Star Odyssey

Chapter 3460 Line of Cause and Effect

Shu Qian feels good, he has indeed been seen through thousands of books.

Lu Yin used the spiral of cause and effect to penetrate thousands of books, and saw the cause and effect of those 3,791 people. For a moment, he ignored his surroundings and everything, as if he was in darkness, each cause and effect kept spiraling, turning into It is a line, surrounded by countless lines, chaotic and disordered. These lines are cause and effect, one cause and one effect, and they are related to each other.

He waved his hand casually, and countless lines of cause and effect flew, and the lines collided with each other. Some were knocked apart, while others were connected.

Connected lines of cause and effect form new cause and effect, and then collide with each other.

Lu Yin's eyes brightened, and he understood that the disconnected lines had no cause and effect on each other, while the connected lines had cause and effect on each other. For example, the line he saw was two unrelated battles, but when connected, it involved an old case, and he died fighting. The party that caused the fight created an old case, and the party that caused the fight found out, so this battle took place, and the party who died did not know the reason until his death.

There must be a source behind the seemingly unknown fighting and killing.

Shu Qian recorded the cause and effect between the two sides of the battle, and finally connected them with a line of cause and effect. Shu Qian himself didn't know this. Only Lu Yin saw through the cause and effect, traced the cause through the effect, and found the cause, and then he saw everything clearly.

Everything around him returned to normal, Lu Yin laughed, the line of cause and effect, hahahaha, that's it, this is cause and effect.

Everything has a cause and an effect. The connection between cause and effect is the causal line. The same causal line can naturally be connected to each other, but different causal lines cannot be connected to each other.

There is another way to use the Self-Reflecting Heaven Kung Fu, and this way of using it is similar to combat skills.

Shu Qian and others were startled by Lu Yin's sudden laughter, wondering why he was laughing.

Lu Yin stood up, with his fingertips, spirals of cause and effect penetrated out one after another, heading towards the entire city around the sun, penetrating each person, and creating cause and effect. He didn't know what those causes and effects were, and he didn't need to know. He just hit them casually. Just came out, and then waved his hand, the lines of cause and effect collided, and there were lines of cause and effect connected among them, allowing Lu Yin to see cause and effect one by one.

He looked at a person in Huanri City. This person could become the senior brother of the Jade Cauldron Sect. He himself was confused. He had average talent, average opportunities, and no background, but he surpassed many senior brothers because his wife was a member of the Jade Cauldron Sect. The daughter of an elder.

As for Elder Yizhi, he abandoned his wife when he was young and got together with the daughter of the leader of the Jade Cauldron Sect. Only then could he become the great elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect. He has always been secretly caring for his wife and daughter, allowing them to embark on the path of cultivation. At the same time, He found a way to kill his current wife, the daughter of the head of the Jade Cauldron Sect whom he hated. This person could be called a villain.

And he didn't dare to tell his daughter about this because his daughter hated him. Only by not telling him could he live in harmony with his daughter. As for his daughter's husband, he naturally took care of him and stepped up to the position of senior brother of the Jade Cauldron Sect.

No one knew about this, but Lu Yin did.

Lu Yin looked at a man and a woman again. They both knew that the other was their brother and sister, but they had to keep their identity as husband and wife. It was really tragic that they only found out after they got married.

There is also the one with horns on his head. That is fake. This guy is a humanoid spirit. In order to be with a woman in the beastly realm, he pretends to be a beast and joins the realm of beasts. This is true love.

There is also that wretched man who has been looking for his biological father, but does not know that his biological father is his master. His master himself does not know that he is this man's biological father. It is equally tragic.

Lu Yin saw the lines of cause and effect, saw one thing after another, and felt like he was in control of everything.

This feeling is similar to blending in at six o'clock on the die, but there is no need to blend in. It is much more convenient than six o'clock on the die, but you also know less.

Ever since he learned that cultivators of the spiritual universe could not be integrated into the six points of the dice, Lu Yin had lost this feeling of omniscience and omnipotence, and now he has finally returned.

Using the law of cause and effect to curb the backlash of cause and effect, and using the line of cause and effect to be omniscient and omnipotent, only at this moment did Lu Yin have the confidence to deal with Yu Sangtian.

Passive is always at a disadvantage.

Lu Yin exhaled and slowly sat down. This matter must not be known to Yu Sangtian, otherwise Yu Sangtian would not be able to help but take action.

Cause and effect worked together, Lu Yin kept trying and practicing, and finally achieved some results.

This is all thanks to this book.

This person recorded the experiences of so many people, allowing Lu Yin to see many causes and effects at once, and then he understood the line of cause and effect.

"Shu Qian, you are very good." Lu Yin praised.

Shu Qian is confused, why do you praise me? No one could understand what Lu Yin was thinking.

Two likes almost hit Shu Qian's face, from Xu Huan and Li Beast. When these two guys heard Lu Yin praising Shu Qian, they gave them likes directly.

What impressed Shu Qian the most was those two big white teeth. Why did he lose his strength?

"Go back." Lu Yin was speechless.

"Part of the reason why you came to Huanri City is me, but it's definitely not the whole reason. What else is there?"

Shu Qian glanced at the thousands of books in front of Lu Yin, then turned to look at Baishui Pagoda Forest: "I want to leave a mark in Baishui Pagoda Forest."

