Star Odyssey

Chapter 3331 Try

Huican shook his head. Tuo Lin always talked about these ridiculous things and analyzed human nature. What does human nature have to do with him? He can see through human nature at a glance. When he was as weak as an ant, he dared to plot against the giant Wang family.

"In that case, let's part ways first. Of course, it won't be long. Senior brother, where will you go next?" Hui Can asked.

Tuo Lin did not hesitate: "Six Directions Dojo."

Huican was speechless, and it was a deserted place.

Yu Leng massacred the Liufang Dojo, and it was already empty. Even if there was a new Liufang Dojo, it would not be at that location.

Looking at Hui Can's leaving figure, Tuolin shook his head: "Junior brother is blinded by the prosperity. Little does he know that he has been walking slower and slower on the road of following the master."

"Yes, you are the only one with me, Xiaoyu. Master must be very happy. We are watching his back walking and re-walking the path that Master has walked."

"Your suggestion is very good. I didn't even think of it. Then we will carve a statue of Master with our own hands and carry it on our backs. We will definitely feel the greatness of Master. Xiaoyu, you are so kind."

In a certain parallel time and space in Tianyuan Universe, Chenzu, Chuyi, Kuzu, and Mu Zhu all arrived, and they were tracking the only true god.

Chenzu can always find the location of the Forgotten God. The Only True God and the others have changed places several times.

Just when he was about to continue chasing, Chu Yi stopped him and his eyes fell on the distance. There, a jade-colored ribbon floated by. Everyone looked at it and their eyes widened. What a jade-colored ribbon, it was simply a dance across the stars. One hundred thousand , or millions? Countless guards dance together, bringing jade-colored embellishment to the dark starry sky.

Chu Yi casually wiped out these Shou Wu.

Everyone said nothing and continued to chase.

After some time, Chenzu and the others suddenly felt severe pain. It was the pain caused by Qianli, leaving Qianli here.

For them, Qianli's burrs can be easily pulled out, and the pain only lasts for a moment, but everyone's expressions are not good. This pain is nothing, but it represents a message, or in other words, a warning. If they continue to pursue, the only true god and them It will leave bugs along the way.

This is not only a threat to them, but also a threat to the parallel time and space passed along the way.

Just imagine, what would be the consequences of casually releasing Qianli and other insects into various parallel time and spaces?

To pursue or not to pursue? Everyone just hesitated for a moment, but still chased after them. Some things cannot be ignored because of serious consequences. There is nothing more urgent than annihilating the One True God and the others.

Far away, the only true god looked back. Sure enough, he was not there, but he still came after him. So, let's have fun.

It had been a while since Yan Gang had been taken by them. During this time, many insects had been born, and Jin Shura had already been born, with only one Qingxian missing.

There are so many of the first eight types of bugs that it would be a shame not to play with these people.

Not long after, Shilong Disaster appeared in a parallel time and space. Tens of thousands of stone dragons spread out and wildly destroyed everything they saw. There were practitioners in that parallel time and space, and the strongest one was the half-ancestor. But facing Shilong , although a half-ancestor can win, he cannot face such a large number.

Each stone dragon possesses the strength of a star envoy. One-on-one, the half-ancestor can be easily eliminated, but there are too many, enough to bury the half-ancestor.

The stone dragons did not combine into flying dragons, but scattered to destroy this parallel time and space. The purpose was very simple, not to let Chu Yi and the others solve it easily.

When Chenzu and the others came to this time and space, they saw the disaster of Shilong. Kuzu took the initiative to stay and deal with it, and they continued to chase.

Countless Qianli appeared in the next parallel time and space, bringing desperate pain to countless people.

Then there is the Seven Star Sword.

Just three kinds of bugs can bring endless disasters to time and space.

In desperation, Chenzu and the others could only contact Tianshang Sect and ask Tianshang Sect to send people to solve the disaster caused by the insects.

Lu Yin contacted the eldest sister and Wood God, and the twelve ancestral realm experts with symbiotic corpses cooperated with Ezhi to conquer those tribesmen and solve the insect disaster left by Chen Zu and others along the way in their pursuit of the only true god.

The other bugs are fine, but Qianli is the most troublesome. The mecha can sweep across Qianli, but it cannot remove the pain Qianli brings to others. Only a true ancestral realm powerhouse can do this. This is also the case for the twelve symbiotic ancestors. The reason why the strong men in the realm of corpses took action was that they coexisted with the corpses in the ancestral realm and also obtained the ancestral world.

As for the clan members of the Disaster Expedition, there is nothing they can do about it. We cannot let the eldest sister cooperate with Ce Wangtian. That would be courting death.

Time passed, Tianshang Sect, Universe Sea, Lu Yin's deep voice sounded: "The time is up, and you still haven't found another Qingxian."

The killing intent enveloped him, making Qingxian tremble.

In the past two years, it has been practicing secretly. Lu Yin took it to see the beginning space, which also means that it has a very deep understanding of the beginning space and human beings. This understanding will allow it to transform and find the direction of cultivation.

Even so, it found that after two years of increased strength, it was still impossible to escape from Lu Yin's hands. The gap was too big.

"Master, I am useful. I can help you find the insect nest. Qingxian is definitely not in this starry sky. It is not my fault, Master." Qingxian was scared because Lu Yin was getting more and more murderous.

