Star Odyssey

Chapter 3314: The superior and the inferior

Lu Yin stepped backwards, paralleling time. The old monster Yuanqi waved his hand, and the void surged, knocking Lu Yin out. The power of time was useless to him.

In front of his eyes, Lu Yin struck with a palm. The starry sky was at his heart, and the lines of power formed a star pattern, pushing the limit of the biological power of this Tianyuan universe.

Yuan Qi's old monster's eyes were ferocious: "Junior, I am also famous in the Linghua Universe for my palm power, which can move the sky and clouds."




With a loud bang, Lu Yin and the old monster Yuan Qi clashed with each other with their palms. The surrounding area was torn into pieces. The world of nothingness continued to spread, like ink dyeing the starry sky black.

However, the starry sky quickly recovered, and it was covered by the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart. The stars hit the old monster Yuanqi one after another. Lu Yin's strength was fierce and endless. The old monster Yuanqi was fighting against Lu Yin's powerful palm power. , while enduring the impact of stars.

He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and said in shock: "Junior, what's your power?"

Since the battle in Taikoo City, he has not met the One True God and the others. He had already escaped from Taikoo City when Lu Yin crossed the ancestral realm. Even if the God of Forgotten Ruins entered the Jiangshan Sheji Map, he did not know that Lu Yin was chasing the bone boat. For Lu Yin My understanding is still stuck in the Battle of Taikoo City.

At that time, Lu Yin's power was extremely strong, and the origin was very clear, but no matter what, Lu Yin's power would not surpass his sky-moving cloud curtain. This was a palm technique passed down from Tianwai Tianji Palace, from the supreme extreme. , even if Lu Yin blocked his sky-moving cloud curtain, he could not block it the second or third time.

But Lu Yin fought him hard with dozens of palms, causing both of his palms to crack, but Lu Yin himself showed no signs of fading.

How can it be?

Lu Yin swept past Yuan Qi with a palm, but Yuan Qi avoided it and quickly retreated.

Lu Yin was surprised. He didn't know about Biluo Heavenly Palace? Yes, in the Taikoo City war, his opponent has always been Mr. Mu, but the ancestor was in the underground of Taikoo City and never made a move. Moreover, even if the ancestor did, it would be useless. The Biluo Heavenly Palace was sealed by the sky.

In other words, Yuan Qi didn't know the technique of Bi Luo Tian Palace at all.

This is a terrifying technique that makes unlimited use of all power. With this technique, as long as Lu Yin reaches the destructive power, he can surpass everyone. The word "consumption" has no chance for him.

However, Old Monster Yuanqi's Sky-moving Cloud Curtain Palm Technique also shocked Lu Yin. There are very few creatures in the current universe that can block his power. Neither beasts nor illusions can stop him. Old Monster Yuanqi is in Taikoo City. He did not show such strength during the war.

After thinking about it, Lu Yin showed no intention of stopping, his power was endless.

When the old monster Yuan Qi was included in the starry sky in his heart, he was destined to withstand this boundless power. Either he defeated Lu Yin with absolute strength, or he could only be defeated by Lu Yin.

It turns out that the old monster kept avoiding it, and his strange steps and combat skills were no worse than reverse steps, and also contained the power of time.

The power of time is ineffective against the old monster Yuanqi, and the power of time used by the old monster Yuanqi is also ineffective against Lu Yin.

After dodging several times, Lu Yin finally hit him on the shoulder with a palm and his body was thrown away.

Lu Yin stepped forward: "Where is your first bell?"

In the Taikoo City War, the strongest monster from Yuan Qi was a bell. The ringing of the bell could affect the entire Taikoo City battlefield. If Mr. Mu had not used Xiao Sheng to check and balance, Taikoo City would not have been able to hold on. However, in the last battle, in order to escape from Taikoo City, he In the ancient city battlefield, in order to help the bone boat of the only true god, a bell was broken, and even his appearance became vicissitudes, and his strength declined severely.

If not, Lu Yin wouldn't be sure to keep the old monster from Yuanqi.