"At your level, you still care about Baishui Pagoda Forest?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Shu Qian said in a low tone: "This is my master's last wish. He has not fulfilled it, so I will help him fulfill it."

Lu Yin returned Wanjuan to Shuqian: "Let's go."

Shu Qian did not hesitate, picked up Wanjuan and left. Although he was very curious about Lu Yin, especially what he had done to himself, he knew that there were some questions that he should not ask.

What he is most confused about now is whether to stay or not. With Lu Yin here, he doesn't feel safe at all.

After Shu Qian left, Lao Tao said: "He probably won't stay. If it doesn't work this time, then next time. Anyway, the interval is not long."

"No, he will stay, and there is only one chance." Lu Yin decided.

Lao Tao was confused: "Why is this?"

Lu Yin looked outside: "He is a person on the Black Spirit List. This time everyone's eyes are on me and they will not deal with him, especially since he has left me safely. It may not be the same next time. For It wasn’t that long for him, but it was the same for everyone else.”

"As long as he still wants to leave a mark in Baishui Tower Forest, he will definitely come to Jiuyu Huanri again. Others can afford to wait."

Lao Tao was right after thinking about it, and quickly expressed his praise: "The master is like a god. I am lucky enough to follow the master in this life. I don't want to see the master's back on the road to the future, I just want to walk through the master's path." Road, learning to be a ten thousandth of a person is enough.”

Palace Master Yao and Cai Keqing were already numb. This old Tao had so many flattery words along the way that it made people feel numb, and he didn't even say the same thing. In this regard, it was amazing.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. Shu Qian had indeed not left. He only had this chance. Someone might besiege him next time.

As for Lu Yin, since he let him go, he wouldn't do anything to him.

He couldn't see through this third master. This person stayed in Huanri City for the sake of the Nine Realms Huanri. Thinking of this, Shu Qian's eyes were hot, so let this third master see what he had done for the sake of the Nine Realms Huanri. It’s shocking how well prepared it is.

He created an artistic conception combat technique specifically for the Nine Domains to Encircle the Sun.

The artistic conception combat skills cannot be learned just by wanting to learn them. No one in the Lu family can learn the Heaven-shaking Palm created by Lu Xiaoxuan, and only Lu Yin can learn it again. The Setting Sun he created can also be learned by no one.

In artistic conception combat skills, the first priority is artistic conception and understanding.

Speaking of which, the word artistic conception is the same as the spiritual conception of the universe, but one is the realm and the other is the place of consciousness.

Artistic conception?

Lu Yin thought that maybe he should go and take a look. The consciousness existing there should be able to be absorbed by him.

He had reason to go, but Qi Guan was still in Dianjiangtai Hell.

Huanri City became more lively because of Lu Yin's arrival. However, as time went by, Lu Yin was always at the restaurant. Gradually, except for those who stared at him, Lu Yin also saw what other people were doing. The excitement of the Nine Regions Ringing the Sun.

He ate a lot of delicious food from all domains.

I saw an exotic woman.

He saw various combat skills, and some of them actually made his eyes shine. They were not useful to him, but brought some inspiration.

Lu Yin's location has also become a shadow in Huanri City. Everyone who comes to Huanri City will take a look and see this famous third master of the Linghua Universe, the world's master who promises to challenge the Linghua Universe. The third master.

No one could figure out how Lu Yin could be so powerful at such a young age.

Some people were dissatisfied and wanted to challenge, but were knocked unconscious by their elders before they could take action. It was not their turn to take the lead in such a thing.

"There are still more than ten days before the Nine Realm Ring Sun is coming. This time, I, the Ghost Fire Realm, will definitely leave a mark in Baishui Pagoda Forest."

"Arrogant, you from the Ghost Fire Region are despicable and sneaky. How can you have that kind of magnanimity? If you have it, you are from the Yunhe Region."

"Two eldest brothers, please don't argue. There is not only one person who can leave a name in Baishui Tower Forest. If you have the ability, you can all leave your name." A woman smiled, her face was like a peach blossom, and she was so beautiful. As she spoke, her eyebrows looked... Xiang restaurant, fell on Lu Yin, his eyes were rippled, becoming more and more charming.

A battle breaks out in the distance.

The closer we get to the Nine Realms Ring Sun, the more fights occur, with both sides competing for their temperament.

Lu Yin watched with interest, and his eyes gradually swept towards the corner, where a man walked out. He had been here very early and had been sitting in the corner without moving. Now, as the Nine Realm Ring Sun approaches, he finally moves.

The first step is to push away those who stand in your way.

The second step is still to push away those who stand in the way.

The third step is to come to the cultivator of the ghost fire domain and strike out with a palm.

The cultivator of the ghost fire domain sneered, and the red fire spread, burning the void, but was defeated by a palm.

The fourth step was to face the Shukaku boy of the Yunhe Domain. The Shukaku boy screamed and danced the crane for nine days, extremely fierce. This was the secret skill of the Shukaku Domain, but he was also defeated by the man. The man tore his hands apart without caring.

Shukaku boy vomited blood and fell to the ground, shouting: "Who are you? I want to be able to conquer the sky in nine steps, but when I step into the Hundred Waters Pagoda Forest, I am looking for death."

The charming woman took action against the man, but the man did not turn around. He took nine steps forward and never retreated.

No matter how many women and soldiers descend on me, I will stand still and my body will bloom with brilliance.

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