Star Odyssey

Chapter 3432: Not moving in both directions

During this period of time, Lu Yin repeatedly thought about his contact with the only true god, and remembered one thing, Uncle Feng.

Feng Bo is not from the Tianyuan Universe. The One True God is also involved in other universes. His vision is by no means limited to the three universes. The union that Yu Sangtian thinks he has with the One True God is probably just superficial.

In order not to be controlled by the One True God, King Qing deliberately showed that he was controlled by Yan Gang to reassure the One True God.

The One True God may not deliberately appear to be cooperating with the spiritualized universe, but in fact he has his own plans.

Scheming is a chain within a chain.

Wujiang changed direction, immediately attracting countless glances from the Linghua Universe.

They originally didn't know Wujiang's destination, but maybe they could figure it out after Wujiang changed its direction.

There are many cultivators who secretly follow Wujiang, among them there are spiritual ancestors, and even more at the level of sequence rules. Lu Yin vaguely senses the crisis, which represents the beginning, and there is no shortage of strong people in the spiritual universe.

After knowing the four words of Xiaoling Universe and analyzing Yu Sangtian, Lu Yin had already seen through the part in the tributaries of the Long River of Time. The first group of invaders to invade the Tianyuan Universe seemed to be powerful. There were three Sangtians, but in fact they were strong on the outside and weak on the inside. Although Sangtian Powerful, but a Tianyuan Universe that can defeat the Eternals can still resist the three Sangtians. The difference is between the sequence rule level and the ancestral realm level.

With the strength of the spiritual universe, it is possible to increase it several times, and even more powerful people at the level of sequence rules can be the first batch of blades to invade the Tianyuan Universe. But no, Yu Sangtian does not want to restart the Tianyuan Universe, he just wants to contain the Tianyuan Universe. In the future, the Eternals can no longer do it, so the first batch of invaders do not have overwhelming strength.

Lu Yin will not underestimate the Linghua Universe, but it will take time to truly understand the Linghua Universe.

"Can this talented family control a region?" Chu Yi looked at the talented man curiously.

Caijun faced the first grade of junior high school and replied respectfully: "The ancestor of the Cai family, Cai San Dao, is the ninth strong man on the Bai Ling Ranking. He is fully qualified to control a domain, thirty-six domains. What is fixed is the number, but not the domain itself. ."

Lu Yin thought about the starting space. At that time, the strongest person was only the Half-Ancestor, and only three swordsmen could enter the White Spirit Ranking. A strong person with 90% certainty of breaking through the sequence rules of the Beginning Realm could control a domain. His strength, Similar to the Seven Gods Heaven.

"Besides Cai San Dao, what other masters are there in the Cai family?"

"The Cai family also has a master of sequence rules. He practices the thirty-seventh sequence method - two-way immobility."

Lu Yin was confused: "It doesn't move in both directions? What do you mean?"

Caijun shook his head: "I don't understand this."

Yuan Qi said: "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If I don't move, the enemy won't move either. This is a method of forcibly immobilizing the enemy's sequence based on its own sequence rules. As long as you don't move, the immobilized enemy can't move either." , unless the gap between the sequence particles is too large, it will be directly broken and will not move in both directions."

"Is there such a sequence rule?" Ce Wangtian was surprised.

Yuan started: "This sequence method works well and has miraculous effects. In the history of my spiritualized universe, there were people who practiced the two-way immovable sequence method and used the sequence rules to forcibly control the ten breaths of a Sangtian. Ten breaths may not seem long, but if Sang Tian is besieged, these ten breaths are enough to become a life-or-death line."

"This sequence method focuses on sneak attacks rather than combat. It is also very important among the eighty-eight sequence methods."

Lu Yin praised: "There is actually such a sequence method, which is very suitable for making the basis of the sequence."

Having said this, Lu Yin paused and suddenly looked at Caijun: "What sequence of methods does Cai Sandao practice?"

Caijun replied respectfully: "Don't move in both directions."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi looked at him: "Yes, the Cai family specializes in two-way immobility, because the master of two-way immobility who once held Sang Tian for ten breaths in history came from the Cai family."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Is this how the foundation of the sequence came about?"

Original starting point.

With its unified cultivation model and the unique method of cultivating spiritual species, the spiritual universe can determine who is suitable for which sequence of methods early on.

There are eighty-eight kinds of sequence methods. The further back they are, the easier it is to practice. The Ten Basic Sequences are almost all produced by the later sequence methods. In fact, those who practice these sequence methods may not be willing to practice them because they are of little use, such as this If there is no movement in both directions, only siege will be useful. Otherwise, if you fight alone, there is no difference at all and it is meaningless.

Then why do people still practice?

This is the pressure brought about by the unification of cultivation modes. It is impossible for all talented families to be willing to practice this sequential method, but they are forced to practice it as a whole family. The one who only has three swords can reach the ninth position on the Bailing Ranking. It proves that his talent is outstanding, and he is the best in the spiritual universe. If he had not practiced this sequence method, he might have been able to take a step forward, but he was delayed by this sequence method.

This model sacrifices the individual, but fulfills the entire spiritual universe.

The Cai family is just the tip of the iceberg, among the thirty-six domains, countless forces have sacrificed their lives to spiritualize the universe, specializing in practicing those useless sequence methods, just to complete the foundation of the sequence before their death in the future.

The Gate of All Laws is the foundation of the creation sequence, which is both the holy place and the tomb of the spiritualized universe.

