Star Odyssey

Chapter 3494 Not Qualified

"Uncle Feng, what's wrong with the third master?" Zhihua asked. She found that she admired the third master a little. That kind of unparalleled arrogance actually made her heart beat faster. She didn't want him to die in Fenglin night.

Qian Hui Feng didn't know how to answer: "Let's wait and see."

Lao Tao and the others looked at each other, no longer so nervous. Lingbao Hui was no longer hostile to them when he discovered that the leader of the family was Zou Lingbao.

But what happened to the head of the family? So easily swallowed up? They don't believe it.

Along the way, they saw Lu Yin displaying his strength with their own eyes. That kind of strength had no bottom at all, so they wouldn't be defeated here.

Challenging the Nine Steps of the Celestial Master's Ladder does not happen overnight. Some people last for several months before getting results.

They can only wait.

As long as Master Yuran didn't announce Lu Yin's failure, they would wait.

Soon, a day passed.

Lu Yin remained motionless, and another day passed.

He moved.

Everyone stared.

Lu Yin slowly opened his eyes and stretched out: "It's so comfortable to sleep."

Everyone was speechless.

sleep? sleep?

Is he sleeping?

Are you kidding me, sleeping in Fenglinwan? Everyone is waiting for him to sleep?

Although he couldn't believe it, it happened. Lu Yin had a very comfortable sleep, moved his body, and got rid of his laziness. He got up, walked through the Maple Forest Wan Lingbao Formation, and stepped onto the seventh level. The stairs are very smooth.

Everyone was dumbfounded again. Since Lu Yin came to Lingbao Club, they were shocked and confused again and again. They thought they were mentally prepared, but they were still stunned.

In the square, Lao Tao and others were not surprised. Let's just say, how could the leader be so easily swallowed up by a mere spiritual treasure formation?

In the corner, Maple calmly moved back.

Zhi Hua was happy and cheered, then he realized what he was doing and looked at Qian Hui Feng carefully.

Qian Huifeng doesn't mean to be angry. Are you going to sleep? It turns out that it’s not that easy after all.

It seems that Feng Linwan is still too weak.

Tianshi Yuran shook his head. A night in Fenglin, which she thought had trapped him, turned out to be just for a nap. She didn't know what to say.

This feeling is like thinking that a huge fire was ignited, but found that it was stamped out by someone. This is the difference in levels. This person is indeed a monster.

"Haha, this kid, Fengzi will become a laughing stock." An old voice came from not far away.

Master Yuran looked at him: "Are you back too?"

The person who came was an old man with gray hair, but he was in good spirits: "Come back and have a look. I heard that the third master came to Lingbaoyu. I will help if I can. After all, it is what I am good at."

"How long do you think you can last what you are good at?" Master Yu Ran looked at the seventh step.

The old man thought for a while: "It's hard to say."

"I'm sorry to say it."

"It's hard to say. Having said that, Yu Ran, the third master is not as cruel as the rumors say."

Master Yuran was surprised: "What happened?"

The old man smiled bitterly: "My granddaughter, who was lawless, followed a few people and ran to block his way. When I found out, I was almost scared to death. Fortunately, the third master didn't take action, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me."

Yu Ran looked at Tianshi Lai: "Fortunately I didn't take action, otherwise, this Lingbao Association would be gone."

The old man felt warm in his heart.

This is the Lingbao Society. If he dies in the hands of that third leader, the Lingbao Society will never give up.

In the Linghua Universe, the Lingbao Society is a very strange existence, so no one wants to offend the people of the Lingbao Society.

so far so good.

His name is Zhishan, and he is one of the Nine Heavenly Masters, and the Lingbao formation on the seventh step, called Shanshui Tomb, came from him.

The Shanshui Tomb, which sees mountains as mountains and water as water, comes from Zhishan Celestial Master, one of the nine great Celestial Masters of the Lingbao Society.

Being placed on the seventh step of the Tianshi Ladder, surpassing Feng Linwan, it can be seen that Lingbao attaches great importance to Shanshui Tomb. However, Shanshui Tomb is evaluated as one of the most useless Lingbao formations.

In the square, Lao Tao sighed: "Shanshui Tomb is one of the most powerful Lingbao formations. Once it is completed, even the powerful Lingshi realm will be trapped and difficult to break. And the Lingbao Society has always wanted to see the Sangtian level. Do the masters have the ability to break the tomb of mountains and rivers?"

"So powerful?" Cai Keqing was surprised.

Palace Master Yao solemnly said: "I have also heard the name Shanshui Tomb, but it is called one of the most useless spiritual treasure formations. The reason is that it takes too long to set up."

Lao Tao nodded: "Not only does it take too long to arrange, but its characteristics are too obvious. It can be seen at a glance, and the range is also obvious. If you want to fight with the landscape tomb, it will be difficult to succeed. The enemy will not give you that much It takes a long time to deploy, and even if it is deployed, the enemy can avoid it with such obvious features."

"However, there is no such disadvantage on the Tianshi Ladder. The leader must enter the Shanshui Tomb and fight out."

There were various discussions in Lingbao Society, all mentioning Shanshui Tomb.

Yinghan smiled bitterly: "It is precisely because of the Shanshui Tomb that prevented the two heavenly masters from succeeding, otherwise the Lingbao Society would have more than just the nine heavenly masters."

"You are wrong." Master Yuran said.

Yinghan was puzzled: "Wrong?"

Yuran Tianshi said: "The Shanshui Tomb is divided into two levels, one is mountain and the other is water. It is placed on the Tianshi Staircase. Only the first level has been activated. Including the previous two Tianshi challenges, only one level has been activated. , otherwise don’t tell them, it is extremely difficult for me to get out of the Shanshui Tomb, and it will take a long time to solve it.”

