Star Odyssey

Chapter 3299 The Universe of Consciousness

Mr. Mu sighed: "There are too many methods of cultivation in the universe. Even our universe has given birth to countless methods of cultivation. It can be said that an ancestral realm is a method of cultivation. My universe will eventually unite all methods of cultivation." , creating the most suitable way for cultivation, the same is true for the spiritual universe, they must be a universe of great unity."

Lu Yin responded: "There is no great unity in our universe."

"So it will be at a disadvantage compared to Linghua Universe." Mr. Mu said.

Chen Zu had a headache: "This kind of practice is like cheating. Each of us practices, and the ending is different. However, Linghua Universe has already announced the answer, and everyone can practice according to the answer. The most terrifying thing is that all the answers will be lost in the end." Can be superimposed to form the basis of a more terrifying sequence."

"The old guy said that the Jiangshan Sheji Tu ranked seventh among the foundations of their spiritual universe sequence."

Mr. Mu nodded: "If spiritualizing the universe is this kind of cultivation method, it is not impossible. I believe that the first-ranked sequence foundation will be extremely terrifying, and it is very likely that it is in the hands of Master Qingcao."

It was already quite difficult to face a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, but the entire spiritual universe turned out to be so difficult to deal with.

Looking at the Tianyuan Universe, how many people are sure to defeat or trap Chen Zu? A map of the country and the country can do it, making Zu Chen almost unable to get out. This is only the basis of the sequence. Lu Yin believes that in addition to the basis of the sequence of the spiritual universe, those cultivators are also extremely strong. Even if they do not master the basis of the sequence, There will be absolute strong people who master the sequence rules, just like in their universe.

Yuan Qi Lao Wei, Tian Ci, Zhan Yan, they are all absolutely strong.

The Linghua Universe can deal with the consciousness universe while also infiltrating the Tianyuan Universe with ease. It is difficult to estimate how powerful this universe is.

However, no matter how powerful the spiritual universe is, it will not bring Lu Yin the despair he felt when he saw the six disaster realms. Only Master Qingcao and the Immortal Realm can bring him this kind of despair.

In Lu Yin's opinion, the threat of a spiritualized universe was still no match for the threat of immortality.

That was a terrifying creature that gave the ancient gods no room to resist.

Although there are restrictions, no one knows how many lives it will take to fill these restrictions.

Not seeing the end will make people despair, but seeing the end will also make people feel hopeless.

The ancestor is relieved now. He would rather see it to the end, even if it costs everyone's lives, it is better than waiting.

"What did Wang Xiaoyu say?" Lu Yin asked.

Chen Zu looked at the starry sky in trance: "I always believe in her."

Lu Yin hesitated. At first, they determined that Wang Xiaoyu was the largest redback in the history of the Fifth Continent, which directly led to the war between the Fifth Continent and the Sixth Continent, causing the collapse of Daoyuan Sect. However, they later discovered that Wang Xiaoyu might be an undercover agent. He also I hope Chen Zu can take her away from the Taikoo City battlefield.

But Chen Zu was clearly introduced to the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram and was in danger, but she showed no sign of it. Did she have confidence in Chen Zu, or was she really a red-backed person who didn't care about Chen Zu?

Lu Yin couldn't see Wang Xiaoyu's purpose clearly.

There are only one true god left in the entire Eternal Race, Hei Wushen, Tiangu, Wangxu God, Wang Xiaoyu, and the rest are gone. Is there really any of these people who is on the side of mankind?

Lu Yin wanted to cross the long river of time to find traces of the Jiangshan Sheji Map, but was stopped by Mr. Mu with complicated eyes.

"You must always respect and be cautious about the long river of time. Not every time you cross the long river of time, you will be fine. Old Monster Yuanqi knows that you have the ability to cross the long river of time, so you cannot be unprepared."

Lu Yin thought about it too.

He is not invincible when he crosses the long river of time. Once the enemy is on guard, he may not be able to do something when he crosses the long river of time, especially a strong person like Old Monster Yuanqi.

Lu Yin crossed the long river of time three times before. The first time was when he broke through his ancestors with his flowing light. The only true god and the others were unprepared. The second time was when he was looking for Weinu. Weinu had been waiting for him and wanted him. The third time was when he was looking for Bai Wu. God, Bai Wushen clearly wants to die.

Just because it’s okay three times doesn’t mean you can do it forever.

Mr. Mu has been practicing for too long and has seen too many things, and he does not want Lu Yin to repeat his past mistakes.

Chen Zu left again, trying to find Wang Xiaoyu.

Lu Yin was worried that he would be ambushed by the old monster Yuan Qi, but Chen Zu was fearless.

Mr. Mu praised: "This man is truly an outstanding person. He gets stronger when he encounters a strong force. He is like the remaining fire of civilization. Even if the entire civilization is destroyed, he can rekindle it."

Returning to Tianshang Sect, Lu Yin contacted his ancestors. Now Master Qingcao should have gone to Linghua Universe, which will inevitably lead to war. If he doesn't understand Linghua Universe, he will suffer a lot.

The person in this universe who knows the spiritual universe best is Xizu.

The ancestors of the past have been searching for the one true god, but there is no news so far.

Returning to Tianshang Sect, the former ancestor no longer faced Lu Yin alone, but the former six masters of the Three Realms, Six Paths and Three Yangs, including Mr. Mu.

Everyone is waiting for news about the spiritual universe.

This solemnity made Xizu feel like something had happened.

Lu Yin directly told his ancestors about the ancient gods.

