Star Odyssey

Chapter 3449 The Law of Cause and Effect

"I don't know, there is no cause and effect in the past, then this is reality." Lu Yin smiled, blood slowly flowed out of the corner of his mouth, but he smiled so easily, and he walked out.

Bu Ya doesn't understand why this person is laughing, what cause and effect, what reality? He couldn't understand.

But there is no need for him to understand.

Lu Yin put a hand on Bu Ya's head and pushed him into the ground, losing his breath, leaving only his legs outside.

This person assassinated him, he didn't need to know who it was, the spiritual universe was full of enemies.

Slowly getting up, Lu Yin looked around. Many causal wheels still existed. These causal wheels were created by his self-illumination skills. He was once confused whether he existed for the cause and effect, or whether the cause and effect existed for himself.

If one day I die, will someone else walk the next journey?

Is the ultimate outcome of this universe already determined?

These had troubled him.

The obsession just now magnified the confusion about cause and effect infinitely. If Lu Yin hadn't recognized the reality through Bu Ya, a person he had never met before, he didn't know what would have happened. He might have continued to be confused about cause and effect, or maybe he would have come out of it.

Now, he no longer wants to be confused about cause and effect.

Since you don’t know why you exist, is it because you exist because of cause and effect? Wrong, cause and effect must exist for oneself. There is oneself first, and then there is cause and effect. If cause and effect must exist before oneself, then break the cause and effect and reformulate it.

Lu Yin exhaled, and spirals of cause and effect entangled themselves, emerged from the wheel of cause and effect, and soared into the sky.

At the heart, the starry sky encompasses all directions.

Above the head, the Catalog of the Gods appears, golden light shines on the dark universe, under the feet, the general platform shatters the earth, and the patterns on it are eerie and terrifying.

Lu Yin raised his hand, and the spiral of cause and effect came out from his whole body, penetrating the sky, shattering the earth, and surrounding the Illustration of the Gods and the Pointing General Platform, forming a cause and effect cycle.

"Since I am confused about cause and effect, I will determine the cause and effect."

"The Illustrated Record of the Gods ascends to heaven."

"Dian Jiangtai will be imprisoned."

"It goes back and forth in circles for the way of heaven. This is the power of self-illuminating heaven - the way of cause and effect."


Around the blue waters, countless people's brains roared, and the universe resounded with thunder, shaking the stars.

The stars swayed and spread from the blue waters to the entire spiritual universe, just like throwing a boulder on a calm lake. Countless people fainted and many practitioners coughed up blood. In the dark, they felt as if they were being targeted by something.

Outside the sky, Yu Sangtian stood up suddenly and stared in the direction of the blue water. His face instantly turned pale, with unimaginable murderous intent and fear in his eyes. He resisted the desire to take action: "How is this possible? It's impossible. It shouldn't happen. Realize it here, no one can understand it here, Lu Yin, Lu Yin, you must die, you must die, soon, soon."

Linghua Universe, Yi Sangtian, Bao Qi, Yuan Qi, Zhan Ming and others all looked at the stars in shock, always feeling that the universe had changed.

The ancestor walked out of Wujiang and looked in the direction of the blue water with admiration in his eyes.

Beside Meng Sang, the only true god also looked in the direction of the blue water: "Who can actually reach this step? It's incredible."

Just a few inches away, Master Qingcao turned to look in the direction of the spiritual universe, his eyes also filled with disbelief and unspeakable complexity.

The spiritual universe is very large, but the causal heaven created by Lu Yin shocked the entire universe.

This was the earth-shattering power he created due to the backlash of cause and effect, and he relied on his Self-Illuminating Heaven Technique. However, at this moment, he himself did not know how much the power he created would shock others.

He only knew that the Illustrated Book of the Gods and the Pointing General Platform were useful again.

As his cultivation level increased, the use of the Catalog of Gods and General Pointing Table became less and less, and even the dice had no use at all.

Those who are stronger than him cannot be compensated by his talent. Those who are weaker than him or similar to him can be defeated by various means without talent at all.

Now, talent is integrated into cause and effect, combined with the starry sky in the heart, forming the cause and effect of heaven.

He doesn't know how far this cause and effect heaven will reach in the future, but he feels that it should be able to go very high and far. After all, this is a grand promise and creation of cause and effect.

If the universe is full of cause and effect, then oneself has created a universe.

Lu Yin raised his head and slowly waved his hand. The light shone and dispersed the blood.

Behind him, in the Bishui Palace, people looked at him with fearful eyes, coming from the children who were brought to the Bishui Palace.

Lu Yin smiled when he saw it, his face turned pink, it was good.

He lowered his head and looked at Palace Master Yao.

Palace Master Yao lay on the ground with eyes blank, like a rose for you to pick, beautiful, but lost its charm.

This woman no longer meant anything to him. The cause and effect related to her had backfired. It didn't matter whether she was alive or dead.

However, I just wanted to try the law of causality.

Lu Yin's eyes were cold: "Yao, from now on, you will be thrown into the Heavenly Path of Karma and imprisoned as a general." After saying that, Palace Master Yao's body turned into a stream of light, heading towards the dianjiang stage, and finally fell into the dianjiang. Inside the stage.

She did not die, she was not ordered to general, but she was trapped alive in the general ordering platform.

For the Cause and Effect of Heaven, the Illustrated Book of the Gods means ascending to heaven, and the Order of Generals means going to jail. She was thrown into hell.

