates.

They returned after more than a month. They had stayed in the Five Spirit Clan for a long time.

This time the ancient traceability technique involved such a terrifying and powerful person as Master Qingcao, not only Lu Yin and the others were present, but Mr. Mu was also here, just in case.

The goal of tracing the origins of ancient times is Kuzu.

If Kuzu was really deprived of time, Kuzu himself must have existed during that time, and he could not be found in the long river of time.

As the search for ancient origins began, all Lu Yin and the others could do was wait.

The death of the ancient god brought great sorrow to the ancestors of Lu Yuan and the others, and also silenced the ancestors under the Taikoo City.

Taikoo Shing became quiet.

Tianshang Sect also became quiet.

It is clear that the Eternals have lost, but only those who do not know the truth are happy, and no one above the ancestral realm is happy.

Only then does the real powerful enemy appear.

One day half a year later, Mu Zhu and the others suddenly shouted: "Found it."

They watched the years pass between the four of them, gray flashes, and scenes flashed by, making it impossible to see clearly.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes suddenly opened and looked at everyone.

Lu Yin immediately recognized that these eyes belonged to Master Qingcao.


The four of them vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Mr. Mu waved his hand, the void roared, the long river of time loomed, and his face was solemn.

Under the starry sky, Master Qingcao frowned, was he discovered? That being the case, let's start a complete war.

He stood up and headed towards the edge of the universe.

Except for Mu Zhu, the other three people in Tianshang Zonghou Mountain fainted.

Mr. Mu checked it out: "It's okay, just a glance, that person didn't do much."

After taking Brother Woodcarver and the others down to rest, Lu Yin looked at Mu Zhu: "Did Senior Sister see anything?"

Mu Zhu turned pale, remembering, and then painted in the void, drawing a pattern.

This pattern was clearly the pattern on the wrist of the Green Grass tree that the only true god was staring at when Master Qingcao fought against the ancient gods.

Ku Zu was excited: "It's this pattern. Although I don't know why, this pattern makes me know that I must live and spread the word."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu and Patriarch Lu Yuan.

Ancestor Lu Yuan and the others were confused.

Even Wu Tian, ​​the man who taught all living beings and had the most extensive knowledge, was confused and couldn't understand this pattern.

"Cause, effect." Mr. Mu looked at the pattern and said two words.

Everyone looked at Mr. Mu with confusion.

What does this pattern have to do with cause and effect?

Mr. Mu stared at the pattern blankly, thought for a long time, and finally exhaled: "I see, I understand. No wonder I can survive. No wonder."

"Master, do you understand?" Lu Yin asked.

Mr. Mu waved his hand and dispersed the pattern: "In this universe, apart from Master, perhaps no one else among humans can understand it, including Taichu, because you have never encountered it."

"My teacher saw this pattern before."

Mu Zhu looked at Mr. Mu: "In our universe?"

Mr. Mu nodded with complicated eyes: "Yes, in our universe, at that time, I didn't understand what this pattern represented, and didn't think much about it." At this point, he looked at Ku Zu: "It's you, why do you think so? Is this pattern strange?”

After saying that, he shook his head: "Forget it, you don't remember either."

Although Kuzu didn't remember it, something must have happened at that time to make him feel that this pattern was important and needed to be spread.

Perhaps it was because of this pattern that Master Qingcao deprived Kuzu of his time and even let Butterfly Tianen chase him.

"This pattern is just a guess as a teacher. Its purpose is to tell time."

Everyone is confused, timing?

Mr. Mu solemnly said: "There is no limit to the universe. This is recognized by me, Taichu, Weinu, and Taihong. If there is a limit, such as for those who are strong in the Immortal Realm, then there must be restrictions for those who are strong in the Immortal Realm. This restriction The most likely cause is cause and effect.”

"We don't know how the powerful people in the Immortal Realm will be restricted, but we guess that this restriction must be very serious. Otherwise, how can the universe develop normally? It is impossible for the Immortal Realm to dominate the universe."

"The action in the Immortal Realm is the cause, and the backlash from certain limitations of the universe is the effect. Therefore, this pattern, in the eyes of the teacher, is the causal chain, a time unit that records the backlash of cause and effect."

"The Immortal Realm is truly invincible. Once it takes action, it can instantly change the pattern of the universe. But if you don't take action, you will be restricted by the chain of cause and effect."

"This is the only possibility to deal with the immortal realm."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu: "Master, did you see this chain of cause and effect when you encountered the realm of immortality?"

Mr. Mu clasped his hands behind his back and nodded.

