Star Odyssey

Chapter 3500: Substitution of flowers and trees

The old man was puzzled: "Then how do you know? I don't know, and Linghua Universe must not know either. You are from Tianyuan Universe. You didn't do it. Why do you know?"

Lu Yin said naturally: "I just know."

The old man looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Forget it, these things have nothing to do with me. I have reminded you of what should be reminded. You can go."

"By the way, one more thing, the guy behind the weighing is not simple."

Lu Yin didn't leave: "I also want to ask you a question. Why didn't you hide before?"

The old man looked at Lu Yin: "Curious."


"Invisible attacks, to be honest, I have never encountered them throughout my life. I also want to see what they are. Maybe I can find the reason why Yu Sangtian cares about you so much but doesn't take action against you. But unfortunately, I still don’t understand.”

Having said this, he stared at Lu Yin, as if waiting for Lu Yin to explain.

Lu Yin moved his arms: "Let me go, how will you explain to Yu Sangtian?"

The old man was disappointed: "There is no need to explain, it is just a transaction, the worst case scenario is that the transaction will fail."

"Do you want to show off? I'm quite curious about your Lingbao formation. There is a Lingbao formation in the legend called Yi Hua Jie Mu. I want to see it." Lu Yin looked at the old man with bright eyes.

The old man shook his head: "I am old and have no desire to compete for supremacy. Since there is no need to explain to Yu Sangtian, what is the point of fighting."

"I can tell you what the invisible attack is." Lu Yin said.

The old man was excited: "Okay, I'm just waiting for your words. I'm not interested in Yu Sangtian's deal, but your deal is different. I'm Su Shidao, the number one Lingbao Celestial Master in the spiritual universe, please."

Lu Yin solemnly said: "The first original formation Celestial Master of Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin, please."

Su Shidao was surprised: "Original Formation Celestial Master? Is it equivalent to Lingbao Celestial Master? Are you the most powerful in the Tianyuan Universe?"

"For now, yes."

"Haha, okay, the first Celestial Master of the Linghua Universe versus the first Celestial Master of the Tianyuan Universe is interesting, interesting." After saying that, the black and white colors suddenly shrank, heading towards Su Shidao from the soles of Lu Yin's feet, and finally turned into a huge black and white color The two-colored sword rose up from the sky and slashed down at Lu Yin: "The sword of eternity."

This move came so fast that Lu Yin didn't even expect it.

"Old guy, you cheated. This Lingbao formation has been arranged a long time ago." Lu Yin was dissatisfied.

Su Shidao laughed: "Junior, I am the Lingbao Heavenly Master. Now that you are coming in, you must be mentally prepared. Come on."

Outside the black and white territory, Master Yuran was shocked. The sword of eternity? Sure enough, the fight started, but why was it so cruel in the first place?

At the Lingbao Meeting, everyone opened their mouths and looked at the black and white swords that followed each other blankly.

Lao Tao and Palace Master Yao were shocked. The black and white swords brought them great pressure. This pressure turned into a strong wind and swept through the Lingbao Realm. The entire Lingbao Realm was shaking. Countless Lingbao murderous intentions were suppressed by the strong wind. It was difficult to shake.

It's like a layer of air waves has been cast over the entire Lingbao Domain.

The cultivators from all major forces who were staring at Lu Yin widened their eyes and began to fight. Sure enough, they started fighting.

This third master has really challenged Su Shi Dao, and the outcome of this battle will be the same as the battle of artistic conception, shaking the spiritual universe.

Su Shidao is a true Sangtian level master.

The black and white swords seemed very big, but they only reached more than ten meters before Lu Yin's eyes.

Lu Yin will not underestimate Su Shi Dao. The soil of the mortal ancestral world condenses, turns into a spear, and stabs out.


With a loud noise, the void exploded and spread in all directions. Every crack engulfed the surrounding areas, causing the Black and White Domain to be destroyed in an instant, and headed towards the Lingbao Society.

Lu Yin's spear extended along the black and white swords and stabbed Su Shidao instantly.

Around Su Shidao, countless sword blades appeared in black and white, slashing spears.

At the same time, the black and white swords suddenly disappeared and turned into black and white energy, forming soft but sharp slashes from both sides, slashing towards Lu Yin.

Without sequence particles, it was simply a slash formed by the Lingbao formation, but it was more terrifying than most of the sequence methods Lu Yin had encountered.

Two slashes are enough to easily kill the master of sequence rules.

Lu Yin's eyes were stern, and the spear in his hand suddenly split apart and moved towards his body. He used the soil as the original treasure's killing intent to form an original treasure formation - like a seal.

Ru Feng Si Shuo came from Yuan Bao Zhenjie. Shang Qing used Sanyang Ancestral Qi to seal Lu Yin with Ru Feng Si Shuo when he transformed into Hui Ancestor. At that time, Lu Yin was deeply impressed.

Such as sealing and closing, it can seal off the enemy and defend itself.

Su Shidao's eyes widened: "It's a good Lingbao formation, but it's useless."

The two qi of black and white kept slashing down, and they couldn't stop it for long.

Lu Yin was calm and calm. A closed spirit treasure formation could not block Master Su Dao's spirit treasure formation, but what if there was another one added?

Which of the original treasure formations created by Huizu is the most powerful? No one can tell.

