Star Odyssey

Chapter 3389 Answer

Lu Yin didn't know who that child was, but the bead was given to Xiao Shi by Zhao Ran.

Logically speaking, that child should be Zhaoran.

But what is obviously a misfortune for a virgin, will it appear in the form of a child in that era? Lu Yin didn't know this, couldn't be sure, and Zhaoran himself had forgotten it.

Another bead given to the Lu family was in Bai Xianer's hands.

Lu Yin once asked Ming Nu and others to use the method of destiny to find the whereabouts of the bead. Initially, it was to find the Lu family. After the Lu family returned, he wanted to find Bai Xian'er through the bead, but could not find it.

Unexpectedly, after many years, the last bead would be found.

A virgin must be a virgin.

Lu Yin's eyes were sharp.

In fact, he doesn't really want to get in touch with Weinu. Weinu is the ferryman of the long river of time and represents the direction of time. But fate is sneaking up on Weinu and creating tributaries of the long river of time. He doesn't want to start over again now, for fear of disturbing Weinu.

But she is unwilling to give in. Weinu is one of the biggest hidden dangers in Tianyuan Universe at present.

Without solving this hidden danger, it would be difficult for Lu Yin to spiritualize the universe with confidence.

Especially when Weinu asked the One True God, the President, the others, and the Tianshang Sect to go to the Mirage Territory at the same time, there must be an ulterior purpose, and this purpose had nothing to do with her surviving the hardship.

Lu Yin and the President fought in the mirage, and as time passed, there must be something wrong with the small boat that appeared.

He wants to find answers.

The deeper you understand many things, the more clues you can find. If you connect all the clues together, you will get the answer.

There is something that has been pressing in Lu Yin's heart for a long time. He hopes to get new clues through Weinu, and only Weinu will get new clues.

Lu Yin returned to the Beginning Space under the guidance of Ming Nu.

He was surprised: "Is the last bead here?"

Mingnu nodded: "I don't know why, but it's in the beginning space."

The two of them headed towards the unknown star field in the beginning space.

Lu Yin frowned, what did Weinu want to do? She actually came to the beginning space? Suppressing the Sword of the Ancestor here, her power of paper-cutting cannot be used at all. Why are you here?

Far away, on the meteorite in the unknown star field, Weinu suddenly opened her eyes, and sure enough, trouble was coming.

She stood up, tore through the void and was about to leave, but her movements seemed to be hesitant and she hesitated.

Behind, Lu Yin arrived and saw Wei Nu.

The girl who appeared in Lu Yin's eyes no longer had the brilliance she once had. She seemed to have been seriously injured, her face was pale, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked weak.

Weinu looked at Lu Yin: "Is this how you found me?" She took out a bead and threw it directly to Lu Yin.

Before arriving, Lu Yin asked Ming Nu to enter the Supreme Mountain, but she could not be seen by Wei Nu, otherwise it would be easy for Wei Nu to notice that Fate was sneaking up on her.

Lu Yin took the bead: "Why did you come to the beginning space? Are you injured?"

Weinu's face was ugly, and she didn't want to come to the beginning of space, all because of that sword.

Two years ago, she was suddenly injured by a sword. She could not see the source of the sword, but she knew what happened with that sword. It was the sword of cause and effect.

He plotted against others, and others gave him a sword through cause and effect.

Because of this sword, she was seriously injured. In order to avoid the sword blade that might appear later, she could only hide in the beginning space. Only the beginning space can avoid the sword of cause and effect.

But there is also a problem in the beginning space, that is Lu Yin.

This place was too close to Lu Yin. If she wanted to heal her wounds, she might be discovered. As it turned out, she was discovered by Lu Yin.

If you plot against others, you will eventually be plotted against by others.

Weinu was breathing heavily. She had not been able to heal him in two years, and now she had no chance of being a match against Lu Yin.

"The grudge between Bai Xian'er and you has been settled, why are you still chasing me?"

Lu Yin looked at Wei Nu: "The injury is not serious, who could hurt you like this?"

"I asked you why you are chasing me? We are not enemies." Weinu said.

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back: "Bai Xian'er is a part of you. The reason for exiling the Lu family lies with you, not her. At that time, she could not have expelled the Lu family."

Weinu laughed: "So, the hatred of the Lu family made you target me?"

"Lu Yin, now that the Tianyuan Universe is facing the powerful enemy of the Linghua Universe and the Insect Hive, you still want to increase the number of enemies. Although I am injured, I am not someone you can easily deal with."

"I said before, we are not enemies."

Lu Yin said: "Why did you introduce me and the people from the spiritual universe into the mirage realm?"

Weinu said: "Don't you always want to enter the Mirage Realm? Only in the Mirage Realm can the people of the Linghua Universe not escape and be surrounded and killed by you. I also belong to the Tianyuan Universe, and I also don't want anything to happen to the Tianyuan Universe."

"You must be in a state of misfortune."


"Restarting the Tianyuan Universe will only benefit you, there will be no harm. The reason just mentioned does not count. I control the Tianyuan Universe. If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, your end will not be much better than eternity."

The young girl shook her head: "It's too cold to be in high places. In the beginning, there were Taihong, Mr. Mu and the others as companions. What about you? Who do you have? Everyone has been surpassed by you. Even the legends of the Three Realms and Six Paths have been surpassed by you. Can you Who else will stand side by side with you?”

