Star Odyssey

Chapter 3334 Tragic

The round-faced old man's eyes changed: "It seems that you have a deep understanding of my spiritual universe, I am one of Sangtian."

"Sang Tian is the same as old monster Yuanqi?" Lu Yin was worried. Old monster Yuanqi could fight against Mr. Mu. If a bell hadn't been broken, he wouldn't have been able to win. The old guy in front of him had just suppressed old Lu Yuan. Ancestor should be a strong man who can survive hardships, he is terrifyingly powerful.

The round-faced old man looked deeply at Lu Yin: "We contacted Origin and Eternity as soon as we arrived in Tianyuan Universe, but we couldn't contact either of them. Where are they?"

"It turns out that the old monster has been killed by me." Lu Yin said bluntly.

The corners of the round-faced old man's mouth curled up and he chuckled: "How interesting that Tangtang Sangtian died in the hands of a junior like you? I don't believe it. If you have the ability, try killing me." As he said that, he raised his gold pen and said to Quasi Lu Yin, fall down.

Lu Yuan reminded: "Be careful."

Lu Yin sent Lu Yuan out of the starry sky at his heart, facing the round-faced old man's golden pen, and blasted away stars one by one.

The stars closest to the golden pen instantly turned golden and escaped Lu Yin's control.

There were no sequence particles, otherwise they would be repelled by the starry sky at the heart, and the golden star stood in front of the round-faced old man and collided with other stars, making a roar.

The round-faced old man walked in the void, and with a tap of the gold pen, the stars turned into gold for his use.

Lu Yin was shocked. That golden pen should be a spiritual weapon. It was the unique power of the spiritual universe and a sign of the strong.

In desperation, Lu Yin once again contracted the starry sky at his heart, but the golden stars remained in place. They completely separated from the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart and were controlled by the round-faced old man to blast towards Lu Yin.

"Junior, the method of spiritual transformation is not something that you and Tianyuan Universe can resist."

Lu Yin clenched his fist: "That's right."

He punched out, shattering the golden stars and blasting towards the round-faced old man.

The round-faced old man didn't care at first, but when the power of the punch approached, his expression changed: "The limit of strength?"

The void shook. The round-faced old man did not dare to receive Lu Yin's punch, so he could only retreat. The golden pen pointed at Lu Yin. Lu Yin's scalp went numb and he stepped backwards. In parallel time, the round-faced old man snorted and moved his pen sideways. , in the same parallel time, time did not mean much to him. Lu Yin punched again, and the round-faced old man was forced to retreat with such extreme strength.

"With the power of biological extremes, junior, it's not so unbelievable that you can kill Yuan Qi. Let me give you a ride." After saying that, he put away the gold pen, and a square sign appeared in his hand, pointing it at Lu hidden.

For a moment, Lu Yin felt as if he was in a trance. The terrifying sequence of particles swept across the surrounding area instantly. Even the battlefield between Chu Yi and Palace Master Yao who were very close could not be avoided. They were both in the Beginning Realm, but the rules did not apply to them. , still unable to reject this vast sequence of particles.

Chu Yi was shocked: "The foundation of the sequence." For this war, he also came from the side of tracking the only true god and the others. Only Chenzu, Kuzu and Mu Zhu were tracking the only true god and the others.

Palace Master Yao was surprised: "He has a good understanding of our spiritual universe. That junior is dead. That is the world of seals."

Chuyi shouted: "Zhuzi, that is the world of seals."

The world of seals is the foundation of the ten major sequences of the spiritual universe, ranking fifth. It is condensed by 359 practitioners of the Impression Sequence method in the Spiritual Universe from ancient times to the present. The Impression Sequence method is among the eighty-eight sequences of the Spiritual Universe. Ranked seventy-nine in the law, because he has little combat power, it is easy to practice. The spiritual universe is controlled by Tianwaitian, and allocates cultivators to practice the Impression Sequence method. Throughout the ages, a total of 359 people have practiced the Impression Sequence method. It took a lifetime of hard work to finally condense the world of seals.

Although the method of impression sequence is useless, the world of seals is extremely powerful. But the world of heaven and man is reversed and replaces the original deity with the impression. If the impression is injured, the deity will be injured. If the impression dies, the deity will die. This is the rule. It is forcibly formulated to Impressions supersede the rules of the deity.

The reminder for the first grade of junior high school was late.

The moment the round-faced old man faced Lu Yin with the World of Seal, the moment Lu Yin saw the World of Seal, the World of Seal was activated.

I saw a figure appearing next to the square sign of Seal Realm. It was the round-faced old man’s impression of Lu Yin. The moment the impression appeared, the round-faced old man struck out with a palm, directly to his forehead. Once it hit, the impression Death, Lu Yin, also died.

Suddenly, the impression disappeared and everything reversed.

The round-faced old man changed his expression again: "Reverse time?"

The light boat flew through the void and returned to Lu Yin's surroundings. Lu Yin struck out with a palm. This palm had no power, but it made the majestic sequence particles around it boil and turn it into his own use. This was a continuous palm.

The combat skills created by Chenzu can always be used at critical moments.

Since the starry sky at the heart cannot repel so many majestic sequence particles, it will not repel them and use their power to attack the other person.

The round-faced old man took out his gold pen and pointed at Lu Yin.

In the direction of the golden pen, even the sequence particles were dyed golden. Lu Yin hurriedly withdrew his palm to avoid it. The golden color swept across the starry sky and flew into the distance. Along the way, a twelve-ring mecha turned golden, freezing the starry sky. Behind the ring mecha is Nong Yi.

