Star Odyssey

Chapter 3521: Not Popular

Old Salamander and Cheng Gong were both blown away by the strong wind.

Huge cracks spread along the ground, causing the abyss to collapse and fall into the unknown underground.

The onlookers who were watching the cultivators opened their mouths: "Destroy the Emperor Wu?"

"Eight-star black spirit, the legendary Emperor Wu is actually here too?"

"This is a cruel person..."

On the other side of the abyss, in the Zhi Kong Domain, Mr. Li's face relaxed, Emperor Wu of Destruction was actually here, and there was still more to fight in this battle.

At the end, Yu Lao was calm and was not surprised by the appearance of Mie Wuhuang.

The day of worshiping the soul is coming soon. The position of Sangtian is very important. Emperor Wu Mie cannot achieve Sangtian, but its action is necessary. It seems that the other side has paid a high price to invite it.

In today's spiritualized universe, the only place where Emperor Mie Wu can be found is over there.

During the Battle of Jianyuan, the other side also felt the pressure. The third master must find out the depth, otherwise no one would be uneasy.

Lu Yin stood on the ground, with smoke passing in front of him on both sides, facing Emperor Mie Wu directly.

Seeing the huge monster in front of him, and another beast-shaped spiritual transformation, Ten Thousand Beasts Realm really wanted to fight for his life. He might have to go to Ten Thousand Beasts Realm to destroy that bad place.

Wait, what's this guy's name? Destroy the Emperor?

When Lu Yin heard the discussions of the cultivators watching, he looked strange, "Destroy the Emperor?" One of the Seven Sangtians, the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm is called Wuhuang, and this guy is called Mie Wuhuang. Is it from the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm?

Tianya's voice came: "Third Master, this guy's name is Mie Wuhuang. He is a powerful eight-star black spirit who can overcome hardships and is a traitor to the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm. He once competed with Wu Huang for the position of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts Realm, but was ultimately defeated by Wu Huang. , but has always been unwilling to accept it, and has always been an enemy of the Ten Thousand Beasts Territory, and also an enemy of Tianwaitian. It is extremely powerful and difficult to deal with. "

Lao Tao's voice also came: "Master, be careful of Mie Wuhuang's mouth, which can spurt out extremely powerful killing power."

Lu Yin looked at Mie Wuhuang.

Emperor Miewu also looked at him, his gaze covering the entire Jianyuan, and he made a loud voice: "Old Salamander? Are you here too? Are you still defeated? Is that, Baoqi? Is he dead? What a pity, I really want to break them one by one. It’s better to break Yu Sangtian’s neck, haha.”

A huge sound echoed through the abyss.

All the practitioners felt dizzy after hearing the sound, which was too loud.

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back and looked up.

Emperor Miewu laughed for a while, and then his eyes fell on Lu Yin: "Are you the third master of Dayu Villa? This battle will not be easy for you, right? That guy, Old Salamander, is secretive. He can kill Bao Qi and defeat Lao Qi. Salamander, you are very good, but that’s it, I have some bad news for you, I’m here to beat you up, hahahaha.”

Another burst of huge laughter resounded through the starry sky, causing the stars in the distance to crack.

The many cultivators who were watching stared blankly, so crazy. He was worthy of being Emperor Wu of Destruction, and even crazier than the third master. The third master had defeated many strong men and remained standing, making them feel that only Yu Sangtian could be the one. Zhan, Emperor Wu is going to beat him when he comes up?

Wait, he just arrived and didn't see the previous battle.

Everyone thought about it and looked at Emperor Mie Wu with strange eyes.

The Duke's eyes are bright.

Old Salamander smiled. This third master captured Nianxian, Wujin, Dajinyi, Youxia, and Tongmu, so that Emperor Mie Wu didn't even know how many strong men had taken action in this battle. He thought that There is only Baoqi and himself, which is interesting.

