Star Odyssey

Chapter 3484: Combined Attack

Red rain fell, and in front, a black tornado swept towards Lu Yin as if consciously.

Lu Yin looked at Diewu Tianya, who was still fighting, and said slowly: "I'll give you some time to rest."

The black tornado suddenly dissipated.

In the distance, Diewu Tianya stopped, without saying a word, returned to that paradise, and each went into the house to recover.

They looked serious, that person was very strong.

The moment that person stepped into their battle circle, they all felt a chill. This chill clearly told them that one person may not be their opponent alone.

After so many years, since the battle with Baoqi, are they finally joining forces again?

Lu Yin stood on the land, raised his hand, and red rain fell on his palms. This was the smell of metal, but mixed with the smell of earth. It was a very strange substance that could just repair the broken land, and The fix was quick.

No wonder Diewu Tianya chose this place as a place for year-round battles.

Otherwise, with the frequency of their battles, these thirty-six domains would not be able to hold on.

It's normal for a field to be destroyed in a fight.

Outside the land, many eyes gathered to look at Lu Yin.

Is there really going to be a war?

This third master really wants to challenge the world's masters, not just arrogant.

How many games have he played since he left Dayu Villa? Each enemy is stronger than the last, especially the battle of artistic conception, which shakes the spiritual universe.

Now I don’t know how the battle with Diewu Tianya will turn out.

A few days later, Diewu Tianya walked out of the paradise, came to the center of the land, and stood opposite Lu Yin.

Diewu's face is beautiful, although she is not as beautiful as Palace Master Yao, but there is a stubbornness in her eyes, as stubborn as a sharp blade.

Tianya is a handsome and elegant man with soft eyes, but hidden under the soft eyes is a high fighting spirit.

These two are a perfect match, and the more they look at each other, the better they become.

They stand together like one person, blending into each other.

"Who are you?" Tianya asked.

Diewu frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about? Let's solve the problem first before we talk about the troublemaker."

Tianya said: "You should know your opponent's name. His strength deserves our respect."

"Why, Yu Sangtian deserves your respect?"

"Xiao Wu, these are two different things."

"Stop your disgusting personality. The enemy is the enemy. No matter what his origin or strength is, if you can solve it, just solve it. If you can't solve it, just run away."

Tianya was helpless: "Impulse will never accomplish anything."

Die Wu sneered: "It's even more impossible to be a coward."

Lu Yin listened to the conversation between the two and said, "It seems you two want to have a fight. I can wait."

Tianya looked at Lu Yin: "I made you laugh."

Diewu suddenly rushed out and kicked Lu Yin. His movements were sharp and crisp, and the void continued to collapse. This kick was extremely powerful, and it also carried the method of sequence, spreading sequence particles.

Lu Yin also kicked out.

Tianya's expression changed: "Be careful."

Diewu suddenly retracted his legs, avoided Lu Yin's kick, and turned over. The sequence particles were like the second Diewu, gathering and pressing down.

At the same time, Tianya shot from another direction, holding the wooden Xiao, turning it, flickering green shadows, and the sequence particles gathered at the same time.

The two sequence particles condensed and merged in the void, forming a power that even Lu Yin was afraid of, and fell suddenly.

The stars in Lu Yin's heart were released, and he wanted to try to dispel them.

But I found that it was not that easy. Although it was easier to dispel than the foundation of the sequence, it was not much easier.

This is the method of fusion sequence.

Outside the land, Lao Tao sighed: "The thirty-eighth sequence of methods, annihilation, has a great name, but its power is not very good. People who have just reached the level of sequence rules and understand the annihilation sequence method have an advantage, but this sequence of methods is the greatest The disadvantage is that its power has limits, it is purely destructive, and only destructive. Fighting at the level of sequence rules will become more and more seen through in the later stages."

"But Diewu Tianya practiced the method of annihilation sequence at the same time, and based on years of understanding each other, he integrated the two sequence methods to form a power similar to the foundation of the sequence. This is different."

Palace Master Yao looked at Lao Tao: "I find that you seem to know everything."

Cai Keqing also discovered it.

Even Xing Toad noticed it and looked at Lao Tao strangely. This guy was mediocre in strength, how could he know everything?

Lao Tao coughed: "Well, making friends is broad, making friends is broad."

On the land, Lu Yin avoided the sequence method, and the void collapsed on the spot. The sequence method continued to spread towards the surroundings, trying to include him.

Lu Yin could see that this was a different kind of sequence foundation. Diewu Tianya joined forces and was equivalent to mastering a sequence foundation. No wonder it was so powerful.

But if that's all it is, it won't cause him any trouble.

The two have been practicing for many years, and the sequence particles are majestic. Two majestic sequence particles converge, like a monster entrenched, raging towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin raised his hand and took out his palm.

Diewu Tianya took action at the same time, and the sequence of particles merged and pressed down violently, and the two were annihilated.

Suddenly, the sequence particles became unstable and were pulled by Lu Yin's palm, then hit back.

"Impossible." Diewu was shocked that this person actually borrowed their sequence particles.

Tianya pulled Diewu back and said, "This person is not easy to deal with, so be careful."