Some original treasure formations fight against enemies, some original treasure formations assist in cultivation, and some original treasure formations protect areas.

What Lu Yin admires the most is infinite power.

The infinite power original treasure formation guarded the battlefield behind the Starry Sky, allowing the Fifth Continent and the Eternals to fight for so many years.

If it weren't for this original treasure formation, the Starry Sky of Trees would definitely not be able to stop the Eternals.

Lu Yin became invincible and went to the battlefield behind to study the infinite power original treasure formation.

Although this original treasure formation is difficult to arrange, even the Ancient Master Tianshi has difficulty in arranging it. This is not because the original treasure formation itself is difficult, but because this original treasure formation is too vast and involves too many things, and it especially requires strength support.

If Guyan Tianshi is given enough materials and time, he can arrange it. Otherwise, his strength will be limited.

But now Lu Yin can arrange it based on the soil of the earthly ancestral world. His strength has already surpassed that of Hui Zu. Even if it is not as complex as true unlimited power, it is enough to block the black and white swords.

When the infinite power original treasure formation appears, the cooperation is like a seal, like an endless source of power, canceling out the black and white qi.

Su Shidao was surprised: "Did you create this Lingbao formation yourself?"

Lu Yin said: "It's not me, it's a respectable senior in our Tianyuan Universe."

Su Shidao praised: "The endless power, okay, what's its name?"

"Infinite motivation."

"What an infinite power, I admire you. This Lingbao formation is similar to my embroidery, but there are essential differences. If you want to see embroidery, I will let you see it."

The two qi of black and white disappeared, and with the blessing of infinite power, the black and white swords were helpless.

Lu Yin also showed the strength that an original formation Heavenly Master should have.

His face is solemn, is he trying to change things? Finally saw it.

On the way here, Lao Tao and Palace Master Yao told him that the most powerful spiritual treasure formation in Su Shi Dao is to transfer flowers and trees.

They couldn't tell what the specific power of this spiritual treasure formation was, and they only brought four words - endless stream.

These four words reminded Lu Yin of his Biluo Heavenly Palace.

The seventh step of the Tianshi Ladder and the Shanshui Tomb also have similar abilities, but they only seem to be endless, far from being truly endless.

Regardless of cultivation or interpretation, the further you go, the more you go, it seems to be heading in one direction, which is not to consume.

To a certain extent, this kind of thing becomes like a default.

If this is the case, Biluo Heavenly Palace will not be simple.

This is why Lu Yin is curious. He wants to see if this original treasure formation can really be like the Biluo Heavenly Palace, with no loss and unlimited range of shots.

Trees bloomed on the earth, and the tree trunks continued to rise, spreading across the black and white realm.

Lu Yin looked at the trees in full bloom, which were composed of original treasure killing machines.

Su Shidao's ability in interpreting language can be clearly seen from this tree, because even with Lu Yin's vision, he could not see through this tree at the first time.

This tree was arranged in a very short time, not for a long time.

Su Shidao's language interpretation ability surpassed Lu Yin. Lu Yin was not surprised. What surprised him was that he could actually feel the breath of the eternal sword on this tree.

Are these two original treasure formations connected?

The branches stretched, and the big tree encompassed the entire black and white domain, and finally enveloped the Lingbao Society.

Master Yu Ran looked at it blankly, moved on, and saw again that in this battle, Senior Su had given his best.

The transfer of flowers and trees has left a mark in the entire history of the Linghua universe. It is called the masterpiece of Lingbao formations and has been unparalleled throughout the ages.

Su Shidao almost defeated Meng Sangtian by relying on grafting. It was just this Lingbao formation. In addition, other sequence methods, combat skills, etc. were useless.

A Lingbao formation can be deployed in an instant and almost defeat Sang Tian. You can imagine the shock this Lingbao formation brings to the Linghua universe.

No one in Lingbao Society doesn’t want to learn how to copy flowers and trees, and Su Shi Dao once said that he can teach everyone, but all the Celestial Masters who have tried to learn have failed.

Including Master Yuran himself.

In the black and white realm, Lu Yin watched the big tree stretch, extend its branches, and finally bloom into black and white flowers.

His eyes changed from surprise to shock.

How could this happen?

After setting foot on Jieyu Road, the first thing that shocked Lu Yin was the Formation of Opening Heaven.

The Kaitian Formation sealed the Kaitian combat skills within the original treasure formation and released them. It was precisely because of this knowledge that the later micro-array weapons were created. However, micro-array weapons require materials, engraving, etc., and grafting them on top of another is equivalent to An alternative micro-array weapon, those blooming black and white flowers are the sword of eternity.

Using the original treasure formation of grafting flowers and trees, and grafting the original treasure formation of the Eternal Sword, they bloomed on this big tree. Each flower is an Eternal Sword, and this big tree has no one knows how many flowers it has.

Yuan Bao's murderous intentions are intertwined, but they are completely spread out like a line.

One Eternal Sword is already so powerful. Lu Yin needs the blessing of infinite power to resist like a seal. Now there are so many Eternal Swords.

He looked at Master Su across from him in shock.

Su Shidao said proudly: "How about it, you understand, this is what I have done, any spiritual treasure formation can bloom here and become my strength."

Lu Yin exclaimed: "The transfer of flowers and trees is not any type of spiritual treasure formation, it is more like a tray that can hold all the spiritual treasure formations."

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