Lu Yin looked at Qingxian: "Your strength has changed a lot in the past two years."

Qingxian was shocked: "Master, it has nothing to do with me. I have no intention of hiding it from you, but my body will unconsciously change in a direction more suitable for practicing in this starry sky. Master, I didn't mean to hide it from you. Please Master, please spare my life.”

Insects give people the impression that they are numerous but not very intelligent. However, this Qingxian has developed his intelligence to such a high level that he does not look like insects at all.

Lu Yin admired the immortal master who created the insect nest. Only those in the Immortal Realm could create such a magical life.

"The one-year period has long passed. Because you discovered Jin Shura, I let you live for one more year. Now the time has come, you can't let me go back on my promise." Lu Yin's tone was calm, murderous intent continued to come, and he was ready to take action at any time. .

Qingxian trembled: "Master, I will definitely be able to find another Qingxian, take me to other parallel time and space, and I will definitely be able to help Master find it. As long as we are in the same time and space, it will be possible, Master."

"Without me, even if the Qingxian is standing in front of the master, the master will not know. By the way, there are Jin Shura and the insect nest. I will definitely help the master find them."

"With so many parallel time and spaces, there must be hidden insect nests. Master, I am of great use. I am useful. Please don't kill me..."

Lu Yin looked at Qingxian's constant pleading and sighed: "You are indeed very useful, and I don't want to kill you, but the more useful you are, the greater the threat, right?"

"But I am yours, Master, and I am not a threat to Master."

"What did the Immortal Lord say?"

"I don't know about the Immortal Lord. No Immortal Lord has ever appeared. Master, you must believe me. That Immortal Lord must not be in this universe. If he never appears, what's the difference between being there and not being there, Master."

Lu Yin smiled: "That's a good thing. Although you only surrender to the Immortal Lord, if the Immortal Lord never appears, there is really no difference between him and me."

"Okay, I'll give you another chance."

Qingxian breathed a sigh of relief. After two years, the vines on its body had long since recovered. It bounced on the ground twice: "Thank you, master, thank you."

Lu Yin raised his hand, and a stream of air appeared on his fingertips, swaying slowly: "This power is called Liuyun. You can practice it in the shortest time."

Qingxian was puzzled and uneasy. He didn't understand why Lu Yin asked him to cultivate this power of flowing clouds, but now he had no choice but to do it.

Lu Yin's attempt was very simple. He asked Qingxian to practice Liuyun's power, and then he used Liuyun's power to roll the dice at six points, integrate it into Qingxian's body as much as possible, look at its memory, and then decide whether to kill or not.

Under the starry sky, the dark red earth stretched far away. Sweat dripped from Yan Gang's forehead, and he kept rubbing the insect nest. The last one was born, came out, and was conceived. It has been two years. During this period, he also visited time and space with different speeds of time. It's time to come out. .

Is it called Qingxian? Good boy, come out.

In the distance, the One True God and the others stood quietly.

In the past two years, they have also learned about the affairs of Tianshang Sect.

It is said that the Tianshang Sect discovered an insect nest that gave birth to Qingxian. The time and space of that insect nest is not connected to any parallel time and space of the Tianshang Sect. It is a coincidence that it was found.

A big battle exposed the Tianshang Sect to dozens of ancestral-level mechas, and following them, dozens of masters with ancestral-level strength appeared in the Tianshang Sect, all of whom were strangers.

"Integrating resources obtained from many parallel times and spaces is enough to make human strength leap forward. Lu Yin's Zhuo Bao is perfect for improving overall strength." The only true god sighed.

The Forgotten God smiled and said: "The difference in strength cannot be made up by quantity."

"It depends on how Lu Yin plans to use this quantity." The only true god said.

Hei Wushen was disdainful: "The strength of the spiritualized universe is too strong. The upper pole is controlled by the lower one, the sky is outside the sky, the supreme law of the ten basic sequences, the eighty-eight kinds of sequence laws, the foundation of the ten major sequences. In addition, there are There are many unfinished sequence foundations, which can also exert strong strength. Tianwaitian gathers the masters of the entire spiritual universe. The godsends also belong to Tianwaitian, which has no name yet, Yusangtian, Qidasangtian , who is not an invincible strong man."

“These people are more than their numbers can make up for.”

The Forgotten God smiled sweetly: "I have forgotten that you are from the Linghua Universe, black and white and godless. Haha, is your heart in the outer world of the Linghua Universe, or is it here with Lord Eternal?"

The lines of Hei Wushen's pupils flickered: "I also want to ask, Wang Miaomiao, is your heart with Lord Eternal, or with human beings?"


The Tengu shouted loudly, and everyone looked at it. Yan Gang was excited, breathing rapidly, and came out. Finally - came out.

Inside the insect nest, a gleam of light floated out of the last jade-colored ball. There was no color visible, but it seemed to be of any color. All kinds of brilliance were intertwined, soft and beautiful.

The brilliance slowly floated out, suspended in mid-air, and finally condensed and took shape under the eyes of everyone.


Yan Gang was shocked, how could he be a human?

The only true god and the others are looking at Qingxian, are they human? Their understanding of the Insect Nest is even better than that of Yan Gang, and they all come from the Tianshang Sect.

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