Star Odyssey

Chapter 3379: Aloof

There was no need to fight anymore, Lu Yin had been keeping his hand, it could tell.

At this moment, it wants to know who this person is and what happened to this era.

This person was obviously very young, but he suppressed it everywhere, causing it to vomit blood. He did not prevent himself from resurrecting, and he did not care about his resurrection at all.

Those who were interpreted were stunned. How could this happen?

Master Butian sighed, as expected, in this era, the Three Realms and Six Paths are unable to control the universe, and it is not known whether it is good or bad when the god of waste comes.

The Demon Emperor is bitter, the giant beasts in the starry sky cannot escape the fate of being suppressed by humans, and the same is true for the Aragami.

"Senior, have you beaten enough?" Lu Yin asked, casually throwing Wu Jian Chang Ge to Huang Shen.

Aragami took it and held Wu Jian Chang Ge tightly: "Come out."

Around them, Wu Tian, ​​Lu Yuan, Hongyan Mebisi, and Jialan Zhiluo all walked out.

"Dahuang, long time no see." Lu Yuan said.

Aragami glanced at several people, his eyes were complicated, including hatred, nostalgia, and inexplicable emotions: "Did you take the lead in my resurrection?"

Lu Yuan grinned and smiled proudly: "Let me introduce you formally. His name is Lu Yin. He is a descendant of my Lu family. He is also the Taoist master of today's Sect and the master of Tianyuan Universe."

Nothing shocked Aragami more than what he heard now.

The Tianshang Sect was destroyed, Master suppressed the Strings of Sequence, the Great Battle of Taikoo City, the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas of Daoyuan Sect, the Fifth Continent, the Tianshang Sect was re-established, the Six Directions Meeting, the Linghua Universe, etc. It took a long time for the God of Desolation to hear this. Only then did I figure it out.

It has been away from the times for too long. It was hit by Lu Yin when it first appeared, and it has not come back to its senses until now.

It also understood why the Demon Emperor wanted to kneel down on Lu Yin, and why Butian was hesitant to speak.

You really shouldn't be resurrected.

"Dahuang, it's actually a good time to be resurrected now. The war between our Tianyuan Universe and the Linghua Universe is in full swing. People keep dying and there is a shortage of experts." Lu Yuan said.

Aragami sneered: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Listen, how much he hates humans in this tone." Lu Yuan rolled his eyes.

Aragami gritted his teeth: "If you hadn't let me go, the starry sky beast wouldn't have been enslaved like that."

"The times are marked by the times, and that kind of thing will inevitably happen in that era. Before Master established the Tianshang Sect, were there still few giant beasts killing humans?"

"Master said we should live together as equals, but it turned out that way. If it weren't for Master's promise, Tianshang Sect wouldn't have been established so easily."

"Do you also have complaints against Master?"

"I hate everyone."

"So you let the Fourth Continent be destroyed?"

Aragami raised his head and glanced at several people fiercely: "Yes, the fourth continent was destroyed, and I didn't take action."

That's the guess, but when Aragami actually admitted it, it was still hard for everyone to accept.

The red-faced Mavis stared at Aragami: "Between humans and Eternals, did you choose the Eternals?"

Aragami looked at her: "Shouldn't it be? Humans only want to kill and enslave the giant beasts in the stars, but the Eternals don't. Their origins are all you humans."

"The true purpose of eternity is to restart the Tianyuan Universe and step into eternal life." Jialan Zhiluo said.

Aragami's eyes were shocked and he fell silent.

It didn't know about this. To be precise, no one knew about it at that time, because at that time, Tianyuan Universe was far from being able to restart.

The Tianshang Sect of that era didn't even know that the Eternals would take action against humans, and no one thought that the First Ancestor would be attacked secretly, and that there would be guardians from all directions.

Calculation without intention was the fundamental reason for the collapse of Tianshang Sect.

The Eternals think too far, but human beings are immersed in the excitement of their prosperity and the coming of thousands of races.

The so-called prosperity and decline is nothing more than that.

"Dahuang, if you knew that Eternity was going to restart the Tianyuan Universe, would you still let the Fourth Continent be destroyed?" Wu Tian asked.

Everyone looked at Aragami.

Aragami raised his head with a solemn expression, his eyes swept over everyone, and then he sneered: "Nonsense, restart the universe, we will all die, how can we let it go?"

"You have a conscience." said the beautiful Mavis.

Aragami snorted coldly: "I hope that mankind will perish, not that everyone will die together."

"One of the reasons why you hate human beings so much is probably because Chu Heizi slaughtered the giant beasts in the sky." Wu Tian suddenly said.

Aragami's eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes were filled with coldness: "Where is Hatsu Kuroko?"

"Dead." Lu Yuan sighed.

Aragami was surprised: "You are all alive, but Hatsu Kuroko is dead?"

"What do you mean? In your eyes, we don't deserve to live?" Jialan Zhiluo was unhappy.

Aragami said: "Hatsu Heizi is more powerful than anyone else, and he can break through the Beginning Realm at any time. Once he breaks through, I think even Master may not be able to do anything to him. How did he die?"

Lu Yin said: "Die for me."

Only then did Huang Shen notice Lu Yin: "Dying for you? Were you there at that time?"

Lu Yin didn't know how to explain it.

"Ignoring the past, you understand the current situation. No matter what position you represent between the starry sky beasts and us humans, you have to join in this war between the universes." Lu Yuandao.

Aragami sneered: "Not necessarily, I can join the spiritual universe."

Jialan Zhiluo raised his eyebrows: "What did you say?"

Aragami glanced at several people: "Isn't it clear enough?"

"Are you going to betray Tianyuan Universe?"

