Star Odyssey

Chapter 3527 Pressure

Lu Yin looked at that mouth with disdain: "Consider it, but do you dare to cooperate with me?"

"We can provide information to Dayu Villa."

"We don't need your information. There are plenty of people who want to provide us with information."

"If the third master insists on going his own way and starts a war with Tianshou, there is no way that the origin of Dayu Villa will be spread throughout the entire spiritual universe in the shortest time. By then, even if everyone pretends to be deaf and dumb, there will always be someone who will stand up and besiege Dayu Villa. Is the leader really going to kill everything?"

"You are not worthy yet." Lu Yin struck out with a palm, and the mouth disappeared instantly, but he did not notice that the streamer shuttled ahead and reversed for a second.

Facing the great power of time cultivated in the Tianyuan Universe, the Linghua Universe was inherently at a disadvantage. Qianmen Feidu was already weaker than Lu Yin, and it was impossible to stop it.

Lu Yin smashed the mouth with one palm.

In the South Travel Realm, a wailing sound was heard not far away from the disaster. He looked over and saw Qianmen Feidu's face covered with blood. He stood up angrily and said, "This is too much to bully someone. Does this person really think that my heavenly hand is afraid of him?"

"Activate all Lingbao formations and pass on the order. Everyone in Tianshou is on standby, ready to announce the matter of Dayu Villa at any time."

"Yes." Qianmen Feidu's teeth were knocked out, but he was just taught a lesson and could recover quickly. After all, he was a strong man in the Lingshi realm.

But this slap left him with no dignity.

Just like Lu Yin doesn't need to give dignity to Tianshou.

This slap hit Qianmen Feidu, but it actually hit Yinan in the face.

Even so, he didn't intend to fight Lu Yin immediately. Tianshou didn't want to become the cannon fodder that perished with Dayu Villa. Why didn't the seven major forces besiege Dayu Villa? Just because of this.

No one wants to make wedding clothes for others.

As long as there is room for negotiation, there will be no war.

A difficulty is waiting for Yu Lao. The weight of Zhi Kongyu and Yu Lao's methods are the bottom line for him to not lose everything.

Soon after, Lu Yin came to Nanyoujie.

Once it was difficult, thousands of people were flying across the southern border, looking at the stars.

The scope of the Nanyou Realm is not small, almost equivalent to half of the outer universe of the Fifth Continent, but it is located in a remote location, has few resources, and has not produced any famous and powerful people. There are too many places like this in the Linghua Universe. No one knew that this was actually the location of the Heavenly Hand, and that there was also a Nine Immortals Sangtian living there.

Tianshou's spiritual treasure formation covers two-thirds of the South Travel Realm, avoiding the location of the Nine Immortals.

There is more than one Lingbao formation because there are two Lingbao Celestial Masters in Tianshou itself.

Lu Yin looked down at Nanyoujie, frowning slightly.

He could decipher the spirit treasure formation below, but what Qianmen Feidu said just now made him care.

It would not be a good thing for Dayu Villa to completely clarify the origin of Wujiang, even though it has been prepared for it.

In this case, just give Dayu Villa some time.

Qingyun provided the locations of many branches of Tianshou. If Tianshou wanted to defeat the enemy, the news would have to spread from these branches, depending on whether the Nine Immortals could find out everything.

So now.

Lu Yin slowly descended and entered the Lingbao formation.

I'm surprised that I actually entered the Lingbao Formation on my own initiative? I thought he would be able to crack it violently, but by the way, this person climbed the nine steps of the Celestial Master's Ladder. It stands to reason that he can become the tenth Celestial Master of the Lingbao Society. His abilities on the Lingbao Path may even surpass those of the two Lingshou. Master Baotian.

"How long does it take to crack the Lingbao formation?" Qianmen Feidu asked.

Not far away stood five Lingbao practitioners, the interpreters of Tianyuan Universe, two of whom were Lingbao Celestial Masters.

This Lingbao formation was arranged by them.

A Lingbao Celestial Master looked solemn: "Over the years, we have arranged three levels of Lingbao formations, namely Yinghan Jieshu, Qingshui Baishi and Volume 16."

"Yinghan relieves heat. It seems cold, but what you feel is intense heat. Everything is reversed. Actions and sights are all reversed. This is the spiritual treasure formation to prevent people from accidentally coming in and expelling people in the future. , nothing too murderous, and not too eye-catching.”

"The clear water white stone is the second level of spiritual treasure formation. It contains the strongest murderous intention created by the two of us. Under the clear water, the white stone can be seen, like a firefly in the dark, also extinguished in the darkness, which is enough to obliterate the level of spiritual magic. The strong one."

Qianmen Feidu frowned, spiritual level? Even at his Lingshi realm, he couldn't stop the third master.

But he didn't blame these two people. They were just Lingbao Celestial Masters, and their own cultivation level was just that of Lingzu. They were all defeated by the Nine Step Celestial Masters. They were not too powerful. It was good to be able to achieve this step.

"Volume 16 was not created by the two of us. It was given by Ancestor Yinan. It took the two of us countless years to reluctantly arrange it. How powerful it is is still unknown."

"You don't know the power of the Lingbao murderous intention you arranged?" Qianmen Feidu didn't believe it.

The two Lingbao Celestial Masters smiled bitterly: "I really don't know. This Lingbao formation is completely different from the Lingbao formations we usually come into contact with. I can't tell the details."

As soon as Lu Yin entered the Yinghan Jieshu Lingbao formation, he didn't say anything.

The two Lingbao Celestial Masters did not say anything more.

Qianmen Feidu glanced at it, and he didn't even know the origin of this Lingbao formation.

Volume 16? Not even a name.

