Star Odyssey

Chapter 3318 Name

Chen Zu asked himself that what he was best at was killing, fighting, and creating combat skills, rather than being passively beaten.

Vomiting blood, he raised his head with difficulty and stared at the Forgotten God: "Insect Nest."

The God of Forgotten Ruins praised: "Xia Shang, the ancestral world that can fully withstand my Black Rose, you are much stronger than the other eight clones. You know, one of your clones died under the Black Rose."

"Insect nest." Chenzu said in a low voice.

The Forgotten God sighed and looked at Yan Gang.

Yan Gang walked towards her involuntarily.

"Is this insect nest really that important to Lu Yin? Or is it a great threat to this universe?" Wangxu Shen was confused.

Chenzu stared at her: "Do you want to regret it?"

Wangxu Shen smiled tenderly, and glanced at Xia Shang with his bright eyes: "I am a woman." After saying that, he struck out with a palm, and the sequence particles entangled in his palm, sitting and forgetting the power.

Chenzu's eyes widened suddenly, he took a step forward, and then appeared again with the same palm strike.


The void exploded, and the black rose that had not withered yet penetrated directly into the body of the Forgotten God, coming from Chen Zu's continuous palm.

He used his palms to borrow the power of the Forgotten God Ancestor World.

The Forgotten God vomited blood and flew backwards, turning pale with horror. How could this happen? Skip time, Xia Shang actually skipped time? That's Wu Xing's unique skill, how could he do it?

Chenzu defeated the Forgotten God with one palm: "Wang Miaomiao, you deserve to die."

The Forgotten God coughed up blood again, his eyes suddenly turned red, and lanterns appeared around him at some point. He had no self and no other. He abandoned his thoughts and transformed into heaven to live the same life.

A sad song to send you to be at ease, worship the true God, and be at ease with the Dharma.

"The few autumn waters~the hazy beauty~looking forward to the east~"

"It's hard to see family members~ As high as the sky~ One person can live the rest of his life~"


True God - free law.

Chenzu crossed over the lantern and raised his hand to grab the Forgotten God. Suddenly, a royal staff appeared in his hand, and another void royal staff.

With a bang, Chen Zu crushed it into pieces.

At this time, a lantern with Chen Zu's portrait suddenly shattered. Chen Zu was startled, his complexion suddenly turned gray, he coughed out blood, and squatted on the ground again. Is this?

The Forgotten God took the opportunity to come to Wang Xiaoyu and grabbed Yan Gang: "Let's go."

Just when Chen Zu was about to take action, the lanterns shattered one after another, like invisible heavy blows hitting Chen Zu again and again, making it difficult for him to track, and they could only let Wang Xu Shen and others escape.

After a while, with all the lanterns broken, the starry sky returned to calm.

Chenzu sat cross-legged and exhaled.

He has never faced off against the True God's Freedom Technique and is unprepared. However, even if he is prepared, he may not be able to do anything against the True God's three unique skills.

Skipping time can allow him to recover instantly, but the skipped time can be found by experts. Once found, he can be seriously injured instantly in future battles. This is not what Chen Zu wants.

He would not skip time unless he had to.

The reason for forcing the Forgotten God's three moves was to skip time, but the Forgotten God was not stupid and directly regretted it.

Fortunately, the Jiangshan Sheji Map was snatched away.

In Taikoo City, Lu Yin arrived and found Mr. Mu. It was not that there was anything too important: "Old monster Yuan Qi was caught."

Mr. Mu was surprised, and then he understood: "He lost a bell and his strength dropped as much as that of the Sifang Guardian. It is normal to catch him. Don't kill him yet. Keep him. It may be useful to deal with the spiritual universe. He Very afraid of death.”

Lu Yin nodded.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Mu said, "Do you have anything to ask?"

Lu Yin thought for a while: "Master, what is the name of the universe you are in?"

Mr. Mu laughed: "No name."

"No name?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Mr. Mu looked into the distance: "If there are similar people, they will be distinguished by names. If there was no Linghua Universe, would there be the name Tianyuan Universe?"

"Are you saying that when you were in your own universe, you had no contact with creatures from other universes?"

"Contact is true, but creatures from other universes also came to our universe accidentally. How can they be qualified to name the universe?"

Lu Yin thought about it and said, "Yes, ordinary creatures are not qualified to name the universe. Then who decided on the name of our Tianyuan Universe?"

Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin: "Taichu also had the same question, so he didn't dare to recover."

Lu Yin looked stern, is it fate? Only destiny can determine the name of the universe, Master Green Grass.

"You suddenly asked me about my master's universe. Are you worried that the old enemy of my master's universe will come to the Tianyuan universe?" Mr. Mu said.

Lu Yin did not hide: "The Linghua Universe is on the side, and suddenly the Insect Hive Universe comes again. The Tianyuan Universe makes things worse. Once the Insect Hive Universe develops, it will be in trouble. If Master, the old enemy of your universe appears again, it will happen."

"Probably not." Mr. Mu said.

After thinking about it, he added: "In that battle, if that omnipotent existence had not intervened, it could actually be collectively called fate. If fate had not intervened, we would not have been defeated. And our old enemy is not as fast as the insect nest." Reproduction, even if there is a real threat, will not be so fast.”

"Then, what about fate?" Lu Yin asked.

Mr. Mu and Lu Yin looked at each other: "Then it's nothing you and I need to worry about."

Lu Yin thought of Wang Wen's metaphor: fishermen are destined to be fishermen. They are all fish, and the only ones who can compete with fishermen for fish are fishermen.

