Star Odyssey

Chapter 3507 Take a trip

Under Qingyun's confused gaze, Xuhua also gave her a thumbs up, showing his big white teeth. Qingyun immediately fell to the ground, losing all his strength.

Qingxiao came back and was quite tenacious.

Just after Qing Xiao was thrown out dozens of times, someone came outside the courtyard and asked to see Lu Yin and Ru Mu, the stunning woman who had been painted in the world.

"Rumu?" Qingxiao's nose and face were bruised and swollen again, and she saw Rumu as soon as she came.

Rumu looked at Qingxiao and blinked: "What are you doing?"

Qingxiao rubbed her nose and straightened her hair: "Have fun, have fun."

Rumu laughed: "It's so elegant."

Qingyun was also surprised by Rumu's arrival. They knew Rumu and had seen each other in Tianwaitian.

Rumu faced the courtyard and said respectfully: "Rumu, the emperor of the sacred mountain, would like to see the third master."

Lao Tao was surprised: "Girl, what are you doing here?"

In Huanri City, Ru Mu had a conversation with Lu Yin. He wanted to say something, but Lu Yin didn't give him a chance, and they never met again. Lao Tao couldn't figure out what she was doing now.

Rumu faced the courtyard and saluted respectfully: "Rumu, Yushenshan, please follow the third master."

As soon as these words came out, Lao Tao, Qing Yun, Qing Xiao, including Palace Master Yao on the other side of the courtyard, Cai Keqing, Xing Toad, and even the cultivators from various forces further away who had been staring at Lu Yin were all shocked.

They thought they heard wrong.

Rumu, want to follow the third master?

She is a cultivator of Yushen Mountain, and her status in Yushen Mountain is not low. She can enter and exit Tianwaitian at any time, and is loved by countless people. How would such a person want to follow the third master?

This joke must be too big.

Qing Xiao was stunned: "Ru, Ru Mu, what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again?"

Rumu looked towards the courtyard, calmly waiting for Lu Yin's reply.

"Ru Mu, did I hear you right? Do you want to follow the third master?" Qing Xiao came to Ru Mu and stared at her: "My sister was just captured by him to be a maid, and you still come? Are you crazy?"

Rumu looked at Qingxiao and showed a beautiful smile: "The third leader has unparalleled martial arts and world-class majesty. Who wouldn't want to follow such a man?"

Qingxiao opened her mouth wide, do you really want to follow?

Lao Tao couldn't believe it. This was not a question of whether to follow or not, but a question of stance.

He knew very well where Rumu came from. This woman could represent the entire Yushen Mountain to a certain extent, and Yushen Mountain only belonged to Yusangtian.

Dayu Villa violated the ban, provoked Tianwaitian, and pointed the finger directly at Yu Sangtian. In this case, this woman's doing so is equivalent to provoking Yu Sangtian. Why does she have it?

Could it be that it was ordered by Yu Sangtian?

Lao Tao is not the only one who thinks so, many people think so.

If it weren't for Yu Sangtian's instructions, how could this girl have the courage to follow the third master of Dayu Villa? Isn't she afraid of being chased by Yu Shen Shan and Tian Wai Tian? She is not a loner like Palace Master Yao. There are too many people from Yushen Mountain involved behind her.

Qing Xiao was not stupid, she also thought of it and backed away.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see a pair of eyes behind Ru Mu. Those eyes came from Yu Sangtian and were enough to look down on the world.

This was a plan from Yu Sangtian. It was clear that Ru Mu should be followed by Lu Yin, and it was up to Lu Yin whether he dared to accept it.

As the second head of Dayu Villa and Lu Yin's loyal lackey, Lao Tao felt that he had the obligation to solve hidden dangers.

"You can go, the boss won't take you in." Lao Tao refused directly.

Rumu looked at Lao Tao: "The Third Master is a hero in the world, and the maids under his command are all stunning in the world. I, Rumu, ask myself, why don't I accept the Third Master's magnanimity?"

Lao Tao's face darkened: "If you don't accept it, you won't accept it. Let's go. If you don't leave, I will do it myself."

Ru Mu was not good at spiritual warfare and could not stop Lao Tao at all.

Seeing Lao Tao's downcast expression, Rumu smiled: "The third master of Dayu Villa who dares to challenge Yu Sangtian and overthrow Linghua Universe, is he afraid of a little girl like me?"

Lao Tao was about to take action.

Lu Yin's voice came from the courtyard: "If you want to follow, just follow. It's good to be a maid."

"Knock on the back."

"Shoulder rub."


"Bed warmer."

"I have them all, every one is good, just right."

Outside the courtyard, Palace Master Yao raised his head and knocked on his back?

Cai Keqing's eyes flashed and he rubbed his shoulders?

Qingyun frowned, I'm not a foot washer.

Rumu smiled: "I can warm the bed."

The Rumu at this moment is different from when she saw her in Huanri City. At that time, Rumu's temperament was painted into the world. Now, Rumu has become a little more soft and charming, but the temperament that was painted into the world is still there. Many people were itching to see it, but they were helpless.

She's so stunning, how about being a bed-warming maid? It's so hateful. What's more important is Ru Mu's identity. With that kind of identity, how can she be a maid? Sang Tian didn't get this treatment.

Lao Tao looked deeply at Ru Mu, what exactly did Yushenshan want to do?

In the artistic conception, the alliance was summoned, and the practitioners returned one by one.

In today's artistic conception, the Qi family is completely weakened, but because of the name Yu Sangtian and the power to control the surrendered conscious universe life, it is not impossible to recover as long as time is given. Of course, this time will be very long.

On this day, bad news came into my mind.

All the conscious universe beings who followed Zhan Zhou back to the Linghua Universe were captured by the third master of Dayu Villa.