Xi Zu was silent after hearing this: "I didn't expect that Gu Yizhi was really an undercover agent."

"You know?" the red-faced Mavis asked, staring at Xizu.

The ancestor sighed: "As I guess, Gu Yizhi has never had any second thoughts about the Eternals. He is controlled by the only true god, so it is impossible for him to have second thoughts. But having no second thoughts does not mean that he is fully committed."

"In many wars, he did not try his best, especially the war with the Tree Star Sky. Do you really think that by expelling foreign enemies from the beginning of space and reducing his strength, he can completely block the Seven Gods?"

"If you want to stop Gu Yizhi, at least Lu Yuan must take action. Otherwise, Lu Tianyi alone, even if he blocks Gu Yizhi, will not be able to block the other seven gods."

"The Seven Gods have different thoughts. They have always done nothing in ancient times. The God of Forgotten Ruins mainly protects himself, and the God of Immortality rarely takes action. The only ones who really want to conquer the starry sky of the tree are Hei Wushen, Corpse God and Shaman God. Otherwise, The tree star cannot block all the Seven Gods."

Lu Tian said: "The reason why we were able to block the Seven Gods was that the Seven Gods did not attack with all their strength, but even if you can see it, we can see it, how could Eternal Life not see it?"

The ancestor laughed: "Can you see the difference? We can't destroy Gu Yizhi and the others. Do you think it's easy for the Eternal Tribe to find masters to replace Gu Yizhi and the others?"

"The Seven Gods, Three Qings and Six Haos are the only true gods that have been put together with great effort since the days of Tianshang Sect. By the way, Hei Wushen does not belong to your universe, he comes from the universe of consciousness."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Hei Wushen also comes from the universe of consciousness?"

Xi Zu looked at Lu Yin: "Yeah? Besides Hei Wushen, there is another one from the universe of consciousness, Bai Wushen. Does Lord Lu know?"

Lu Yin nodded, that's it, Black and White Wushen both come from the universe of consciousness, no wonder their names are so similar.

"The conscious universe continues to lose to the spiritual universe, which has led to the betrayal of many conscious beings, just like the red backs of you humans. The spiritual universe does not trust these consciousnesses and simply sent them to the Tianyuan Universe and handed them over to the Eternals. It’s considered sincerity to cooperate with the Eternals, of course, it may also be surveillance.”

"Bai Wushen has the ability to transform into microscopic organisms and influence people's consciousness. She is the mastermind behind the development of Red Backs. The many Red Backs and Anzi among you humans all come from Bai Wushen. In her list of "eternal life", She's smart."

"As for Hei Wushen, I didn't know what abilities he had before, and his strength was quite average. But after the battle in Taikoo City, I realized that his consciousness was even stronger than Bai Wushen's."

"Our consciousness universe has divided the strength of consciousness. The lowest level is the nine rounds of consciousness. Corresponding to your original space, it starts from the exploration realm and reaches the half ancestor, divided into nine rounds."

"Beyond the nine rounds of consciousness is the starlight level, which corresponds to your ancestral realm."

"Star-level consciousness corresponds to your sequence rule master."

"Astral level consciousness corresponds to your Beginning Realm powerhouse."

"Starry sky level consciousness corresponds to your level of overcoming hardship."

"The highest level is cosmic consciousness. Of course, we all think that this kind of consciousness is a legend and has never appeared before. It naturally corresponds to your legend, the realm of immortality."

"Although Hei Wushen's strength only corresponds to the level of sequence rules, his consciousness is at the astral level. This consciousness does not refer to Xu Jin's kind of cultivation consciousness, but refers to his life. If he wants to fully utilize this consciousness, Consciousness fighting actually consumes Hei Wushen's life, so he never used this star-level consciousness, but turned it into a road so that you can't find the Ancient City."

"You are not unjust for being plotted by him, because the one who plotted against you, according to the universe of our consciousness, is a strong person who has overcome hardships at the same level as eternity and the beginning."

Wu Tian interjected: "You mean, no matter how strong the consciousness of the conscious universe life is, if you want to fully exert your consciousness, you will be wasting your life?"

Xi Zu was helpless: "That's it, so when we start a war between the conscious universe and the spiritual universe, the disadvantage is too obvious."

"Once you fight hard, you really fight hard. It will be extremely difficult to recover. The longer you fight, the weaker you will become."

"Do you know about the existence of Master Qingcao?" Jialanzhiluo suddenly asked.

Xizu shook his head: "Believe me, I really don't know. I have already explained this to Lord Lu. If I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Watching Gu Yizhi go to die, and if Gu Yizhi dies, your strength It is weakened a lot and is not good for our consciousness of the universe."

"I am not doing it for the sake of the ancient world, but for our consciousness of the universe itself."

"Since you can discover that Black and White Wushen are conscious beings in the universe, why can't they discover you?" Chu Yi was puzzled.

Xi Zu said: "They don't care about being exposed, but I won't be exposed."

Everyone asked Xizu many questions, and Xizu answered them one by one. If he knew, he knew, and if he didn't know, he would just say he didn't know.

Although she acted sincerely, it was impossible for everyone to completely trust her.

Whether it is the spiritualized universe or the conscious universe, they may be their enemies in the future.

"Still can't find Yong Yong and the others?" Lu Yin asked.

The ancestor sighed: "It can't be found at all. He is forever trapped in Taihong's Six Paths of Reincarnation. He will not risk coming out until the Six Paths of Reincarnation is completely lifted."

"What happened to that dog?" Master Xu suddenly asked.

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