Perhaps Mr. Mu hopes that the fate of their universe will appear and fight with Master Qingcao. Such a being is supreme and cannot allow similar people to compete. It would be best if one of them dies.

In the Tianshang Sect, everyone gathered around the Jiangshan Sheji Map to look at it.

"Is this the Jiangshan Sheji Map? Sure enough, it is all constructed of sequence particles. It is so ingenious that once you enter it, it will be easily buried by the sequence particles."

"The same sequence of particles has been accumulated for countless years to build such a treasure. The fixed cultivation model of the spiritual universe is indeed effective."

"I originally thought that the spiritual universe would focus on the basis of sequence, but they also developed spiritual weapons. Although the focus is still on external objects, they are very powerful. The old monster's first bell was destroyed and his strength dropped so much. With a bell, he stands at the pinnacle of the Battle of Taikoo City, and there are many such masters in the Linghua Universe."

"If our Tianshang Sect could continue to this day, we could also have similar treasures."

"Impossible. Master will not completely fix the cultivation mode, but will only allow it to develop, and even cause a source of disaster."

"Although the Origin Tribulation is a disaster, it brings more opportunities. Master is right."

"No one is saying that Master is wrong, but we will never be able to develop like the spiritual universe."

Everyone was talking to each other, analyzing the map of the country, the country, and the country.

From time to time, he also praised Chen Zu.

As a long-standing senior, Chen Zu is a junior to the Three Realms and Six Paths.

Including Mu Shen and Xu Lord, they are all much older than Chen Zu.

Wu Tian, ​​in particular, looked at Chen Zu in admiration: "Not only can you break out of the Jiangshan Sheji Tu, but you can also face the True God's Freedom Technique and create the magical Lianzhang. No wonder the eternity says that you are the best in fighting talent in ancient and modern times."

Chen Zu's face was still a little pale: "Is that the True God's Freedom Technique? It is indeed one of the three unique skills. It will not be so easy to find Wang Miaomiao and the others this time."

Lu Yin said: "Senior is very lucky to be able to snatch the Jiangshan Sheji Map. The Forgotten God is cunning and has escaped from many battles without suffering any injuries. It is not easy to deal with."

Lu Yin didn't expect that the God of Forgotten Ruins actually practiced the True God Freedom Technique and had never used it before. This woman hid it too deeply.

Hei Wushen deliberately betrayed the Eternals, and then followed the only true god to avoid death. However, the God of Forgotten Ruins has been active on all battlefields, not only surviving, but also hiding her strength. This woman may seem delicate, but she is more insidious and tenacious than anyone else. .

Lu Yin wanted to ask Chenzu Wang Xiaoyu about his situation, but after thinking about it, he still didn't.

"When the old monster Yuanqi was captured, it was Zhan Yan who escaped with the Jiangshan Sheji Map. Senior, the time when you found the Jiangshan Sheji Map and I caught the old monster Yuanqi was not too long apart. Could it be that Zhan Yan was forgotten by the Forgotten Ruins God? Is it solved?" Lu Yin remembered something and asked.

Everyone looked at Chen Zu.

Zhan Yan is not weak, he is one of the top five masters of Bone Boat, he has been fighting against Mu Zhu, and he is also a strong person in the spiritual universe.

Chen Zu said: "It should be that the Forgotten God cannot control the Jiangshan Sheji Tu, otherwise I wouldn't be able to grab it. Although I didn't see Zhan Yan's body, she should be dead."

Lu Yin nodded. There are fewer and fewer foreign enemies hiding in the Tianyuan Universe. Now there are only the only true gods, Hei Wushen, Tiangu, and the Wangxu God, Wang Xiaoyu. As long as they can be eliminated, the Tianyuan Universe will be cleared of internal enemies. Suffer.

No, there are still insect nests.

The insect nest that cultivated Freesia was taken away, which was a serious problem.

There are fewer and fewer insect nests, and they are destroyed when they are discovered. From the beginning, they were often discovered, and now, no one has been found for dozens of days. It will only become more and more difficult to find insect nests in the future.

Tianshang Sect continues to improve the punishment and reward system for hiding insect nests.

When the reward reaches a certain level, the entire universe will go crazy. Whoever can find the person hiding the insect nest will reach the sky in one step.

Those who hide the insect nest will only have a difficult time, and the whole universe will look for it. Even if they hide, it is not easy to practice. Those bugs are so easy to recognize, especially if there are bugs leading the way, the bugs will look for the nearest bug nest on their own, which leads to those The person hiding in the insect nest left the place after a while and kept changing his location.

This is also a way to find something.

A few months later, two more insect nests were discovered, and the fate of those who hid the insect nests was extremely miserable.

It's a pity that Yu Leng was still not found.

Ever since the Eternals were destroyed in the Battle of Taikoo City, the entire starry sky has never been shrouded in the shadow of the Eternals.

The once boundless battlefield of the Six-Party Society has become a place where many people go.

For cultivators, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye, but so many things have happened in this short period of one hundred years. Many cultivators have just finished retreat and are preparing to die in a fierce battle with the Eternals on the boundless battlefield. The Eternals have been defeated, and there is no longer a boundless battlefield.

This news surprised many people who had finished retreat, and also aroused the interest of many practitioners to go to the boundless battlefield.

They have heard countless times that there is a millstone of life and death, and there are too many strange starry skies there.

Now that the threat has disappeared, groups of people are visiting the boundless battlefield under the organization of caring people.

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