Star Odyssey

Chapter 3476 No. 4

Lu Yin said casually: "I like to nip trouble in the cradle. I know the location of the Ten Thousand Beasts Territory. It's on the way to Tianwaitian, so let's go there. So many people in this spiritual universe want to explore me. Let me explore the bottom of this Ten Thousand Beasts Territory first."

Lao Tao and Palace Master Yao looked at each other, unable to persuade him, so he had no choice but to go ahead.

They said so many things about Wuhuang, just hoping that Lu Yin would not provoke Wuhuang. Even if Wuhuang comes back to trouble him, just deal with it. Wuhuang is an old monster from the same era as Yuanqi, and there is no shame in losing. .

But they didn't expect that Lu Yin would take the initiative to cause trouble for Wuhuang. If they had known this, they wouldn't have said anything.

Facing Wuhuang, Palace Master Yao was afraid.

That was one of the few strong men who could quarrel with Yu Sangtian.

The sliding pole headed towards the starry sky: "I remembered something. Is there a huge tree in this spiritual universe? It's black."

"Sounds familiar, yes."

"Where have you gone?"

"It is said that it was moved away because it interfered with the formation of the word "spirit". By the way, it was moved to Tianyuan Universe."

"What is the significance of that big tree in the spiritual universe?"

"have no idea."

Lu Yin ate the fruit and looked into the distance. The Land of Ten Thousand Beasts was also one of the seven lands of cause and effect. He wanted to see it more clearly.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Realm was far away from the artistic conception, and it happened to be on the way to Tianwai Tian. It was considered a way to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm. No one expected that Lu Yin would go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm.

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On the way, Lao Tao had been thinking of ways to stop Lu Yin from going to the Land of Ten Thousand Beasts, but he couldn't think of a suitable excuse.

The unified cultivation model of the spiritual universe is divided by spiritual transformation and divided into two branches, one is the human form spiritual transformation and the other is the animal form spiritual transformation.

Although human form spiritual transformation is the mainstream of the spiritual universe, 90% of cultivators will still maintain their human form.

However, there are also 10% of cultivators who have transformed into beast-like spirits.

After countless years, even though only 10% of cultivators have become beast-shaped spiritual transformations, there are still many beast-shaped spiritual transformation masters. Especially due to the special nature of the animal-shaped spiritual transformation itself, some beast-shaped spiritual transformations have a lifespan far longer than ordinary people.

No one knows how many beast-shaped spiritual metamorphosis masters are hidden in the Ten Thousand Beasts Frontier.

These hidden old guys are just like the old guys waiting for death in the Gate of Laws. They don't have the strength to go out and fight, but they can still defend their own one-third of an acre.

If the Ten Thousand Beasts Frontier attacks the Consciousness Universe, it may not be very strong. Maybe many old guys will die before reaching the Consciousness Universe. But if the Consciousness Universe attacks the Ten Thousand Beasts Frontier, it will be completely different and it will bring great consequences to the Consciousness Universe. Big surprise.

At this moment, Lao Tao felt like he was on an expedition to the realm of beasts.

This is asking for death.

No matter how powerful the Third Master is, he can't beat the Four Hands with two fists. Even if he can hold on, what about himself and others? Absolutely dead.

Old Tao had a sad face along the way.

Just like when he wanted to enter the artistic conception before and learned about Qi Zun's existence.

"Old Tao."

"Master, the villain is here." Although Lao Tao was depressed, he did not dare to show it in front of Lu Yin.

Lu Yin asked: "Did you know that there is a guy who has a flying knife fighting skill?"

Lao Tao was shocked and said calmly: "Flying knives? There are many such weapons in the spiritual universe. I wonder what else is special?"

Lu Yin thought for a while: "It's special. By the way, this guy's flying knife can bring me a threat, but he doesn't practice the sequence method."

Palace Master Yao looked at Lu Yin and remembered the man who was beaten to death by Lu Yin during the battle at Bishui Palace, so he attacked Lu Yin with a flying knife.

Why do you ask this now?

? And even if you ask, you should ask her.

Lao Tao thought for a while: "It sounds familiar. It should be a hand-pressing, flying knife, and step-pressing."

"Step pressure?"

Lao Tao said respectfully: "This step is a killer of Tianshou. He ranks extremely high in Tianshou. He kills people with flying knives without practicing the method of sequence."

"I was attacked by this person and almost died. So, the Heavenly Hand sent someone to kill me?"

"It's possible." Old Tao said solemnly.

Lu Yin nodded and didn't ask any more questions: "Where is the place ahead?"

Lao Tao said: "The one I came back to is an ordinary starry sky city. There are too many such cities in the universe. They are all outside the Spiritual Silk Road. It can be said that they are all over the universe."

"Go and take a rest." Lu Yin decided.

Lao Tao was overjoyed: "Yes."

The later you go to Ten Thousand Beasts Territory, the better.

Soon, the sliding pole entered the starry sky city.

Those who were staring at Lu Yin also entered the starry sky city, and they could take a rest.

After entering the city, Lu Yin announced that he would be in seclusion for a few days. He had suffered some injuries in the battle with Yi Jing and needed to rest.

Lao Tao built a large courtyard directly in the city, and they spread around to guard Lu Yin.

Many people were discussing secretly, speculating on how badly Lu Yin was injured, but to no avail.

None of them dared to enter the artistic conception to watch the battle, they were too far away.

Lu Yin was not injured, nor did he rest. Instead, he left the courtyard and stared at someone.

After leaving the artistic conception, most of the people staring at him disappeared, and the remaining ones who dared to stare at him either had no choice or had a purpose.

Lu Yin saw through the lines of cause and effect, collided with each other, and realized that there was a line of cause and effect related to Lao Tao.