The battle has been going on so far, and Mie Wuhuang will definitely be able to find out the bottom of the third master if he takes action with the strength of his heyday.

Lu Yin looked at Emperor Mie Wu laughing wildly and beat him? This guy deserves a beating.

Emperor Mie Wu looked down at Lu Yin: "Why, are you scared? You have never seen such a strong beast-shaped spirit transformation, hahahaha, don't worry, I will just beat you today, and the reward for that guy is to beat you. That’s all, if the idiot Wuhuang is standing here, I will kill him without any hesitation, as well as that hypocritical villain Yu Sangtian.”

"I get angry when I think of them, boy. If I make this emperor angry, I may beat you a few more times."

Everyone listened to Emperor Mie Wu's arrogance, and no one stopped him, let alone reminded him. He was really unpopular.

I am an enemy of the Emperorless Ten Thousand Beasts, and I am not tolerated by the outer world. I am on the black spirit list. This is fine. Once I appear, I will either offend this or that. I have no friends at all, and there is no one in the entire spiritual universe. I was willing to help him. If he hadn't been good at escaping, he would have died long ago.

Now he has become a rare eight-star black spirit on the black spirit list in ancient and modern times, and is the public enemy of the entire spiritual universe.

Listening to Emperor Mie Wu's words, Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Remuneration? Who gave it?"

Emperor Miewu snorted coldly: "Although I, Emperor Miewu, look down on those guys who hide their heads and show their tails, they are still moral. How could I tell you such a thing? You can guess for yourself. It seems that you are not very popular."

Everyone was speechless. In the Linghua Universe, no one was more popular than Mie Wuhuang.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Let me make a deal with you too."

Emperor Miewu laughed wildly: "Begging for mercy? It's impossible. Emperor Miewu is moral. He has to do things after receiving payment from others. You can do it next time. You won't die anyway. At most, it will hurt." After saying that, he raised his legs. He stepped on Lu Yin and shouted at the same time: "Old Salamander, see clearly, I am destroying Wuhuang much more powerful than that idiot Wuhuang."


The ground was crushed and the space of intelligence was shaken. Many people were unable to stand still but stared into the distance.

Emperor Mie Wu looked at the bottom of his feet, but there was no one there.

In front of his eyes, Lu Yin suddenly appeared, and in parallel time, he kicked Emperor Mie Wu on the head.

Emperor Mie Wu was surprised: "Time power?"

"Want to kick me and learn from me? Boy, I admire you."

Lu Yin kicked the ball in the air and was surprised to see the sequence of steps so close to the end of the world.

Mie Wuhuang was surrounded by sequence particles, and the majestic sequence particles made many people's scalps go numb. This was obtained by Mie Wuhuang's years of practice.

Destroying Emperor Wu is of the same generation as Emperor Wu, and is the same generation as Yuan Qi. He is an absolute old guy.

Avoiding Lu Yin's kick, Emperor Wu's huge body appeared behind Lu Yin with great flexibility. He clenched his claws into a fist and punched out.

Lu Yin turned around and punched out as well.


The loud noise shook the sky and the earth, cracking the void and destroying the stars. Countless cracks spread along the place where the fists were duel. The space was broken layer by layer, crushing the surrounding areas.

Emperor Miewu's body sank into the ground, his claws bent, and he asked in shock, "You?"

Lu Yin sneered: "The deal I want to make is to beat you up too and tell me who paid you." After saying that, infinite power flowed and pressed against the claws of the Emperor of Death.

Emperor Miewu's huge body was pressed into the ground and he howled.

Lu Yin stood high and stepped on it. The terrifying power exploded along with the stars and pressed toward the ground.

The ground was overturned, and Ma Yuan couldn't see the original appearance at all. Baoqi's corpse was buried in Ma Yuan and disappeared.

Underground, Emperor Miewu roared, and black light spread and shot straight into the sky.

Lu Yin looked down at the black light. Is this anti-gravity?