The old monster coughed up blood and raised his head, seeing Lu Yin following closely behind him. He gritted his teeth and stained his clothes with blood: "Boy, do you really think you can keep me?"

"Those who rely on their elders and betray them usually end badly." Lu Yin hit Yuan Qi in the abdomen with his palm again, causing Yuan Qi to vomit blood and fly backwards. He wanted to retreat into the Jiangshan Sheji Tu, but since the first time he refused to retreat and instead advanced, he wanted to fight with Lu Yin. Once the war begins, it will no longer be possible to get close to the Jiangshan Sheji Map.

This is Lu Yin's starry sky, and only Lu Yin can make the decision.

The old monster Yuan Qi never imagined that one day he would be completely suppressed by Lu Yin. Hateful, hateful, his bell was broken, his sequence method could not be used, he could not get close to the Jiangshan Sheji Map, hateful, hateful, hateful!


Lu Yin struck out with a palm and collided with Yuan Qi's palms. With a click, Yuan Qi's arm was broken, and the remaining force hit Yuan Qi's forehead, causing Yuan Qi to almost faint.

In the distance, the Jiangshan Sheji Tu suddenly flew into the distance. Someone inside was controlling it to avoid Lu Yin.

Lu Yin grabbed the old monster Yuan Qi with one hand and chased towards the Jiangshan Shejitu in reverse steps.

Yuan Qi's old monster looked sternly: "How can I, one of the great Sangtians, be so miserable? Zhan Yan, come and save me quickly, Jiangshan Sheji Tu, come back."

No matter how the old monster Yuan Qi shouted, the Jiangshan Sheji Map still flew towards the distance.

Lu Yin raised his hand and Lu Lu suppressed it.

In the Jiangshan Sheji Map, Zhan Yan, Wangxu Shen, and Wang Xiaoyu looked up.

"Even if this person's strength is not up to the original level, he can still stay close and cannot be blocked. Come and help me." Zhan Yan's face was solemn.

The Forgotten God was surprised: "You won't save Yuan Qi?"

"He can't survive." Zhan Yan did not hesitate.

What Yuan Qi is facing is not an ordinary cultivator, but one of the masters who can stand at the top of Tianyuan Universe today. Even if Lu Yin is not as good as the only true god in his peak period, the ancestors, he cannot deal with a Yuan Qi who has also declined in strength. question.

If they force Yuan Qi to be rescued, they will only get themselves involved.

Zhan Yan could see this clearly because she had fought with Lu Yin in the bone boat.

And she did not tell Yuan Qi about Lu Yin's situation.

"Zhan Yan, Zhan Yan--" Yuan Qi shouted fiercely, calling for Jiangshan Shejitu.

Lu Yin's land pressed down, and the map of Jiangshan Sheji continued to shrink. The surging sequence particles exploded upward, forming a pillar of light visible to the naked eye, firmly holding against the land. The sequence particles were constantly being repelled by the starry sky, but because there were too many, it was difficult to completely exclude them for a while. .

Zhan Yan's voice came from the Jiangshan Sheji Map: "Senior Yuanqi, you are no longer able to escape. Don't bear the name of Sangtian and embarrass me in the face of the spiritual universe. Otherwise, there will be no descendants of yours in Yusangtian." Good ending."

Yuan Qi narrowed his eyes and stared at the Jiangshan Sheji Map.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand and turned the sky.


The starry sky roared, like the sky and the earth collapsing. Lu Yin grabbed the original old monster with one hand and pressed down with the other hand. He must keep the Jiangshan Sheji Map.

Suddenly, the old monster Yuanqi who was caught by Lu Yin screamed: "I will not let down the name of Sangtian. Zhan Yan, protect my descendants from ascending to the position of Sangtian again. I will help you." After saying that, he said The bell appeared, and although it was broken, it made a loud sound.

Lu Yin felt dizzy and subconsciously let go of the old monster.

It turned out that the old monster vomited blood, stared at Lu Yin sternly, and rang the bell again.

