Star Odyssey

Chapter 3458: Painting into the Jianghu

At this time, Lu Yin raised his hand again.

Mr. Li's expression changed, and he wanted to pull Yu Gongzi away. Although the secret transmission was the real successor of the Wisdom Sky Realm, the Ming transmission was also indispensable for walking in the world.

However, Lu Yin did not take action this time. Instead, he curled his fingers at Mr. Yu and asked him to pass.

Everyone was speechless, what a rude move this was, but Lu Yin just did it. He didn't care about the Zhikong Domain or this special successor of the spiritual universe.

Young Master Yu raised his feet and walked towards Lu Yin.

His reaction was something that no one expected. How could the successor of the Intelligent Space Domain be so spineless? Are you afraid? But Mr. Li is around, what is he afraid of?

Mr. Li also couldn't figure out Mr. Yu's plan. He reminded in a low voice: "The closer you get to that person, the less I can protect you. You need to think clearly."

Young Master Yu didn't hesitate and walked towards Lu Yin step by step.

Mr. Li had no choice but to follow.

His duty is to protect Yu Gongzi. If Yu Gongzi is not obviously attacked and killed, it will be difficult for him to take Yu Gongzi away by force. After all, he is only a protector and has no right to interfere with Yu Gongzi's behavior.

Lu Yin smiled and watched Mr. Yu step by step. He was very smart, both openly and secretly. Although the smarter people were more difficult to deal with, they were easier to get along with.

Palace Master Yao, Lao Tao and the others didn't expect Mr. Yu to be so obedient and come as soon as he was asked.

Soon, Mr. Yu walked up to Lu Yin and said, "We meet again, Third Master."

Lu Yin leaned forward and looked at Mr. Yu: "The five realms are empty, does it have anything to do with you?"

Young Master Yu shook his head: "No."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Li and then at Mr. Yu: "Give me your protector so that everything can be discussed easily."

Yu Gongzi's eyes flashed.

Mr. Li looked at Lu Yin warily: "Third Master, I am a protector, not a slave."

Lu Yin didn't care and took a bite of the fruit: "They're all the same."

Mr. Li did not refute. He did not want to conflict with Lu Yin. The previous battle made him too afraid. If he fought again, he might not be able to survive the misfortune.

Yu Gongzi left without saying anything.

Mr. Li was eager to leave as soon as possible.

Lu Yin stood up, stretched, looked at the Baishui Pagoda Forest, and looked at the tallest one: "Is that Yu Sangtian's?"

Lao Tao replied respectfully: "Yes, the tallest water tower is Yu Sang Tian."

Lu Yin was disdainful: "It's useless to be so high. Once I break him, I'll show that old boy Yu Sangtian, haha."

People around him were silent, some were mocking, and some were resentful.

Lu Yin was too arrogant, so arrogant that no one else could answer him, but he was so powerful that even Mr. Li didn't dare to confront him head-on.

Not long after, Lu Yin and his party arrived at the restaurant.

The entire Huanri City is made up of water, including the restaurants.

From this position of the restaurant, you can see the entire Baishui Pagoda Forest, which is the best position in Huanri City. Ordinary practitioners cannot even climb up to the restaurant. And this position can only be occupied by specialized personnel, and no one else can touch it. .

Lu Yin came and sat down immediately.

The restaurant owner was helpless and didn't dare to stop him.

Being able to open a restaurant here means that there is great power behind it, corresponding to Sang Tian.

The purpose of opening a restaurant is not to make money, but to attract the elite. Anyone who can enter Baishui Tower is worthy of being attracted.

This is true for any restaurants, liquor shops, brothels, etc. that exist in Huanri City.

Lu Yin can see the entire Baishui Pagoda Forest, and he can naturally be seen from the Baishui Pagoda Forest.

Lu Yin is used to being stared at by many people. Ever since they came to Linghua Universe, their every move has been watched.

"Sit anywhere you want. This restaurant has been booked by the owner today, and no one else is allowed in." Lu Yin showed his dominance.

The restaurant owner wanted to come forward and say a few words, but in the end he didn't dare.

So what if he had Sang Tian's back? Even if Sang Tian himself came, he guessed that the third boss wouldn't care and could only accept it.

Naturally, some people were dissatisfied with such overbearing behavior, but Lu Yin didn't care.

He only cares about Yu Sangtian and the tacit understanding.

He provoked the major forces in the Linghua Universe, reduced Yu Sangtian's scruples, extended the time to increase the cause and effect of heaven, and tried his best to completely get rid of the backlash of cause and effect. By then, whether he stayed in the Linghua Universe or returned to the Tianyuan Universe, he would also Or to be aware of the universe, both are free.

"Head of the family, someone wants to see him. She is a woman named Rumu, from Yushen Mountain." Lao Tao asked respectfully.

On the left, Xuwu and Lishou were sitting at the table, looking at the table full of dishes with blank expressions on their faces. Eat food? They don't understand, these are toys.

Palace Master Yao and Cai Keqing stood behind Lu Yin on the left and right. On Lu Yin's shoulders squatted a star toad, golden and festive.

"From Yushen Mountain? Let her come." Lu Yin said while eating.

Soon, Rumu entered the restaurant.

The gazes all around have never diminished, but are still increasing.

Xiao Tianshu stared at Lu Yin with cold eyes. He was this person. If given the chance, he would definitely try his best to kill this person.

Although it hates him, it knows that it has no guts to face this person, yet Rumu actually dares to go up.