"This Tianyuan Universe already belongs to you humans. So what if we defeat the Linghua Universe? Aren't we still enslaved by you humans?"

"Times have changed, and today's Tianshang Sect will not enslave the starry sky beasts."

Lu Yin said: "I promise that no one will enslave the starry sky beast."

Aragami was extremely angry and stared at Lu Yin with red eyes: "You promise? Why do you guarantee? What's the use of your guarantee? Didn't Master guarantee it at the beginning?"

"No matter how the times change, human greed will never disappear. If Master can't stop it, why should you stop it?"

Lu Yin, including Wu Tian, ​​Lu Yuan and others were speechless.

At that time, the Tianshang Sect was at its peak, and the prestige of the ancestors was as great as the sky, but it still could not prevent humans from enslaving the starry sky beasts. The more powerful the ancestors were, and the more powerful humans became, the more the starry sky beasts would be enslaved.

In today's era, human beings have surpassed the original Tianshang Sect. There are not only the Three Realms and Six Paths, but also the Three Yangs and Six Lords, the Eight Paths Inside and Out, and many ancestral realm strongmen. If the spiritual universe is defeated and the current power of mankind is at its peak, it will really be possible. Won't you enslave the starry beasts?

Once Lu Yin transcends the infinitely powerful and surpasses the First Ancestor, what will humans think of non-human beings if they believe in him?

The most obvious point is that among the three yang and six masters, none is a starry sky beast. This is more complete than the original three realms and six paths.

Lu Yin didn't lie to the God of Desolation, but there were some things that he couldn't change.

The Aragami was one of the Six Paths of the Three Realms. At that time, he could protect the fourth continent and contain mankind, but what about now? Who can do it? Demon Emperor? Power beast? False? Hell dragon? Or Zu Mang? Condor?

No one can do it, no one is an Aragami.

Lu Yin wanted to make the word "slavery" disappear from the bottom of his heart, but even if his cultivation level reached heaven and earth, he could not prevent it.

In some dark corners, in the corners that his superior eyes cannot see, there is still an unallowed darkness. This is very similar to the Tianshang Sect in the past.

The ancestor didn't notice it, and Lu Yin might not notice it either.

Tianyuan Universe is now united to fight against the Linghua Universe, and all conflicts have been transferred to external wars. This is not to completely eliminate this darkness, but everyone is focusing on fighting against the Linghua Universe.

Aragami has just been reborn and has not experienced a war with the spiritualized universe. Its thinking point is internal.

Put it on the promise that the ancestors never fulfilled.

"Dahuang, I'm sorry." A sigh followed by an apology, the voice of the ancestor appeared.

Aragami's body trembled, and he slowly turned his head and looked in one direction.

There, the ancestor came over and looked at the Aragami with complicated and apologetic eyes.

Aragami looked at the ancestor blankly and said in a dry voice: "Master."

The ancestor sighed: "I'm sorry, Dahuang."

Lu Yin and others were silent, and the ancestor apologized. This person who created the source of cultivation in human history and was the strongest person in the Tianyuan Universe since its birth was apologizing to the wild god and the giant beast in the starry sky.

In the past, the behemoths in the starry sky also slaughtered humans. This was the nature of the species. Since the ancestors came to power, in order to contain the behemoths in the starry sky, they recruited the Aragami as disciples and reached a balance with the behemoths in the starry sky. This was the rise of mankind in that era.

It is said that it is a disciple, but it is actually a transaction, but the master-disciple relationship between the ancestor and the Aragami is real.

Aragami's respect for the ancestors and love for his brothers in the Three Realms and Six Paths are also true.

However, with the prosperity of the Tianshang Sect, mankind's attitude towards the starry sky beasts has changed. Whether it is revenge, after all, the starry sky beasts once caused blood debts to humans, or greed, who can refuse a powerful mount?

In particular, the image of the founder with his waist wrapped around Zumang and a divine eagle on his shoulders is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that it has attracted countless people to imitate it. Perhaps this is also the reason why the founder apologized.

Whatever the reason, the star beasts were enslaved.

Without experiencing that era, it is impossible to understand the disaster suffered by the starry sky beast.

Even if Aragami allows the Fourth Continent to be destroyed, there is nothing wrong with it. It is not human and it has its own position.

It just allowed a place where humans would enslave the starry beasts to be destroyed, that's all.

"Master, do you know how many starry sky beasts were enslaved in that era?" Aragami's voice was low and hoarse.

It pointed at the starry sky beasts behind it that had been interpreted and transformed into human forms: "They are all."

"In that era, at least one-third of the behemoths in the starry sky who did not want to be enslaved by humans and died, whether in the original space or other parallel time and space, died, and their blood was enough to dye the starry sky red."

"How many starry sky beasts have been enslaved? Master, do you know?"

"As you promised, when you accepted me as your disciple, you said that you hoped that humans and the giant starry sky beasts could live in peace, and that you hoped that the giant starry sky beasts would stop killing humans everywhere. We did it, what about you?"

"You are so high up that you cannot see human greed, but we are suffering from it."

The ancestor closed his eyes.

Aragami sneered: "You are guarding the Ancient City and suppressing the String of Sequence. How much is it for the starry sky beast?"

"At that time, all you were thinking about were humans."

"The positions are different. You are a human, so you consider the survival of mankind, but I am a starry sky beast, and I will only consider the survival of the starry sky beast."

The First Ancestor opened his eyes and looked at the Aragami: "As a teacher, you are too high to see the greed of human beings. So, how come you are not too high to the giant beasts in the starry sky? How have you ever seen everything?"

Aragami's eyes were shocked.

"Have you ever seen the true nature of some giant beasts in the sky?" the ancestor said.

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