Star Odyssey

Chapter 3320 Twisted Text

After a pause, Wu Tian continued: "When I taught sentient beings, I saw too many methods of cultivation and thought about too many methods of cultivation. When I was imprisoned in the third calamity realm, I thought about it the most. The question is, what is the origin of this universe? Where did the mother tree, the rules, and all the things that support human beings come from?"

"I didn't understand until I saw you break the ancestors and give birth to the starry sky with endless rules." Wu Tian was excited: "This universe may have been born naturally. We humans were nurtured by the various coincidences in this universe, but the universe itself It is a circle that can give birth to us, and we can in turn create it.”

Lu Yin was shocked. The universe is a circle? Bai Xian'er once said this, but Bai Xian'er's understanding that the universe is a circle must be different from Wu Tian's understanding, but the result is the same.

Everyone has a different understanding of the universe, but the result is the same?

Wu Tian patted Lu Yin on the shoulder: "Three Realms and Six Paths, including Master, Mr. Mu, they can't give you much help. You have to walk your own way. The only thing we can bring to you may be the experience accumulated over time. Maybe It will inspire you, Zhuzi, keep going." After saying that, he also left, leaving only Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at the Map of the Country and the Country for a long time, releasing the stars in his heart and encompassing the Map of the Country and the Country.

The moment the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram entered the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart, it shook violently. Inside, the mountains, rivers, and rivers continued to dissolve, turning into sequential particles and heading toward the outside world, to be repulsed by the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart.

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly. In the starry sky, the golden light of the Wordless Heavenly Book shone, covering the Jiangshan Sheji Map. Suddenly, the disintegrated sequence particles were no longer rejected and softened.

Lu Yin saw those sequence particles.

In the past, because Lu Yin's Sky Eye was pierced by the One True God, he could not see the sequence particles. However, as he broke through the ancestral realm, he became stronger and stronger, and he could gradually see them. Especially the surging sequence particles like the basis of the sequence were too exaggerated. Among the people I have seen, only those at the level of the Great Heavenly Lord can compare with it, and it is difficult to imagine not seeing it.

Lu Yin instantly appeared next to the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram. Around him, sequence particles emitted, like invisible air currents floating in the starry sky.

When Lu Yin touched the sequence particles, he felt like he could be controlled.

He felt that when the sequence particles were controlled, the space in front of him could be very long or very short. He could go to a far distance in an instant, or he could just stand here and let others appear far away. This is just around the corner.

Laughing loudly, Lu Yin saw the path he should take along the sequence rules. He couldn't see which sequence rules he could understand, but he knew that he could get many sequence rules. As Wu Tian said, he This side of the starry sky seems to have everything, but lacks nothing, most lacking in sequence rules.

The sequence rules controlled by others are too rare, and once they come into contact with him, they will be rejected by the starry sky in the heart. Only the sequence rules contained in the basis of this sequence can be used by him. He does not directly use the Jiangshan Sheji Map, but the entire Jiangshan Sheji. The graph dissolves into majestic sequence particles, and you can directly control these sequence particles.

This is the path he will take.

Steal, clearly rob, and then control, this is the dominance of the starry sky in the heart.

If you can't get it, reject it; if you can get it, use it for yourself.

Lu Yin likes this kind of power so much. It is the power that was born after he created a universe.

He was like a child who got a toy, constantly experimenting with sequence particles without any sense of strangeness. He seemed to have jumped directly from the ancestral realm to the sequence rules. Once the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram was completely dissolved into sequence particles, Lu Yin could imagine the sequence particles he controlled. How majestic.

It's a pity that the sequence rule of "The End of the World" itself is not very good, and it is of almost no help to him.

But it doesn't matter, he sees the direction and the road, that's all.

For a moment, Lu Yin suddenly had expectations for the spiritual universe. War was inevitable. In addition to fighting for his own universe, he also had another reason to fight, which was the foundation of the sequence.

The sequence particles of Jiangshan Sheji Diagram can be controlled, and the sequence particles of other sequence bases can also be controlled.

What would it be like if I snatched all the sequence foundations and incorporated all the sequence particles into the starry sky in my heart?

Lu Yin's eyes were hot. He wanted a lot of sequence foundations to fill the starry sky in his heart.

Two months later, under the sky full of stars, the Forgotten God brought Wang Xiaoyu and Yan Gang to see the only true god.

Black Godless and Tengu stood quietly in the distance.

The only true god listened to the report from the God of Forgotten Ruins.

"It turns out that the old monster lost a clock and was solved by Lu Yin sooner or later, but you actually killed Zhan Yan?" The only true god looked at the Forgotten God, his eyes as calm as water.

Wangxu God respectfully said: "Taikoo City was defeated in one battle. I feel that cooperation with Linghua Universe has little meaning. In the future, Linghua Universe will go to war with this universe. What we need more is the means of self-protection."

The One True God said calmly: "So you want to seize the Jiangshan Sheji Map as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the Linghua Universe?"


"It's a pity that it was snatched away by Xia Shang."

