Star Odyssey

Chapter 3535 Sequence

In the southern realm, in the broken valley, Lu Yin retracted the spiral of cause and effect.

Still can't see anything.

This is one of the seven places of cause and effect. It should be possible for him to see something like the artistic conception, but he can't see anything.

It can be seen in the artistic conception that it was because Wuwei's Sword of Heaven was forcibly connected. Could it be related to this?

Several months had passed since the announcement that he would achieve the position of Sang Tian. Lao Tao and the others were almost there, but Lu Yin still found nothing.

In addition to trying the cause and effect spiral every day, I just looked at Feng Bo's portrait and kept deducing forward, trying to deduce the facts, but the result was that I had to wait for the Nine Immortals.

In addition to these, he also did one thing, which was to learn the original treasure formation of Tianshou - Volume 16.

The two original formation Celestial Masters of the Celestial Hands were miserable. They were forced by Lu Yin to arrange Volume 16 every day, and their hair turned white.

"Third Master, I really tried my best. It's too difficult."

"Please, Third Master, please spare us. No matter how powerful that Lingbao Formation is, haven't you been cracked by Third Master? A cracked Lingbao Formation is no longer a threat. Please, Third Master, let us go."

Lu Yin frowned: "Continue."

Volume 16 Original Treasure Formation, the one finger sitting alone on the mountain rock with his back turned to him is very powerful. Although the power is similar to that of the Sword of Eternity, the feeling is different, especially the murderous intention of the humanoid Original Treasure, which is a rare abnormality.

How could Lu Yin miss this kind of original treasure formation.

Linghua Universe has also developed far beyond Tianyuan Universe in Jieyu Yiyi. What impressed Lu Yin the most was the original treasure formation of Zhenggong. He didn't know how to do it.

Lu Yin always kept this in mind.

Now in Volume 16, both its power and name have aroused his interest.

Volume 16, could it be Volume 16? Are there still fifteen original treasure formations ahead? His eyes were bright. If so, where were these original treasure formations? Su Shidao never mentioned it.

Thinking of this, he took out the Ling Yun Stone and contacted Master Su.

No way, no way, still no way.

This old guy made up his mind not to contact him anymore.

he continued.

After several days, Su Shidao finally got through: "What's the matter?"

"Have you ever heard of Volume 16?"

Su Shidao was stunned: "Volume 16? Not Volume 15?"

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Is there Volume 15?"

"Is there Volume 16?"

They both thought of something at the same time.

"Where is Volume 16?"

"Where is Tianshou, Nanyoujie, Volume 15?"

"I have been to the Intelligent Sky Domain and saw a strange spiritual treasure formation called Volume 15."

"That old guy told you?"

"Of course not. The old guy didn't say anything. It was Ming Chuan who competed with the old guy. Unfortunately, Ming Chuan lost."

Lu Yin looked thoughtful, Volume 16 is in the Heavenly Hand, and Volume 15 is in the Intelligent Sky Realm. Sure enough, there is. Moreover, the Intelligent Space Realm and the Heavenly Hand are connected with each other. Could it be that the Volume 16 of the Heavenly Hand comes from the Intelligent Space Realm?

"How powerful is Volume 16?" Su Shidao was curious.

Lu Yin described Volume 16, which made Su Shidao's heart itch: "You should learn it as soon as possible and then show it to me. It's interesting. The murderous intention of the humanoid spirit treasure is rare."

"Where's Volume 15?"

"I don't know. I didn't break into the Intelligent Space. I just noticed a strange spiritual treasure formation. Ming Chuan also mentioned it. I wanted to test it out but was stopped by the protectors of that generation."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed: "The protector of the foolish old generation?"

Master Su said with a hum: "Each generation in the Zhikong Domain has a protector. This generation is Mr. Li. The protector of their generation was named Ye Ge, but he is already dead."

"Are you sure you're dead?"

"It's impossible that he's not dead. How old is Yu Lao? Even Feng Feng himself may not be able to survive that long. You know, that Ye Ge is much older than Yu Sangtian, and he is estimated to be close to the supreme. If If you are not dead, you are in the realm of eternal life, which is impossible."

Lu Yin was right when he thought about it. The development of Linghua Universe exceeded that of Tianyuan Universe, otherwise it would be impossible to plot against Tianyuan Universe.

The beginning of human beings in the Tianyuan Universe is the ancestor, while the Linghua Universe is the supreme Green Grass Master, long, long before the ancestor.

If people of that era wanted to survive, they really had to achieve immortality.

"Volume 16, Volume 15, do you think this is the same order?" Lu Yin asked.

Master Su replied: "Don't test me, I don't know."

"You are the number one spiritual treasure master in the spiritual universe." Lu Yin didn't believe it.

Su Shidao was speechless: "This is a fact, and I also had questions at the beginning. Volume 15, the name is too similar to the order, but there is no such order of spiritual treasure formations in the spiritual universe, otherwise why didn't I find it? I had been looking for him for a while and there was no news, so I just let it go."

"I didn't expect that Volume 16 would pop up now. I feel like I've spied something."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered: "If there really is a spiritual treasure formation in this order, it would be troublesome."

Master Su smiled strangely: "It's not troublesome, it's scary."

I would like to ask, who is creating this type of spiritual treasure formation? Even if someone started it, how could there be so many? Even if there are so many, why can't existences like Su Shidao be noticed so far?

This is indeed a shocking guess.

"Could it be Yushen Mountain?" Lu Yin asked.

Master Su said seriously: "Is your encounter fair? How about it?"

