Star Odyssey

Chapter 3543: Buyi City

Yi Sangtian, one of the seven Sangtians, is Sangtian and a businessman. To consider his ideas, you have to start from the perspective of a businessman. Qiong Xier is the most suitable, but Lu Yin is not interested.

"I don't have 100 million spiritual seeds. Where are the equivalent resources?" Lu Yin asked.

Ye Laojiao said: "Resources worth more than 100 million spiritual seeds cannot be equal."

Lu Yin laughed. He really didn't suffer at all. In Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin had taken advantage of many similar advantages. Let's give them to Yi Sangtian first, and he will always return them later.

By the way, this guy's Seal Realm is still with him, and it has almost been digested. After all, it is the basis of the sequence, ranking fifth. This loss is not small for him.

The Daquan Domain is the busiest domain among the thirty-six domains of the Linghua Universe. It is the center of Linghua Universe's transactions. It concentrates all kinds of resources in the Linghua Universe. You can find anything you want, as long as you have money.

Spirit seeds are the most popular resource in the spiritual universe.

Lu Yin and his party arrived at the Daquan Territory. The closer they got to the Daquan Territory, the more people they saw.

Daquanyu is like a whirlpool in the sea, constantly attracting people.

This time Lu Yin kept a low profile and did not attract attention. He arrived at Daquanyu smoothly and arrived outside Buyi City.

"Buy City is not that easy to enter. Everyone who enters must be questioned. It seems of no use, but the answer to the inquiry is information. It is useless to you, but it is useful to others. Everyone has his own life. , in everyone’s circle, these answers are sold to Tianshou for a high price." Lao Tao looked at Buyi City and said.

Qingxiao was surprised: "Can this be sold for money?"

Lao Tao smiled: "Little guy, everything in the universe can be sold for money, it depends on whether you can think of it."

Soon it was Lu Yin's turn.



The person who asked didn’t even raise his head: “Age.”

"One hundred twenty-one."




"That's it."



"buy what…"

After some questioning, Lu Yin answered casually, and the person who asked the question was also casual. It seemed really worthless, but analysis can always analyze something. People, even if they lie, can't completely escape themselves.

As long as someone keeps an eye on Lu Yin's answer, there will be a group of people analyzing it.

Soon, Lu Yin and his party entered Buyi City.

Buyi City is very big. There are people everywhere and shops selling goods everywhere. Lu Yin has not experienced this feeling for a long time.

Once, he used every inch of land to build the capital of the Daewoo Empire, making it the most expensive place in the outer universe. But now that money is no longer in his sight.

Once your horizons are broadened, what you see will be completely different from what you saw before.

Ye Laojiao sighed: "Buyicheng is still the same, unchanged."

"I never thought I would be able to come to Buyi City again in my lifetime."

Ye Yan'er's eyes shone: "Ancestor, it's so lively here."

Ye Laojiao laughed: "It's lively and lively, but the price paid is not small. If it weren't for Yi Sangtian's existence, this place wouldn't be like this."

"Let's go and submit the entry resources."

The center of Buyi City is the place where entry-level resources are submitted. The huge building overlooks everything. People from the Chamber of Commerce come in and out from time to time. More people surround it, staring at everyone who comes in and out. Lu Yin heard the name of Baiye Chamber of Commerce.

Before Ye Laojiao and the others went in to register, someone already knew about it, and it must have come from someone asking at the city gate.

Ye Laojiao reported the name of our Baiye Chamber of Commerce and said that he wanted to compete for a place in the Dispatch Chamber of Commerce. Others knew about it so quickly.

"Hundred Leaf Chamber of Commerce? I've never heard of it. It's a regional chamber of commerce. It can't even go out of the region, so why join in the fun?" someone commented.

"Don't underestimate it. After all, if you dare to throw out 100 million spiritual seeds, you must have some strength."

"Check it out to see what business it is in and what field it is in..."

Soon after, Lu Yin and others were taken to a huge restaurant. After handing over entry-level resources, the General Chamber of Commerce arranged a place for them to live.

Ye Yan'er muttered: "I thought they didn't even arrange a place to stay."

Qing Xiao rolled her eyes: "I can buy this restaurant with 100 million spiritual seeds. What a loss."

Rumu smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter to the head of the family."

Ye Laojiao looked at Lu Yin strangely. The entry-level resources he submitted were worth more than 100 million spiritual seeds, but he knew that thing. The third master must have snatched it.

Lu Yin really didn't care. He had too many treasures in the Ningkong Ring, so just taking out one at random would be enough.

"It should start soon." Lao Tao said.

Ye Yan'er was curious: "What to start?"

Lao Tao chuckled: "Ask your ancestor."

Ye Yan'er looked at Ye Laojiao curiously.

Ye Laojiao came to the window: "It is not a good intention for the General Chamber of Commerce to arrange accommodation for us. Competing for the quota of the dispatching chamber of commerce is to compete. When competing, we use resources to compete. Before competing, we use force."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar not far away.

Ye Yaner was startled.

Lu Yin looked around and saw that someone was starting to fight, but the restaurant was obviously protected and could withstand as long as there was not too much movement, otherwise the restaurant could be demolished by a battle at the spiritual warfare level.

