Star Odyssey

Chapter 3466 Qi Zun

Qi Gong glanced at the faces and spoke slowly: "The mere Dayu Villa cannot destroy my Qi family. Don't forget that behind my Qi family stands Master Yu Sangtian."

As soon as the words Yu Sangtian came out, everyone's expressions softened slightly.

"There is something, and it's time to let you know." Qi Gong raised his head, looked towards the direction of the Nine Regions Ringing the Sun, and said in a low voice: "Ancestor Qi Zun, he is still alive."

Everyone was stunned and shocked: "Ancestor Qi Zun?"

"The ancestor Qi Zun who controls the universe of consciousness?"

"How is that possible? Didn't he die a long time ago? He was a master of the same era as Yuan Qi Sangtian."

Everyone was excited.

Qi Gong sneered: "If we had to focus on the artistic conception, Patriarch Qi Zun would have become Sang Tian long ago. Even Zhong Yuanqi may not be Patriarch Qi Zun's opponent. Okay, let's disperse and let the third master come. Just in time to bring back Ancestor Qi Guan and Ancestor Qi Shangjun."


"Also, don't spread rumors. It's time for the outside world to know how powerful our Qi family is." Qi Gong said.

Everyone first thought of defeating the alliance.

Defending the alliance, relying on Shi Xiu, a prodigy, to compete with the Qi family, no one in the Qi family can stand up to Shi Xiu in terms of consciousness cultivation. Even the ancestor of Qi Shangjun, who broke through to the Lingshi realm, cannot reach the astral level in consciousness.

Only Shi Xiu reached the astrological level in the entire artistic conception.

Now that it is known that Ancestor Qi Zun is alive, it is different. No matter how hard Shi Xiu is, he cannot compare to Ancestor Qi Zun.

Not only the third leader, but also the alliance is over.

Watching everyone leave, Qi Gong's eyes flickered.

On the other side, the alliance is rejoicing. The Qi family is the mountain that is pressing down on the alliance. Now someone wants to move this mountain away. As long as it can be moved, the artistic conception will respect the alliance.

The members of the Alliance are all composed of casual cultivators, and these people really want the Qi family to be destroyed.

Many people have been bullied by the Qi family.

But then, the news came that Qi Zun was alive. The Qi family was so big that it was impossible for the news not to leak out.

As soon as the word "Qi Zun" came out, the alliance fell into silence.

If the creation of the artistic conception comes from Yu Sangtian, then the person who actually executes it is Qi Zun.

Qi Zun created the artistic conception, and he is also the strongest person in the cultivation of spiritualized cosmic consciousness, no one can surpass him.

Yu Sangtian is powerful, but in terms of consciousness, he cannot compare to Qi Zun.

It is precisely because of his powerful consciousness that he can create artistic conceptions. He once fought in and out of the universe of consciousness, but the universe of consciousness could not help him.

Originally, this person should have died a long time ago. If he were alive, who could compete with the Qi family?

The news quickly spread from the artistic conception to the stars, and finally reached Lu Yin's ears.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Qi Zun?"

Lao Tao was shocked: "Qi Zun is still alive? How is that possible?"

"Is this Qi Zun very powerful?" Lu Yin was curious.

These two words made Lao Tao and Palace Master Yao change their expressions.

There are also those who are staring at him, secretly or overtly, who are also discussing these two words.

Lao Tao saluted Lu Yin: "Master, do you really want to kill the Qi family? If Qi Zun is really alive, this trip will be very dangerous."

"Qi Zun is the first person to cultivate spiritual cosmic consciousness. He is the first person in history. No one can compare with him, including Shi Xiu who founded the Alliance."

"The alliance relies on Shi Xiu's amazing talent to fight against the Qi family, but even Shi Xiu is definitely not as good as Qi Zun."

"Qi Zun's most famous achievement is that he fought against the thirteen phenomena of the conscious universe and successfully captured one to bring the spiritualized universe."

Lu Yin was surprised: "He can capture one of the thirteen phenomena in the conscious universe?"

Lao Tao nodded: "This matter has long been a legend and recorded in history. Even Yu Sangtian has no such record."

The thirteen phenomena of the universe of consciousness are the thirteen starry sky level consciousness powerhouses. The starry sky level corresponds to the level of overcoming suffering.

In other words, this Qi Zun captured a cosmic being with a level of consciousness that had overcome hardships. Lu Yin was also amazed by this achievement, and even a little disbelieving.

"Really or not? The Qi family couldn't be the one bragging about it, right?" Lu Yin really didn't believe it. With his current intensity of consciousness, it was impossible to capture a starry sky-level conscious being. Yu Sangtian was powerful and could kill the thirteen phenomena, but It is impossible to catch it.

Lao Tao said: "I don't know this, but this is what history records."

"It's true." Palace Master Yao said.

Facing Lu Yin's gaze, she said calmly: "Yu Sangtian once mentioned that Qi Zun did capture a star-level conscious being, but the specific process was not mentioned."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and tapped the slider with his fingers. This was going to be tricky.

If it is true, it means that Qi Zun definitely has starry sky level consciousness, and he may not be able to block this kind of consciousness.

Lao Tao said hurriedly: "Qi Zun and Yuan Qi Sang Tian were from the same era, but because he wanted to create an artistic conception, Qi Zun failed to achieve Sang Tian. Otherwise, Qi Zun must be Sang Tian, ​​and he is definitely a master at Sang Tian level. "

Lu Yin frowned: "Why did you say he was dead before?"

"The rumor is that because he didn't appear for a long time, after Yuan Qi Sang Tian went to Tianyuan Universe, Qi Zun created the artistic conception and disappeared not long after. Over countless years, the Qi family was subjected to various temptations, and finally came to the conclusion of Qi Zun's death. News." Lao Tao said.