"It's weird, incomprehensible, like."

"It's like it's not the Lingbao Formation." Master Su said.

Lu Yin looked solemn: "What's going on?"

Su Shidao shook his head: "When I first encountered Cheng Gong, I felt the same way. I wanted to spar with him several times to discuss Lingbao, but he refused."

"Do you know why you can join the Lingbao Society and become a Heavenly Master? I helped him cheat."

Lu Yin was not surprised: "You yourself cheated."

"It doesn't matter, so I compete with Meng Sang for the position of Sang Tian. Although there is a secret, I don't care too much. Everyone is cheating, and it depends on who has better means." Su Shidao didn't care: "Originally, I thought I could pass the weighing See clearly the method of claiming justice, but it’s a pity that the boy didn’t learn anything, he barely reached the level of Heavenly Master, and his character is not good yet.”

"So you didn't stop me from killing him." Lu Yin said.

At this point, he suddenly realized: "Old guy, you are quite shady."

He understood that Su Shidao didn't stop Lu Yin from solving the weighing, not because he couldn't intervene. This old guy didn't care about cheating or saving face at all. He wanted to lure Sheng Gong out and use Lu Yin to weigh Sheng Gong, just like the Heavenly Hand used Lu Yin to weigh him. Hidden solution is the same as all the major masters.

Su Shidao laughed proudly: "You killed the weighing yourself, I didn't force you, it's none of my business, and you also responded to me, forcing me to stand up and achieve Sangtian, disrupting I live a peaceful life.”

Lu Yin was not angry. This matter had nothing to do with Su Shi Dao in the first place, and weighing the matter up was what he wanted to do.

In the Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin used the six points of the dice to predict many things in advance, but in the Linghua Universe, he was always passive. Even if there was a combination of cause and effect that allowed him to take the upper hand occasionally and get the secret, he could not reverse the trend.

Su Shidao doesn't need to plot against him. He can achieve his own goals by letting him do what he wants. This is the general trend.

It's not considered taking advantage, it's just going along with the flow.

Su Shidao looked solemn and said: "I can't find out what is hidden in the sixteenth volume and the fifteenth volume of the spirit treasure formation as a means of claiming justice. I can only count on you."

Lu Yin put down the Ling Yun Stone, Yu Shen Mountain, he must go there, maybe this Volume 16 is also related to there.

But Volume 15 is in the intellectual space.

Is it a problem with the Intelligent Skyspace or the Yushen Mountain?

Don't think about it anymore, solve them one by one, and you will eventually have to collide with these forces.

Let’s study Volume 16 first and then talk about it.

A few inches away, a huge war boat sailed slowly towards the spiritual universe.

On the war boat, the cultivators were silent. Everyone stayed in their own quarters and did not dare to go out at will. Only two people stood on the deck.

A man who is five meters tall and carries unrivaled domineering power in every move and every move he makes. Even if he is just standing quietly, no one dares to approach him, and the pressure is extremely high.

The other was a woman, stunningly beautiful, with a hint of sanctity, but she happened to be holding a wine gourd in her hand, looking half drunk and half awake.

They are none other than Wuhuang and Nine Immortals.

"It's almost the day of worshiping the spirits again. I really miss the feeling of my hometown." Jiu Xian leaned against the side of the boat and took a sip of wine, his face rosy.

Not far away, Wuhuang said indifferently: "Delaying time, the conscious universe also knows the day of worshiping the soul, so it arranged the arrangement so that we get nothing."

Jiu Xian smiled: "Why do you care so much? Didn't you also catch a Thirteen Elephant?"

"It's incomparable to Wuwei." Wuhuang said solemnly.

Jiu Xian looked below the deck: "That's right, the Thirteen Elephants are all starry sky-level conscious beings, but there is a huge gap in strength between them. Inaction left Qi Zun helpless. If he was not seriously injured, it would not be Qi Zun's turn to catch him. , this is much simpler, you can catch it when you find it.”

"The same is true for some people at the level of suffering in our universe. What's the use of Meng Sang and Bao Qi? If it weren't for Yu Sang Tian, ​​they wouldn't be able to achieve the position of Sang Tian." Wuhuang was dissatisfied.

Nine Immortals Tiaokai: "If it weren't for Yu Sangtian, the Mie Wuhuang might be able to achieve the position of Sangtian, haha."

When the words "kill Wuhuang" were mentioned, Wuhuang's eyes were filled with murderous intent: "I will definitely kill him when I go back this time."

"By the way, help me deal with Nian Xian." Jiu Xian was troubled.

Wuhuang looked at the Nine Immortals: "Decades ago, Yi Sangtian and the others were going to expedition to the Tianyuan Universe, but they were stopped midway. I'm very curious about what happened."

The Nine Immortals put down the wine gourd and looked forward with a flash of eyes: "I am also curious about this, so I rushed back early. Tianyuan Universe, that is not easy to deal with. Can the origin of the origin really suppress the cultivation progress of Tianyuan Universe?"

"Not only Yuanqi, there are also people in the Tianyuan Universe who cooperate with our spiritual universe, the Eternals."

"The Eternals? Who in the world can be eternal? It's more famous than Eternal Life." As she said that, she looked at Wuhuang: "Actually, what I'm most curious about is that old salamander from your Ten Thousand Beasts Realm. That old guy has lived too long. ”

"They are just people who are greedy for life and afraid of death." Wuhuang said with disdain.

Jiu Xian took a sip of wine: "If Sang Tian's position is vacant, who do you think can take it?"

Wuhuang's eyes flashed: "I will surely win the territory of all beasts."

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