From another perspective, the spiritual universe does not matter whether individuals are sacrificed. It means that there are too many powerful individuals in the spiritual universe, and it has even reached the level of saturation. If there are more, there will be chaos.

Lu Yin really didn't want the latter possibility, but the situation told him that the latter possibility was extremely high.

Yu Sangtian's self-confidence and the sacrifices of the Cai family and many other forces all point in one direction, and that is the power of the spiritual universe.

Lao Tao looked at Caijun and then at Lu Yin: "Actually, the Cai family also has a master at the sequence rules level."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Any more?"

Caijun immediately denied: "It's impossible. The Cai family only has two masters of sequence rules, Cai San Dao and Cai Keqing. There is no third one."

Lao Tao shook his head: "Every family has a foundation, and the Cai family is no exception, but their foundation is not as powerful as Cai San Dao."

"That's not true."

Caijun exclaimed: "Are you not the ancestor?"

Lao Tao nodded: "Cai Fei is still alive and in Caiyu."

"How could it be? Ancestor Cai Fei has been dead for many years, and no one in the Cai family has mentioned it for a long time. I have been in the Cai family for so many years, and I only occasionally heard my parents mention it once. That was a person from a long time ago." Caijun couldn't believe it. .

Lao Tao laughed: "He is still alive. We met once before going to Torch City, but don't be too surprised. Cai Fei's strength cannot touch Bai Lingbang. This will be the case in this life. After practicing, he will not move in both directions." , this old guy can only hide in the dark and attack secretly."

"Whoever wants to harm the Cai family will use Cai Sandao to make a sneak attack. This is the fundamental reason to ensure that the Cai family monopolizes the Cai family. Except for you juniors, many people know that this old guy is alive."

"The Gate of All Laws didn't force him to go to the All Laws Realm?" Yuan Qi was puzzled.

Facing Yuanqi, Lao Tao said respectfully: "The time has not yet come, it is because I have taken a strange plant, the vitality is far more powerful than that of others of the same age, and it is impossible for the Gate of All Laws to force everyone to go when the time is approaching. Waiting to die.”

Yuan Qi sneered: "Impossible? Where do you think those sequence bases came from? Calculate how many sequence rules have been lost in the production of ten base sequences. That is a terrifying number."

Lao Tao did not refute. Yuan Qi knew many things better than him, even if he had been away from the Linghua Universe for so long.

This is a matter of hierarchy.

"That's it. I decided to go to Caiyu and seek justice for Caijun." Lu Yin ordered, and Wujiang headed towards Caiyu.

At the same time, in Caiyu, the eldest son of the Cai family, Cai Junhao, looked at the sun infatuatedly and looked at the big metal slap in his hand: "I didn't expect Caijun's idiot parents to leave him such a good thing."

"What good thing makes brother so happy?" came a crisp voice.

Cai Junhao looked at the metal intently: "Do you know this?"

The visitor was Cai Junhao's sister Cai Junyi. She looked at the metal: "The whole body is blue, with dark red light flowing, and the inside is like water, sometimes rushing, sometimes calm."

"Is this a red and blue gold crystal?"

Cai Junhao said proudly: "Yes, red and blue gold crystal, a metal called the limit of materials, we can't use, but selling it to Tianwaitian or the Daquan Chamber of Commerce is a sky-high price."

Cai Junyi was excited: "There are actually red and blue gold crystals. How did that couple get them?"

Cai Junhao put away the metal: "It doesn't matter anymore, this thing belongs to us now." He looked at Cai Junyi and praised: "Little sister, well done."

Cai Junyi smiled proudly: "That idiot Caijun really thought he could be equal to us. When his parents were alive, we gave him face, but now that his parents are dead, there is no need to pretend. It's funny to say that he still wants to The fact that the family tolerates his idea of ​​marrying me means that their line is too far away from our direct line and there is no need to avoid it. Because of this, how can our direct line like them."

"Don't think too much, that guy is dead. Now I want to find a way to sell the red and blue gold crystal, but I don't know who to sell it to."

"It's the General Chamber of Commerce, who else can I sell to? You and I can't have the same status as others. It's easy to get into trouble if we sell through others."

Cai Junhao frowned: "Something happened in Daquan Domain. We don't know what their situation is now. Forget it, let's keep it for now and talk about it later."

Cai Junyi narrowed her eyes and stared at Cai Junhao: "Brother, you don't want to take it all by yourself."

Cai Junhao laughed: "Don't worry, most of the credit for this matter belongs to you, how can I take it all?"

"It's good to know, huh, don't try to keep it all to yourself, otherwise I will tell your father about your obsession with Aunt Qing, and he will have to skin you." Cai Junyi threatened.

Cai Junhao was shocked and shouted hurriedly: "Shut up, you want to kill me."

The corners of Cai Junyi's mouth curled up: "It's okay to be afraid."

"But having said that, Aunt Qing is so charming. People come to see her every day. People asking for marriage have crossed the threshold of our talents. My father is always looking for opportunities to strive for the best interests. Who do you think he wants to marry Aunt Qing to? I But I heard that Yi Xia, the grandson of Yi Sangtian and the Lord of Torch City, Yi Xia, has not yet gotten married, and that God-send who has amazed an entire era, once he comes back and meets Aunt Qing, Aunt Qing will not be able to keep her."

"Although Tianwai Tianshuangjue is gorgeous, her status is too high. Aunt Qing's beauty is not inferior to them."

"Okay, you should go." Cai Junhao's face was gloomy.

Cai Junyi smiled, turned and left.

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