Star Odyssey

Chapter 3474 The Sword of Heaven

Lu Yin looked in one direction and his eyes flashed: "You didn't take action just now, but now you want to take action?"

"It's enough to reach this point in this battle. The artistic conception is on the verge of being broken. If the third master takes action again, the artistic conception will be gone, and so will I. Please give me some face," Wuwei said bluntly.

Lu Yin laughed: "I can't give you this face."

Nowadays, what attracts him most about artistic conception is, firstly, the investigation of cause and effect, and secondly, inaction.

He can absorb the consciousness of inaction. Once he succeeds, he will ask himself and look at the three universes. In the field of consciousness, perhaps only the legendary universe-level consciousness life can surpass him. He will be invincible in the field of consciousness.

This temptation is not small.

Even if Wuwei doesn't take action, he will find a way to make him take action.

Anyway, Yu Sangtian can't take action, and the spiritual universe is at his mercy. How many of the seven Sangtians can come?

At this time, you can increase your strength as much as you can.

"The third boss really doesn't give you face?" Wuwei's voice became deeper and deeper.

Lu Yin said casually: "I heard that you were captured by Qi Zun. Qi Zun is no match for me. How can you have the confidence to threaten me?"

Wuwei sneered: "Qi Zun? He alone can catch me? You underestimate the phenomenon of thirteen days."

In the land of artistic conception, many cultivators were surprised. Wasn't Wuwei captured by Qi Zun?

Qi's family was also surprised. This news shocked them as much as Qi Zun's arrest.

The pride of the Qi family for many years is that Qi Zun captured Wuwei. This is their pride. Is their belief false?

Unexpectedly, all the cultivators watching were also surprised. Is this a lie?

Lao Tao and Palace Master Yao looked at each other. They did not expect that the entire Linghua Universe would know that Wuwei was captured by Qi Zun. This established Qi Zun's status as the number one consciousness in the Linghua Universe. Now what Wuwei said What's the meaning?

Wuwei's voice slowly resounded across the land of artistic conception: "Judging from the results, it's indeed true. I was captured by Qi Zun and brought to the spiritual universe."

"But before he caught me, I had been severely injured, and most of my consciousness was consumed. It took me many years to recover in this spiritual universe. If not, would he be worthy of catching me? Ridiculous."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Then where does your confidence come from? Da Pei Tian Pan?"

Wuwei said: "The third master, the thirteen-day phenomenon of the conscious universe is the master, which is equivalent to the spiritualized Sangtian of the universe. Do you think it will be that simple?"

"Now that I have recovered, my mood is the same. The Qi family has been destroyed and your goal has been achieved. Please retreat. If we fight again, you and I don't know what the outcome will be."

Lu Yin's eyes were full of fighting spirit: "What you said makes me want to test the strength of these thirteen phenomena even more."

"Third Master, do you really want to fall into the realm of artistic conception?"

"You can't do it."

In the direction Lu Yin saw, Wuwei's consciousness exploded and bombarded Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's consciousness planet rotated and was also bombarded.

The collision of two starry sky-level consciousnesses once again detonated the artistic conception.

Most of the practitioners were stunned.

Shi Lin shouted: "Third Master, please stop. The Qi family has been destroyed, why does it involve the artistic conception?"

Lu Yin didn't pay attention at all. This Wuwei consciousness was equal to his consciousness, both were as majestic as the abyss, but they were not as solid as Qi Zun.

If the collision of consciousness between Lu Yin and Qi Zun is the collision between river and stone, then the collision between Lu Yin and Qi Zun is the collision between river and river, or even the collision between ocean and ocean.

Not only the artistic conception, but also the starry sky outside the artistic conception was distorted, the scope continued to expand, and it spread crazily.

Everyone retreated again and again.

Qi Zun relied on his rock-like heart to suppress the collision of consciousness within a certain range. However, Lu Yin and Wuwei could not. They bombarded their consciousness wantonly, and what they competed with was the majesty of their consciousness.

Around the artistic conception, consciousness turns into a tornado, sweeping the entire artistic conception.

Outsiders can't even see what's happening inside the home.

The Big Peeling Sky Pan appears again, this time bigger and more real than before.

As one of the thirteen signs, how could Wuwei be destroyed by the setting sun with Lu Yin's hand?

The previous action was just because of his promise. His mission was to protect the artistic conception, not the Qi family.

Now that the Qi family has been destroyed, if Lu Yin takes action again, he can only do it with all his strength.

The big peeling sky disk pulled and crushed Lu Yin's consciousness.

Lu Yin releases the Biluo Heavenly Palace and allows you to crush him, but his consciousness is still not consumed.

Dapi Tianpan was trapped in the Biluo Heavenly Palace, suffering unimaginable pressure from his consciousness and shattered.

However, the broken Great Sky Disk turned into a violent consciousness blade, constantly slashing in all directions.

Lu Yin stood on the ground, himself as the eye of the wind, reaching out to grab it.

The sharp blades shattered together, turned into consciousness again, and condensed into the Great Peeling Sky Disk.

He was surprised that it was so.

Wuwei's Big Peeling Heavenly Pan is not too powerful, but it is similar to Biluo Heavenly Palace and has a feeling of infinite combinations.

The Biluo Heavenly Palace allows Lu Yin not to consume any power, and the Big Peeling Heavenly Disk also allows Wuwei to constantly reorganize his consciousness. Although it does not have the ability of the Biluo Heavenly Palace that does not consume consciousness, it is full of resilience.

It is not easy to defeat the Big Peeling Heavenly Pan with Biluo Heavenly Palace, and it will take a long time.

