Star Odyssey

Chapter 3486 Exactly the same

On the land, the red rain became colder and colder.

Lu Yin looked calm as he approached Diewu Tianya step by step.

The move just now really stunned him. None of these hidden powerhouses were easy. He was already vigilant, but there were some moves where vigilance was not enough.

The worry-free old man Wangyou is like this, as are the thunderous butterflies dancing in the sky.

He wildly said that he wanted to challenge the world's masters, but this step was not easy to take.

Mad dog, the mad dog Baoqi calls is really a mad dog, it is difficult to resist.

It is not unreasonable for Tianshou to use his hand to deal with these people. Once Sang Tian's position becomes vacant again, these people will all take action, even if he may not be able to achieve Sang Tian.

Arriving in front of Diewu Tianya, Lu Yin looked at them: "It seems that you are finished."

Die Wu looked away, her eyes dull.

Tianya sighed: "We are defeated and we are at your disposal."

He knew very well that Lu Yin came here specially to challenge the world's masters. Is it as simple as that?

What they are best known to outsiders is their battle with Bao Qi for the position of Sang Tian. This man is so powerful, and his goal may also be the position of Sang Tian.

How could he feel at ease if he didn't solve them.

Generally speaking, Lu Yin should push them into the point of general hell to increase the cause and effect of heaven.

But it was really hard for him to feel bad about these two people. They were upright and had never heard of any evil deeds. They were completely different from Old Man Wangyou.

Qin belongs to that kind of true cultivator, who is decisive in killing. Lu Yin pressed him into the point of Jiangtai Hell without any psychological burden. This is the law of survival.

Old Man Wangyou has done too many evil deeds, depriving him of his humanity, and even killing him is not enough to vent his anger.

Only this Diewu Tianya was not as magnanimous and upright as a pure cultivator, which made Lu Yin unable to start.

Lu Yin looked at them for a while: "Give me a guarantee."

Tianya looked at Lu Yin: "Say."

"Don't compete with me for Sang Tian's position." Lu Yin said.

Tianya's eyes moved. Is it really because of Sangtian's position?

He was about to agree.

In his arms, Die Wu refused: "We will definitely compete for Sang Tian's position."

Lu Yin frowned: "I can kill you now to avoid future troubles."

Diewu is stubborn, and that stubbornness was clear from the first time Lu Yin saw her: "It doesn't matter, if you don't kill us, we will definitely compete for Sangtian's position."

Tianya advised: "As long as you don't compete with him, the worst thing you can do is compete for Sang Tian's position next time."

Die Wu angrily said: "Next time, next time, you will always be next time. These people are all monsters, but can you guarantee that there will not be other stronger monsters next time? What if he loses this time? Next time Or not to fight with him? Or not to fight with him next time? How long can we survive?"

"We are not in a state of immortality, we cannot live that long."

Tianya was helpless and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

"This is the Third Master. Sorry, we can't agree. We are determined to win the position of Sang Tian."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "You want the position of Sang Tian so much? Why did Bao Qi withdraw from that battle? I heard that you had a conflict, otherwise Bao Qi may not be able to achieve Sang Tian."

Die Wu mocked: "Do you believe this? If Yu Sangtian hadn't intervened, why would we have pretended to have a conflict and quit? Baoqi is the default Sang Tian, ​​and he is Yu Sangtian's dog."

Tianya looked at Lu Yin: "Yu Sangtian wants to control the spiritual universe more and more. The seven Sangtians can actually check and balance Yu Sangtian, but Yu Sangtian keeps making plans, and Baoqi is one of them. This person seems arrogant and unruly , in fact, his future has already been decided by Yu Sangtian, and the Palace Master Yao, who is the number one person under Sang Tian, ​​is also Sang Tian's internal decision."

"We are unwilling to give in and want to fight for it. If Baoqi is solved from the beginning, Yu Sangtian will not be able to interfere."

"It's a pity that it was too late to see clearly. Those who competed for Sangtian's position and the forces only saw this clearly at the end."

"We just have to quit."

"The seven major forces allow Yu Sangtian to do this?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Before coming to Linghua Universe, he believed that Yu Sang Tian ruled the Linghua Universe and could decide everything with one word.

But when I came, I found that it was not like that.

Yu Sangtian is very powerful and controls the spiritual universe, but there are still seven major forces and seven Sangtians secretly. The Zhi Kong Domain will not be controlled by Yu Sangtian. The Gate of All Laws secretly communicates with Dayu Villa, and the entire The spiritualized universe is anything but what was once imagined.

If Yu Sangtian can easily decide the fate of Sangtian's position, it would be inconsistent with what Lu Yin sees now.

Tianya said in a deep voice: "So what if you don't want to? The competition for Sangtian's position is considered fair."

"We casual cultivators will be stopped by Yu Sangtian's intervention, but the other major forces will not. Baoqi really fought to the end, and with the help of the cauldron bell, he is indeed qualified to achieve the position of Sangtian."

"Although the Yao Palace Master's identity as the number one person under Sang Tian is not completely correct, Yu Sang Tian must have a way to make up for her lack of strength so that she can truly achieve the strength that makes Sang Tian successful."

"Every step of Yu Sangtian did not violate the rules, and the people who achieved Sangtian did indeed have the corresponding strength."