Lu Yin used his finger as a sword, pointed it out, penetrated a bell, and let out a final scream. At the same time, the catalog of gods appeared, and the beauty Mabisi and Wu Tian all chased the Jiangshan Shejitu.

But it's too late. The Jiangshan Sheji Map, which has majestic sequence particles, is composed of the method of the sequence so close to the end of the world. If there is a chance, it will escape without a trace.

A bell was completely shattered. Old Monster Yuanqi covered his heart and slowly fell to the ground.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. It was a pity that the Jiangshan Sheji Map was gone.

"Ahem, no, I didn't expect that after years of fighting with Mulaogui, I would actually be defeated by his disciple." Old monster Yuanqi smiled sadly, his face gloomy.

Lu Yin looked at the old monster Yuan Qi: "You can't be my opponent after losing a clock. Didn't Zhan Yan tell you?"

Old monster Yuan Qi looked sharply: "Did you inflict her injuries?"

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up: "It seems that even though your spiritual universe has a fixed cultivation model, the sinister human heart is still unavoidable. She had the opportunity to tell you so that you would not fight me head-on, but she deliberately didn't tell you, with your so-called It must be related to the position of Sang Tian."

It turns out that the old monster's eyes were full of hatred, but they quickly dimmed and he said dejectedly: "Young people are terrible. I have spent my whole life, but in the end I was plotted by two juniors. It's ridiculous, ridiculous."

Lu Yin looked at the old monster Yuan Qi: "There is a huge difference in your strength between having a bell and losing a bell. Your spiritual universe has a fixed cultivation mode, a sequence method, and even a foundation for constructing a sequence, but there are also shortcomings. Obviously, relying too much on this model will lead to a decline in one's own strength."

"Yi Yi Zhong is the product of your spiritualization, so you can use it to fight against my master, Mr. Mu, but how many beings in your spiritualized universe can be spiritualized? Most of them are spiritual transformations."

The sequence method and the foundation of the spiritual universe are both products of the birth of the cultivation model, and for practitioners of the spiritual universe, there is also an extremely powerful transformation, which is spiritualization.

Only a very small number of people can become spiritual. This is the second transformation above spiritual transformation. Only through spiritual transformation can weapons or talents unique to the spiritualized person be born, such as the God-given Three-foot Green Edge and the Blue Luo. They all thought it was a Zhuo Bao, but in fact it was a spiritual transformation. It was the ancestor who told Lu Yin and the others.

It turns out that the old monster's Daozhong and Zhan Yan's Jintian Picture are both products of spiritual transformation.

Once the spiritual weapon is defeated, his defeat will only be worse.

The method of sequence, the basis of sequence, and spiritualization form the confidence that the spiritual universe can deal with both the consciousness universe and the Tianyuan universe. In fact, this confidence is indeed correct. Without the spiritual weapon Yi Zhong, the old monster from Yuanqi can only He is considered a relatively powerful Beginning Realm expert, but he cannot compare with Mr. Mu, who is the strongest in the universe.

Lu Yin can defeat the old monster from Yuanqi, and his strength is about the same as that of the Sifang Guardian.

But the original old monster with the spiritual weapon Yi Zhong is a real monster. If he also masters the Jiangshan Sheji Map, it will be even more extraordinary. Even Mr. Mu can't keep him.

Spiritualization is equivalent to forcibly raising the strength of the cultivators of the spiritualized universe, and combined with the foundation of the sequence, it can be imagined.

The old monster Yuan Qi looked at Lu Yin mockingly: "So what if I belittle my Linghua Universe cultivator? The strength that my Linghua Universe has enhanced in various ways is to surpass your Tianyuan Universe. Since you know Linghua, it seems that you are good for us. Now that you know a lot about the spiritual universe, you should also know that there is an upper limit and a lower control, the sky is beyond the sky, and the ten-base sequence is the supreme law. This is a force that you cannot defeat. If you let me live, I guarantee that you can survive. , including your relatives, friends, and the people you care about can survive and join my spiritual universe."

"With your talent, enter my spiritualized universe and practice the method of sequence. It is not impossible to obtain the foundation of sequence. At least you will be in the position of Sangtian."

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