Star Odyssey

Chapter 3399: Grab a handful

Lu Yin looked at Bai Wushen complexly. He had killed her once and he didn't want to do it a second time.

Bai Wushen is the great enemy of mankind. She controls the list of "eternal life" and has instigated the rebellion of too many people. It can be said that every time mankind develops a dark child, she has a share of the credit. Such an enemy cannot be killed without killing it.

However, during those years, Lu Yin had exhausted his intention to kill her, and he did kill her once.

Bai Wushen finally voluntarily integrated his consciousness into the consciousness planet inside Lu Yin's body. This result made Lu Yin full of complicated feelings for her.

He didn't know how he should choose this time.

Bai Wushen turned and left.

Lu Yin can catch her without crossing the long river of time.

Far away from the Five Spirit Clan, they traveled through parallel time and space after parallel time and space. Finally, the two of them landed on a desolate planet.

Looking around, Lu Yin's eyes were shocked. This was the place where Bai Wushen, a tributary of the Long River of Time, died. Although time went back and the process changed, did the result remain the same?

I want to make up for the cause and effect, and the laws of the universe also want to make up for the cause and effect.

Lu Yin looked around in trance.

Opposite, Bai Wushen looked at Lu Yin: "Don't ask me?"

Lu Yin looked at Bai Wushen. There were some words in his memory that he would eventually say. He wanted to give Bai Wushen a chance to tell her story, and he also wanted to make up for the cause and effect of knowing the truth about Yan'er.

"Brother Lu, you have killed me once, do you want to kill me again?"

"More than one person has a second time, isn't it the same for our ancestors?"

"Brother Lu, have you ever liked me?"

"I envy Ming Yan very much."

"Actually, the root cause of the Eternals' defeat is Ming Yan. If it weren't for her, the Eternals would not be defeated."

"Yes, Changfeng Night King, that is a very handsome young man, isn't he?"

"Whether you believe it or not, human emotions are the most difficult power to understand. This power makes me, a creature of different species, unable to get rid of it."

"From your eyes, I see Ming Yan again. I know that I can't replace Ming Yan, but I will make you never forget it." As she said that, she hit Lu Yin with a palm. Bai Wushen was far from Lu Yin. Yin's opponent, she was not fighting Lu Yin to win, on the contrary, she was fighting to die.

She told her about the universe of consciousness, and Lu Yin was also different from the battle in the tributaries of the long river of time.

At that time, he wanted to kill Bai Wushen, but despite his complicated mood, he showed no mercy.

But at this moment, it is passive.

But regardless of whether he is active or passive, Bai Wushen will eventually die. Even if Lu Yin doesn't want to make up for this cause and effect, Bai Wushen will help him make up for it. What she makes up for is not cause and effect, and she doesn't know cause and effect. She makes up for it, It is emotion, the source of pain, and it is to let Lu Yin remember her for a lifetime.

"Brother Lu, will you kill me?"

"Will it feel uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortability and regret can never replace the deepest mark. Brother Lu, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but I want you to remember me forever, forever and ever." After saying that, Ripple rushed towards Lu Yin. The moment he approached Lu Yin, Pound Zhen's consciousness dispersed, like a strong wind, pouring into the consciousness planet in the starry sky in Lu Yin's heart.

Even though he knew this would happen, Lu Yin was still shocked when Bai Wushen actually integrated his consciousness into Lu Yin's body.

He was still staring blankly at the consciousness planet as he had been before, and stayed there for a long time before leaving.

This woman managed to leave a deep imprint on his heart that he would never forget.

Lu Yin could not forget Long Xi in the forbidden area of ​​the mirage and Bai Wushen at this moment.

He didn't want to face Bai Wushen, let alone Long Xi, whether it was Long Xi now or Long Xi in the reincarnation of cause and effect.

Long Xi became the pain in his heart, and that child, Xiao Xiaoxuan, whose little smile made Lu Yin so heartbroken that it was difficult to breathe.

A cycle of cause and effect is equivalent to losing a life.

Foresight will lead to success, but it will also be fettered by emotions again.

Compared to the entire world of cultivation, Lu Yin is very young. He is only over a hundred years old. Even if you include the four-point time stasis space of the dice and the time spent practicing in space and time with different speeds of time, plus the thirty-seven years of time going back, he can reach a maximum of one thousand. Many years old.

However, his heart had endured too much torture.

Just like the cycle of cause and effect in the forbidden area, he was so tired that he was numb.

Next, Lu Yin went to Taikoo City and told Mr. Mu, Ancestor and others what happened.

Seeing Mr. Mu and the Ancestor again, Lu Yin felt much better. Not long ago, he experienced the massacre of the Origin Space in the tributaries of the Long River of Time. Seeing the dilapidated Taikoo City, he knew that Mr. Mu must be in bad luck at that time. , the deaths of seniors, comrades, and relatives were the reasons for him to choose again.

This time he was talking to Mr. Mu and the others not only about Master Qingcao, but also about the tributaries of the long river of time, including what happened in those thirty-seven years.

Mr. Mu and the others were stunned.

Although Mr. Mu, the Ancestor and the others are not weak in strength, they have not reached the realm of immortality and cannot avoid the passage of time.

The ferryman who is at the helm of the long river of time can only be avoided by the realm of eternal life. No one else can avoid it, including the ancestors.

Lu Yin couldn't figure out how the only true god could avoid it.