"Third Master, there is no need for you to dwell on artistic conception." Wuwei's voice sounded again. In Lu Yin's eyes, it was just a dark cloud, similar to the image of the end of the ruins.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the dark clouds: "You are finally overcoming the hardship."

Wuwei was puzzled as to why Lu Yin suddenly said this: "That's right, so you should retreat. Those who are strong through hardships will not be defeated so easily."

Lu Yin smiled happily: "That would be interesting."

As he spoke, cause and effect appeared, penetrated the sky, and formed a wheel - the wheel of cause and effect.

Dealing with Qi Zun, an old guy who died with only consciousness left, the causal wheel was meaningless, but it was different for Wuwei.

Wuwei is the life of the conscious universe. Since it is life, it also pursues eternal life. The pursuit of eternal life involves overcoming suffering.

This level is the same for any life, because Wuwei, a conscious cosmic life, has the core of life, unlike Qi Zun.

Human beings have their own sufferings, giant beasts have their sufferings, including plants, and plants have their sufferings.

Conscious life also has the suffering of conscious life.

All living things in the universe have cause and effect.

The wheel of cause and effect headed towards the Great Peeling Heavenly Disk, passed through the Great Peeling Heavenly Disk, and disappeared into the dark clouds.

Dapi Tianpan suddenly became motionless.

Lu Yin stared at the dark clouds.

He doesn't know what it is like to be conscious of the suffering of life in the universe. Anyway, the cause and effect are the same.

Suddenly, the dark clouds shrank, the big sky disk disappeared, and the consciousness that diffused between the sky and the earth suddenly disappeared.

Lu Yin stared at the sky and saw a sword hanging from the sky and stabbing him.

"Sword of God." Wuwei's voice sounded.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, and his scalp almost exploded.

The moment he was stared at by that sword, the hair on his whole body stood up. This feeling could only be felt in a life-and-death crisis.

how so? This inaction can actually make him feel the crisis of life and death? Nowadays, only Yu Sangtian should be able to give him this feeling.

Mu Ran, the sword of heaven, thrust out and headed towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin knew he couldn't hide, tearing the void apart? Turn back time? No, he couldn't escape. He didn't know why, but he just felt like he couldn't escape. This sword was not aimed at him now, but at the result.

He was destined to be stabbed by this sword.

Destined? Why is it doomed?

Lu Yin used the Biluo Heavenly Palace and pointed out the way of Tianyi with one finger.

His fingers touched the edge of the sword, blood flowed, and light shuttled back. After a second, Lu Yin stopped his hand and stepped back. If time hadn't gone back a second just now, his hand would have been gone.

What happened to this sword?

This Wuwei actually knows this kind of swordsmanship?

This was a swordsmanship performed with consciousness. Lu Yin had never seen such a terrifying swordsmanship before.

When a sword falls, don't care about the process, just look at the result.

A stabbing sword technique to the end.

The Sword of Heaven penetrated the earth and chased Lu Yin. On Lu Yin's body, the power and consciousness of the Biluo Heavenly Palace continued to flow, bombarding the Sword of Heaven.

The Sword of Heaven continued to shrink, but it still made him feel dangerous.

The sword edge kept approaching, making Lu Yin feel even more chilled.

In terms of artistic conception, Wuwei's consciousness was weak. He never thought of using this sword, but this person did not know what he had done to make him miserable and unstable, so he had to use it as a last resort.

The Sword of Heaven is his trump card, and even Yu Sangtian doesn't know it.

After this battle, everyone who sees this sword will die.

At the bottom of the realm, the sword edge keeps approaching, getting closer and closer.

Lu Yin stared at the edge of the sword, stabbing at the result. If there is an effect, there must be a cause. His fingertips circled the spiral of cause and effect, and pointed towards the sword of heaven.

Cause and effect collided with the sword's edge, and in an instant, the heaven and earth roared, and everything turned white before his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Lu Yin saw a strange scene flash by.

He saw the city wall formed by cause and effect, and also saw a piece of land shrouded in cause and effect.

He couldn't explain that scene. Logically speaking, that scene shouldn't appear here. Is it an illusion caused by cause and effect? Or was it the collision that made him see the reason for this swordsmanship?

However, Lu Yin always felt as if he had touched something.

In front of my eyes, the Sword of Heaven vibrated, shrunk by half, and slowly stopped.

As soon as he pointed out, the spiral of cause and effect pointed towards the sword's edge again.

The sky and the earth roared, and that scene appeared again. This time, Lu Yin could see more clearly. He not only saw the city wall composed of cause and effect, but also saw the land shrouded by cause and effect, and a drop of liquid existing on the cause and effect land. .

He subconsciously wanted to catch it.

The sudden slash from the sky cut off what Lu Yin could see, and his sharp edge was revealed, even more so.

Lu Yin hurriedly avoided it, his figure flashed, and he stepped onto the artistic conception. At his feet, the sword of heaven penetrated the earth and headed towards the dark clouds.

The artistic conception continues to be broken, and one third is completely broken, which is exactly where the Qi family is.

Everyone in the Qi family fainted and fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Lu Yin looked up at the dark clouds with strong fear in his eyes.

I thought that Karma had blocked the Sword of Heaven, but I didn't expect that the Sword of Heaven would be so powerful in the end.

This Wuwei is definitely not something Qi Zun can fight against.

The conscious universe was severely damaged. Could it be that Yu Sangtian took action?

In the sky above the artistic conception, Wuwei was also afraid. A scene that was difficult for him to understand just happened, so he had to stop and stare at Lu Yin.

The sword of heaven cannot be exposed, but he cannot kill this person.

If this person cannot be killed, there is no need to kill others. Those people do not understand the Sword of God at all.

Only this person.

The artistic conception is quiet, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, looking at each other.

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