Palace Master Yao fell into the general platform and looked around in confusion. She saw all her old friends, friends and enemies, all of whom were her cause and effect.

She wanted to avoid it as if she had seen a ghost, but she couldn't.

She has to face these causes and effects, and there may be people and things she least wants to face. This is hell.

The hell of causal heaven.

At this moment, Lu Yin discovered that spirals of cause and effect came out of the platform, heading towards the heaven of cause and effect, constantly expanding the scope of the path of cause and effect.

He was surprised that this was the way to expand the way of causality.

A Yao Palace Master has expanded the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect a lot. If more masters of sequence rules are added, the direction of the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect will continue to expand. If one day it can cover the entire universe, then is this universe the original universe or Lu Yin's Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect? ?

Lu Yin didn't know.

He may be the real Lord of the Universe.

He was looking forward to that moment.

Bian Ji and Yan Xiang'er had already found Bian and smiled, not daring to approach Lu Yin, and were grateful from afar.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze. This trip was unexpected. He had underestimated Yu Sangtian and was plotted by him. However, by chance, he created the Way of Cause and Effect. This was also his future path.

Yu Sangtian saw through himself, and he knew that he had to make up for the cause and effect. No matter what he did, he would have the upper hand.

In this case, Lu Yin thought that another way would be to take the path of cause and effect, using cause and effect to curb the backlash of cause and effect and increase the heavenly way of cause and effect. He had a hunch that the way of cause and effect could curb the backlash. He wanted to expand the way of cause and effect. Only by continuously expanding could he have the opportunity to ignore it. The cause and effect that needs to be supplemented is to counter Yu Sangtian.

This is the only way, otherwise you can only be led by Yu Sangtian.

One thing that is very important in implementing this method is that Yu Sangtian cannot immediately gather the entire spiritual universe to attack them.

The understanding of the law of cause and effect may have made Yu Sangtian afraid. If he no longer scruples, with just a few words, most of the masters in the entire spiritual universe will besiege Dayu Villa, and this is not inconsistent with his own lack of action.

In this way, Lu Yin would not have time to add the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect.

The way to delay Yu Sangtian from doing this is to stop him from having more worries.

If Dayu Villa and the major forces in Linghua Universe are on the same side, or even have a tendency to join forces, Yu Sangtian will inevitably have more scruples, but vice versa.

So decided, what we have to do now is to reduce Yu Sangtian's scruples, make the major forces in the Linghua Universe even more dissatisfied with Dayu Villa, and at the same time increase the cause and effect of heaven.

He looked out of the blue water and spoke slowly, his voice spreading across the starry sky: "There are really no masters in the Linghua Universe. I, the third master of Dayu Villa, want to challenge the masters in the Linghua Universe. Those who think they can fight with me can come forward. "

Outsiders couldn't understand the battle in the clear water. This battle was actually a game between Lu Yin and Yu Sangtian. Both the spectators and the Lord of Yao Palace were pawns.

Yu Sangtian thought that he had complete control over Lu Yin, and that by controlling Lu Yin's cause and effect, he could control his future. No matter what Lu Yin did, the ultimate goal was to make up for the cause and effect.

He just used a small means, a very small means, but he didn't expect that Lu Yin not only survived the backlash of karma, but also understood the heavenly way of karma, and now he would take the step of challenging the world's masters, and he didn't expect it.

Not to mention Yu Sangtian, even Chu Yi and others did not expect Lu Yin to do this.

From the very beginning, Lu Yin's plan was to contain Yu Sangtian, continue to cause trouble in the Linghua Universe, subvert the cultivation and civilization attributes of the Linghua Universe, disrupt the major forces, make the Linghua Universe fall apart, and take advantage of the troubled waters to make up for the cause and effect. These can do Take whatever step you take and do it as much as possible.

The Linghua Universe is by no means monolithic. The more serious the disturbance, the more powerful forces want to take the opportunity to change the situation.

The five domains are all empty. It seems that Dayu Villa is counterattacking to establish its power, but in fact Lu Yin and the others are very happy. This means that there are forces who want to take the opportunity to change something. No matter whether it is the Zhikong domain that is uniting behind the five domains or something, this change will have a great impact on Yu Sangtian. It's all bad, but it's good for them.

The more changes there are, the more opportunities there will be for Tianyuan Universe.

Even though Dayu Villa seems to have offended the entire spiritual universe, in fact, the more severely it offends, the safer it is.

The internal struggle within the Linghua Universe is more serious than they imagined.

But Lu Yin suddenly challenged the world's masters. This step was really difficult for them to understand in the first year of junior high school.

This step seems meaningless to them. If it is to cause trouble, there can be other ways. Those who join in Daewoo Villa can make trouble and find trouble for each force. What is the point of challenging the world's masters now? Not only is it a waste of time, but it can also be easily seen through.

Lu Yin walks the spiritual universe to challenge the world's masters, and his aura that does not belong to the spiritual universe will be discovered immediately.

Previously, the major forces in the Linghua Universe speculated that Wujiang came from the Consciousness Universe, because before going to the Tianyuan Universe, Yuan Qi had also conquered the Consciousness Universe and made great achievements. It is normal for there to be beings in the Consciousness Universe under his command, and these do not belong to Linghua. The aura of the universe was mixed together, and outsiders could not tell who specifically did not belong to the aura of the spiritualized universe. Combined with the border change, they did not pay attention to this.

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