"Before the competition for quotas, at least one-fifth of the chambers of commerce disappeared, either being merged or destroyed. It is normal. At most, nearly two-thirds of the chambers of commerce were gone. It is said that there were only seven or eight chambers of commerce competing." Tao sighed.

Ye Laojiao said in a deep voice: "Many of them are not chambers of commerce at all, but family forces. They are gathering resources for priority selection. For this reason, it doesn't matter even if a sum of resources is given to the General Chamber of Commerce every year."

"The General Chamber of Commerce doesn't care?" Qingxiao was puzzled.

Ye Laojiao said: "As long as it doesn't make too much noise, I don't care."

Lao Tao smiled and said: "If our heads are willing, we can make all these chambers of commerce disappear with a flip of our hands, haha."

Ru Mu smiled lightly: "If the master is willing, the General Chamber of Commerce will be gone, let alone the dispatching chamber of commerce."

Lu Yin's eyes lit up. This is true. The smoother the development of Linghua Universe, the worse it will be for Tianyuan Universe. The General Chamber of Commerce uses a scheduling model to make transactions in Linghua Universe smooth and save time and effort. This is not a good thing.

He can bring this pattern back to the Tianyuan Universe, and it would be best to destroy it by spiritualizing the universe.

After staying in the restaurant for several days, there were scuffles happening every day, and Lu Yin happened to be watching the excitement.

But on this day, trouble came. Someone teased Qingyun, Qingxiao got into a fight, and then Lao Tao joined the battlefield.

The spiritual level took action, and the General Chamber of Commerce sent people to intervene, and then both parties gave up.

"The boss, the other party is not a chamber of commerce, it is definitely a powerful force in the region." Lao Tao said.

Of course Lu Yin knew that the level of spiritual arts was not a piece of cake. After all, Lao Tao was the deputy city lord of Torch Fire City. If a chamber of commerce could have the level of spiritual arts, then there must not be as many experts in the spiritual universe sequence rules as passers-by? it's out of the question.

You must know that the Great Saint is in charge of the Great Domain, and he is only at the spiritual level.

The Cai family only has three practitioners at the spiritual level.

Ye Laojiao said: "Originally, we were not looked down upon. The other party should have seen that Lao Tao is a strong person at the spiritual level, so they tried to test us. They are not afraid of competing with the Chamber of Commerce, no matter how powerful the Chamber of Commerce is. They cannot reach the level of a domain lord, and they are afraid of the same opponents."

Qing Xiao came over and said angrily: "Those bastards actually used my sister as an excuse. One day I will destroy them."

Qingyun frowned: "Don't say it, it's just a reason."

Lu Yin said: "You can't find it on my head." After saying that, he said to Qingxiao: "Go find them and come over to have a chat."

Qing Xiao's eyes lit up: "Okay."

"Hands." Lu Yin sat down.

Qingyun glanced at Lu Yin and reluctantly put his hand over, getting used to it.

Lao Tao and Ru Mu were standing next to each other, and in the corner were Ye Laojiao and Ye Yan'er.

Not long after, Qing Xiao came back, followed by several people, all of them looking arrogant and looking down at everything.

Especially a young man who stared at Qingyun when he came in.

Qingyun has changed his appearance, but he is still beautiful and attractive.

"Beauty, we meet again, do you still miss this young master? Haha." The young man laughed.

Qing Xiao walked behind Qing Yun and looked at the few people with a calm expression. These guys were going to be in trouble.

"Shut up." A middle-aged man shouted. This man was burly and powerful at first sight, especially his hands, which were extraordinarily large and abnormally large.

The young man shut up angrily.

The middle-aged man glanced at Lao Tao and Ye Laojiao, and then looked at Lu Yin: "It seems that my guess is correct. You are not a chamber of commerce."

Lu Yin said: "Neither are you."

"Let's get to know each other, us." Before the middle-aged man could finish his words, Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and terrifying pressure suddenly came, directly crushing these people.

The pressure was only on these people, not even Qingyun and Lao Tao beside them felt it.

At this moment, these people felt like the world was falling apart. Everything they saw turned gray, the world was collapsing, their brains were hit by giant hammers, and they were dizzy. They could hear the sound of bones being crushed, and they could hear the sound of bones being crushed. The beating of his heart, the flow of his blood, at this moment, the universe is no longer the universe, as if the entire universe is inverted.

The young man passed out immediately.

The middle-aged man was shocked, he was in trouble. He was a strong person at the spiritual level. Even if he could fight with the masters of the White Spirit List, he had never experienced the pressure of a strong person in the Lingshi Realm, but he had never encountered such a terrifying person. The pressure, this pressure made him unbelievable, even his ancestors could not compare with it.

What level of power is this person? Could it be that he is an old monster who has survived hardships?

Why do such people come to Buyi City?

Why doesn't Yi Sangtian come out for such a person?

His bones felt like they were being crushed. He resisted dizziness, bit his tongue hard, and spat out a mouthful of blood. Suddenly, the pressure disappeared. Only this middle-aged man was awake. Several people around him fainted and collapsed. The ground cannot rise.

Lu Yin held Qingyun's hand. The burning state was obviously much stronger. It seemed that this woman was only calm on the surface. This incident also made her very angry. She felt like she was venting her anger at this moment.

Ahem, ahem.

The middle-aged man kept coughing up blood, and sat up slowly with a trembling body. Panting heavily, he slowly raised his head and looked at Lu Yin, his eyes full of fear.

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