Lu Yin used Lian Zhang. The palm did not cause any damage to Diewu Tianya, but broke their double annihilation.

Outside the land, many people were surprised. This palm seemed ordinary, but it was extremely amazing.

This kind of thing has never happened before. Is this considered as a way to gain strength? Can other people's sequence particles also be used? Where did this third master learn such amazing palm skills? Or did he start it himself?

"Your palm skills are amazing, I admire you." Tianya marveled.

Lu Yin closed his palm and looked at the two of them: "Your cooperation is equivalent to mastering the foundation of a sequence, and I admire it too."

Chen Zu's Lian Zhang is the same as Ku Zu's Wu Ji Bi Fong, with a feeling of turning decay into something magical.

The extremes of things often lead Lu Yin to break through desperate situations.

As for the continuous palm, there is no upper limit. Now you can borrow sequence particles. In the future, you may even be able to borrow the enemy's artistic conception and even stronger power.

It can be said that Kuzu and Chenzu represent the pinnacle of an era, creating two paths rather than combat skills.

"Who are you? Why are you causing trouble for us?" Tianya asked.

This time, Diewu didn't stop him. Lu Yin's strength made her afraid. She had to be careful when dealing with such people.

Many things about her follow her personality, but there are also many things that overwhelm her personality.

Lu Yin smiled lightly: "Dayu Villa, the third head of the family, you can call me seventh brother."

Tianya and Diewu are confused, Dayu Villa? Have not heard.

They have been fighting on this land and have no idea about the outside world.

Lu Yin said: "I want to challenge the world's masters, and you are one of them. I have no personal grudges, that's all."

"I see, are you challenging the world's masters? I admire your courage, but if we work together, even if we win, we won't be able to win. I'm no match for you alone," Tianya said.

Die Wu was dissatisfied: "Who said that a single person is not his opponent? If you give in without fighting, you are a waste."

Tianya was helpless: "The two of us can only work together. Alone, we are not at the highest level in the Lingshi Realm. It's not like you don't know."

Die Wu mocked: "Is this why you are not motivated?"

Tianya is helpless.

Lu Yin said: "Diewu Tianya, we are one body. I will also treat you as one body when you join forces. Let's take action."

"People have provoked you to this point, and yet you still don't take action. You are acting like a man."

"Okay, since your Excellency said so, we won't be polite. Butterfly dance to the end of the world."

As soon as the words fell, the red rain stopped, replaced by pink peach blossoms, falling from the sky, as beautiful as a fairyland, even the roaring tornado in the distance was rendered with a layer of light.

Underfoot, emerald green surges in, like ocean waves, from bottom to top.

Pink peach blossoms and turquoise waves cover the sky and the earth, and in the middle is Lu Yin.

Outside the land, Palace Master Yao's eyes were solemn, Die Wu Tian Ya, this is Die Wu Tian Ya's joint combat skill, and it is also their famous stunt.

Lu Yin didn't feel anything, but he could see that it was the power of spirit.

It turns out that what Diewu Tianya is best at is energy and spirit.

On the opposite side, Diewu Tianya looked solemn. What they were using was the essence of energy. When the peach blossoms and waves appeared, the essence of energy had already bombarded him, but this person stood still.

This was not beyond their expectations. After all, this person was very powerful. Although he seemed to be a spiritual ancestor, he was definitely a powerful person in the Spiritual Beginning Realm. So far, he had never used the sequence method to withstand this level of energy and spirit. Not surprisingly.

So, next.

Diewu took out the piano.

Tianya Hengfang Mu Xiao said: "Third Master, be careful. If you can't bear it, just admit defeat."

After saying that, the music of the piano whistled and chirped, butterfly flowers were flying in the sky, and the waves on the ground were shaking. Everything was distorted, and the sound spread out of the land and toward the stars.

When Lao Tao heard this, his body trembled: "Back off."

Palace Master Yao's eyes were solemn. This energy was very powerful. When the two of them joined forces, she could not stop this energy. The only way to determine the winner was before the two of them joined forces.

Essence and consciousness are two different forces, one affects the body and the other affects the mind.

But the consequences are similar.

All around, those who were staring also backed away.

They had the feeling of seeing the battle of artistic conception again.

Qi Zun, Wuwei's power of consciousness, and the power of spirit and spirit combined with Diewu Tianya, made them afraid to approach.

This third master has such a terrifying power of consciousness, so his energy and spirit must not be good. No one is strong in both consciousness and energy and spirit.

However, the power of consciousness can completely resist the power of energy and spirit. Diewu Tianya has no idea how strong the consciousness of the third master is.

Someone's voice came to Diewu Tianya's ears: "This third master has the consciousness to overcome the level of suffering."

Die Wu shouted sharply and looked up at the starry sky: "Who? Despicable and shameless."

Tianya frowned and looked at Lu Yin: "Sorry, someone reminded us that you have the power of consciousness to survive hardships, so let's be careful."

Lu Yin laughed: "It doesn't matter."

"It's none of our business whether you care or not, but we don't do such despicable things." Tianya stared at Lu Yin with a serious expression: "We will bear your consciousness bombardment."

Diewu snorted, but did not object, urging: "Hurry up."

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