"So that's it, what about this time?" Yinghan asked.

On the side, Heavenly Master Zhishan smiled lightly: "I want to see how powerful this third master is."

On the seventh step of the Tianshi Ladder, Lu Yin walked into the Shanshui Tomb. He had to go in, otherwise he would be leaving the Tianshi Ladder.

It's the seventh level, and the further you go, the more difficult it becomes.

At this moment, a very obvious original treasure formation appeared in front of Lu Yin's eyes. It was so obvious that the boundaries were very clear.

He rarely saw such an obvious original treasure formation, and was a little surprised. If this original treasure formation was used on the battlefield, it would be completely ineffective against the enemy.

Stepping into the Shanshui Tomb, the original treasures are surrounded by murderous intent. In front of you, the mountains and rivers are numerous and endless. There is only a thin line in the sky, and the endless mountains and rivers seem to be increasing.

Lu Yin watched quietly, looked around, and praised: "It's a very good formation, but it's a pity that it's not very useful."

Everyone in the outside world heard it and there was no refutation.

The Shanshui Tomb is really tasteless.

Lu Yin walked forward slowly. In front of his eyes, the illusory yet real mountains and rivers were blocking his way.

If you want to pass, you have to either break the mountains and rivers, or unlock the murderous intention of the original treasure. There are only two ways.

The murderous intention of the original treasure of this landscape tomb is extremely complicated, but Lu Yin can solve it, but it will take a long time to solve it.

Generally speaking, if you want to pass the Tianshi Ladder, you naturally rely on language interpretation methods.

But he had no intention of joining the Lingbao Society. Going to the Tianshi Ladder was just a step down for both parties. He still admired the Lingbao Society, which gave him a sense of intimacy.

Since both sides have steps to go down, there is no need to waste any more time.

Raise your hand and point out with one finger. The fighting energy in the palm spreads, and the power is endless. With the way of Tianyi, one finger points to the mountains and rivers in front.

Lingbaoyu was shaken for a moment.

Most people can't detect it, but Master Yuran and the others can feel it.

Several people looked at each other in shock. The power of these three masters was unheard of.

Master Zhishan is keeping an eye on the seventh level. This third master is definitely a master at the Sangtian level. He has always hoped that an expert at the Sangtian level will try to break through the Shanshui Tomb. If even the Sangtian level can be trapped, even the Shanshui Tomb will be trapped. No matter how trivial it is, it will become one of the most important Lingbao formations of the Lingbao Society.

Can it be trapped?

Lingbao met in the corner and moved back to Feng. Zhihua and others watched nervously.

This moment can be said to determine the future status of Shanshui Tomb and the status of Zhishan Celestial Master.

If Shanshui Tomb could trap even Sangtian-level masters, Zhishan Celestial Master would suddenly become one of the most powerful Celestial Masters in the Lingbao Society, surpassing Qian Hui Feng, otherwise his status would still be below Qian Hui Feng.

On the Celestial Master's Ladder, under Lu Yin's finger, the mountains and rivers were shattered, but they appeared infinitely again.

Across the mountains, rivers and sky, the murderous intent of the original treasures is endless, forming a state similar to that of the Biluo Heavenly Palace, which is difficult to consume.

Lu Yin became more and more appreciative of the Celestial Master who created the Landscape Tomb. Whether he hit it by mistake or realized something, the Landscape Tomb was indeed strange.

Unfortunately, I met myself.

He didn't know how to crack it for others, but it was easy for him.

The starry sky at the heart surrounds the fingertips, and under the blue sky, the stars of power flow infinitely.

The mountains and rivers appear infinitely, and your own power is infinite.

It depends on how long this landscape tomb can last.

The vibrations in Lingbao Realm are becoming more and more intense, and more and more people are feeling it.

Everyone looked at the Tianshi Ladder, watching Lu Yin's finger spread continuously, then he raised his foot and stepped out, and the cracks spread along the Tianshi Ladder.

Heavenly Master Zhishan's face turned pale, he closed his eyes, broken.

Master Yuran looked at it in shock, and it was broken.

It couldn't be stopped. Sure enough, Shanshui Tomb couldn't stop Sangtian level masters at all.

Lu Yin stepped forward and walked through the Shanshui Tomb with a relaxed expression.

In the first seven steps, even the Landscape Tomb did not cause him any trouble. At most, he had to use a little more strength, that's all.

The destruction of Shanshui Tomb will have a blow to Zhishan Tianshi, and it will also have a blow to Lingbao.

But before they could recover, someone exclaimed: "There is someone on the eighth level."

Everyone looked towards the eighth step of the Tianshi Ladder.

Heavenly Master Yuran's expression changed: "Master Weighing, what are you doing?"

Lu Yin raised his head and looked towards the eighth level.

Above the eighth level, there was a man standing at the moment. He looked not much older than Lu Yin. He was smiling, but the smile was too fake, like a mask of hypocrisy.

"Third Master, please wait a moment. This eighth-level spiritual treasure formation was arranged by me and has not been completed yet."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Unfinished? Then what did you do for food before?"

His tone was rude, and this person looked hypocritical at first glance, and was clearly targeting him.

The man smiled and said: "Don't worry, Third Master, it will be completed soon."

"You can't afford to waste my time." Lu Yin stepped directly onto the eighth step and walked away.

He had no intention of achieving Lingbao's meeting with the Heavenly Master, but now that his goal had been achieved, Lu Yin had no intention of wasting time waiting for this person to finish setting up the Lingbao formation.

This person is not qualified to let him wait.

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