He punched out, and the terrifying force was offset by the anti-gravity. The huge claws rose into the sky and blasted towards Lu Yin: "Boy, you are too crazy and immoral."

Lu Yin raised his hand, and the earthly ancestral world condensed the soil, turned into land, and pressed down hard.


There was another loud noise, the black anti-gravity twisted and tore apart, and Emperor Mie Wu's body was pressed down again.

It roared, and a richer black sky rose into the sky, causing the earthly ancestor world to be overturned.

At the moment when the land was overturned, the black light suddenly reversed the flow, and Mie Wuhuang punched Lu Yin at an unimaginable speed. This was no longer speed, but a disregard for space.

Lu Yin clenched his fist, and everything turned to its extreme, his flesh dried up, the fighting energy in his palm condensed, unlimited power flowed, and he punched out.

There was a loud bang, and blood spilled into the starry sky. The huge beast's claws were torn open and flew out, with blood falling like raindrops along the way.

Mie Wuhuang and Lu Yin passed by each other, and his right arm was broken.

Its pupils flickered, impossible.

Lu Yin loosened his fingers and slowly turned his head to look at Emperor Mie Wu. This was a power that exceeded the limits of living things.

From the first collision of fists, Lu Yin discovered that Emperor Miewu himself had the biological limit power comparable to that of Xuanyu and Li beast, and did not underestimate him. In that punch just now, Emperor Miewu relied on gravity and anti-gravity, which was even more powerful. He exerted power beyond the biological limits. Although he did not surpass it by much, his level was completely different. He was on the same level as Lu Yin.

Tianyuan Universe, Linghua Universe, apart from Yu Sangtian and the Only True God, this is the third existence that Lu Yin has encountered that has power beyond the limits of living beings.

Yu Shan could not surpass even the Nine Heavens Transformation. Of course, the level difference between him and Mie Wuhuang was huge.

On the earth, half of the old salamander's body was buried in the broken earth, staring at the sky, defeated. In terms of strength, Emperor Wu was defeated by the third master.

This was something he didn't expect.

If the third master is not at his limit, he can defeat Mie Wuhuang, but it should not be about strength. In terms of power, in the spiritual universe, except Yu Sangtian's Nine Heavens Change and Wuhuang, who can surpass Mie Wuhuang?

Such power actually failed.

The third boss still hasn't reached his limit.

Where is his limit?

Emperor Mie Wu turned around and stared at Lu Yin.

"Think about it again." Lu Yin said, his voice low and slow.

Emperor Mie Wu suddenly opened his mouth, and the endless darkness turned into a beam of light and shot towards Lu Yin: "Emperor Mie Wu cannon."

Lu Yin avoided it.

However, this black beam of light suddenly surged, as if the universe was turned over, forming a black cross section that directly included Lu Yin.

Light flowed around Lu Yin's body, reversed for a second, and appeared behind Emperor Mie Wuhuang's head in reverse steps.

Mie Wuhuang is confused, can he still play like this?

Lu Yin kicked out, and Mie Wuhuang's head was kicked to the ground. The black beam of light from his mouth penetrated the earth and tore open a corner of the Intellectual Space.

That location happened to be Mr. Li and Mr. Yu.

Seeing the black beam of light falling, Mr. Li was shocked and hurriedly took Mr. Yu to avoid it.

Young Master Yu was in shock. He was not the third master. He would be dead if he was enveloped by the black beam.

Mr. Li is also afraid. Even among those who have survived the hardships, Sang Tian is extremely powerful, and there are only a few who can defeat the emperor.

He has no confidence in defeating Emperor Wu.

Especially this unique trick to destroy Wuhuang.

Emperor Miewu's head hurt. He turned around and hit his eyes. Lu Yin kicked him out again. This time he learned the lesson and avoided it.

Lu Yin kicked the ball in the air, looked to the side, turned around and hit him again, but was dodged again. Then, Lu Yin kept attacking, but was unable to hit Mie Wuhuang.

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