Nong Yi was also dyed golden, just like a golden man floating in the starry sky, lifelike.

The next moment, the golden color shattered, and both the twelve-ring mecha and Nong Yi were shattered.

Lu Yin was sad, Nong Yi, this old man was the first to board his catalog of gods, and jointly dealt with Sifang Tianping, but now, he died on the battlefield.

There was no time to grieve, the round-faced old man pointed his golden pen at Lu Yin again, and even held the Realm of Seal in his hand, ready to activate at any time.

Lu Yin took out Goulian, the God of Death. Now Goulian, the God of Death, was complete. The starry sky was released in his heart. The round-faced old man pointed out the golden pen, constantly turning the stars into gold. In the distance, Lu Yin Goulian slashed down and struck with death energy.

The death energy slashed at the round-faced old man. The round-faced old man was surprised by the strength of the death energy. He still used the golden pen to spread the death energy and split the death energy into two parts. However, there was also a layer of power in the starry sky at his heart, which was the Biluo Heavenly Palace.

In the Biluo Heavenly Palace, Lu Yin had not consumed any of his power.

The death energy was cut off, gathered together again, and turned into a slashing attack towards the round-faced old man.

The round-faced old man was surprised: "There is no consumption technique? What a good technique." He waved away the death energy slashes again and again, but the death energy slashes were endless. At the same time, the power of the starry sky roared out from the heart, pressing towards the circle. Old face.

The round-faced old man had to withdraw from the starry sky at his heart.

He was knocked back for the first time.

Lu Yin expanded the starry sky at his heart and enveloped the rest of the battlefield. The power of the stars easily crushed a master of the spiritual universe sequence rules to death.

The round-faced old man killed the mecha and Nongyi, and Lu Yin killed the strong man of the sequence rules of the spiritual universe.

Although he is no match for the round-faced old man, he is capable of fighting him with his many tricks.

Even the round-faced old man found it difficult. Sequence foundations and spiritual weapons were of no help to Lu Yin: "No wonder God calls you the biggest obstacle to defeating the Tianyuan Universe. Junior, you are worthy of my full strength."

After the words fell, the sequence particles boiled behind the round-faced old man. He used the sequence method and used the sequence particles to form a humanoid creature. It was extremely huge, with a white pointed face mask, like a ghost.

Even though the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart was encompassing, the sequence particles that made up the humanoid creature were not completely disintegrated. As the round-faced old man activated the Seal Realm, the majestic and terrifying sequence particles actually resisted the repulsion of the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart, causing The sequence particles of the round-faced old man were retained.

"I am the president of the Linghua Universe Chamber of Commerce, one of the seven great Sangtians. I practice the method of sequence, the divine light, and my name is the God of Death."

Behind the old man, a humanoid composed of sequential particles came towards Lu Yin, raising his dark arm to grab Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank, the God of Death?

"You can't afford this name." Above his head, the Catalog of Gods appeared, golden light shone on the starry sky, and figures walked out one after another, rushing towards the round-faced old man's sequence method - the God of Death.

Far away, the dagger of the abandoned man was stained with blood, and a figure fell in front of him.

This was the second spiritual cosmic master he had killed. The first one had the strength of the ancestral realm and could easily kill him, but this one had practiced the sequence method. Although he killed the opponent, he was also injured.

Looking around, there are too many battlefields in the starry sky. Not far away is the wood carving duel between the masters of the sequence rules who also use sword skills from the Linghua Universe. There are too many strong masters of the sequence rules from the Linghua Universe, and there are many ancestral realms.

Fortunately, there are quite a few of them with Ancestral Realm strength. Each of those huge mechas has Ancestral Realm combat power.

However, more and more are being destroyed.

Above the starry sky, many mecha fragments were floating in blood.

The abandoned person looked into the distance. Outside the stone gate, there were many people in the war boat. Quite a number of them were the young elite practitioners of the spiritual universe. Several mechas had just killed them and wanted to destroy the war boat. Unfortunately, they were counterattacked. Kill, there are experts to protect the war boat.

His eyes flashed fiercely. Lord Lu had said that mass production of ordinary ancestral realm masters was to deal with the younger generation of the Linghua Universe and cause gaps in the Linghua Universe. Since those mechas couldn't do it, then he would do it.

Thinking of this, he stepped out one step at a time and easily stepped into the war boat according to the sequence rules of one step faster than others. He stepped out again and met two young women with beautiful faces. They looked at the sudden appearance of the deserter in shock.

The abandoned man slashed with his short sword without hesitation, and the two women fell down, their blood staining the ground red.

"Third Sister." In the distance, a man was extremely angry and rushed towards the abandoned passerby with murderous intent. This man was only a Star Envoy, but his figure was unpredictable the moment he took action. It was not a step combat skill, but the use of similar sequence rules. So close to the end of the world.

Murderous intent burst out in the eyes of the abandoned person. What a young prodigy, what a spiritualized universe, there is a way to let the star envoy come into contact with the method of sequence. Once this person breaks through the ancestral realm, it will be easy to master the rules of the sequence.

This is the cultivation method of the spiritual universe, which is far superior to the Tianyuan universe no matter how you look at it.

In particular, this person holds a strange weapon in his hand, a spiritual weapon. He dares to attack him, a strong man of sequence rules, and has a firm will. This person must be one of the geniuses of the younger generation of the spiritual universe.

The man who abandoned the passerby immediately took action, and the short knife easily cut through, causing the man's head to fall off.

No matter how talented you are, it is impossible to make up for the gap with those who have left the field.

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