This news is bad news for Yi Jing, but it is bad news for the Qi family.

The Qi family once had two biggest advantages against the Alliance. One was strength. The Qi family had Qi Shangjun, Qi Guan, and Qi Gong, three masters of sequence rules. They had profound knowledge and were invincible to the Alliance. The second was their ability to control the life of the conscious universe. Take control.

The Alliance can only control some casual cultivators, and only the Qi family can control the conscious cosmic beings underground.

Lu Yin absorbed all the beings in the universe of consciousness during the battle in the realm of consciousness. He also captured Qi Shangjun and Qi Guan before, leading to the decline of the Qi family. Now the Qi family is waiting for those beings in the universe of consciousness to come from the universe of consciousness to gain some say. I thought that those conscious beings in the universe would never come.

The moment Qi Gong learned the news, he vomited blood again.

The Qi family fell into gloom.

The hatred for Lu Yin has been engraved in the Qi family's bones.

"Father, the Alliance keeps gathering cultivators for some unknown reason." The descendants of the Qi family found Qi Gong with anxious expressions. They don't feel safe at all now.

Qi Gong seemed to have aged ten years, waving his hand: "Don't worry about them."

"Uncle, something is wrong. The cultivators of the alliance seem to have surrounded our Qi family."

"Family head, I heard the people who defeated the alliance talking, saying that no one in the Qi family can escape." Someone rushed in.

This sentence ignited Qi Gong's anger. He walked out of the Qi family, stepped on the ruins and looked into the distance: "Who dares to deal with my Qi family?"

On the land of artistic conception, many cultivators looked at the Qi family and heard Qi Gong's words.

Qi Gong roared angrily: "No matter how our Qi family declines, we are still controlled by Lord Yu Sangtian's orders. Who do you think you are to attack the alliance? You want to destroy my Qi family, do you have the qualifications? Get out of here, everyone, and leave me." Stay away from the Qi family and get out--"

All the cultivators of the Alliance looked on with cold eyes, neither advancing nor retreating, just looking at the Qi family.

The once glorious and prosperous Qi family now only remains in ruins.

At the door, the broken stone tablet is still there. No one would have thought that Qi Zun, an extremely strong man, once lived there. However, it is gone now. Qi Zun has completely disappeared. The Qi family should also be over.

The cultivators belonging to the Qi family are sad, everything has changed too fast. They never thought that the Qi family would be in such a state of decline.

Qi Gong gasped, clenched his fists, his eyes were a little red, and glanced around.

Those cultivators of the Alliance who once dared not even look at each other were looking at him now, looking at him with ridicule and pity. He couldn't bear this look. He wanted to destroy the Alliance and Dayu Villa. Destroy everyone who has harmed the Qi family.

At this time, the man above the wind walked out of the void and looked at Qi Gong: "Why did Master Qi get so angry? Who offended Master Qi?"

Qi Gong stared coldly at the person above Feng. This person used to be extremely polite when talking to him and did not dare to offend him in the slightest. But now his tone was mocking, especially those eyes that were actually looking down at him. Why did he have this person?

"The man above the wind." Qi Gong said slowly.

The man above the wind stared at Qi Gong: "It's me, why is the Qi family leader so angry suddenly? The third head of Dayu Villa is not here, right?"

Qi Gong narrowed his eyes and sneered: "The artistic conception was created by ancestor Qi Zun. As long as the artistic conception exists for one day, it will be named Qi. My Qi family is blessed by Master Yu Sangtian, and Master Yu Sangtian will support my Qi family. You guys No matter what, even if my Qi family declines again, it won’t be your turn to look down on me.”

The man above the wind looked gloomy: "Yes, what if the Qi family loses the favor of Master Yu Sangtian?"

Qi Gong seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world: "Who do you think you can change Lord Yu Sangtian's mind? Even Shi Xiu wouldn't dare to say such nonsense. Just wait. Wherever Tianwaitian is, I will give way." You are miserable.”

The man above the wind flashed murderous intent in his eyes.

At this time, Shi Xiu returned and looked at Qi Gong with a cold expression: "I didn't expect that it was you, Qi Gong, who stole the white willow."

Qi Gong stayed in Hubei.

Everyone in the Qi family was stunned.

What? Steal the white willow and Qi Gong?

How can it be?

The Qi family suddenly became furious.

"Shi Xiu, you are talking nonsense."

"You should think of a better reason to deal with the Qi family. Don't think that you will be wronged just because my Qi family has declined."

"It's ridiculous, what a big joke. Will the owner of the family steal the white willow?"


Countless shouts and curses came from the Qi family. In response, many cultivators from the Alliance surrounded the Qi family and stared coldly.

Shi Xiu didn't seem to hear the curses and just stared at Qi Gong.

He was still a little unsure at first, but the moment he said these words, Qi Gong's reaction confirmed the matter. At that moment, the fear in Qi Gong's eyes could not deceive anyone.

Qi Gong stared at Shi Xiu with red eyes: "Are you talking nonsense, I stole Bailiu? What evidence do you have?"

Shi Xiu shook his head: "Heaven's Hand found out that you were the one who stole the white willow, and the person behind the scenes who instigated you to steal the white willow was the Great Saint."

Qi Gong roared: "You dare to accuse me wrongly, why should I steal the white willow? What good will stealing the white willow do to me?"

"We don't know the reason yet, but the thing is what you did. Tianshou dare not lie to Yijing about this kind of thing, otherwise they will not be able to explain to Master Yu Sangtian why the Great Saint ordered you to steal the white willow. You Why are you willing to steal the white willow? Who is standing behind the great saint? What is the purpose? We will all find out."

"Tianwaitian, please come with me."

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