On the other side, Baicao Domain is very peaceful, and there are far fewer people monitoring Dayu Villa than before.

Lu Yin fought all the way to the outside world and attracted too many people's attention, so that many people gradually regarded Lu Yin as the focus. They did not believe that there was anyone strong in Dayu Villa who could surpass Lu Yin.

Figures walking in all directions of Wujiang are the Tianyuan Army, mechas and black energy source users.

The crazy dean stood on the bow of the boundless ship, looking into the distance. Everyone had gone out, and there was another big noise.

On the first day of the new year, Huang Shen, Lu Tianyi, Dou Sheng Tianzun, Second Ming, Mu Zhu, Ye Wu, and Luo Shan all left Wujiang, and eradicated the Tianshou branch based on the list and directions sent by Lao Tao.

From the outside world, Diewu Tianya and several powerful people they had befriended were also dispatched.

The heavenly hands are distributed in all directions of the spiritual universe, especially the thirty-six domains.

Fortunately, there are many strong people in Wujiang, and with Diewu Tianya and the others, they can solve all the divisions on the list.

The closest one is the Baicao Domain branch.

Baicao Domain also has a branch of Tianshou, and this branch was handed over to the ancestors.

When Lu Yin arrived at Nanyou Realm, all branches of Tianshou received orders from Qianmen Feidu and were on standby to sort out all the information about Dayu Villa and prepare to announce the Linghua Universe at any time.

The Tianshou branch of Baicao Domain is far away from Wujiang, in the corner of Baicao Domain.

On the surface, the Tianshou branch looks like an ordinary valley, with many ordinary people living there.

Among these ordinary people, there was one family that was obviously wealthier than the others, with a large gate and a nursing home.

From the perspective of people around, this is just a wealthy family.

However, they don't know that this is the Tianshou branch.

All are ordinary people.

They are really just ordinary people, just to prevent Wujiang from seeing the problem.

If there are cultivators here, they will definitely be noticed by Wujiang, so this branch is all ordinary people.

However, these ordinary people can pass on information to the outside world.

When Xizu came to the valley, no one saw her. She naturally walked into the wealthy family's house and sat calmly in the yard, waiting for the time.

In the Alin Territory, Shui Lian Kong has recovered a lot. With the help of strong people, it can be easily restored.

There is a force not too far away from Shuiliankong, called Luoxia Garden. They are all women. They have a humble status in the Alin Domain and need to hand over resources to the larger Luoxia Sect, which belongs to the Luoxia Sect. As for the Luoxia Sect, the Luoxia Sect is one of the twelve sects in the northern half of the water curtain in the Alin Region. They all have to hand over resources to the powerful spiritual master who rules the Alin Region.

No one would have thought that such a humble Luoxia Garden could actually be the Tianshou branch.

Ye Wu arrived outside Luoxia Garden.

Lu Tianyi came to Yunhe Domain and saw the scene of thousands of cranes flying together. Here, the Shuhe clan was in charge of a domain. The strongest ones were the Shuhe people, but Lu Tianyi was not afraid of them.

There are few strong men at the same level who can compete with Lu Tian.

He found the Tianshou branch. The person in charge of the branch was a Shukaku Sanren. This person did not know that Lu Tianyi was targeting him.

"Who is your Excellency? Coming here uninvited is against the rules of hospitality."

Lu Tian looked around and wondered how the Shuhe people found him. The Shuhe people were not Shuhe Sanren, but the masters of the entire Yunhe Domain.

The man who kept the crane looked solemn. Lu Tianyi put pressure on him. This person was very strong.

"Dayu Villa, Lu Tianyi."

The crane-keeper narrowed his eyes: "Are you from Dayu Villa?"

Lu Tianyi didn't hide anything, and he didn't need to hide anything.

Nowadays, there is no need to hide anything at Dayu Villa. The more they hide, the more guilty they appear.

"I wonder why the people from Dayu Villa came to our Yunhe Domain?" The crane guard was puzzled.

Lu Tianyi looked at Shukaku Sanren, who was still unaware in the distance: "This person is the head of the Tianshou branch."

The crane guard was surprised: "Is he from the Heavenly Hand?"

He didn't doubt Lu Tianyi's words, otherwise why would Lu Tianyi come?

But even if he is a person with heavenly hands, what does he have to do with Dayu Villa?

Suddenly, the crane guard thought of something, and his face became solemn: "The third master wants to start a war with Tianshou?"

Lu Yin went to the Zhi Kong Domain as a guest after the battle of Jianyuan. Later, when the news of Yi Sangtian's defeat came out, he went to the South Travel Realm. Those who were staring at Lu Yin didn't know at all. They thought Lu Yin was still in the Zhi Kong Domain.

Now that Lu Tian found the Tianshou branch, Shuhe was not stupid and naturally thought of this.

Lu Tianyi clasped his hands behind his back, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

This timing cannot be early, otherwise it will be easy for other branches of Tianshou to know and escape.

Everyone must take action at the same time.

The crane guard took a deep look at Lu Tianyi. As expected, Dayu Villa is full of masters and cannot be offended.

He turned around and walked away, pretending he didn't see him.

Experts from Dayu Villa came to the Qianlanbai Domain, the Ghost Fire Domain, the Zhou Domain, and the entire domain including Yi Sangtian.

Those who go to the Daquan Domain are in the first year of junior high school.

People who also have Heavenly Hands in the Yi realm go to Diewu Tianya.

Diewu Tianya suddenly lost their artistic conception. No one knew why, but no one was staring at them.

On the contrary, the artistic conception does not welcome them to enter.

Because Diewu Tianya does not cultivate consciousness, he now joins Dayu Villa.

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