Many people admire her. Rumu is a goddess in Yushen Mountain, and countless elites are obsessed with her. However, people outside Yushen Mountain can only suppress their obsession. Only Yushen Mountain practitioners can pursue her.

Many people say that Ru Mu is the next Yao Palace Master and will definitely replace Yao Palace Master in Yu Sangtian's heart.

Coincidentally, the sequence method that Rumu has been exposed to since childhood is also an absolute reversal.

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment by Ru Mu's appearance. It was not that he was stunned. Lu Yin had seen so many beauties that the word stunning was almost far away from him.

It's true that Ru Mu's temperament is too much like the same person, Ming Yan.

When I first met Yan'er, she was a royal princess, graceful and regal, too beautiful to look directly at. After she stepped into the starry sky and took charge of the brothel, her temperament changed. She had the dignity of an emperor's family and the heroism of a practitioner fighting for her life, especially Two souls in one body, Bai Fayan's appearance is more similar to Ru Mu.

Is this what is called painting into the world?

Lu Yin stared at Ru Mu, who slowly saluted: "Ru Mu, I have met the third master of Yushen Mountain."

Rumu reminded Lu Yin of Ming Yan, touching the softness in his heart. Unknowingly, his temperament also changed. The arrogant and arrogant feeling gradually disappeared, and he turned back to Lu Yin.

It shouldn't be said that he has changed back. Lu Yin is Lu Yin. His arrogance and arrogance are all just an act. No matter how much a person pretends, he can't change his true nature.

Lu Yin has stepped into the starry sky since the beginning of his cultivation, and has been in danger every step of the way. He has the ruthlessness and selfishness of a cultivator, but also the domineering and magnanimous mind of the Lord of the Starry Sky, who is more willing to take on the future of the entire universe. This kind of temperament, for outsiders, It is also full of contradictions, but this is Lu Yin.

Rumu raised his head and looked at Lu Yin. He was instantly lost in those eyes of the endless starry sky. What kind of eyes were these? It covered the starry sky and seemed to bring her in, like a whirlpool, making it difficult to escape.

She had never thought that the Third Master had such eyes, which had nothing to do with his cultivation, strength, appearance or temperament. These eyes overshadowed everything else in the world.

Lu Yin looked away after Ru Mu looked at him: "Go down."

Ru Mu was stunned, thinking she heard wrong.

Lao Tao, Palace Master Yao and others are also confused. What do you mean? They just bowed and went down without saying anything?

Rumu looked at Lu Yin in confusion.

Lu Yin waved.

Rumu didn't know what she had done wrong, but she still exited the restaurant and waited quietly.

"The head of the house? Is there something wrong with her?" Lao Tao asked tentatively.

Lu Yin did not answer: "Pour the wine."

Palace Master Yao obediently picked up the jug and poured wine for him.

After drinking one glass after another, Lu Yin's eyes were complicated. Would he still have a chance to return to Tianyuan Universe? Is there still a chance to see Yan'er? Another face also appeared, that of Long Xi. Although the causal cycle was false, the feelings he had with Long Xi were real.

He didn't know how to face it.

Xiaoxuan was fake, but he knew that it was his first child, a child with illusory but real feelings, a child that he would never see again.

He thought about one day solving the crisis of Tianyuan Universe and returning to the cycle of cause and effect to see if he could still find his wife and children.

As for Yan'er, he could have lifted the ice a long time ago. He was once worried about the Eternals, but with the defeat of the Eternals and the crisis of the spiritual universe, he has never thought of lifting the ice until now.

Why? Or do you want to wait until the spiritual universe crisis is resolved?

Lu Yin didn't know either.

He can face all dangers in the world, but he cannot face feelings.

Ming Yan, Long Xi, not only them, but these two people were waiting for him silently, including Bai Wushen, who had merged into the starry sky consciousness planet in his heart. These emotions made him unable to face them.

A few days passed, and Lu Yin was still sitting in the restaurant, looking at the Baishui Pagoda Forest. Many people came every day, looking forward to the day when the Nine Realms Ring the Sun would make him famous in the spiritual universe.

Lu Yin looked at Baishui Pagoda Forest and saw many people.

He can also be seen by many people.

Huanri City has been talking about him a lot.

In front of the restaurant, Ru Mu stood calmly, waiting for Lu Yin to meet her again.

She is also very confused now. The only thing that is certain is that it has changed. Her impression of Lu Yin has completely changed.

If a person cannot recognize himself clearly, he is himself. If he recognizes himself clearly, he is not himself.

Rumu felt that she was not herself now. She knew very well that she might have had a strange impression on the third master. She had never had this kind of impression on anyone, and after recognizing this change, she was not the same person. of her.

"Third Master, please come in." Old Tao's voice came.

Rumu took a deep breath, walked into the restaurant again, and came to Lu Yin: "Rumu, Yushenshan, has met the third master."

Lu Yin returned to normal and said in a frivolous tone: "Yu Shen Shan? Are you going to send you a spiritual warrior?"

Ru Mu raised her head and looked at Lu Yin. Those eyes were gone. She was surprised. The man's eyes had changed. Was the previous one an illusion?

"No one sent me here. The little girl came here on her own and wanted to meet the Third Master."

Lu Yin was curious: "Meet me? The reason."

"What is the purpose of the Third Master protecting Ba Liu and Yi Yao?" Ru Mu asked directly.

Lu Yin said casually: "I'm happy."

Rumu was not surprised: "This happiness comes at a high price."

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