This is not bad. Lu Yin knows very well how strong Bao Qi is. With the help of Ding Zhong, his strength can definitely be compared with that of Yi Sangtian, and this person can also step into misery at any time.

The crazy dean's road to the mortal world made it easy for him to enter the level of misery.

From this point of view, Yu Sangtian did not violate the rules.

"In the past, you withdrew from the competition for Sangtian's position because of Yu Sangtian's intervention. What will happen in the future? Who can guarantee that Yu Sangtian will not intervene again? You have said it yourself, Yu Sangtian is planning it." Lu Yin said.

Diewu raised his eyes: "See his plan clearly, and just solve it first."

"The next most favorable contender for Sangtian's position will definitely be Palace Master Yao. Let's deal with her first so that Yu Sangtian has no time to intervene."

Lu Yin was amused: "Palace Master Yao? Wrong, she is not Yu Sangtian's plan."

"Impossible." Diewu denied.

Tianya and Lu Yin looked at each other: "Why do you say that?"

Lu Yin waved to the starry sky.

Diewu Tianya looked around, and soon, a figure appeared in their eyes. When they saw who it was, they were shocked: "Palace Master Yao?"

No one knows the reputation of Palace Master Yao.

And her appearance has long been spread, and she is admired by countless people.

Diewu Tianya naturally knows Palace Master Yao.

Palace Master Yao didn't understand what Lu Yin was calling her for, so she stood quietly behind Lu Yin.

Looking at this scene, Tianya was puzzled: "Who are you and Palace Master Yao?"

Lu Yin's lips curled up: "She is a chess piece abandoned by Yu Sangtian."

"And I picked up this chess piece."

Palace Master Yao looked calm. Lu Yin's words were insulting, but they were also true.

Diewu and Tianya looked at each other, both seeing doubts in each other's eyes.

In their understanding, the next battle for Sangtian's position will be resolved first with Palace Master Yao, and they will not leave Palace Master Yao until the end. However, they did not expect that Palace Master Yao would be abandoned by Yu Sangtian. How could this happen? ?

They couldn't react.

Lu Yin shook his head: "Sometimes it is good to take a closer look at the outside world. Now that Palace Master Yao is no longer the target of your attack, do you still know who is responsible for Yu Sangtian's plan?"

Diewu Tianya's eyes were full of confusion, and they didn't know anymore.

Not long after, in a paradise, water flowed by under your feet.

Butterfly makes tea with flower petals.

Lu Yin felt nostalgic and thought of Zhao Ran. He might never be able to drink the tea made by that girl.

Tianya sat opposite Lu Yin and said apologetically: "No matter what, we are determined to win Sangtian's position. No matter it is you or whoever is fighting for it, we will not give up even if we die."

"If you are not at ease with us, you can end us here and bury us in this peach garden."

Diewu was calm, and death seemed indifferent to them.

Lu Yin had no murderous intentions towards them, not from the beginning.

"I may not kill you, but I can pin you down somewhere so that you cannot move." Lu Yin said.

Diewu looked at the peach blossoms in the distance without paying attention.

Tianya smiled and said: "That's not bad, but can we be allowed to bring two peach blossoms?"

Lu Yin looked at Tianya steadily: "Is Sangtian's position so important to you? No matter how you look at it, you don't look like people seeking power."

Tianya smiled lightly and took a sip of tea: "We don't care about Sangtian's position, but we care about the possibility of being seen on the day of worshiping the soul."

"According to legend, Yu Sangtian led the seven Sangtians to worship the spirits. Is it possible to see different wonders?" Lu Yin asked.

Tianya nodded.

"That wonder is very important to you?" Lu Yin was puzzled: "It seems that it is just a legend, and no details about the wonder have ever been spread."

"No." Tianya said, thought for a while, and continued: "We don't know what this wonder represents, but we want to see it and see this possibility."

Diewu withdrew his gaze and glanced at Tianya coldly: "Nonsense."

Lu Yin looked at Die Wu.

Diewu met Lu Yin's gaze and said indifferently: "Seeing the wonders is just for one reason. So many Sangtians have not seen it in the past and present, and we have no hope. What we want to do most to compete for the position of Sangtian is to get close to Yusangtian and kill him. Got him."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Kill him, Yu Sangtian?"

Die Wu proudly said: "Yes, kill him. If it fails, mess up the spiritual universe. It's best to mess up the unified cultivation model. The more messy, the better."

Lu Yin blinked, isn't this the same as him?


Tianya laughed and shook his head: "It's ridiculous for you to laugh at us. With our strength, it's ridiculous to say that we want to kill Yu Sangtian."

Diewu was about to retort, but when he remembered the battle just now, he became discouraged.

Tianya looked at her: "I have said before that the time is not enough and the strength is not enough. If you don't believe it, you have been fighting with me for so many years. If I hadn't held you back, you would have died at the hands of Yu Sangtian."

Diewu glared at him: "Shut up."

Tianya stopped talking.

If Lu Yin hadn't known that they didn't know anything about the outside world, Lu Yin would have thought that they were catering to him.

This is too much overlap.

The purpose of these two people is exactly the same as his.

He curiously asked: "Why did you kill Yu Sangtian?"

Tianya said: "The matter has come to this, it doesn't hurt to tell you. Anyway, our lives are under your control."

"Diewu and I are husband and wife, and we are also brothers and sisters. Our master is Old Man Xingxia, and he is also Diewu's grandfather."

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