"When I first saw it, I thought it was strange, but I didn't think much about it. I just thought it was the strong man's own pattern. But now that I see almost the same pattern, I feel something is wrong."

Lu Yin suddenly remembered something: "Please ask Elder Shan Gu to come."

In this universe, Mr. Mu is the only one who has truly encountered a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, as is the Great Elder Shan Gu. The universe where the Lost Tribe is originally defeated their old enemy, but because of the appearance of an omnipotent being, all their efforts were turned into a As a result, the lost people had no choice but to escape.

Not long after, Great Elder Shan Gu arrived.

Mu Zhu redrawn the pattern.

Elder Shan Gu looked at the pattern. He was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief: "This, this pattern."


Elder Shan Gu gritted his teeth: "I've seen it before, Master Lu, where did you see this pattern?"

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "Senior, where did you see it?"

Great Elder Shan Gu was excited, his eyes filled with hatred: "That, omnipotent existence."

"On your wrist?" Mr. Mu asked.

Elder Shan Gu was shaken and looked at Mr. Mu: "Yes." Mr. Mu exhaled: "As expected, the Immortal Realm has this pattern, and it cannot be hidden."

"Is the pattern that Senior Shan Gu saw exactly the same as the current pattern?" Lu Yin asked. After speaking, he said with a solemn expression: "Senior, please recall this matter carefully. It is very important."

Elder Shan Gu nodded. He didn't know where Lu Yin and others saw this pattern, but they could clearly see the seriousness of the matter because it involved that omnipotent existence. That kind of existence is invincible, and this universe is also Do you want to repeat the tragedy of your own universe?

He closed his eyes and recalled for a long time before opening his eyes: "It's different. The pattern I saw was simpler than this one." He drew a pattern based on his vague memory: "I remember this pattern very well. It is clear that those comrades, seniors, and juniors all died, and the starry sky was dyed red with blood. What I remember the most is this pattern, like the symbol of omnipotent existence, lighting up the starry sky, making me, our entire lost tribe, remember deeply. Carved into the bones, etched into the soul.”

"This image kept appearing in my dreams, and that's how I remember it."

Everyone compared the two patterns and found that they were roughly the same, but the pattern drawn by Great Elder Shan Gu was indeed simpler than the one drawn by Master Qingcao.

Now the facts are very clear. This pattern exists in the realm of immortality. Either Master Qingcao is the existence that destroyed the universe of Elder Shangu. But Elder Shangu has seen Master Qingcao, so it is not the case.

Such beings disdain to be disguised, just as humans would not be disdainful to ants.

If they are not the same person, it means that this pattern is indeed as Mr. Mu guessed. It is a restriction given by the universe to the powerful people in the immortal realm, and it is a kind of timing.

It is obvious that Master Qingcao's pattern has more lines than the other pattern. This pattern is not complicated and repetitive. The most important thing is that this pattern appears on the wrist and seems to form a circle around the wrist. What would happen if a circle actually formed?

"Now that destiny has appeared, Master can recover." Wu Tian suddenly said.

Lu Yuan and the others' eyes lit up, yes, the reason why the ancestor did not recover was because he was afraid of being targeted by destiny. Now that destiny has appeared, of course the ancestor should recover.

Lu Yin thought of a more serious problem: "The fate has been exposed, and we don't know what his purpose is. But now that he has been exposed, and he can't take action due to the limitations of the causal chain, what will he do?"

"Let others take action." Lu Yuan blurted out.

Lu Yin's expression changed: "But there is no one in this universe who can take action for him."

"Guardian of the Four Directions." Jialan Zhiluo suddenly thought.

No, Lu Yin hurriedly said to Mr. Mu: "Master, go to the border."

At the edge of Tianyuan Universe, in front of the huge stone gate, Jiang Feng sat calmly with his long sword across his legs.

In the distance, a figure walked out. It was Master Qingcao, carrying a bamboo basket, bending down, and approaching step by step.

Jiang Feng watched Master Qingcao approaching slowly and frowned. He didn't know this person, but it made him wary. He could clearly see this person, but he didn't seem to be in front of him.

"Who is your Excellency?" Jiang Feng asked, slowly getting up.

Master Qingcao looked at Jiang Feng with a smile: "Lord of Baiyun City, your rise also comes from Zhuo Bao, with a hint of legend."

"I, Qingcao, others call me Master Qingcao."


Thanks to brother GhostGod11 for the reward, more updates will be added, thank you! !

I’m so busy at the end of the year. It’s not easy to stay up all night coding. Fortunately, I have the support of my brothers. If possible, it’s best to subscribe to in full. Thank you, brothers, thank you! !

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