That line of cause and effect involved himself, Lao Tao, and Bu Ya.

This is strange.

During the battle at the Bishui Palace, it was normal for Na Buya to assassinate him and have cause and effect with him, but what did it have to do with Lao Tao? Because of this, he specifically asked Lao Tao about Bu Ya, otherwise a dead man would have no need to ask.

There are too many people in Linghua Universe who want to kill him.

In particular, Qi Zun said that he does not belong to the life of the conscious universe, and there is only one explanation left - Tianyuan Universe.

More and more people in the Linghua Universe know that he comes from the Tianyuan Universe, which also leads to many people having murderous intentions towards him.

The reason why I didn't mention it clearly was because of Yu Sangtian.

Yu Sangtian allowed Dayu Villa to enter the Linghua Universe, leaving all major forces in the Linghua Universe puzzled and waiting to watch.

As long as Yu Sangtian takes a clear stance, Dayu Villa will inevitably be besieged.

Lu Yin knew that Yu Sangtian would not point it out, so naturally he would not point it out either. They both acquiesced in each other's existence.

As for what will happen to the major forces in the spiritualized universe, Yu Sangtian doesn't care.

Lu Yin has his own purpose. He wants to expand the heavenly way of cause and effect until there is no need to compensate for cause and effect, or there will be no backlash from cause and effect.

But Yu Sangtian has no attitude until now, which makes Lu Yin uneasy.

It seems that he has understood the law of cause and effect and turned passivity into initiative, but the longer time passes, the more passive he will become because he does not know Yu Sangtian's plan.

We must find a way to test Yu Sangtian.

In the starry sky city, Lu Yin found the person whose causal line was related to Lao Tao and Bu Ya. He followed him to a corner of the city and saw with his own eyes that he had contacted someone.

"No. 4 is following the third boss now. Yes, it's definitely No. 4."

"Unable to contact, No. 4 is very close to the Third Master's house."

"Yes, I understand."

Soon, the contact ended with the man. Just as he was about to go out, he bumped into Lu Yin.

Without even seeing Lu Yin clearly, the man fainted.

Lu Yin didn't expect to get anything out of the interrogation and directly looked at the line of cause and effect.

There are too many causes and effects for a person, and what Lu Yin needs to check is the line of cause and effect involving himself, and ultimately keep tracing back to find more clues.

After a while, he exhaled and threw the person into the Diantai Hell. He disguised himself as the person and went to the courtyard.

Tianshou has Tianshou's contact information, which is extremely secret.

Lu Yin learned the contact method of Tianshou through the causal line, and he contacted Lao Tao in this way.

Lao Tao was watching outside the courtyard. When someone from Tianshou contacted him, he acted as if he hadn't seen him and ignored him.

Lu Yin tried several times, but Lao Tao didn't respond, so he left.

Looking at something similar to the Yuntong Stone in his hand, Lu Yin's eyes flashed. He originally wanted to contact Tianshou, but once contacted, it would be easy to see through.

That being the case, he looked at Lao Tao in the distance.

In the courtyard, Lu Yin called Lao Tao in.

Lao Tao faced Lu Yin with an extremely respectful expression: "Master, are you calling me?"

Lu Hidden looked at Lao Tao with a smile: "I'm injured."

Lao Tao was sad: "I didn't expect that the artistic conception could hurt the master. It was Qi Zun, and that inactive, surrendering conscious life. How could he have the courage to take action against the master."

"Don't worry, my boss. When my subordinate takes a leap towards strength, he will definitely go to Wuwei to cause trouble and ask him to kowtow and apologize to my boss."

Lu Yin was amused: "I mean, I'm injured, you can take action."

Lao Tao was confused: "What is the master talking about? Why do you want to take action? My subordinates don't understand."

Lu Yin leaned forward and stared at Lao Tao: "No. 4."

Lao Tao's body trembled and he looked at Lu Yin in disbelief: "Dang, boss, what's wrong with you?"

"How do I know?" Lu Yin looked at Lao Tao in admiration: "To be honest, I'm amazed that you were able to hide it until now."

It's not that Lu Yin didn't use the spiral of cause and effect to penetrate Lao Tao, but Lao Tao completely concealed his identity as belonging to Tianshou No. 4, without leaking it at all, or in other words, he didn't remember it at all.

Cause and effect is not like seeing everything clearly on a six o'clock on a dice, but only part of it.

For example, the person in Tianshou stared at Lu Yin. Lu Yin was the cause, and that person's behavior was the effect. Why did this cause occur? There is also cause and effect. It was Bu Ya's assassination that came from Heaven's Hand, and it was Heaven's Hand that made that person know that Lao Tao was No. 4.

Only through this series of cause and effect can the lines of cause and effect be seen, collide and overlap, and only then can Lu Yin see the truth clearly.

If there weren't these causes and effects, Lu Yin might not be able to see them if he penetrated that person with a cause-and-effect spiral.

Lao Tao was like this. He completely forgot about his status as Tianshou No. 4, so much so that when Lu Yin checked the cause and effect, there was no such thing at all.

This old guy is so good at hiding.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin thought of the person wrapped in the quilt again. Why couldn't that guy be penetrated by Karma? Could it be that the existence of that person has no cause and effect?

"My boss, my subordinates have no intention of plotting against me. My boss, you must be aware of this."

"It's not that my subordinates approached you on purpose. It was you who forcibly took my subordinates away in Torch City. You also gave me the title of second boss. I was wronged. I was so wronged." Lao Tao wailed, fearing that Lu Yin slapped him to death.

Lu Yin rubbed his ears: "Seriously, tell me clearly, otherwise your life will be left here. What is the name of this starry sky city? Forget it, you don't need to remember."

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