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "Qi Zun is still alive. Could it be that the Qi family deliberately released it to scare people?"

Lao Tao couldn't draw a conclusion, he didn't want to think about the artistic conception at all.

To destroy the Qi family, even if Qi Zun dies, the artistic conception still has the masters of the Qi family and the Lingbao formation. If they are not careful, they may not be able to survive the third master.

Over the years, whenever the position of Sang Tian was vacant, there would always be people competing for the title of Sang Tian, ​​including the Land of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Gate of All Laws, etc.

The unified cultivation model of spiritualizing the universe has been used for too long. Although this solid model cannot bring about creation, it can quickly cultivate strong people.

Nowadays, no one really knows how much information the major forces hide.

When they invaded the Tianyuan Universe before, Yu Sangtian ordered that the major forces only sent a small number of people to take action. As for the three Sangtians, they all wanted to go on their own. They wanted to restart the Tianyuan Universe and get a chance to enter eternal life.

The existence of the spiritualized universe controls the heavens and the outer heavens, and the ten-base sequence is the supreme law. But beyond this, the seven major forces cannot be underestimated.

They are all passed down from ancient times.

"By the way, you just said that Qi Zun captured a starry sky-level conscious being. Where is it?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

He wanted to go to Yi Jing not only because of Qi Shangjun's attack, but also because he knew that Yi Jing had housed a group of conscious cosmic beings who had surrendered, and he could absorb consciousness.

The artistic conception suits him so well.

Lao Tao hesitated and said: "It should be in the artistic conception."

Lu Yin's eyes were sharp: "Are you sure?"

Lao Tao laughed sarcastically: "You can't be sure, but generally speaking, some of the lives that have surrendered to the consciousness universe are taken away by others, and some are in the artistic conception to prepare specifically for cultivating consciousness."

"It's about the artistic conception." Palace Master Yao said.

Lu Yin had a headache. Qi Zun and a starry sky-level conscious being were both at the level of surviving hardships. How could he fight?

Not to mention that there are many surrendered conscious lives in the artistic conception, and there is Shi Xiu, a master of the Qi family.

He obviously couldn't hold it alone.

But it’s impossible not to go.

Is this the background of one of the seven major forces in the spiritual universe?

Lao Tao glanced at Lu Yin secretly. He should have retreated because he knew it was difficult. One of the seven major forces in the spiritual universe is not easy to deal with.

Unless the entire Dayu Villa is brought here, it will be like a border war.

Daquanyu is also one of the seven major forces. Yi Sangtian has attracted many masters and even teamed up with border experts to stop Dayu Villa. This artistic conception is also unstoppable.

But if it's just the third master, the artistic conception is fine.

"Go on." Lu Yin can't retreat. No matter what, he can still protect himself, even if he can't destroy the Qi family.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice, if it doesn't work twice, do it three times. Each time he can gain something, and each time he absorbs some consciousness, his strength will skyrocket.

No matter how powerful Qi Zun is, he can't suppress himself.

Lu Yin still has this bit of confidence.

Looking at the Linghua universe, the only ones who can absolutely stabilize him are Yu Sangtian and Master Qingcao, and he is not afraid of the rest.

By the way, there is also a hidden One True God, and there is no news about this guy at all.

Along the way, he also inquired about Meng Sang's whereabouts, but no one knew about it.

Hua Guan continued to move toward the artistic conception, and Lu Yin was determined to cause trouble for the Qi family.

In the artistic conception, Qi Gong, the head of the Qi family, looked ugly when he heard the news.

Is Qi Zun alive? It's fake. He didn't know whether Qi Zun was alive. He just said it deliberately to scare the third master and make him afraid to come to Yijing.

But he didn't expect that this person didn't even care about Qi Zun and still came towards the artistic conception.

Those Qi family members who thought Qi Zun was alive were no longer afraid. In their hearts, if Qi Zun made a move, Lu Yin would definitely not be able to stop him. Lu Yin's intention at this moment was to seek death.

Outsiders hope that Lu Yin will go beyond his artistic conception and explore not only the background of Dayu Villa, but also the background of the Qi family.

If Qi Zun is really still alive, then we need to re-examine these powerful forces to see if there are still ancient monsters.

Lu Yin sat on the sliding pole, very leisurely: "I said toad."

Xing Toad rolled his eyes and looked back at Lu Yin.

"If that Qi Zun is still alive, I'll leave it to you." Lu Yin said.

Lao Tao, Palace Master Yao and others were surprised. Qi Zun let this toad deal with it?

There are many powerful people in Dayu Villa. This toad has taken action and defeated the powerful person in Ten Thousand Beasts Realm who can shine without emperor. He is definitely a top expert, but can he actually deal with Qi Zun?

Xing Toad refused: "I can't beat an ancient strong man who has overcome hardships and is good at consciousness."

Lu Yin smiled: "We are friends. If your friend is in trouble, shouldn't you help?"

Star Toad was not afraid of Lu Yin being angry, but afraid of Lu Yin laughing. The more he laughed, the more he felt that he was being plotted, and he couldn't help but say with a grimace, "Master Lu."

"Call me the third boss."

"Yes, Third Master, I really can't beat that Qi Zun. If you're not sure, call Yuan Qi or find someone else?"

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, looking for someone else? Who else could I turn to?

Regardless of the unfathomable depth of Wujiang, in fact, the only ones who have truly overcome the hardships are the Ancestor and Xing Toad. Yuan Qi has lost a clock and is half-dead. The rest are like the first grade of junior high school. Mu Zhu and the others have also reached the Beginning Realm. They are a little worse when they encounter Xing Toad. He can handle the hardships of others, let alone Qi Zun.

There is still a lack of top players.

Well, why is she here again?

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