Mentioning this, the Forgotten God's face turned ugly: "Xia Shang is so difficult to deal with that he actually learned Wu Xing's way of skipping time. If not, I would definitely kill him."

The only true god laughed: "You can't kill him."

Forgotten God is confused.

The Only True God looked into the distance: "Although Xia Shang has not exhausted his immortal defense, his will and fighting talent far exceed everyone else, ensuring that he can turn around in adversity."

"In order to kill his eight clones, almost all of the Seven Gods were dispatched. Even so, they were unable to save his clone. They also made him hide in the cemetery to create the Lian Zhang and rebuild the sequence rules."

"Give someone like that a little while longer and it's going to be really scary."

Wangxu Shen said: "Xia Shang can find me."

The Only True God said: "I can't take action yet." At this point, he looked at Yan Gang.

Yan Gang trembled. The conversation between the Forgotten God and the One True God was not hidden from him. He heard it and knew who this person was.

He is actually the master of the Eternals, the only true god of the invincible starry sky.

He never dreamed that one day he would meet the one true God.

Although the One True God is mankind's biggest enemy, it does not prevent him from fearing the One True God. It can be said that no matter how much mankind hates the One True God, most people are afraid of the One True God. This existence is like the master of the starry sky.

"Nurture your insect nest well, it will be of great use in the future."

Yan Gang didn't know how to answer, so he could only bend down and nod.

In the original space, on an ordinary planet in the fifth continent, the sound of reading aloud awakened the quiet morning.

The man wearing glasses turned the pages of the book and listened to the sound of reading in the classroom not far away. He smiled at the corner of his mouth. It was the beginning of a new day. What these children are most looking forward to now is tomorrow's weekend. Haha, when they went to school It will be the same.

Turning through the pages of the book, the man quickly found what he wanted to record.

At this time, he found that the text on the page was twisted, frowned, and looked at it again. No, it was because he slept too late last night and was mentally exhausted.

He recorded it again, and the words suddenly became distorted again.

The man stared at the text, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. Strangely, there was still nothing. What happened?

Suddenly, the words came out of the paper, formed into a ferocious mouthpart, and swallowed the man in one mouthful. With a snap, the glasses fell to the ground with a shattering sound.

Someone walked in from outside: "Teacher Pang?"

Where are people? The visitor searched around and found only the glasses and nothing else.

The breeze blows and the pages of the book are turned. The words are constantly twisted, as if something is crawling in the middle of the words. Outside, the sound of reading aloud is still so crisp, and the quiet morning air is fresh.

Pieces of debris fell from the book, fell on the chair, fell on the ground, and fell next to the broken glasses. If you put those debris together, it would be the photo of that man.

Not long after, the same scene happened on a planet far away.

This time more than one person saw it, because the man who was swallowed and then turned into a picture and torn to pieces was giving a speech.

This scene caused panic on the planet. However, the planet did not leave the starry sky. It did not know any cultivation or heavenly sect and could not spread the news.

Scenes appear in the universe, strange and terrifying.

In the literary world of the inner universe, in a courtyard of the Wen family, Wen Qian'er was sitting under a tree, feeling quite irritable.

"Damn it, Xiaoli, why don't you come out? You asked me to wait for so long. I want you to look good later."

Half an hour later, Wen Qian'er gritted her teeth and stood up suddenly: "Looking for death." She rushed into the courtyard next to her and kicked open the door: "Damn it, Xiaoli, how long are you going to keep me waiting? Get out of here."

Someone around heard it and shook their heads in silence. Xiaoli was going to be unlucky again. He was sent by his mother to be trained by Wen Qian'er. Wasn't that asking for death?

In the courtyard, Wen Qian'er rushed in and kicked open another door: "Still not coming out? Do you want to be lazy? Let's see how I treat you."

Seeing no one, Wen Qian'er was confused, where were the people?

She walked into the room and seemed to have stepped on something. She looked down and saw a photo?

She picked up the photo and found it was broken, but for a practitioner, it was not difficult to put it back together.

The spliced ​​photo showed a girl, sunny and cute, with little tiger teeth and a very naughty look. It was Xiaoli.

Wen Qianer looked at the photo in confusion, what the hell?

Suddenly, Wen Qian'er felt chills all over her body, and an indescribable terror came over her, as if she was about to be swallowed by something. She raised her head, and a ferocious mouth suddenly appeared and bit down on her.


With a loud noise, the ferocious mouth was pushed out, and a figure appeared next to Wen Qian'er, with a serious expression on his face: "Prison of words."

Words sealed the room one by one, the void shook, and the surrounding area shattered, attracting the attention of the entire Wen Family.

At the door of Wen's house, the patriarch Wen Zizi's expression changed and he hurriedly entered.

Wen Qian'er curled up on the ground and shivered, clutching Xiaoli's photo tightly in her hand.

"Qian'er, what's going on?" Wen Zizi arrived.

Standing next to Wen Qian'er was Wen Sansi. He slowly turned his head and looked at Wen Zizai: "Clan leader, Jin Xiuluo has appeared."

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