There was also the God of Forgotten Ruins, Wang Xiaoyu, they were also supposed to be in the Dominion Realm, but they were also avoided.

"Zhuzi, aren't you daydreaming?" The ancestor asked, somewhat dazedly.

Lu Yin said: 'If not for this, how could I know where the ancient god was in the first place? ’

The ancestor was silent, which was right.

The ancient god has now been taken to Tianshang Sect. His body was severely injured. Although he is not dead, he is almost dead. It is difficult to recover.

But it's better than dead.

The ancestor was very happy that the ancient god could survive. He originally thought that the ancient god would die.

Mr. Mu praised: "I really made a new choice. Niuniu gave you a chance to make a new choice. The passage of time is really magical."

Lu Yin asked the ancestor: "Where is Senior Destiny?"

The ancestor shook his head: "Niuniu is the most mysterious child. I can't find it. After all, you have cultivated the power of years. Years are different from time, just like you have cultivated cause and effect. After all, you can actually understand cause and effect in the forbidden area. It's true. You're so cruel, Zhu Zhu, that Yu Sangtian came to kill you just because you understood the cause and effect, it seems that this road can really lead to eternal life."

Lu Yin nodded: "Looking at the attitudes of Yu Sangtian and Master Qingcao, it's really possible, but it's too difficult and too tiring."

The ancestor sympathized: "Yeah, it's too tiring. I've been there before, and after that experience, I don't want to go there a second time."

Mr. Mu’s tone was low: ‘Cause and effect, the power to touch the laws of the universe, are also the same as time. This is the road to eternal life, but this road may be more difficult than restarting the universe. ’

"Nonsense, otherwise why do you think that Eternal guy wants to restart the universe? And that Yu Sangtian, who left the Xiaoling universe without restarting, came all the way to Tianyuan Universe to kill Zhuzi, and Zhuzi stepped on their tails, by the way, also There is that Master of Green Grass who wants to seal the pillar for a hundred years.”

"Zhenxuan, if it hadn't been exhausted, the pillars would have been sealed for a hundred years, and the entire Tianyuan Universe would have been killed by him. There would be no way to turn back time."

Mr. Mu shook his head: "You underestimate your disciple too much. Niu Niu is not stupid. If that is the case, she will definitely take the initiative to wake up Zhao Ran."

Lu Yin nodded: "It's possible."

"But Zhuzi, your karma is quite troublesome." Lu Yin did not tell the ancestors that they had avoided the karma backlash caused by time reversal, but the ancestors and Mr. Mu could see through it at once, and they had much more experience in cultivation than Lu Yin.

Lu Yin had a headache: ‘Let’s talk about this later. ’

"Zhuzi, no matter what, you saved Daqiang's life. I owe you my life, ancestor. What do you want? Zhuzi?"

Lu Yin was speechless: "Please call me by Zhuzhuzhu." ’

"Okay Zhuzi, it seems you really don't like this name. Let me give you a new one. What do you think of Goudan?"

"Junior feels that the pillars suit him very well and there is no need to change them."

"I don't know how to appreciate it."

Lu Yin pursed his lips, wait, he suddenly stared at the ancestor, and thought of something, no.

Apparently it was the misfortune of the virgin, she wanted to make tea, and the tea she started to brew was horrifying and weird, and it became more and more weird, looking like poison, but this was her misfortune.

Everyone's suffering is different. For example, although Baoqi's suffering is unknown, his personality has changed drastically.

And Star Toad's misfortune is business and its treasures.

The ancestor kept naming people. Could this be his misfortune?

Lu Yin stared at the ancestor. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. No, it was too childish.

The ancestor was stared at by Lu Yin: "Okay, I won't change it if I don't change it, Zhuzi, don't stare at me like that."

Next, Lu Yin returned Chuchen to the ancestor, and the ancestor also connected the arm, which temporarily restored his strength.

This scene once again shocked Tianyuan Universe.

However, Lu Yin had already met him once and was very calm.

The ancestor stretched his arms and clenched his fists: "I'm back. I'm not used to not using my hands for so long."

After speaking, he grabbed the string of the sequence, opened his mouth and roared, and the sound spread throughout countless parallel times and spaces.

On the first day of the new year, Hongyan Mabisi and the others were happy that their master was finally free.

"Old Mu, it's your turn, come and hold on." The ancestor looked at Mr. Mu and laughed.

Mr. Mu rarely smiled: "It has nothing to do with me."

The ancestor rolled his eyes: "How indifferent."

Outside the ancient city, the divine eagle and Zu Mang rushed over together. One stood on the shoulder of the ancestor, and the other was wrapped around the waist of the ancestor. The ancestor opened his other hand, and the sword of the ancestor that suppressed the Tianshang Sect flew towards him. Pointing to the starry sky in the distance: "In the realm of immortality, since there are limitations, don't be afraid. At worst, you have to use your life to fill it. Da Qiang is dead, but we are still alive. Tell Master, are you afraid?"

Beauty Mavis, Wu Tian, ​​and Jialan Zhiluo cheered: "Don't be afraid."

The First Ancestor looked at Lu Yin: "Zhuzi, are you afraid?"

Lu Yin pursed his lips: "I don't want to answer again."

"Hahahaha, forget it. Regardless of whether you're afraid or not, you have to rush when you should, but the biggest trouble now is." He pulled the string of sequence in his hand: "Who can help me catch it?"

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