"Lu Yin, don't regard everyone as your enemy, otherwise, your fate will be the same as eternity."

Lu Yin nodded: "That's true, but there are also many people who follow me. I once thought I was alone, but the further I go on this road, the more people I travel with, including ordinary people in Tianyuan Universe, they rely on me , is my companion.”

"Currently, you are in the Tianyuan Universe. You have only two positions: to be my enemy or to be my friend. There is no other position."

The virgin frowned: "You and I don't have any grudges over life or death, so why should we be aggressive towards each other?"

Lu Yin didn't care. Regarding the mirage, he must have been plotted by Wei Nu. This woman has been planning something: "Just think of me as overbearing. I don't want people, things, and things in Tianyuan Universe that are beyond my control. "

"It's quite domineering, but I don't want to choose between the two positions. If you force each other, we can only be enemies." Weinu's surroundings were twisted and gray was flowing, which was the power of time.

The biggest disadvantage of the Linghua Universe against the Tianyuan Universe is the time domain, and in the Tianyuan Universe, the biggest disadvantage everyone faces against Weinu is also the time domain.

Although Lu Yin could reverse a second, cross the long river of time, and trace the past, he still could not defeat Wei Nu in the realm of time.

The method of paper cutting is a symbol of her control over the passage of time.

The difference between Lu Yin and Wei Nu is obvious. One can only cross the river, but the other can build the river.

The only thing that can defeat the enemy in this regard is fate.

If possible, Lu Yin actually didn't want to force Wei Nu too much, but the clues Wei Nu represented were what he had to get, and this woman hid a plan that made him uneasy.

When his cultivation reaches Lu Yin's level, especially when he is involved in time, a sense of crisis in the future will appear.

Lu Yin felt a sense of crisis every time he saw Wei Nu.

If he were asked to choose one between the One True God and the Maiden who must be eradicated, he would even hesitate, even though it seemed that the Maiden was far less of a threat than the One True God.

Along the way, Lu Yin experienced many lives and deaths, and he believed in his intuition.

"It's not easy to be an enemy or a friend. Even if you choose to be my friend, you can't really trust me." Lu Yin looked at Weinu: "But as long as you answer my question, I will treat you as my friend." As a friend, I won’t force you anymore.”

The virgin's eyes narrowed, and her pretty face was so weak that it made people feel distressed: "You tell me."

Lu Yin's face was solemn: "The real purpose of leading me to the Mirage before."

The virgin frowned: "I told you to surround and kill the people who transformed the universe and the Eternals."

"Since we can find people from the Eternal Tribe and the Spiritualized Universe, why bother going to the Mirage Territory? Tell me the location directly, which will make it easier to surround and kill. No matter how attractive the Mirage Territory is to the Spiritualized Universe, they will not do it for a Mirage Territory. Seek death, Mr. Wei, I don’t want to hear this stupid answer a third time.” Lu Yin was indifferent.

The girl's eyes flashed: "Why do you think it is?"

Lu Yin pondered, his eyes dropped, and he suddenly took a step forward, raising his palms towards Weinu and pressing down: "No one who is my enemy will end well, and you are no exception."

The virgin retreated, and vaguely, the long river of time flowed, and she walked towards the long river of time alone.

The answer Lu Yin wants can't be found from Wu Nu, so he can only steal it.

He imprisoned all the high-ranking figures, and killed all the powerful people he once looked up to. Weinu was just one of them, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

The virgin disappeared alone into the long river of time, her figure was illusory, and she had no intention of fighting at all.

Around Lu Yin, small boats of light appeared, flying out and entering the long river of time.

The young lady looked at the flowing light boat, and with a wave of her hand, the years rolled back.

Even strong men in the ancestral realm would be frightened when faced with the power of rewinding time and would not dare to touch it.

But the small boat floats on the long river. No matter how the long river rolls back, Lu Yin uses tracing the past as the coordinate, swallowing up the time that does not melt into the long river of time, and crossing the long river.

The two chased each other through the ages, one behind the other.

The virgin's face became paler. This Lu Yin was too difficult. No one dared to enter the river of time casually, but he dared. If this person had just broken through the ancestral realm, he would definitely not be able to hold on after entering the river of time, and would be swept out by her. But this person actually learned to trace the past and trace his origins.

Tracing the past is the power that can cut off the long river of time and fix the mirage.

Even she was afraid of that power.

This person is a disciple of Mr. Mu, and is quite tricky in the time domain.

In this case, the only option is to go to the mirage realm.

"Master Lu, the powerful enemies of the Spiritual Universe and the Insect Hive are on the side. I can tell you that there will be more powerful enemies from the outer universe appearing in the future, which you cannot imagine but should have appeared long ago. You should not chase me. "The virgin's voice came.

Lu Yin's body rose and fell with the passage of time: "Tell me the real reason, and who hurt you."

Unexpectedly, the distance that yearns for clues is getting closer and closer, and Weinu will definitely be able to give him the answer.

The virgin looked back: "Are you really going to fight me to the death?"

"I just want to know the answer." Lu Yin shouted.

Weinu's eyes turned cold, and she disappeared in an instant, entering the mirage realm.

The moment she entered the mirage realm, Lu Yin also saw the river bank of the mirage realm and hurriedly entered.

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